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Author Topic: The NannyMUD Times issue 2002 May.  (Read 18788 times)
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« on: September 07, 2006, 10:21:53 AM »

---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 1    ---

The NannyMud Times, May 2002


I'd like to apologize for the long wait since the last issue, the
evil thing called Real Life has been hunting me viciously. Anyway,
here it is, enjoy it!



  1. Index
     What's in this issue?

  2. Announcements
     What has happened in Nanny lately?

  3. New areas
     The wizards with new areas have been interviewed.

  4. The Vikings
     A quick examination of the new guild.

  5. The area that wasn't meant to be
     Lectral has test-played another area that wasn't approved.

  6. The new admin
     Yaleah answers a few questions about her new position.

  7. Quester's aid
     Elder gives some hints about questing in Nanny.

  8. Questwatch
     Slakktor takes a look on the questing top list.

  9. Club it!
     Slakktor & Bombadill take a very brief look at some of Nanny's
     clubs. This time we're looking at the geeks, the servants, the
     deputies and the snowball club

 10. Tales from the campfire.
     Lectral tells the story of Frot and the gnats.

 11. The answers
     The solutions to the quiz in the last issue, and the winners.

 12. The quiz
     Do you know Nanny better than anyone else? Also, a npc-hunt!
     This issue also features a room hunt, thanks to Jaeger.

 13. The player question
     Lectral investigates what the people think.

 14. Playerkilling log
     Remembering old fights with Ikaros and Crazy.

 15. Nannyversary 2002
     A short report from the annual nanny party, and the log of course.

 16. That's it
     Slakktor sums it up.


---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 2    ---

Here's a brief account of things that have occured since the last
issue of the Times.

Nanny got an UPS. This means that if Nanny loses power
for some reason, like the lightning storms that have been
annoying in the past, the game won't crash without saving anything.
The UPS was donated by Bowen, Jadow, Live, Marbleleaf, Mistress,
Nothel, Raya and Valdor.

Yaleah was promoted to high wizard! She will be responsible for
Antharis and the Nanny web pages.

The Vikings guild opened! Check page four for more
stuff about the new guild.
Zamolxes' area opened.
Yaleah's area was closed for a while, but opened again.
Boyd's area was closed for a while, but has opened again.
Jaeger's area opened.
Charisma's area reopened after being closed for some months.
Elrohir's area closed for maintenance.

Slakktor's quest, 'Put Liriel to rest', worth 22 quest
points, opened.
Mirage's quest, 'Release the curse of Kazad-dor', worth 99 quest
points, opened.
Bixby's quest, 'Rescue the picnickers', worth 45 quest points,

The Book of Quests has been updated. In the new edition, you can
read stories written by an old quester.

The party object has been updated. It now features a line review!
This great work was done by Mami.

The Poets' Club closed due to lack of nice poems.
The Spammers' Club was closed for maintenance but opened again.
The Basalt Keep attacks were disabled for maintenance.

Xed was banished for harassment.
Smythe, Amaena, Canuck & Goloriel were banished for client abuse.
Serenity & Odhin were banished for multiplaying.

Parity was banished for destroying the game. Along with him went
Michel, Rolland, Galliard, Tod, Kalin, Jarek, Kidd, Toda and
probably a few more.


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« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2006, 10:22:11 AM »

---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 3    ---

An overview of Jaeger's area, based on an interview with Jaeger

Jaeger's area has been open since early february. It's basically
a village set in a hilly desert. It contains about twenty rooms.

The area is not based on any RL work, but perhaps a bit
inspired by the general town in hilly deserts.

Jaeger aims to please everyone with his area, but at this stage
it is mainly of interest for the puzzling player. There are a few
puzzles in the area.

Jaeger has had a few ideas for a quest, but haven't really planned
to write one anytime soon.

The area is to a certain extent inspired by several older areas
in Nanny, but none more than the other. Jaeger did not attempt to
make his area 'just like that one'.

Jaeger's area is always under construction, at some level or other.
He's working on the village now, thanks to excellent suggestions.
He's also planning on adding some mines soon. After all, it is
a mining village!

Jaeger wants the players to know that some things are deliberate
red herrings. And it's a nice little area to spend an hour or
so in if you like puzzles and toys.


An overview of Zamolxes' area, based on an interview with Zamolxes

Zamolxes' area has been open for a couple of months now. A few
barbarians have made a camp of tents in a glade in the forest.

The area is quite small, about twenty rooms, and it's not
based on any RL work. Zamolxes loves Andra's area though and
believes he has been influenced by it.

The area is not aimed for anyone in particular, but good
players might benefit more from raiding it than evil
players. It should be okay for players of any level.

The puzzle-solver hasn't got much to look for as of yet, but that
might change in the future. There are plans for a quest as well,
but it will take some time.

Zamolxes has many plans to expand his area. There is a rumour
that some other creatures will claim a part of the forest soon.

Zamolxes wants you to know that you're welcome to visit the
area anytime, and where else could you stop by and chat
with the old man?


---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 4    ---

The Vikings

At last, a new guild opened in Nanny. It's the mighty Norsemen who
have finally appeared to wreak havoc upon their enemies!

This guild starts off uniquely by demanding you to find the viking
colony on the southwestern shores of Antharis. Once there, you will
travel by boat to Hemgaard, the viking island where you will join the

The guild itself is the standard gather experience, use your powers,
gain guild points, raise levels, gain new powers etc guild. It also
features various deities that the player can choose to worship once he
is worthy. The choice of deity will greatly affect the playing of the
guild, since you get different powers depending on who you choose to

The guild is said to be quite difficult for newer players, as the
norse gods are quite demanding. Is there any better way to show your
gratitude towards them than sacrificing lots of expensive things? And,
of course, they need a lot of gratitude, or they will become a bit
angry with you.

Also, the Norsemen tend to drink a lot. Often. They tend to get sick
when they don't get their beer...

The Viking Guild Heads are Boyd, Yaleah & Slakktor.


But don't listen to silly editors! Let's hear it from
the players!


First of all: I would hardly have hung around the guild this long if I
didn't think it was worth it. I could sum it allup by stating that,
IMHO, Vikings is the funniest guild to have opened for a good while,
though it is quite demanding and expensive withouth great awards, the
guild in itself is the reward. I can warmly recommend it to anyone out
there looking for a challenging but friendly and fun guild....


It's a great idea! A bit monotonously, and the skills lack a bit of
thought, but otherwise a cool feeling.


It's always nice when a new guild appears. That this guild has some
special features, and you have to be careful what you do - i.e. pick
to follow this and that god - makes it more fun, at least that's what
I think.

I like the the fact that you can make mistakes, and that you can build
your character as you like.

That the guild was meant to be one that encourages exploring, however,
is not something I can see. With the need to constantly uphold the
favour, and the penalty on quitting outside of Hemgaard, there's
little room for "adventure" of any kind. With the loss of wimpy, I
wouldn't dare test a new monster, for example.

Overall, I think it's an extremely thought-through idea. The effort
 put into it all also shows, as there are tons of features, as well as
Hemgaard, which is really an awesome idea for a guild hall.


Groo has not found any cheese dip in this game. Where is the
cheese dip foundry?


I've enjoyed playing in the Viking guild. It has a great theme, a
choose-your-own powers system with quite a few options, and can be
quite powerful in the end. The guild takes a lot of work to max in,
but it's been worth the effort. For the curious, there are vikings
following all the major deities now, and can answer most questions for
incoming newbies.


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« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2006, 10:22:42 AM »

---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 5    ---


Test-played by Lectral.


 > look
 You're in a small room of what appears to be a castle. To the
 north, there is a door, which, apart from the window in the east
 wall is the only visible exit from the room.
   There is one obvious exit: north.
 Slakktor the terrorist (evil).
 Dunstan the terrorist (evil).
 Samaba the terrorist (evil).

 > north
 You can't seem to move just yet.

 > eq
 Location          Armour/Weapon
 Head                   A helmet (worn)
 Neck                   -
 Back                   -
 Body                   A kevlar vest (worn)
 Hands                  -
 Finger                 -
 Feet                   -
 Shield                 -

 Wielded                An AK-47 (wielded)
 You have 2400 dollars.

 > i
 Inventory, excluding auto-loaders:
  A helmet (worn).
  A kevlar vest (worn).
  An AK-47 (wielded).
  A HE grenade.
 You suddenly feel that you can move!
 Dunstan screams 'Go go go!' loudly.
 Dunstan leaves north.
 Slakktor leaves north.
 Samaba shoots at the east window and it breaks!
 Samaba jumps through the east window.

 > north
 Hallway <w e>.

 > look
 You're in some sort of hallway in a castle. You can move east and
 west from this point down the hallway. To the south, you can
 enter a small room.
   There are three obvious exits: west, east and south.
 (Slakktor) FIRE IN THE HOLE!
 You hear footsteps from the east.
 You hear footsteps from the east.
 You hear footsteps from the east.
 You hear an explosion somewhere east.

 > east
 Hallway <w e>.

 > east
 Hallway <w e>.

 (Dunstan) Enemy spotted.
 You hear the sound of guns being fired somewhere east.
 You hear the sound of guns being fired somewhere east.

 > east
 Huge room <e w n s>.
 You hear the sound of guns being fired somewhere east.

 > look
 This is a huge room in some sort of castle. The room stretches
 out eastwards from here. To the west, you can exit the room and
 enter a hallway.
   There are four obvious exits: east, west, north and south.
 You hear the sound of guns being fired from the east.
 You hear the sound of guns being fired from the east.

 ** Dunstan killed Podman with AK-47 **

 > east
 Huge room <e w n s>.
 Corpse of Podman.
 Desert Eagle .50 AE.
 Defuse Kit.
 Dunstan the terrorist (evil).

 > take all
 You take a corpse of Podman, a Desert Eagle .50 AE and a Defuse
 From the east you hear: FIRE IN THE HOLE!
 A HE grenade comes rolling into the room from the east.
 Dunstan screams 'Go go go!' loudly.
 Dunstan leaves west.
 The HE grenade explodes!
 ** HP: 100/202   SP: 202/202
 Butala comes jumping into the room.
 ** HP: 92/202   SP: 202/202
 ** Butala is in undamaged shape.
 Butala shoots and hits your left hand.
 You shoot and hit Butala on the right arm.
 ** HP: 72/202   SP: 202/202
 ** Butala is in superior shape.
 Butala shoots and hits you in the chest.
 You shoot and miss Butala.

 > north
 Huge room <w e s>.
 Butala comes jumping into the room.
 ** HP: 63/202   SP: 202/202
 ** Butala is in superior shape.
 Butala shoots and hits you on the left arm.
 ** HP: -1/50   SP: 50/50

 You die.
 You have a strange feeling.
 You can see your own dead body from above.
 Butala shoots and luckily hits you in the head!

 ** Butala killed Lectral with Colt M4A1 Carbine **

 Butala jumps west.
 Johnny D sneaks in from the east.
 Johnny D grabs your corpse and belongings and hauls it all east.
 You hear the sound of guns being fired from the west.

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« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2006, 10:23:03 AM »

---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 6    ---

Interview with the newest admin. Yaleah answers a few questions.


Slakktor: Allright, I should start by congratulating you on your new

Yaleah: Thanks.

Slakktor: Where you surprised to be nominated, or was it expected?

Yaleah: No, it was expected. I knew Brom was going to nominate me.

Slakktor: And your main task is web pages and antharis, right?

Yaleah: Right.

Slakktor: There have been surprisingly few "Yeah, I'd be admin if I
slept with Boyd too" comments. Do you have anything to say to those

Yaleah: Yes, I do have something to say to those few, I suppose.

Yaleah: Number one, Brom nominated me, and the rest of the admin voted
on whether or not to make me admin. Boyd abstained from the vote. And
not a single person voted against me. So in that way, Boyd has nothing
to do with me being admin.

Yaleah: Number two, I have a degree in computer science and
mathematics, and I graduated with high honors. It's a safe bet that I
can code.

Slakktor: About the web pages. Are you planning any big changes for

Yaleah: Well, I actually was responsible for the webpages for some
time before I became admin. (They voted on that as well.) I made a
rather big change to them, totally revamping their design. But that
was done before they adminized me.

Yaleah: Yeah, I left in all the "crucial" info on the website, but

hopefully organized it more sensibly.

Slakktor: I've noticed that the club pages have been neglected. Many
are missing, some of the clubs are closed (?), and the rest might be
inaccurate. Will you try to enforce that part? Make the wizzies
provide pages?

Yaleah: No, not at all. For both clubs and guilds, the pages should be
designed by the club master/guild head, and whether or not the page is
there, accurate, nice, etc., is up to them.

Yaleah: The same goes for individual quest pages.

Slakktor: What about those clubs that have no maintainer?

Yaleah: If some club is up there on the web that's actually closed, I
suppose it would make sense to remove it. Someone has got to inform
me, though. Wink

Yaleah: In general, I think people have (or will/should) learn that
I'm very open to suggestions, as long as they're actually made. I
can't respond to suggestions that are never made. Wink

Slakktor: Is there any policy about what browsers club/guild pages
should support?

Yaleah: No policy per se. But if someone creates a new club page and I
find that it only works in some obscure version of Mosaic, I would
definitely suggest a redesign to the creator.

Slakktor: Anyway, let's forget about the web and have a look on

Slakktor: What's the big plan?

Yaleah: Well, perhaps it's more like a lot of little plans.

Slakktor: What's the main priority to fix?

Slakktor: More areas?

Slakktor: Better areas?

Yaleah: First, it's obvious that not a lot of players enjoy playing on
Antharis. The best thing to do is ask them, "Why?" Perhaps there's a
certain guild that it's impossible to play Antharis with?

Yaleah: More areas is definitely a priority.

Yaleah: I think a large road-reconstruction project would be nice, to
make the roads, uh, more "efficient."

Yaleah: And perhaps a road beautification project, to make those long
dusty trails a little less monotonous.

Slakktor: You've already started on fixing the basalt keep attacks, I

Yaleah: Well, I've started thinking about the attacks. As much as it
pains me to take away something that players enjoyed, they were
balanced very fragiley and were coded in such a way that only their
original creator could possibly understand them.

Slakktor: Will it be gone for good?

Yaleah: They will come back, but I'm afraid they won't be "the same."
However, things like the BK attack are something I'd like to see more
of. Perhaps such projects are just better if they are not created by
any one person.

Slakktor: This means the clubs will be disfunctional too, I
assume... would be quite silly otherwise Wink

Yaleah: Right. While I'm responsible for Antharis, the clubs belong to
Nasigoreng. It would be inappropriate for me to take them over, in my

Slakktor: Speaking of inactive wizzies... will you maintain all old
areas on Antharis, or is that a job for the mainland old area admin?

Yaleah: Well, the areas on Antharis are, if the wizard has gone
inactive, my responsibility. If a wizard has gone totally inactive, it
would either be on my shoulders to maintain the area or move it.
Perhaps Antharis will have its own realm of "Lost Empires." But
luckily, we have no really inactive Antharis wizards yet.

Slakktor: 'Metro'

Yaleah: Metro hasn't been on, but his area has been functional, and
his .rep file is empty. So I consider it okay for now. Wink

Slakktor: Speaking of that, will the 'all areas must have puzzles or
other interesting stuff' rule still be in effect?

Yaleah: Yes, the rule about two puzzles or a quest is still in

Yaleah: Asarnil has talked to me about it, because he doesn't like the
rule. He thinks Antharis needs hack and slash areas to attract

Yaleah: However, I don't see why an area cannot be hack and slash
*and* have puzzles.

Yaleah: I also think that part of the disinterest in Antharis could be
solved if more players actually looked at it. Many of the players who
say Antharis offers nothing have never been to my area.

Yaleah: Not that I'm saying my area is better; but that does point out
that they haven't looked at it all. =)

Slakktor: Other than asking the players, do you have any plans for how
to attract more players and wizards to Antharis?

Yaleah: Well, for the players, I'd like to replace the BK attack of
course, and add more "events" such as that. I know several players
feel sort of "tied" to Basalt Keep, and perhaps we could create more
of that feeling. We could also deal with having more healing on

Slakktor: And the guilds who still haven't a functional guild hall
should be encouraged too, I assume?

Yaleah: Yes, absolutely. I feel that players should have the option of
having Antharis be home or the mainland. Each guild has the right to
decide that for themselves of course, but many have already decided
that there's no harm in "straddling the ocean," heh.

Yaleah: As for wizards.

Yaleah: I think there are lots of reasons we're not getting new
areas on Antharis.

Yaleah: One is that, since the change to wizzing-by-application, there
just isn't a new wizard every day like there used to be.

Yaleah: Perhaps some of the wizards are intimidated by the "rules" on
Antharis. But seriously, the rules are very little. And they mostly
apply to making your area rise above the average, mundane area.

Yaleah: Still other wizards don't want to code an area that "no one
will ever visit." This of course comes back to getting more players to
visit Antharis.

Yaleah: When I coded my area, I picked Antharis immediately.

Yaleah: I didn't like the idea of having to walk around the mainland
and say, "I think my area should be *here*," and having someone say,
Nope. Try again."

Yaleah: On Antharis, I could have ANYTHING! =)

Slakktor: I'd really love to see more quests on Antharis. Is that
something you can or will try to affect?

Yaleah: In a sense, the Antharis rules try to affect that by requiring
each area to have at least two puzzles or one quest.

Yaleah: But sadly, it's a lot easier to make two puzzles than a
quest. And puzzles don't need to be approved.

Yaleah: So getting more quests on Antharis is about getting people to
code them, and then getting them approved.

Yaleah: I can try to add some myself, but I really hope for a project
where everyone participates.

Slakktor: Are there any plans to expand the Antharis environment to
any areas outside Antharis? The weather and such?

Yaleah: Well, I like the fact that things work differently on Antharis
than in other areas.

Yaleah: Some people don't like to have weather or logical topography
in their areas. Or they at least don't like the feeling of being
obligated" to do it.

Yaleah: And of course, they shouldn't feel obligated to code their
area a certain way.

Yaleah: But imagine that you *were* one of those people.

Yaleah: And you didn't want your desert area to be next to someone
else's rain forest.

Slakktor: There's plenty of old areas on the mainland that could fit
on Antharis. Can any of those be recoded for Antharis and moved?

Yaleah: On the mainland, you can make your desert the best desert
ever. But you can't control whether or not a rainforest ends up next
to it.

Yaleah goes 'heh' amusedly.

Yaleah: In a way, I guess I'm saying that us Antharites are like the
rich people who don't want redneck neighbors.

Yaleah grins evilly.

Slakktor: Let's say a wizard with a fairly logically created area
wants to move it to Antharis, but it doesn't quite fit in. Will any
minor breaches in topography be allowed, or will that wizard have to
change a lot?

Yaleah: Well, the typical way we do things is that a piece of Antharis
is claimed" before the area is produced.

Yaleah: And I feel that any area on Antharis should conform to the
map. That's what Antharis was created for; to have a system that
worked differently. So I'd try not to be harsh, but I'd expect a
wizard who wants to move an area onto Antharis to make it fit into a
proper place on the map and try to make it have two puzzles, etc.

Yaleah: Luckily, almost any type of land imaginable exists, and is
free, on Antharis.

Slakktor: Is the topograhy solidly fixed then? There's no chance to
pop in a new big mountain in one of the jungles or something like

Yaleah: Well, there's always a possibility of adding new features to
 the map. After all, it takes a long time to explore a new continent
and find out all it's secrets! But new features should be well
motivated and make sense.

Slakktor: There's quite a lot of free land between the areas as it is
now, how dense do you want the areas to be before more land is
allocated? (isn't half the continent closed off?)

Yaleah: Well, we were under a situation where the southern half of the
continent was closed off, in order to allow the top half to become
more dense.

Yaleah: This is a nice theory; I understand wanting the top half to
become more dense.

Yaleah: However.

Yaleah: I'd rather have a person code an area on the south coast of
Antharis than not code an area for Antharis at all. And I've heard at
least a few wizards interested in that area, only to be told that it's
not open.

Yaleah: So that's actually the only rule I want to change. If someone
wants to create an area for that southern portion, I'm all for it. It
would be nice if the top part was dense, but it would mostly be nice
to have more areas.

Slakktor: What about the speedwalkers who doesn't like all these
sw,se,ne,nw exits that are quite frequent on Antharis?

Yaleah: My area is on Antharis, and I don't mind if only two people a
month visit it if those two people are actually interested in what I

Yaleah: I hate to say it, but me spending hours and hours coding isn't
worth 100 visitors if none of them want to be challenged.

Yaleah: So I guess I'm not terribly sympathetic to the plight of the
common red-breasted speedwalker.

Slakktor: One thing that I've discovered on Antharis is that there's a

lot of objects in each room that will always be there in the
environment, and examinable too.

Slakktor: Like sun, moon, wind, etc.

Slakktor: This messes up the druidic look carefully power quite a lot.

Slakktor: Is that aything you think Antharis should care about, or is
it the guild head's problem?

Yaleah: Well, let's see. I wizzed as a Druid, so I'm familiar with the
look carefully power.

Yaleah: It seems to me that its purpose is to point out items that
might be worth examining.

Slakktor: It's also a bit unfortunate for the player, since those
objects tend to be quite pointless to examine for the 100th time when
they still look the same.

Yaleah: But, to go ahead and sound pompous again, that's also what a
long description is for.

Yaleah: So I see where it might be annoying that these things come up
in the look carefully power, but I don't feel the smart player would
use that power as a substitute for stopping and actually looking;
actually reading the long description. Part of the coder's
responsibility is to hint at what should be examined.

Yaleah: So I guess I am sort of saying, "Not our problem."

Slakktor: So, finishing up. We need more players and wizards to crave
Antharis. Is there a time plan for how soon you're gonna start nagging
wizards to make Antharis funnier?

Yaleah chuckles.

Yaleah: Well, I'm afraid that if "nagging" is required, Antharis got
the wrong admin.

Yaleah: I'm not much of a nagger.

Slakktor: Anyway, there's a common perception that Antharis have no
good items compared to the mainland. Do you think there's any truth in

Yaleah: I think there is some truth to that. We need more healing, we
need more shops, we need more everything.

Slakktor: Honestly, do you think it can be done? (Making Antharis as
popular as the mainland)

Slakktor: Is that your goal? Or just making it funnier and see what it
leads to?

Yaleah: That's not really my goal. My goal is to keep Antharis as a
place where people who want to code a different way, with a "brand new
slate" can express their creativity among others that feel the same

Yaleah: Perhaps we'll never be as popular. But maybe we'll be happier
working to "higher standards," heh.

Yaleah: I think people think I'm a nice person and a supportive
sponsor, heh. I'd be very supportive of anyone who codes for Antharis.

Slakktor: Is there any area on the mainland you think should fit
better on Antharis?

Yaleah: Yeah, I don't think it would be possible for me to think
something "fits better" on Antharis, because the mainland has no
concept of "fit."

Slakktor: Got anything to add that you think people should know that I
haven't thought about?

Yaleah: Stress that "Yaleah's a nice person!" thing.

Yaleah winks suggestively.

Slakktor: Thanks a lot for your help!

Yaleah smiles happily.

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« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2006, 10:23:21 AM »

---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 7    ---

Quester's Aid

Elder, the Elderly Druid of Elders, has been busy lately. He has
explored Nanny and tried a few of the quests he has solved in
and earlier life. He has also kept his ears open for rumours about
changes in the life of questing.

NOTE: Not all of this information is 100% accurate. It's a collection
of rumours and experiments and might be wrong in many cases. Trust
it at your own risk!

Since all suspected errors have been (to Elder's knowledge) reported,
some of the mentioned problems might have been corrected now if
they were due to problems rather than Elder's incompetence.


Here are the quests Elder has solved within the last few months,
or heard from people who have solved. All of these worked as they
were supposed to, no problems with significantly altered solutions
or bugging objects. Of course, that doesn't mean the quests are easy
and logical... Randomness can still make a couple of them really
hard and annoying. (And they can have been altered since Elder
did solve them of course!)

  5. Find a rare object for the recycler of things (4 points)
  7. The fishing expedition (8 points, by Firebird)
 10. Help Peter to find Tootoolah (13 points, by Ziphoid)
 11. Help Moi perfect his collection (15 points, by Aphextwin)
 15. Learn how to juggle (27 points, by Firebird)
 19. Paint the steeple (35 points, by Nasigoreng)
 21. Get the gems (38 points, by Czygorwan)
 22. A tree has fallen across a path (40 points, by Padrone)
 23. The quest of the candles (42 points, by Kingen)
 26. Rescue the Picnickers (45 points, by Bixby)
 27. Make a trophy (46 points, by Brom)

 28. Enter Heaven (47 points, by Brom)
 30. Find Padrone's walking castle (49 points, by Padrone)
 31. Help the old man on Caerleon. (50 points, by Ahndregg)
 32. Message in a bottle (51 points, by Banshee)
 34. Free the Fabled Beast (53 points, by Maelstorm)
 40. Help the Servant (60 points, by Brom)
 42. Bring back the colours (62 points, by Lectral)
 44. Give a cold beer to a tired worker (66 points, by Vincent)
 47. Catch the horse (72 points, by Anvil)
 52. The quest for the orbs of information (82 points, by Ingis)
 54. The quest for supreme good and evil (85 points, by Gurk)
 56. Help Lorn prepare for Pogo's visit (88 points, by Leowon)
 58. Kill some rabbits (94 points, by Nasigoreng)
 59. Help Georg to find his missing item (95 points)
 60. Release the Curse from Kazad-Dor (99 points, by Mirage)
 61. Help Sir Guilliotine build his machine (100 points, by Gurk)
 66. Report to the Chancellor (111 points, by Bixby)
 72. The Mystery of Caymar Island (140 points, by Thargor and Nothel)
 79. Resurrect the young Squire (164 points, by Vincent)
 80. Defeat the evil kings and release the princess (166 points, by Sadyc)
 91. Find the Ring, and seek its destruction (196 points)
 95. Restore the parchment (215 points, by Asyvan)
 99. Steal the Golden Dragon Egg (234 points, by Readis and Firelight)
108. Make a collection of paintings (350 points, by Anna)
109. Slay lag (360 points, by Randalar)
111. Inspire Zeus and Discover Revenge (400 points)

These quest have been tried by Elder or people he knows in
the last few months, with bad results.

 18. The golden ring (34 points, by Celeborn)

There seems to be one item that is randomly missing. You'll need
PLENTY of luck to solve this one.

 33. Take a bath (52 points, by Gore)

Noone has solved it in years. Anyone seen the key?

 49. Find the princess and save the kingdom (76 points, by Qqqq and Oros)

One of the items tends to break all the time. Makes it quite
annoying to try to solve, if not impossible.

 46. Free the Demon Lord (70 points, by Brom)

A small thing near the end has changed. Once you find out, you're

 62. Vampire Tower (104 points, by Banshee)

Hints at being temporarily closed, but it could also be a recode
at the beginning of it.

 68. The Asylum quest (120 points, by Czygorwan)

People say there is a really difficult syntax in it.

 71. Rescue a besieged refugee in a deep place (134 points)

Heard rumours about it not being solvable in the end. Not confirmed.

 82. Discover Magic (178 points)

A small thing in the beginning has changed. Should be solvable with
a little more exploration, but it has not been tested.

 83. Black Plague (180 points)

Randomness can make this seemingly unsolvable.

 84. Discover the Lost, Enchanted Realm (182 points)
A logic fix has been made. However, it seems to make the quest
both annoying and randomly very hard.

 85. The leaning tower of Celeborn (184 points, by Celeborn)

Anyone seen the key? Randomness or tricky solution, I can't tell,
but I haven't been able to enter the quest area in quite some time.

 89. Praise the Lord (192 points, by Banshee)

A small thing has changed near the end. If you're relying on
old knowledge, you're screwed once you find out.

110. Save the DemonKnight's Empire. (370 points)

This works, but DO NOT LOG OFF during it. Don't even linkdie!
Elder will be back in the next issue with some more theories and


---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 8    ---

Questwatch! Read the latest on the movement on the Nanny Questing
Toplist. We take a look at recent changes, produce some meaningless
statistics and make insider guesses on what might happen.


Let's begin with the current top list (2002-04-28). * = Inactive.
The number of paranthesises is the place the player held at
December 6th, 2001, about four months ago. (N = Not on the list.)

==============================================================Top 10==
 1. Cost the initiate Bloodletter warrior         13140 (1)
 1. Opus T'he Ssuprem'e PriessT' Of'F CT'hulhu    13140 (11)
 1. Sergoath the High Knight of Camelot           13140 (2)
 1. Decatur the High Knight of Camelot            13140 (3)
 5. Vendral the High Knight of Camelot*           12830 (4)
 6. Oriole the Knightess of the Round Table       12740 (6)
 7. Sadyke the High Knight of Camelot*            12629 (5)
 8. Kelli the Grand Mistress*                     12470 (Cool
 9. Kati the High Knightess of Camelot            12399 (7)
10. Lwaxana the fierce Bloodthirster              12396 (9)
============================================================The Next==
11. Maggs the Elder Mistress                      12358 (13)
12. Bowen the High Knight of Camelot*             12091 (10)
13. Hoppetossa the Grand Mistress                 12070 (14)
14. Bombadill T'he S'uprem'e Oracle Of' CT'hulhu  12060 (28)
15. Arien the Mistress Champion of Khorne         11822 (12)
16. Bivlex the Grand Master                       11791 (17)
17. Goodguy the Champion of Camelot*              11757 (15)
18. April the Chivalrous Knightess*               11698 (16)
19. Smygelfh the vampire lord                     11687 (19)
20. Ferrodor Minar-im-Simyar*                     11620 (18)
21. Decebal the Elder Knight of Camelot*          11177 (20)
22. Zyraxes the Knight of the Round Table         11041 (24)
23. Melee the Elder Mistress*                     10834 (21)
24. Hrafnur the adventurer*                       10822 (22)
25. Nachak the Champion of Camelot*               10792 (29)
===========================================================The Rest==
26. Tirian the Knight of the Round Table          10769 (23)
27. Sundaar the Elder Master                      10746 (25)
28. Agnoluto the Elder Master*                    10663 (26)
29. Angelsin the Grand Mistress                   10570 (30)
30. Darion the Grand Master                       10566 (27)
31. Keldo the Grand Master                        10376 (31)
32. Oxy the Mistress of Flowers                   10278 (42)
33. Arx the Master of Flowers*                    10263 (32)
34. Mantor the adventurer*                        10246 (33)
35. Kurgan the Leper Messiah                      10138 (34)
36. Nightchild the Whisperer in the Void          10061 (35)
37. Newton the Champion of Camelot*               10058 (36)
38. Hawkie the Elder Knight of Camelot*           10034 (37)
39. Hunted the adventurer*                        10002 (38)
40. Scale the Chivalrous Knight*                   9941 (40)
41. Dixy the High Knightess of Camelot*            9684 (41)
42. Saian the Master of Flowers*                   9606 (43)

43. Insomnia the Champion of Khorne*               9580 (44)
44. Sarcotome the Grand Master*                    9574 (45)
45. Malfeithor the vampire lord                    9566 (46)
46. Huntingjoe the adventurer*                     9522 (47)
47. Brian the initiate*                            9511 (48)
48. Baran the Whisperer in the Void                9432 (49)
49. Thypoon the Master of Winter*                  9400 (50)
50. Connor the Defender of Camelot                 9394 (51)
51. Daz thhe S'upreme Pries'th Of Cthhulhu         9370 (52)
52. Belly the Master of Flowers*                   9306 (53)
53. Mathias the Elder Master*                      9302 (54)
54. Bubbabuzgut the High Knight of Camelot*        9276 (55)
55. Horn the Elder Master                          9261 (56)
56. Orcryst the Elder Mistress                     9232 (57)
57. Isobel the Mistress of Flowers                 9176 (58)
58. Ravagon the Greater Daemon of Khorne*          9034 (59)
59. Kytten the Grand Mistress*                     9032 (60)
60. Kherec the Elder Knight of Camelot*            9018 (N)

(Inactive players are those who haven't logged on for nearly
 two months or more, or are known to be inactive.)

A guild breakdown shows:

Knight        20 (8 active)       Best: Sergoath & Decatur (1st)
Monk          22 (13 active)  Best: Kelli (8th)
Khorne         5 (2 active)   Best: Cost (1st)
Adventurer     4 (0 active)   Best: Hrafnur (24th)
Cthulhu        3 (3 active)   Best: Opus (1st)
Vampire        2 (2 active)   Best: Smygelfh (19th)
Dark           2 (2 active)   Best: Nightchild (35th)
Leper          1 (1 active)   Best: Kurgan (34th)
Simyarin       1 (0 active)   Best: Ferrodor (20th)

Obviously, the general good quester seems to be a monk or a knight,
while many of them are inactive.

Two big climbs this time, Opus went from 11th to 1st, and
Bombadill climbed from 28th to 14th. Also, Nachak climbed from 29th
to just claim a top 25 spot. There were a few drops, but not many.
The worst fall is Darion's from 27th to 30th.

A big change was that Michel, who held the 39th place, was removed
from the game, and Kherec reclaimed the 60th spot.

Bowen fell out of top ten, will he be back? Will Bombadill continue
his wild chase for a higher spot? Will Lwaxana and Kati be able to
keep their precious top spots? Who's gonna be the next top quester?
Join us next month to find out!


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« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2006, 10:23:43 AM »

---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 9    ---

Club Review

Every month, we take a brief look at a few Nanny clubs. This month,
we're looking at The Snowball Lovers, The Geeks, The Deputies and
The Servants.

Please note that the Basalt Keep attacks are currently unavailable
due to some recoding.

Big thanks to Bombadill for his reports on the Geeks and Servants.
Also, thanks to Jadow for information about the Deputies.


The Snowball Lovers. (Created and maintained by Snowstar & Leowon)

This is the club where you get the chance to smack a snowball
at your enemies and friends! The club is quite easy to join, just
enter the snow castle in Snowstar's area (or find the snow tornado
in Leowon's area).

The idea of the club is to gather in the snowcastle and throw
snowballs at each other for a while. There is an internal ranking
system which will change as you win or lose snowball wars. There
is also a club line available.

There are often at least half a dozen members logged on, but
the activity of the club is very low.


The Geeks. (Created and maintained by Balin)

This is a club for all geeks in Nanny. Members of this club gets
their own titles that depends on their characters age. To join
this club you need to bring a couple of things to Irving in the
club halls in the city of Lawrence to prove that you are a serious

The club is not that popular. There is usually less than five
mortal players online at the same time. The club features an

own line as well.


The Servants. (Created and maintained by Nasigoreng)

This is a club for those who like the smell of burning
flesh, slaughter of foul citizens, and watching
beautiful flames burning down the Basalt Keep.
Once in a while the Servant leader Molt plan attacks
to burn down Basalt Keep. For more information
how to help Molt in his evil plans you can visit
him and greet him in Moltentear. Molt is a bit
sensitive so use capital letters to Molt.

The society of Servants of Evil has an toplist
of all members. Members have their own titles
which show their rank in the club.

The club is not that popular. There is usally less
then five mortal players online at the same time.


The deputies. (Created and maintained by Nasigoreng)

This is the club for the noble people who think
burning down a town for fun is a bad idea. The members
are supposed to kill off the evil minions of Molt and
save the townspeople in the keep.

In order to join, you must first help to defend the
town a couple of times to prove that you are worthy of
being a deputy. After that, you just find the club
house and apply.

The deputies have their own chatline, and also a toplist
and internal titles. You must be of goodly alignment to
participate in the defense, though you won't lose your
rank if you become temporily evil. As a natural cause of
this, there are mostly knights and monks that defend
the town, but there is also plenty of other guilds
represented in the club.

The club isn't that popular, there's usually 3-4 people
logged on.


The clubs that were reviews earlier:

The Questers Club. (Created and maintained by Dannoc)
The Explorer's Club. (Created and maintained by Andra and Erendi)
The Spammers' Club. (Created and maintained by Slakktor)
The Trade club. (Created by Taren and Brom, maintained by the admin)


We do requests! Just ask Slakktor if you want your
favourite club looked over.

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« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2006, 10:24:07 AM »

---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 10   --

 This story begins in the summer of 1997. There were some
 exams that needed to be done, but there was also a lot of
 playing Nanny going on.

 Frot and myself had both decided to give being a wizard a
 try. So we picked a character each and started questing
 like mad to get the quest points needed.

 One of these quests had brought Frot to Banshee's area.
 Which quest he was solving there I forget, but I believe
 it was the vampire tower one. Anyways, Frot, having just
 solved some quest, was rather happy, since he was now very
 close to his goal, having enough experience points and he
 almost had enough quest points.

 Being low on hit points, Frot decided to go back to the
 monestary to pick some herbs and get healed up. He then
 moves into the room in Banshee's area which houses a rather
 big swarm of very aggressive gnats.

 Frot dies. And he's rather pissed.

 Having a considerable amount of money on him, Frot quickly
 runs to the church, prays, which brings him up to 10 hit
 points, and runs back to fetch his money.

 I'm looking at his screen, since he was shouting when he
 died. So Frot runs to the room. There is slight lag and
 when the scrolling stops, Frot turns to me and asks:

   "Why are there two corpses of me in here?"


---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 11   --

Here are the answers of last issue's quiz.

Once again, Bluejedi won both prizes. Oriole was second on the quiz,
and Yildun was runner up for the NPC hunt. Emax also submitted a
correct answer, though long after the set time.

Unfortunatly, there wasn't enough answers submitted to give out the
extra rewards. Please take your time to learn more about Nanny and
make the quiz writer motivated to write another quiz.


1. What material is the gargoyle face on the vampire motherhouse made of?

A) Iron [Wrong: B) Mithril C) Stone]

2. What's the name of Boyd's chef?

B) Bengt [Wrong: A) Birger C) Olov]

3. How many climbable mountain peaks are there in Ziphoid's area?

A) Three [Wrong: B) Two C) Five]

4. What's the name of the King of Tritonia?

C) Oswald [Wrong: A) Wolfgang B) Grimtooth]

5. In what inn can you buy Anglosax booze and Mamas beer?

A) Marial's Inn [Wrong: B) Stonecutter's Inn C) The Five Kings]

6. In whos area does Thetis, the watertroll, live?

B) Maxi's [Wrong: A) Imrica's C) Nyoni's]

7. What's the name of the ill gnome in Carpathia?

C) Tuilo [Wrong: A) Garko B) Bruegor]

8. The city policemen in LLoyd is named what?

A) Mike & Hansi [Wrong: B) Borack & Derec C) Marcus & Tiburt]

9. What's the name of the mage guarding the entrance to the Caverns of

C) Amtrak [Wrong: A) Hertz B) Theofyr]

10. What's the name of the Acoma village elder?

B) Papewaio [Wrong: A) Shinzawai C) Xomich]


Cato the magician

He is very short and he's wearing a strange black cloak that is covering all
his body except for some inches in the face. You can see his blue eyes
looking up at you. A strange shimmering light appears from him that lights up
the room. He is sitting at the fireplace, doing something strange with his
        Cato is carrying:
A black cloak (worn).

Cato can be found in Ziphoid's area.

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« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2006, 10:24:30 AM »

---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 12   --

The Quiz!

The first one to submit a correct solution will get a reward of
5000 gold coins. Another 5000 coins will be given to a randomly
selected player from all who have submitted a correct solution
within one week. (May 8th that is.)


1. Which area contains 'Sccyphthia, the harpy queen'?

A) Syrinx
B) Elrohir
C) Brom

2. Which wizard has created the Reservoir Dogs Cafe?

A) Halamer
B) Kefka
C) Meep

3. Which ancient sorceror overtook Snafu's old castle?

A) Gangar
B) Spamfu
C) Mingolad

4. Who once ruled Buckkeep?

A) King Shrewd
B) Geffrey the mad
C) Lord Magnel

5. In who's area can you buy an incoherent icon?

A) Catwoman
B) Marbleleaf
C) Czyrgowan

6. What's the name of the amazon priestess in Metro's area?

A) Mya
B) Nisha
C) Roya

7. What's the name of the mayor of Waterby?

A) Joe
B) Bill
C) Jim

8. In what area can you make a 'bungee jump'?

A) Lorenzo
B) Fyghter
C) Asarnil

9. Which wizard coded the forest of Zul'Dare?

A) Sync
B) Nefandus
C) Zamoxles

10. In what area can you find the Dark Rapier of Death?

A) Charmangle
B) Beryllium
C) Giltas


NPC Hunt! The first player to give the directions to and name of this
npc will get a reward of 2000 coins. Another 2000 coins will be
randomly given to one of the players submitting a correct solution
within two weeks. (May 8th that is.)


X de sorserer is a slender figure, and moves vid sinus grase. He has
an od smel, tug, vitj reminds ju of a lisard, or a snake.


Room Hunt! (Provided by Jaeger)

This month's Room Hunt is set on Antharis.
Starting in the room given, you must find the shortest path to the
Temple of Lars in Basalt Keep.  You may use any ship and the network
of obelisks; no teleports, etc. of course.  The first player to
submit the shortest path will win the prize.


Room 1:  Prize, 500 gc.

You are on a small path going downhill; fruit-bearing shrubs line the path.
From here you get a brief glimpse of the Cotl river and its beauty in its
  There are two obvious exits: east and west.


Room 2:  Prize, 1000 gc.

You are in the dirty waters of the harbour. Oily residues float on the water
between the floating bits of debris and rubbish.  The harbour quay surrounds

these murky water, except to the west where a gap in the sea wall leads out
to sea. Small and large craft are dotted around these waters. To the south a
jetty leads out over the water.
  There are two obvious exits: west and south.
A dull looking halibut.


The answers and winners will be published in the next issue.


---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 13   --

The player question. This month's questions is:

What do you think about the admins' decision to close the mud for the
summer in the months May-September?

Yes, it was asked on April 1st.


Suicide replies to you: Aprils fool, nice
You can hear Dagoth laughing hysterically at you.
Malfeithor replies to you: its a decision?
Moonchild tells you: I think Narya wants you to take off your pants.
Dagoth tells you: How many baught it? Wink
Prime tells you: It's a lie.  Why would they do that?
[Khorne] Elrohir tells you: *gasp* NOOOOOO!
<-Assembly-> Pondus tells you: i think all of the RuLeZ
Teaser replies to you: I don't mind but I would perfer it stay open
Koff replies to you: I'll probably idle that time anyway.
[Explorers] Sockerbit tells you: Nice April's joke
Dagoth tells you: bought even
Mortis tells you: You wot? There goes my summer holiday!
[Simyarin] Mazrim tells you: Extremly unwise.
Drewan replies to you: thats a terrible idea, how am i gonna play then?
Maybe tells you: Is that for real?
Antimodes tells you: well that would be a hard shock to my addiction
Iznogoud replies to you: That just sucks, bigtime.
<-Assembly-> Relay tells you: Dont do it!
[Explorers] Draken tells you: I havent heard about it but that would be a
            terrible thing to do since this is my life atm
[Khorne] Allstar tells you: hrm i don't think they shouldi  love playing this
         game all year round and if they shut it down i would have nothing to
         do.Plus that is when i play the most

Prime tells you: None of them would know what to do with a nanny free summer
[Explorers] Kingfisher tells you: umm, they've decided to close it? argh, gotta
            read the announce board.
<-Assembly-> Relay tells you: That would be foolish.
[Khorne] Elrohir tells you: no, no, no, no!! =)
[Khorne] Sterbai tells you: are you serious? :>
Dragos replies to you: is there a reason into it?
Kol replies to you: 1 april?
Prime nods surely to you from a distance.
Charisma tells you: they're going to close the mud? Sad
Prime murders you discretely in a back alley.
Malfeithor replies to you: are they mad? :p
[Monks Tell] Asarnil tells you: um, wtf? is this an april fool?
<-Assembly-> Relay tells you: Im against it totally.
<-Assembly-> Exxelsior tells you: it's great, I'll logon tpo RL and hopes
             Beldin isn't there with his RL death wand.
[Explorers] Kenpo tells you: Uhm, well... NOOO NOOO!!!! Don't, think about all
            thoose who have jobs they have to go in thoose months... What are
            they going to do?
Zoot tells you: April 1st I see
Barbarella tells you: Great! That'll give me more time for troll hunting!
Pantoloc tells you: seems stupid...
Ichoz replies to you: I think it's a very good decision. Obviously, the mud
      would otherwise get crowded with mud addicts free from school etc. This
      way they will get the chance to get rid of their addiction and try gain
      normal lives.
[Khorne] Wolfenhex tells you:
Milly tells you: you are joking !! aghagshjhsahha !!
[Simyarin] Mazrim tells you: Think about those who have no life! Oooh God why
           can't nobody ever think about the life-less!
Teaser replies to you: sorry for short answer but was killing
Wolfenhex grins evilly at you from another part of the world.
Maybe tells you: where did you hear such a thing? I haven`t seen a mention of
      it on the boards.
[Simyarin] Quasimodo tells you: you joker you, sir!
Teaser replies to you: i would like the mud to stay open
[Khorne] Gengar tells you: it sucks, i am going to get ADSL in a few weeks and
         was ready to kick ass in summer
Groo tells you: WHAT? Where will Groo get his cheese dip? How will Groo fray?
     Groo will smite those evil wizards so hard their ANCESTORS feel it!
Belegur tells you: I don't know why they just can't make you admin and have you
        run it...
Leclerk tells you: I like the admins decision to make a joke for April 1st. Cool
Ichoz replies to you: And perhaps even they'd go out in the sunshine and get
      tans, so they could get laid for once without paying!
Aidara tells you: well thats sad, coz thats when my sch ends and i have time to
       mud. But then again i should go Get A Life. Razz
Hewe tells you: I didnt know. I just guess they have to close it if they are
     doing so. Nothing for me to think about:)
Avis tells you: I never knew about this decision. On the one hand, it's quite
     impressive that Nanny has never gone down before (deliberately). On the
     other....Brom's been at it for long enough. Maybe he could use the break.

You shout: Thanks for the answers!

[Simyarin] Mazrim tells you: However, it *would* give me more time for Yoga and
           studies, but on the other hand... naah.
Boyd tells you: How are the responses going? Smile
Teaser replies to you: no prob
Asarnil grins evilly at you from another part of the world.

You shout: And yes - it IS April 1st!

Teaser replies to you: ahh
Bulldog tells you: ???
Charisma tells you: very bad, honey Smile
Malfeithor replies to you: Razz
Kingfisher tells you: *giggle* rock, man Smile
[Simyarin] Mazrim tells you: aaauuw you suck so much it's not even funny Smile
[Monks Tell] Kefka tells you: hunh???? they're closing the mud!>?!??!??
Dragos replies to you: you should have seen the news today here..Smile
Antimodes tells you: aargh I hate you for thar. You had me shocked over there


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« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2006, 10:25:06 AM »

---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 14   --
PK logs, submitted by Ikaros and Crazy.

[Bloodline] Failure tells you: NU
A narrow alley that continues north. West lies the post office. East is the
tourist information office. To the south lies the Bailiffs office.
There are four obvious exits: east, west, north and south.
A paper.
Noht missed you.
This is Nannymud's tourist information office. Behind a
counter the room is filled with shelves containing booklets
describing everybody's areas in this wonderful place.
On a wall there is a large map over Nannymud.
There is one obvious exit: west.

Noht the mighty Bloodthirster (evil).
Failure the adventurer (nice).
A clerk.
A small red button.
Yes, yes.
You wave a wand of Mishra and Noht is fried by a firestorm
that seems to have no effect.
The clerk says: Welcome back Ikaros.
Yes, yes.
Your claws ripped into Noht's left side.
** Noht is in undamaged shape.
Noht hacked a deep wound in you.
Noht missed you.
Noht missed you.
You cut Noht's left shoulder with your claws.
** Noht is in superior shape.
Noht grazed you.
Noht hacked a deep wound in you.
You evade Noht's attack.
Noht missed you.
You harmlessly brushed Noht with a claw.
** Noht is in superior shape.
Noht missed you.
Noht chopped a very deep wound in you.
Noht hacked a wound in you.
Noht is in superior shape.
You cut Noht's left shoulder with your claws.
** Noht is in superior shape.
Noht hacked a wound in you.
Noht hacked a wound in you.
The clerk says: Noht, you must return the booklet first.
The clerk says: Noht, you must return the booklet first.
==> You made Noht's head bleed a little.
** Noht is in superior shape.
You evade Noht's attack.
Noht missed you.
Noht chopped a very deep wound in you.
Noht hacked a wound in you.
You cut Noht's right shoulder with your claws.
** Noht is in superior shape.
Noht missed you.
Noht chopped a very deep wound in you.
You missed Noht.
** Noht is in superior shape.
Noht missed you.
Noht missed you.
Noht chopped a very deep wound in you.
With a horrible sound of breaking bones, you put the sofa down
ontop of noht.
The nice Chesterfield is completely wrecked by the violence.
You missed Noht.
** Noht is in poor shape.
Noht hacked a deep wound in you.
Noht chopped a very deep wound in you.
You missed Noht.
** Noht is in poor shape.
Noht chopped a very deep wound in you.
Noht hacked a wound in you.
Noht missed you.
You make a vicious lunge for Noht's throat.
You thrust your claws through Noht's throat.
** Noht is in very weak shape.
Noht missed you.
Noht hacked a deep wound in you.
You cut Noht's chest with your claws.
** Noht is in very weak shape.
Noht missed you.
Noht missed you.
Noht scratched you in the stomach.
You clawed a bleeding wound in Noht's left side.
** Noht is in deplorable shape.
You make a vicious lunge for Noht's throat.
Noht missed you.
Noht missed you.
Noht missed you.
Noht died.
You killed Noht.
You slowly drain corpse of Noht of all blood.
This is Nannymud's tourist information office. Behind a
counter the room is filled with shelves containing booklets
describing everybody's areas in this wonderful place.
On a wall there is a large map over Nannymud.
There is one obvious exit: west.
A withered husk.
A booklet about Meep.
A booklet about Dwinbar.
A green glowing ring.
A backpack.
Eit-Harf's feather cloak.
Kilijish war shield.
A huge eog axe.
16381 gold coins.
A smashed Chesterfield sofa.
Ghost of Noht.
Failure the adventurer (nice).
A clerk.
A small red button.
Failure says: mishra
The clerk starts searching the shelves for information about the wizard
Genesis tells you: Fear you.
Failure grins evilly.
You reply to Genesis: muhaha
Ghost of Noht says: bad joke
some mist giggles merrily.
The clerk smiles.
The clerk says: here we are.
The clerk gives a booklet about Mishra to Failure.
Failure says: very
The clerk says: Be quiet, people are trying to read in here.


** HP: 202/202   SP: 180/202
Party [Crazy]: hai
** HP: 202/202   SP: 148/202
You start to focus on '*****some spell*****'.
> ** HP: 202/202   SP: 147/202
Someone points at himself, and utters a Word Of Power!
Jundir leaves with his falcon west.
Zeroth leaves west.
Someone sunk his claws into Mellissa.
Flap leaves west.
Maskim arrives.
Maskim scourged Ghanima with arcane energy.
Maskim smiles serenely, and lifts its blade to eye level.
Mellissa misses Someone completely with a misdirected blow.
Mellissa missed Someone.
Ghanima missed Maskim.
Ghanima snarls like a wolf.
Someone's claws ripped into Mellissa.
Ghanima's falcon flies toward Maskim, but misses it totally!
Maskim completes a perfect circle with its sword, cutting Ghanima without ever
breaking the harmony of the motion.
Someone harmlessly brushed Mellissa with a claw.
** HP: 202/202   SP: 146/202
Dirk shears through Maskim's defenses.
Dirk cut a deep bleeding wound in Maskim.
Nightchild arrives.
Maskim seared Ghanima with magical energy.
Dirk misses Maskim completely with a misdirected blow.
Mellissa hit Someone.
Ghanima missed Maskim.
Someone clawed a bleeding wound in Mellissa.
Dirk's falcon flies from his arm and starts pecking and clawing
at Maskim's eyes!
Ghanima's falcon flies from her arm and starts pecking and clawing
at Maskim's eyes!
** HP: 202/202   SP: 145/202
Someone's claws ripped into Mellissa.
You complete '*****some spell*****'.
** HP: 202/202   SP: 129/202
** Ghanima is in weak shape.
Nightchild leaves south.
Maskim leaves north.
You wave a wand of fireballs and Ghanima is hit by a fireball.
Nightchild arrives.
Ghanima leaves with her falcon south.
Someone clawed a bleeding wound in Mellissa.
Someone cut Mellissa with his claws.
** HP: 202/202   SP: 128/202
Mellissa shakes her head as if waking up from a dream.
Ghanima arrives with her falcon.
Mellissa leaves with her falcon south.
You wave a wand of fireballs and Ghanima is hit by a fireball.
Party: Maskim got no xp (Not present).
Party: Experience points divided.
Ghanima's falcon flies home.
You are victorious!!!
Ghanima died.
Your wand glows a cherry red, burning you!
** HP: 190/202   SP: 128/202
Perhaps you should have let the wand cool down a little.
** HP: 190/202   SP: 127/202
A piece of flesh drops from Nono's right arm.
Someone drains all blood from corpse of Ghanima.
You puts shaman boots, a dusty cloak and 269078 coins in a backpack.
You takes two bandage bags, a phyrexian ring, an idaain rune armour, a
dreamsword, a bandage box, a backpack, an amulet, a helmet and gloves.

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Posts: 205

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« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2006, 10:26:06 AM »

---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 15   --

The Nannyversary 2002
Warning: This page is very long.


All participants seemed to agree that the party was a great
success. Here's a few comments about how fun it was, and the most
remarkable things that took place. And of course, the log is here.
Also, not to forget, we give you the chance to try the horribly
difficult quiz Hrodlauf put together for the occasion.

Slakktor asked some of the participating people what they thought of
this year's party. There wasn't many replies, perhaps because
most wizzes are too idle to respond to events.

A) What's your opinion about this year's party?
B) Is there anything in particular you'll remember from this party?

Wiz Slakktor: Hey, I'm writing a page for Times. I'd appreciate if you
all (who were at the party) could gimme a tell answering A) What's
your opinion about this years party and B) Is there anything in
particular you'll remember about this years party. Or spam the wizline
instead of telling me if it feels better Wink

Brom tells you: I think this years party was the best ever.
Wiz Prime: My opinion was that Mats doesn't drink enough tequila.
Wiz Prime: Harthorn has the best whisky!
Wiz Prime: Never trust anyone with a pierced tongue either.
Wiz Poogus gasps at Prime in astonishment.
Brom tells you: and B/ I remember the video/audio feed in particular.
Wiz Poogus: That was SOOOOOOO wrong!
Hrodlauf tells you: A) Best nannyparty I've attended! B) The leather
Wiz Prime grins evilly at Poogus.
Wiz Poogus climbs into Gwendolyn's lap and pouts cutely.
Wiz Prime: Live told me he'd make me an RT if I slept with him.  I

might like being an RT.  Hmm.
Wiz Hrodlauf chuckles.
Wiz Hrodlauf: wanna be a retired admin?
Wiz Mami: Live's snus smelled like manure!
Wiz Prime thinks carefully and says 'Sure!'
Wiz Prime: Snus is gross.
Wiz Hrodlauf: fear Snus!
Wiz Barbarella: Retired Admins have more fun.
Wiz Hrodlauf: still, it's much bettern than smoking.
Wiz Prime: How do I get to be a retired admin?
Wiz Mami smirks at Prime.
Wiz Prime scratches herself on the head and wonders.


Here's the log, mainly maintained by Mistress:

18.15 Swayn, Bombadill, Mistress, Valdor, Hostile, Zzed, Malfeithor
and Kurgan all here in downtown Linkoping. Many others at Boyd's.

Much PK talk, mostly in Swedish?

18.16 Shrike number one slagged off guy, closely followed by Forbius

Swayn, Bombadill, Mistress, Valdor, Hostile, Malfeithor, Zzed and
Kurgan get taxis to Herrgarden.

At Herrgarn

18.30 Arrive at Herrgarn to meet a patiently waiting Mats. Soon joined
by Ahndregg, Brom, Battery and Apocalyptic and some others Mistress

18.40 People chat/have orange juice/tea (provided by Brom). Many
introductions to many people.

19.15 Outside Herrgarn with some smoking people, Mortis, Harthorn,
Sarny (Asarnil) and Iver.

19.16 Mortis bashes Oriole

Iver bashes Weronoop because he's acting like a (Mysterious scribbling

19.18 Mortis gives out Mistress' telephone number randomly.

19.30 We rush into the dining room!

19.35 Toast to Mats.

19.37 Harthorn read this log way too early Smile

19.38 Dannoc lost at the laserdome - wimp! Light rocked!

19.39 Mistress won at Yahtzee!

19.40 Marbleleaf is told by Teranor that he (Teranor) must drink

19.41 Mistress pays Marbleleaf

Valdor pays Marbleleaf

Rumour says that Live paid Marbleleaf yesterday

19.42 Mats speaks, we listen. (The goal is to have fun!)

19.45 Mistress notices the camera is on Mortis - lucky mudders.

19.48 Prime seen writing Whizz love notes. Lots of smooching expected

19.49 Toast to absent friends!

19.50 Many more toasts noticed, especially to spammers, fisk, vikings,

Light says hi.

20.06 Loser of the quiz to be Pked on Monday.

20.07 Kurgan drops a plate and many people shout for him to make a

20.08 Harthorn declared a very fast driver by Weronoop.

20.09 Mistress' log is discovered. (At this point, its passed around
throughout the night and entries belong to many people)

20.12 Leowon commends Mistress on taking the quite arduous
responsibility of the Nanny log. Go get 'em, Missy.

20.14 Light is totally terrified of Mistress, her whip and evilness in
20.17 Dannoc, Ahndregg and Light try to cheat on the quiz.

20.18 Boyd shows up but he's lost his helmet. Bad viking!

20.19 Boyd leaves disgraced.

20.20 Hrodlauf needs a public lawyer. Leif Silbersky is on the case.

20.21 The food is here. Everyone is quiet for 1 heartbeat.

20.22 The moon is presented to Mats by Leowon and Dwinbar.

20.25 NannyMUD now owns the moon!

20.26 Now we may officially moon people. (Hrodlauf promised to be the

20.33 Weronoop grabs two knives and runs screaming after the serving

20.34 Weronoop claims he never picks people up ("rag") at parties
("krogen"). This apparently does not include serving personnel.

(Very bizarre time-shift here - but its in the middle of a page so I
believe it to fit right)

23.76 Greetings Earthlings, "we 'come' in peace"

23.77 (Guess why we got some moon?)

23.78 Hi Mom!

20.40 All that has been claimed is taken back and the opposite is
claimed instead.

20.41 Leowon realises this mean that Wero *does* pick people up at
clubs so now that's settled.

20.40 I just had to log the discussion between Poogus and Dannoc
regarding her creation date (either 2001 or 1994) / Light

20.45 Dannoc won the laserdome competition (despite earlier claims for
Light) ... and all he got was this crappy t-shirt.

20.46 And the winners of the quiz were Kurgan, Elrohir, Hammer and
Weronoop... and all they got were these crappy t-shirts.

20.50 Weronoop and a few more guys won the quiz. Pure luck Smile

20.51 Wero never washes his clothes, he says (in public).

20.55 Taren is caressing a big, big, egg with both hands (?)

21.00 'Det konstateras att Broms/Enga east nad egentligen ar ett
uttryck for penisavund'

(Translations) It is stated that Broms area east is really an
expression for Penis-Envy. / Jagiluss

It's been concluded that Broms.....really is an expression for penis
envy. The ... could refer to his

areas eastward expansion?.. perhaps "Angar osterat"?.. which would
mean "Meadows eastwards"

/ Leclerk

21.02 Drunken vikings toast each other across the feast hall!

21.05 (Discontinuity) And what a lovely rose it was...... SNIFF

21.03 Light is undressed.

21.04 Boyd and Slakktor, the gods of the unwashed barbarians, toast,
and the whole world gasps in astonishment. (modifed by Light to
'grasps nothing' or something like that)

21.05 Ahndregg helps, almost!

21.06 Valdor takes pictures of the fallen women!

21.05 Ahndregg pretends to know how a camera works.

21.07 Intertable guildhead toast.

21.07 All is well

21.08 All hell breaks loose.

Hrodlauf claims hell!

21.05 Hell freezers and must '... transfer (hell, void)

21.10 All is well!!

21.08 Dessert!!!!!!!!!!! (not a 'dry one')

21.09 Hrodlauf dreamingly exclaims, "They're all naked" and watches
the female waitors closely.

21.10 Leo and Hrodlauf sing fisk songs.

21.10 Slakktor and Ahndregg vet ej vad klockan är. Bevis!

(Translation - Slakktor and Ahndregg don't know what the time
is. Proof.)

21.07 (Hop back) Leo, Taren and Dwin surround Brom and torment him
with a fisk song, despite futile attempts at self defense.

21.10 Some guy makes a speech. He claims he's Whizz.

21.20 Introductions finally! "Go Marcus, Go Marcus" We finished it all
off with Apocalyptic.

21.25 Added in here - someone reads out a message from Mishra (Unsure
if this is a fake or not), presented on a green napkin it reads;

'Hi, my name is Mishra and I'm one sexy hunk. Anyone, anyone at all
who gets this, we can have a hot date next nanny dinner, unless you
want to see me in ..... (*Anyone* who sees this, remember?)

Love Mishra'

21.27 Long introduction by Marbleleaf, about the RT's and knight GH's'
present to the MUD. People will find out what it is one day!

21.28 Narya calls Mortis.. all wave!!

Dinner's breaking up and it becomes obvious some are more drunk than

21.30 Marbleleaf pays Valdor 50 SEK. (Signatures by Valdor and
Marbleleaf follow)

Evil RT, Valdor steals wine! (but not as evil as Mistress of course)

Dunstan arrives.

21.30 Kurgan pours wine over Live's head!

21.31 Live realises he's wet.

21.40 Jadow says, "I'm beautiful... No one believes him."

20.32 Once again, NannyMUD anniversary dinner participants engage in
time travel.

21.32 Uppsala mudders rule!? If Slakkie remembers this he might have
been semi-sober at the time. (Actually, I do!! /Slakkie)

21.32 Cell phone message recieved on Wero's phone.

Hi, it's Brandy (Charisma). All US people want you to wave to camera
and waiting for strip show

21.33 Harthorn shouts 'Show me your tits' to Valdor.

21.35 Cell phone message recieved on Wero's phone.

And Oak, Narya and I say Hi! And we want you to walk to the camera and
introduce yourselves. And get people to say Hi to MEEE!!!

21.37 Don't trust Slakktor, he's rather drunk - eventually he's

21.39 Dunstan: Lectral og Frot! Nu tager I Jer sgu sammen og drikker
nogle ol! Og få så Jeres rov til Sverige!

(Rough translation - Lectral and Frot! Get yourselves together and get
your asses to Sweden)

21.45 Fisk is getting out of control. Asarnil is drunk (and writing
this badly).

21.46 Asarnil is not really drunk yet - just playing with Harthorn.

21.48 Mats rules the MUD with special thoughts to you know who.

21.49 It has been a great party, good food, drink and COMPANY / Brom

21.50 And with Mortis' signature, the t-shirt was fully signed.

People move to bar and dance hall.

21.58 Mistress is actually a very nice and likeable person /Light

22.10 Teranor writes 'Yio says there should be ... ... .. over the eye

22.21 Slakktor is killing La Familia

22.22 Bombadill and Hostile run off together, very drunk.

22.22 Slakktor died.

La Familia is victorious!

Malfeithor is grabbing Slakktor's tits.

22.23 Det var shitfin sno i den javda pisten. / Dunstan

Corrected by Swayn

(Translated by Gurk "It was damn nice snow in that damn slope (pisted

22.24 Var ar alla syngg solbranda trollkarlar???

(Translated - Where are all the sexy suntanned wizards???)

22.25 Godverdomme! Dunstan likes beer and women!

(Translated - God dammit)

22.27 "I'm gonna PK you on Monday and then I'm gonna banish your ass",
some RT exclams.

22.30 Kurgan pours red wine on the head of Live.

22.30 Teranor is so bloody drunk, he can't take a hint.

22.32 Light is a very 'sot' viking and a sexy one.

ALERT! Female non-mudders entering the area. (Amazon looks pleased)

22.32 Slakktor lost his viking helmet!!! / Light

22.33 Slakktor spanks Wero on the butt.

22.34 Bosse!


Mistress is very evil. She is pure evil (some scribbling out
here). Signed individually by Light, Sarny,

Swayn and Mats.

22.34 Light claims to have been the one who really won laserdome. But
he was quite drunk at the time.

Mistress is still a nice person.

Hrodlauf gives away many secrets!! (very mysteriously!)

22.36 Asarnil is STILL drunk!

22.37 Sarny is a nice fellow! Signed by Light/Missy.

22.39 Sarny gives away Missy's EVIL character!

22.41 Wero doesn't pick up girls at bars. Sarny agrees.

Sarny says F*** 'em! (Pointing to the swedish girls)

22.44 Whisky rules!!!

Asarnil stabs Mistress with pen. Mistress goes "owww"

22.45 Poogus rocks!!!!

22.45 There is a border between England and Scotland for a DAMN good
reason! Scotland rules! England sucks!

22.46 Pasca is THE nicest american girl around!!! /Light

22.47 Mistress downs a bottle of wine! AND admits to being

22.48 Light denies being spamm (much shock!)

22.52 Wero just scribbles something incoherent and enjoys his

(Laphroigi is a type of whisky)

22.53 La Familia is shrouded...

22.55 The place fills up with Hot Swedish Women. Yay!

22.56 Slakktor found his helmet again!

Wero has a weird philosophy.

22.56 Slakkie spams like a SPAMMING HIGH GOD!

22.57 Light almost grasps the concept of writing, once.

22.58 Kati is horribly drunk.

23.07 Kati defeats the mighty Slakkie in arm wrestling. La Familia
strikes again!

23.08 'Asarnil .... ... ....'

23.09 (Asarnil talks total gibberish - as Light translates)

23.12 Light can see Brom standing in the bar.

23.13 BTW Light is a bit (teeny) drunk and aiming for more.

23.15 Slakktor and Kurgan arrive at table. Kurgan permeates the air
with his stench.

Asarnil made the note /Light

23.17 Brom is still in the bar /Light

BTW. There are a lot of girls around here (non-mudders).

23.20 Light is happy with all the girls. Jadow and I are cruising

23.21 Bombadill "Du skojar att han är lättillfredsställd, och om någon
flicka undrar om honom så ska vi hälsa det. Det var Mistress som hade
skylten 'Är det nån som vill ha sex, jag använder kondom"

Very kindly translated by Mami. It reads;

Bombadill "'You joke that he is easily pleased and if any girl wonders
about him so shall we mention it. It was Mistress that had the sign
"Is there anyone that wants to have sex, I will use a condom"

23.23 Fisk of Death!

23.24 Tranchera!

Translated by Leclerk - Trancera is the art of cutting meat in a way
that looks appealing when you serve it. Or simple, to cut meat.

23.25 Just you wait until the fabled "Ankh" gets into the
game... /Leowon.

23.26 Mats has met Prime and shared a tequila.

23.25 Actually, this is a bit afterwards.. after a long philosophical
discussion, Jadow, Mistress and I agreed that Mistress can not ever be
evil. It's impossible. She can be nasty though Smile /Harthorn

23.?? Asarnil claims the girls

23.?? Mistress arrives with swedish girl in tow.

??Confused? BOSSE!

23.30 Asarnil successfully avoids the swedish girl. (Some scribbling
out here)

23.38 Hrodlauf should be drinking more actively.

22.39 The winners write the history!

23.40 Marbleleaf looks around confused.

23.41 He (Marbleleaf) succeeded in getting a drink from a swedish

23.42 Boyd sings "mono(ohd)nasty song(s)."

Jag har en dragg
Med tagg
Gör ont med onani.
Ja, handen synes blöda
Men ändå runkar vi.

Kindly translated by Mami, the song is as follows;

I have a dick
With a thorn.
It hurts when masturbating.
Yes, the hand is bleeding(literally 'can be seen bleeding')
But still we jerk off.

23.43 'Whirl round, så var det menat'

(Latter bit translated by Mami to, 'Thats how its meant to be')

23.44 Arsenal rules /Brom

23.40 True - Teranor was banished "home" due to improper behaviour by

23.45 Boyd disses Brom "fatly".

23.45 Keeper hangs loose with his beer.

23.46 Hrodlauf scares BROM away. Yeah!! Right Smile

23.47 Nothing much really. Just hanging Wink

23.53 It's scientifically proven - Valdor is a smurf.


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Posts: 205

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« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2006, 10:26:14 AM »

23.55 All is well. I'm coming up, so yeah!

23.55 Hrodlauf is apparently not Smile

23.56 There is crowd control on the dance floor, courtesy of ...and
Scooter. Then they started playing some crap, and there were some
drunk girl in there too.

23.58 'Light is cuddly Mistress in his ... thoughts'

23.59 Mats is having fun.

23.52 Keeper looks good.

23.53 Dunstan wants to get naked.


00.06 Wtf did he write there ??

00.07 Mistress *whips* the crowd into a dance frenzy!

00.08 Light wants Asarnil badly. Or maybe a girl, that's ok
too. Preferrably a Swedish bird, flying, wings etc.

00.08 "Sarny is also a nice person" states Light!

00.09 Marbleleaf wants a "lobing" from Mistress. Wait a minute, what
the hell is a "lobing"??

00.10 Mistress has successfully "lobed" Marbleleaf.

00.10 Marbleleaf denies everything.

00.11 Brom & Leo gör en rockad, likt schackpjäser.

(Translated by Mami - Brom & Leo do a castling, like chess pieces.)

00.12 Brom is working on voice recognition. It seems to work; he
reacts to his name when spoken.

00.?? Everybody is gettin drunk. The party is on. We
... (.... Asarnil) QUALITY WHISKEY! /Brom

00.15 Party follow on / Marbleleaf

00.15 Slakkie loses his viking helmet mysteriously.

00.16 Slakkie gets his helmet back.

00.17 Ahndregg blager over Holiganke artedlendgaer.

(No idea what this means)

00.20 Apocalyptic: So we are standing here at a table drinking with
Brom and some others. The dance is on the dance floor, hmm... the
drinking is here... lets stay!

00.22 Apocalyptic: Drinks empty!

00.25 Asarnil thinks Swedish girls loves scottish accent, yeah right!!
He is really drunk /Apocalyptic

00.27 Damn! Look at the earlier pages!

00.30 Mats rocks the dance floor!!

00.30 Asarnil: Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey... and so on.

00.30 Lectral smells like SHIT!

00.31 Picture drawn in log of man with wild hair, and square head.

00.31 Mistress danced with Marbleleaf, Mats, Tiamo, Mikaa and Mortis

00.33 Mistress searches for the elusive Gwendolyn and Poogus.

00.35 Apocalyptic claims a viking helmet for his own perverted needs.

00.36 S..... can't read his own writing! (Nor me.. I'm guessing
Slakktor wrote this)

00.37 Jadow gave monies to Marbleleaf.

00.38 We need a drink or two!

00.39 Friend of Slakktor, Argo (ICQ...... 7 numbers!) Swedish
university student history/political science. Mother born in
Iggesunel. (Corrected by Slakky)

00.45 Mistress looks innocent

00.46 Mistress has a quest to deliver hers to unknown drinker.

00.51 FAAAN inga spam alls, hur ska vi kunna fylla denna log

(Translated by Mami. It reads, DAAMN no spam at all, how will we be
able to fill this log.)

Average 2.7 (and thats being nice!) not including Marcus in that BTW.

Looking for Dunstan or any other mud person, NPC's included.

Harry is freaking HERE!

The search goes on...

00.56 Great party!!!! Lots and lots of guys, definately not like
school back home!

00.57 Leo's got very short hair /Mikaa. Something Dunstan appreciates.

00.58 Mikaa's got very long hair, something Leo appreciates.

00.59 Mikaa tends to catch guys in her hair. Medusa?

1ish Dwinbar is still dressed. DAMMIT!

01.00 Leowon ar en fisk!

(Even I can translate this one - Leowon is a fisk!)

01.01 Mortis, the gallant knight, kissed Mikaa's hand.

01.02 Harry is really a real person.

01.03 The guy with the sex sign wants to pick up (and take home) Mats.

01.04 Tiamo's got a babe. She's gonna bring her home and get her into

01.05 Hi Hi, Tiamo is crazy =)

But that thing about the babe is still true..

01.06 Dwinbar's grabbing some booty!

01.07 Who the hell is that guy??

Who cares? Time to dance!

01.07 Mikaa og Tiamo er nagle underlige Svenskere!

(Translation from Danish courtesy of Dunstan. It reads; Mikaa and
Tiamo are some pretty weird swedish!)

Fear, a dane got hold of the log...

01.00 Live flashes Missy!!!

01.07 Mats thinks the party is going very good.

01.15 Jadea thinks "I should mud more"

01.16 Dunstan says, "No!"

01.17 Jadea says, "Good point!"

01.18 Jadea thinks Dunstan could probably beat the blonde's boyfriend
in a fight.

01.19 Even if Dunstan would fail, Whizz would help.

01.19 Dunstan likes Whizz.

01.16 Asarnil is VERY VERY DRUNK!! And so is MORGOR!!!

01.18 It was really fun dancing with Mistress to Depeche Mode /Light

01.20 Iver touches Morgor and Sarny's asses.

01.22 Weronoop sucks up to Mats.

01.23 Mats leaves.

01.25 Mistress is still still a nice person (Light (Ligt) Ligt)

01.26 Taren cleans up the sissy-swamp (no genitals)!

01.27 A good looking girl with big books just walked by. /Iver

01.28 Dunstan is still trying to pick up an unknown brunnette!

The brunette hugs an unknown guy and Dunstan moves on to unknown blond.

01.29 Is Mistress trying to pick up unknown women, or did Leo mishear?

01.30 Slakktor is still possibly most drunk atm. Sort of like an

01.31 The log goes submerged.

01.33 Dannoc chants;

"Long live the fisk, long live the fisk"

"Long live the polar bear, long live the fisk" (for a while)

01.35 And suddenly Fisk (Leowon) came with the log (before his last
entry) and then TOOK IT AWAY to write something... and he got it

Dannoc was chanting: "Long live the fish, long live the fish.." when
Leo suddenly exclaimed, "FISK NOT FISH!"

After that Dannoc chanted, "Long live the fisk, long live the fisk!"

And at the end they both agreed that the fisk should live for a while,
not forever!! (Ofc, a while can be loooooooong!)

01.40 Dannoc denies everything.

01.41 Wero, Whizz and Leo will cover each other next time.

01.46 And Jadea said: "Talk about something interesting." She said
that because she wanted to write in the log!

Slakktor wearing a viking helmet came and said: "A mudder was thrown

out and it was not me!!!" /Dannoc

01.46 Jadea gossips, but we won't write about who.

01.47 The mudders silently wonder if Teranor will really make it from
the cab to the place he's supposed to sleep. On the other hand, the
Way of Mortis is also a proven approach to the "Where to sleep?"

01.50 Jadea said, "Is it readable?"

01.52 Karzak sais, "No"

01.52 Hrodlauf too!

01.53 Bombadill wasn't in the movie but screams he's sexy anyway.

01.55 The dancefloor is smoking of Dwinbar's move!!!

01.56 The girls are screaming!

01.56 We know the lyrics! FEAR!!!
Backstreet's back..


01.56 Girl power is ok, but not in the speakers. /Leo

Sweat. Not naked still!

02.00 We are writing SHIT!


01.58 .... .... z yet dammit. Dancefloor! Rock! Woohoo!

02.02 Dunstan considers doing some dirty moves on the dance floor.

02.03 Leo dares Dunstan, who chickens out.

02.00 FISK!

02.01 Apocalyptic can't see a thing, writing on the
dance-floor. Dancing with Leowon, Battery, two girls and some
others... sigh =)

02.02 BLEH! Waiting for next song (excellence does not equal 10.0)

Tjejbaciller Usch!!

(Translated by Leclerk/Sten - Girl-germs YUCK!)

02.03 Another dance, can't write now, lets give this to someone else!

02.04 Rocking the dancefloor!!


This is how you ... ...


Sudden Flash!

02.08 Asarnil convinced the guards to bring Mortis home, (he was
trying to sleep outside despite the guards trying to wake him up)

Later Hrodlauf likes the "music", everyone else looks slightly bored.

Ok. We definately need some good music..


I'm the energizer bunny! Bummy??

02.13 Hrodlauf sings about his thirst for love.

02.14 Tiamo unbuttons Dwinbar's shirt! Nice handjob!

02.15 What the fuck?!

It's beer on the dancefloor! And glass too!!! Well.

Well, lets dance! Continue with the last text!

02.18 Everyone is desperately trying to hang up with the lesbians!

Tall guys in general are polite, keep bowing and stuff *grins viciously*

Dans, dans, dans!

Dwinbar does the moves!


(Apparently, this is a move in bed, where the man whirls around on-top
of the woman)

Almost half naked now

Oops, dammit!?

02.26 Vaskorover alla muder!

(No idea what this means)

02.27 Nanny really does rock the dance floor. With its mix of
endurance, agility, energy and most definately sensuality!

02.28 No fisk seem for over 15 minutes.

Dunstan's out of candy, his name is 'Sven' and I need a new

02.29 Some fisks show up on the dancefloor.

02.30 "Can't get you out of my head" Kylie Minogue. Various people are
dancing /N & R

02.45 Nothel and Raya left, after passing Marbleleaf

02.45 Harthorn meets tequila

02.45 Harthorn likes it Smile and so does Elrohir Wink

02.46 Missy drags Elrohir to the bar to meet swedish guys.

02.46 Several people is asking around where the after party will
be. How the hell should I know? /Harthorn

02.48 Liverpool is a lousy football team! Wink Scousers should be

02.48 Mistress "lobes" Marbleleaf's ear.

02.50 Mistress: Beckham is a hunk

02.53 Morgor is trying to ... ... (looks like runr pucks) but fails

02.57 Nobody wants to be a viking. (Sorry Boyd & Yaleah)

02.45 Valdor questions ppl.

Famous (??) last words..

You should just shut up...

02.48 Karzak declares; Weronoop is the sumo wrestler of .... And
Leowon is the "heavyweight" champion of "renwallning!!"

02.53 Boyd is having his beauty sleep. Where is the bloody afterparty?

Weronoop is using the forbidden word - sleep! /Harthorn

02.57 Very scary - Guard!

At this stage, most people are outside or have left for home.

03.33 Dunstan chats to lesbians in queue for coats.

03.53 Live claims Mistress.

Mistress *bfingers* Live and escapes.

04.00 Back at 'home' with Live, Bombadill, Mistress, Marbleleaf,
Valdor, Morgor, Swayn, Dunstan, Zzed and Jadow.

04.01 Live is trying to persuade Valdor and Mistress into trying

04.02 Live failed on Valdor, still trying on Mistress... but he won't
make it.

04.05 Mistress says, "Snuuuuuuuus"

??Confused? Jadow goes home. Zzed and Dunstan go to bed. Marbleleaf sleeps
in Missy's bed.

05.?? Bombadill sleeps on floor with curtain and Garfield. Morgor,
Live and Missy talk.

05.47 Still alive!!! Talking to Mistress, Swayn and Valdor about
sleeping and feels a bit over-rest. Not to sleep right now because we
have an interesting conversation with Mistress - my bed or not. /Live

Bombadill is covered with sheet on the floor, with a Garfield. /Morgor

The End!


For your entertainment, here's the Nanniversary quiz that Hrodlauf put
together for the dinner. The answers will be published in the next
issue. Only one group of people managed to get them all right, can you

do better? Try it! No prices awarded for this one though.

[1]...What nifty command can be used in the new party object to
prevent the party from showing up in the party list?

A) "party secret"
B) "party really-really hidden"
C) "party never"
D) "party like you have never partied before"

[2]...In Basalt Keep, close to the east gate, a nervous man roams with
a pale face and a twitching lip. What is his name?

A) Tom Racerboy
B) Jennifer (formerly know as James)
C) Clayton the swordsman
D) Spud Weiser

[3]...A new guild of unwashed barbarians have set up home in nanny,
yes the vikings. What viking gods do the they worship?

A) Odin, Hel, Frey and Loki
B) Odin, Thor, Freya and Baldur
C) Titleist, Brom, Banshee and Mats
D) Thor, Freya, Loki and Odin

[4]...What type of berries can be picked and hungrily eaten in
Harthorn's forest?

A) Peanuts
B) Blueberries
C) Beerberries
D) Strawberries

[5]...What do you among other things see when you examining Merlin's Pet?

A) He looks very rich... and he wears a platemail.
C) You see death in his eyes!
D) He has a gigantic spiky tail.

[6]...Who prevents an visitor to Kefka's area from entering his castle
from the "front-yard"?
A) An agressive spiderman
B) The snowboardomander
C) An inflatable guard
D) A huge centaur

[7]...What was the highest title in the old mage guild?

A) Highmage of roke
B) Muted trumpheter swan
C) The potential master of minar
D) The disillusioned spirit

[8]...What wizard coded a message sending service using pigeons

A) Dove
B) Hawk
C) Zander
D) Husky

[9]... What monsters usually roam in this room?

This is a small room next to Zeus's holy temple. The walls are
decorated with pictures of the god and his deeds. Bright light comes
from a room to the west.
  There are two obvious exits: east and west.

A) A duck and a dog
B) A priest and a dark demon
C) A monkey and a business
D) A Smile and a Smile/////->

[10]...Where do you end up if you move 5s, e, n from village church?

A) Monique's Wedding Boutique.
B) Shrine of Shiva.
C) Kobold Cave.
D) Mortis' Workroom.

[11]...What was the name of the Prophet guild power to draw all magic
from a room?

A) Sorcerers' wheel.
B) Warlock's wheel.
C) Nostradamus' long nose.
D) Great wheel.

[12]...Who coded the "Free the old Graveyard" quest?

A) Krzhugngr
B) Krzhngrgrur
C) Naketa
D) Asyvan

Final question if all managed to get 12 correct answers...

How many rooms are in the east-west road crossing green. From the pier
in the western sea and as far east as you can go on bromordia without
going up and/or down.

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« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2006, 10:26:30 AM »

---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 16   --

Well, that was all we had for this month. Please join us next month
for some more thrilling secrets from the depths of Nanny!

And yes, I'll keep saying next month despite that it never holds up.
The goal is still to complete one issue per month, and since I just
got rid of his very time-consuming soul-eating job, it might be

I'd like to thank all the people who have contributed to this
issue, especially Bombadill for the club reviews and Jaeger for
the room hunt.

Also, thanks to everyone who answered the player question, and to
everyone who have answered questions about various things.

And of course, big thanks to Lectral for the all the pages he has
written for this issue.

I'd also once again like to stress the issue of contribution. I
believe Nanny will benefit from a monthly issue of Times, but I
haven't got unlimited time and creativity. If you have any
material or ideas for NannyTimes articles, please send them in!
Nothing is too silly for the Times, so don't be afraid!



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