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The NannyMUD Times issue December 1997 .
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Topic: The NannyMUD Times issue December 1997 . (Read 19602 times)
Full Member
Posts: 205
The NannyMUD Times issue December 1997 .
September 06, 2006, 06:47:27 PM »
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 1 ---
Welcome to the December 1997 issue of the NannyMUD Times. Jingle bells,
jingle bells, jingle all the way.
(1) Index
This is it. Read it again if you're curious.
(2) Announcements
Various events of the past month. Some interesting, some not.
(3) Interview
Thargor graciously consented to be interviewed for this month's issue.
(4) PKlog
Albikozza demonstrates the skill and ineptitude of the knights.
(5) Playerquestion
What did the typical player want from the admin for Christmas?
(6) Puzzles.old
Last month's puzzles and their solutions.
This month's puzzles.
This is where you earn money by answering tired old brainteasers.
The Sunshine Palace was the subject of Pubreviewer's commentary.
(9) Weddings
A list of thirteen couples who tied the knot this past month.
(10) Obituaries
Snafu's take on some of the interesting deaths of last month.
(11) Gift list
A review of the items in Catwoman's junk shop and their use as
holiday gifts.
(12) Profezzorn's area
No, it's not back, but here's a list of what it may be like if
certain wizards recoded it.
(13) Santa's list
A supposed list stolen from the jolly old elf himself, containing
information on what some players here in Nanny will receive.
(14) News from the outside
A short article on a trespasser found and apprehended.
(15) Cooking with Thaadd the Chef
A recipe for you to enjoy, courtesy of Thaadd.
(16) Ask Elly
Elysia's advice column.
(17) Winter songs
A short group of holiday carols that you may want to sing as you
romp and dance through the mud. Or maybe you'll just want to read
them and think "Heh, cool."
(18) Editorial
Parting comments from Lonewolf. Feel free to skip it.
Produced by a large soulless corporation bent on economic gain.
This space intentionally left blank.
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 2 ---
Some things of note occured in Nanny during the last month.
The Alchemist of of Telgar Hold has, after some soulsearching, decided to
offer his healing services to the people of Nanny. His poultices do require
a fungal ingredient which unfortunately he does not have time to gather,
but if players can provide him with this, then he is happy (for a small
renumeration) to salve people's wounds.
Due to instabilities in the underworld, Profezzorn's area and Padland
disappeared. Rumor has it that Padland will return shortly.
A new bar, 'The Blue Robe', opened in Three Arches Alley, very near
The Olde Axe Shop, owned and operated by Thurgond Ironsmith.
Ulrik opened a newbie area a little ways north of the church, near the
Paragon hut. Thargor and Nothel opened their areas (Ceriand and Edena)
on the island of Caymar. Dagoth found a dwarven city somewhere north of
Elm Road and claimed it as his area. Refusing to be outdone, Kingen
founded the city of Lloyd, which can be reached along the road leading
east from the south coast. Amaryllis followed suit and opened an area
somewhere northeast of Port Hope.
Gorthaur and Lonesome were banished for multiplaying, whereas Sanity was
banished for having a name incompatible with his personality.
Valhalla reopened, but players nostalgic for Sleipner are out of luck.
The entrance to the area is across the rainbow bridge Bifrost, which
appears in random areas in Nanny, much like the renowned Dreampost.
Akasha's Bear-O-Matic was salvaged from the underground disasters that
claimed Profezzorn's area and can now be found in Laurana's area.
Thargor and Nothel were promoted to High Wizard. An interview with
Thargor follows this page.
A new quest system was coded and implemented. No longer will mortals lose
quest points when an area closes. The quest points lost when Profezzorn's
area closed have been restored.
Quant's area was recoded, and it now includes a quest.
Charmangle's old quest regarding the Soulstone has returned to Nanny.
The local admin held a rl meeting and discussed several matters, some of
which were the promotions of Thargor and Nothel, the status of guilds and
quests, and the new quest system. Most of the meeting, however, consisted
of arguments over what toppings they wanted on the pizzas they were
planning on sharing.
Qqqq's 'Raid A Castle' quest was solved by several groups of intrepid
mortals, and the discouraging bugs they found were quickly fixed by
Qqqq, who now invites everyone to experience death in a new way in his
A book shop opened in Malkuth Street. The current bestseller is the new
Book of Quests, which fortunately is compatible with the new quest system.
The staff of the NannyMUD Times looks forward to another month of
expansion and revitalization of the mud.
Full Member
Posts: 205
Re: The NannyMUD Times issue December 1997 .
Reply #1 on:
September 06, 2006, 06:47:52 PM »
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 3 ---
The interview for this month is with Thargor, a new addition to the admin.
** This is the NannyMUD Times, here to interview the new high wizard
Thargor struts proudly.
** Your rise to highwiz seemed rather rapid, and not many people had a
chance to get to know you. What can you tell us about yourself?
Thargor hmms and thinks carefully.
Thargor says: Well, I started playing in the fall of '95 when I came to
Linkoping university.
Thargor says: Nanny was quite a different place back then, and I joined the
mages to explore it.
Thargor says: I advanced to level 19 and then took a break from Nanny for about
10 months (I think).
Thargor says: Then I joined the sims, started questing those last few qp and
wizzed in the spring of 97. Sometime in april I think it was.
Thargor says: Not much more to say about my mortal days. Spent lots of time
practicing spells and questing.
** And then you started coding your quest and area with Nothel?
Thargor hmms.
Thargor says: At first I got to code all sorts of more or less interesting
things to rise to level 23.
Thargor says: My friendly sponsor Gurk (paid adverisment) promoted me rather
quickly though and I got to work on my area.
Thargor says: Rather early on I and Nothel, who had wizzed some weeks before
me, decided to code a quest spanning both our areas.
Thargor says: Planning the area and the quest then coding it all occupied much
of my time, especially as I logged on very seldom during the
Thargor says: The area has been ready for quite some time, but I decided not to
open it until the quest was ready too. Much easier to play around
with an unopened area.
Thargor says: After much testing the quest was opened together with my area
this fall. Late septemer or early october I think it was.
Thargor tries to think carefully, but fails miserably.
Thargor says: Or whenever it was...
Thargor says: And that more or less brings us up to date.
** Except for your promotion to high wizard, that is. It came as a
surprise to many of the players and wizards here. What are your
feelings on that?
Thargor says: Well, I admit not being much of a public person so far. My very
existance probably came as a surprise some people
Thargor says: Being only on the sim-line and quite busy with coding I haven't
really made much of an impression on Nannys boards or wizline.
Thargor says: I have recieved mostly friendly comments and congratulations of
my promotion.
** Mostly?
Thargor says: Yes, there seems to be some people who thinks 'Hey, how come this
guy who no one has heard of suddenly gets to be highwiz?'
Thargor says: To those who feel this way I can only say that my lack of fame in
the mud doesn't make me a worse candidate for highwiz.
Thargor says: I hope that time will show them that I was a good choice for the
job. Which I hope I was
Thargor says: Those who doesn't like having a stranger for highwiz are welcome
to give me a tell and put an end to that stranger thing.
Thargor says: My own feelings on the subject is of course that I'm happy to
have been promoted and given a chance to take a larger part in
the development of Nanny.
Thargor smiles happily.
** In your opinion, why were you promoted over someone else?
Thargor says: That depends on who that someone else is. Why was I promoted
over, oh say Gonzales? Well, fairly easy one
** How about someone like Gurk, who has had an open area and quest for
quite some time?
Thargor hmms.
Thargor says: Well, for starters the admin had just lost a number of local
highwizzes. Me being local didn't excatly lessen my chances.
Thargor says: For practical reasons a rather large part of the admin are
locals. Meetings in RL are much more effective than on the mud.
Thargor says: Other than that, the admin had watched my work since wizzing and
were pleased with what they saw. Thought I'd make a good highwiz.
Thargor says: Exactly how they came to that conclusion I do not know, but I'm
kinda glad they did
** Have you done anything as a highwizard yet?
Thargor grins evilly.
Thargor says: Dested mortals and snooped everyone =)
** It must be nice to be admin.
Thargor nods frenetically.
Thargor looks around wildly for someone to dest.
Thargor says: No, but seriously, I've started to look in to a new
basic rope item which may or may not be used when I'm finished
with it.
** What are your current responsibilities as a highwizard, then, besides
the typical snooping and demoting?
Thargor says: Also, the last admin meeting decided I and Nothel should look in
to coding a new ferry-system.
Thargor says: A work we just started today.
Thargor says: Other than that I've been reading stuff and trying to get a grip
on how things REALLY work behind the curtains
Thargor says: It's like being a newbie wiz again although not quite that
Thargor says: So, that's my current workload.
** Any future plans that you haven't mentioned yet?
Thargor hmms.
Thargor says: Some expansion of my area will probably take place when I get the
Thargor says: Also, the positive and nice feedback from the players of the
Caymar quest will almost certainly lead to a sequel
Thargor says: That's my current plans, but you never know what'll crop up along
the way.
** Any last comments?
Thargor hmms.
Thargor says: To put an end to an ugly rumor:
Thargor says: That case of single malt whiskey delivered by me to all members
of the admin had absolutley nothing to do with my promotion.
Thargor says: Honestly.
Thargor looks VERY innocent.
** Thank you for your time.
> > read page 4
You read page 4 in your newspaper.
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 4 ---
** HP: 107/202 SP: 147/202
** Spanky is in good shape.
The water tastes very refreshing.
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 47%
> dw
** HP: 127/202 SP: 147/202
** Spanky is in good shape.
** HP: 127/202 SP: 167/202
** Spanky is in good shape.
The water tastes very refreshing.
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 65%
> dw
** HP: 147/202 SP: 167/202
** Spanky is in good shape.
** HP: 147/202 SP: 187/202
** Spanky is in good shape.
The water tastes very refreshing.
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 84%
*Press return for more or q to end. >
> ** HP: 142/202 SP: 187/202
** Spanky is in good shape.
Selene slashed you.
Selene missed you.
** HP: 134/202 SP: 187/202
** Spanky is in good shape.
Selene slashed you.
** HP: 115/202 SP: 187/202
** Spanky is in good shape.
Spanky bloodthirstily rips little pieces from Your body.
** HP: 110/202 SP: 187/202
** Spanky is in good shape.
Spanky hacked a wound in you.
** HP: 102/202 SP: 187/202
** Spanky is in good shape.
Spanky hacked a wound in you.
You miss Spanky completely with a misdirected blow.
You hacked a wound in Spanky.
** HP: 122/202 SP: 187/202
** Spanky is in good shape.
** HP: 122/202 SP: 202/202
*Press return for more or q to end. >
** Spanky is in good shape.
The water tastes very refreshing.
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> Hulio leaves east.
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> ffa
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> fafa
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
Selene jump onto Albikozza and starts to bite it.
> ffa
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> ** HP: 120/202 SP: 202/202
** Spanky is in good shape.
*Press return for more or q to end. >
Spanky scratched you in the stomach.
** HP: 110/202 SP: 202/202
** Spanky is in good shape.
Spanky hacked a deep wound in you.
** HP: 93/202 SP: 202/202
** Spanky is in good shape.
Spanky chopped a very deep wound in you.
You grazed Spanky.
** HP: 93/202 SP: 177/202
** Spanky is in fair shape.
Your falcon rips and tears at Spanky's chest.
Selene bites Albikozza.
** HP: 81/202 SP: 177/202
** Spanky is in fairly poor shape.
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> Spanky leaves west.
Spanky arrives.
You missed Spanky.
Spanky jump onto Albikozza and starts to bite it.
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> Spanky mauls her knifelike fangs into Albikozza.
** HP: 23/202 SP: 177/202
** Spanky is in undamaged shape.
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> dwd
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> dw
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> dw
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> dw
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> Mellissa arrives with her falcon.
Village church <d w e n s>.
Your hunting falcon.
Damarella the vampire (evil).
Hostile the adventurer (neutral).
Salamander the Master of the North Wind (saintly).
Dove the greater druid (neutral).
Wrathscarab the grand druid (earning).
Oak the greater druid (nice).
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> n
Behind the village church <w e n s>.
Your hunting falcon.
A dead oak tree.
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> n
Narrow road <n s>.
Your hunting falcon.
A dark graveyard.
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> n
Rolling Hills <w e n s>.
Your hunting falcon.
A dead oak tree.
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> Spanky arrives.
Spanky bites Albikozza.
** HP: -1/202 SP: 177/202
** Spanky is in undamaged shape.
Your falcon flies home when you die.
You die.
You have a strange feeling.
You can see your own dead body from above.
Old Wood <w e n s>.
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> n
Rolling hills <w e s>.
To the southwest you see a strange blue palace up on a hill.
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> n
A small mountain pass <e n s>.
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> n
A courtyard outside Beldin's tower <n s>.
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> n
The entrance to Beldin's tower <d u s>.
An evil balrog.
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
*Press return for more or q to end. >
> n
You walk into a wall.
You walk into a wall.
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> n
You walk into a wall.
You walk into a wall.
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> n
You walk into a wall.
You walk into a wall.
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> n
You walk into a wall.
You walk into a wall.
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> n
You walk into a wall.
*Press return for more or q to end. >
You walk into a wall.
Align: saintly Gold: 3531
104% 22% 103%
> [-Assembly-] Pollux pats Lore on the head.
Spanky arrives.
Spanky bites some mist.
Took less than two minutes.
Full Member
Posts: 205
Re: The NannyMUD Times issue December 1997 .
Reply #2 on:
September 06, 2006, 06:48:19 PM »
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 5 ---
** The following is a playerquestion for the NannyMUD Times.
What do you want to receive from the admin for Christmas?
Adrianus tells you: Yeah !
Beryllium tells you: a non bugging quest, or a cracked version of nanny.
Turin tells you: 3000 xp
Saxy tells you: From the admin? A wedding ring from Mats.
Mkachan tells you: a unbanish of nkari or doombreed
[-Druids-] Charisma tells you: a lump of coal?
Pubreviewer tells you: 3000 QP
Snafu tells you: nanny in the US
no overseas link to plague us
Pubreviewer tells you: 3000 QP.
Blackknight replies to you: my chars back
Yyrkoon replies to you: I saw this cool patch-it-your-self-kit in Dwinbars
workroom once, *wink*
Jedah replies to you: not sure...i think i would like to recieve some
qp..honestly..i have no desire for anything else
Warloot replies to you: more khorne level 18 rank 18 kills
Duncan tells you: A black pair of satin panties!
Windrider replies to you: Peace on Nannymud!
Fyghter tells you: Hi Gilth
hmm, about 220qp
or seriously something for
*Press return for more or q to end. >
me or something new coded into nanny?
Tirian tells you: proffezzorns area back up
Snooker tells you: quest points for my seconds, of course! (All wrapped up
with a bow on top!)
Pain tells you: Nothing.
Lys tells you: More qp than April
Tremerus tells you: Ummm...uhh...Well, the only things you can give are QP, XP,
Money, or perhaps some item that is the best it can be for your level
and experience.
Lemming tells you: Authorization to code for NannyMud without wizzing. *blink*
Mkachan tells you: i mean the /guild dir..
Cathbad tells you: Peace.
Cathbad tells you: ...and Quiet.
Carousel tells you: More extremely difficult, mind boggling, time consuming
quests! Yay!
[Simyarin] Telmorn tells you: Hmm. A Sponsor
Leowon tells you: I wish they all gave me their time.
Radym tells you: A how-to-raise-your-questpoints kit would be nice
Terin replies to you: sorry lonewolf was afk in bathroom what did you say?
Fyghter tells you: ok, well i guess id have maybe some kind of mobile phone
thing, where you can buy a phone (autoloader?) and then all have
numbers so you can have a line between two people without costing sp, i
know the palinirs (??) are similar, but they cost sp, the line could be
Terin replies to you: well I can quest on my own get xp very easily on my own
so I am not sure
Terin replies to you: maybe a day of free healing for town pubs
Terin replies to you: given as a "invis" ring or something like that
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 6 ---
The following are last month's puzzles and their solutions.
Lay out sixteen matches as pictured, so that they form five squares all
the same size. Now, reposition two of the matches so taht there are only
four squares the same size. It sounds easy, but ...
Prize: 500 coins.
From this:
To this:
Er, whoops, screwed that up, let's try again
To this:
Bork was the first to answer this. Felice, Rrr, Skeeve and Tobban earned
honorable mentions.
Many years ago Boondock Bentley was out hunting. After walking through the
snow all day he arrived, cold and exhausted, at his cabin deep in the
forest as night was falling. In his cabin he had a pipe, an oil lamp, and
a wood-burning stove. Unfortunately, he had only one match. Which item
should Bentley light first?
Prize: 500 coins.
Boondock Bentley should light the match first.
Knoll was the first to answer this. Felice, Obelisk, Sexcrime, Rrr,
Skeeve and Foxy earned honorable mentions.
An ancient wise man was working on the 'steel band' problem. He put a
steel band around the earth at the equator, then cut the band and added
ten feet to it. Some magical force how holds the band an equal distance
away from the earth. What is this distance? (Assume that the radius of the
earth is 4,000 miles and use 3.14 for pi.)
Prize: 1000 coins.
In brief, the answer is 10 feet/(2 * 3.14) = 1.59 feet.
A detailed solution is:
C = 2 pi r(1) C + 10 = 2 pi r(2)
r(1) = C / 2 pi r(2) = C + 10 / 2 pi
r(1) = 4,000 r(2) - r(1) = C + 10 / (2 pi) - C / 2 pi = 10 / 2 pi = 5/pi
r(2) - r(1) = 1.59 feet.
Knoll was the first to answer this. Skeeve and Rrr earned honorable
mentions. Joeflannel earned one as well. His answer is as follows:
"this problem is impossible on the grounds that there is no such thing
as 'earth' only nannymud exists, since nannymud is flat there is no
circumfrence, therefore no answer."
_ _ _ _
| | _ _ |
| | | | |
| | |_| | |
| |_ _ _| |
|_ _ _ _ _|
Lay out 35 matches in the spiral shown above. Now, move four of the
matches to new positions so that three perfect squares are formed.
*Press return for more or q to end. >
Prize: 1000 coins.
Step #1: Step #2: Step #3: Step #4:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| | _ _ | | | _ _ | | _ _ _ | | _ _ _ |
| |_ | | | |_ | | | |_ | | | |_ | |
| | |_| | | | |_| | | | | |_| | | | | |_| | |
| |_ _ _| | | |_ _ _| | | |_ _ _| | | |_ _ _| |
|_ _ _ _ _| |_ _ _ _ _| |_ _ _ _ _| |_ _ _ _ _|
Knoll submitted the first correct solution. Gaia, Bork, Felice, Sax,
Sexcrime, Rrr and Skeeve earned honorable mentions.
First Scholar: "Drat, I can't find the answer in any of these books. Please
read that puzzle to me again."
Second Scholar: "Now, let me see. Oh, yes, here it is: 'Take away my first
letter and I remain unchanged; take away my second letter
and I remain unchanged; take away my third letter and I
remain unchanged; take away all my letters and still I
remain exactly the same.'"
First Scholar: "What in the world could the word be?"
Prize: 2000 coins.
A mailman, post office, mailbox.
Rrr was the first to answer this. Joeflannel earned an honorable mention.
When a wagon is in motion, does the upper part of each wheel move faster
than the part of each wheel nearest the ground? Since a wheel is a solid
object that revolves around a central point, any two points on the wheel,
each of which is the same distance from the hub, must move at the same
rate of speed. If, in fact, both points move at the same rate of speed,
then they should cover the same distance during a given period of time.
"Oh, yeah," says Vamilio. "Then how do you explain the fact that when you
look at the wheel of a passing wagon the spokes in the upper half of the
wheel seem to be blurred while the spokes in the bottom half can clearly
be seen and even counted if the car is moving slowly enough. Is this an
optical illusion, or is the top half of the wheel really moving faster than
the bottom half?"
What do you think? Do points a and b, marked on the top and bottom of the
front wheel, travel at the same rate of speed, or does one of them travel
faster than the other?
Please include a justification for your answer.
Prize: 5000 coins.
"I'm afraid my english isn't good anough to explain in a good way, but I'll
try. A wheel "falls" forward when it moves. That is, the upper half falls
forward-down, until it's "on the ground". On the ground, it's actually not
moving at all, until it goes up, and then "falls" down again. Another way
to explain it is that the upper half of the wheel has to move faster then
the wagon itself, else the wheel wouldn't be spinning. Upperhalf has to
move past the wagon, and then go down, stop on the ground to get "behind"
again, and then move past it again.
*curses* much easier to explain in swedish.. but oh well..
i tried.."
Knoll was the first to answer this. Sexcrime and Rrr earned honorable
This is a small, ruined chamber with a low ceiling. Once mosaics must have
covered all the walls, but now most are ruined from years of moisture and
*Press return for more or q to end. >
temperature changes. Only a few are left. At the west end of the chamber is a
simple altar.
There is one obvious exit: up.
No one was able to find this room.
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 7 ---
Mail all solutions to Lonewolf. The subject of the mail should refer to
the puzzles.
Arrange five gold coins into two rows with one row containing three coins
and the other row containing four coins.
Prize: 500 coins.
Given a four by four grid, place four sets of the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4
in the sixteen boxes of the grid in such a way that the same number will
not appear in any horizontal or vertical row. This also applies to the
two major diagonals.
Prize: 500 coins.
According to an ancient manuscript, there is a five-letter word containing
five other words within itself. The letters that make up the word do not
have to be rearranged in any manner. Also, each word is complete with no
intervening letters. What is the word?
(It is an English word.)
Prize: 1000 coins.
Here's a card puzzle for you. To solve it, you have to take the four kings
and the four queens from a deck of cards and arrange them into a stack
that can be dealt out as follows: king, queen, king, queen, king, queen,
king, queen. They must be dealt in the following manner:
(1) Take the top card and turn it face up on the table.
(2) Take the next card and place it on the bottom of the deck.
(3) Repeat steps 1 and 2 seven more times.
Prize: 1000 coins.
"Batter up!" cries the ump. It's time for the Nanny Nine to take to the
field, and it's time for you to fill out your scorecard. What's that? You
know the names of the players but you don't know what positions on the
team they play! Well, I'm not going to let you off the hook so easily
this time. Now listen carefully. I'll tell you some facts concerning each
of the players, and it will be up to you to figure out who plays each of
the nine positions on the team. Ready? Here we go.
(1) Dwinbar dislikes the catcher.
(2) Mats' sister is engaged to the second baseman.
(3) The center fielder is taller than the right fielder.
(4) Lars and the third baseman live in the same building.
(5) Taren and Brom each won 20k coins from the pitcher in pinochle.
(6) Mats and the outfielders play poker during their free time.
(7) The pitcher's wife is the third baseman's sister.
All the battery and infield, except Brom, Lars and Dwinbar, are
shorter than Titleist.
(9) Taren, Dwinbar, and the shortstop lost 50k each at the racetrack.
(10) Taren, Lars, Beldin and the catcher took a trouncing from the
second baseman at billiards.
(11) Titleist has been married for a year.
(12) The catcher and the third baseman each have two children.
(13) Mats, Taren, Leowon, the right fielder and center fielder are
bachelors. The others are married.
(14) The shortstop, the third baseman and Beldin each cleaned up 100k
betting on the fight.
(15) One of the outfielders is either Thargor or Dwinbar.
(16) Leowon is taller than Beldin.
(17) Thargor is shorter than Beldin.
(18) Leowon and Thargor are each heavier than the third baseman.
You now have all the facts that you will need to determine the names of the
men playing all the positions on the Nanny Nine. Play ball!
(Disclaimer: The choice of names was arbitrary, and information regarding
marital status, height, and anything else is completely unrelated to the
rl status of the admin.)
(Apologies to those unfamiliar with baseball.)
Prize: 2000 coins.
Young Maximilian's birthday has rolled around again, and it's time to see
if he can't outwit Uncle Otis. Every year Uncle Otis gives max ten notes
marked '1 coin' and ten notes marked '100 coins' and tells him to place
them into two bowls. Max is free to put any number of notes into each bowl.
However, he's not allowed to crush, bend, or fold any of the notes so that
he could identify them by touch. Otis them blindfolds Max and moves the
bowls around on the table so Max will not know which is which. Otis also
mixes up the notes in each bowl in case Max has placed the '100 coins'
notes on top. Max is then allowed to reach into one of the bowls and remove
one note, and Otis then gives him the amount written on the note for his
birthday present. It sounds like an even-money bet, but there is a way Max
can distribute the bills among the bowls to give himself a far better break
on the odds. How does he go about outwitting Uncle Otis?
Include the percentage odds Max has of selecting a '100 coins' note in your
Prize: 5000 coins.
The subsequent puzzles are the roomhunts, in which the winning solution
is the shortest path to the described room from the village green.
No movement-enhancing spells or items are allowed -- that is, no
teleport, no seven-league boots, and the like. Mail your solution
to Lonewolf.
You are down in the crocodiles lair. The cave is half-filled with water and
you can feel the loose bottom with your feet. It doesn't appear very stable
and if you stay here too long you might sink deep into the crocodiles'
There is one obvious exit: up.
A baby crocodile.
A big crocodile.
Prize: 5000 coins.
The following is the roomhunt from November 1997.
This is a small, ruined chamber with a low ceiling. Once mosaics must have
covered all the walls, but now most are ruined from years of moisture and
temperature changes. Only a few are left. At the west end of the chamber is a
simple altar.
There is one obvious exit: up.
As added incentive to explore the mud, the prize for this room
has risen to 7500 coins.
Full Member
Posts: 205
Re: The NannyMUD Times issue December 1997 .
Reply #3 on:
September 06, 2006, 06:48:42 PM »
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 8 ---
This month the Times has commissioned a review of the Sunshine Palace.
The Palace is located in Qqqq's area near the Player Village.
(Specifically, it's 4w, n, e, 2s, 7e, 3n, and w from the village
green.) It's a pleasant little place: the walls are freshly painted,
the floors have soft, clean carpets on them, and the inkeeper is
pleasant, if laconic.
The menu is diverse enough so that you can get drunk, soaked, and full
here. The menu is as follows:
Alcoholic drinks:
1. A golden Carlsberg beer (15 gc)
2. A bottle of vodka (200 gc)
Hyphenated drinks:
3. A diet coke (30 gc)
4. A glass of Sunshine juice (400 gc)
Delicacy food:
5. Entrecote (100 gc)
6. Salmon (250 gc)
When you order, keep in mind that you have to order by number, not by
name (which is a little irritating). The service is very prompt--you
get your drink or food and consume it immediately upon ordering it, and
if you're too drunk to drink or too full to eat, you're simply not
given your food or drink nor charged for it, which is a nice safeguard.
The alcoholic drinks are nice. The beer is a little more expensive than
at other places, especially considering you don't keep the bottles to
sell later, but it's a little stronger--I got 2 HP and 2 SP immediately
from a beer, and the intoxication level was about twice what you'd get
from other pubs' beer.
The vodka's also a good time: for the 200 GC, you get about 30 HP and
SP each. It's also pretty smooth, though it does pack a vicious
alcoholic punch (about twice as strong as the village pub's
firebreather, for instance). Again, this is still pretty expensive, but
in this reviewer's opinion was more than worth it, considering what a
quick HP, SP, and intoxication boost it gives.
The diet coke--well, what can I say? Diet coke is diet coke. 30 GC for
5 HP and 5 SP seems steep to me, and though this does get you soaked, I
don't think it gets you soaked enough to merit the cost. Go the village
pub and drink soda water instead--it takes a little longer, but it's a
lot cheaper. (Nutrasweet is bad for you, anyway, whether you feel
healthier after drinking a diet coke or not.)
The Sunshine juice is another story. The pub boasts that it's not
imported, but that it's a local product. I believe it: it was so
delicious that I gulped it right down. This is great stuff: 40 HP and
40 SP right away, and you are _definitely_ soaked thereafter, so it
gives you a lasting benefit. This is good, lasting healing, and though
it's expensive, it's definitely the best drink here. (Vitamin C's also
a great anti-oxidant, which is perhaps reflected by the fact that the
orange juice will cut your tox level by a good chunk: for me, it
sobered me up almost a full beer's worth.)
The food is surprisingly good for a Nanny pub. It is expensive, but I'd
say it's worth it. The entrecote at 100 coins brings you 20 SP and 20
HP both, and it's well-done and very tasty. (An entrecote, by the way,
is a steak cut from between the ribs.) This is a light meal and won't
get you overly stuffed.
I have a weakness for good fish, I admit, so the salmon was a pleasure.
This, too, is a good heal at 30 HP and 30 SP. It is, I'll note, a lot
more expensive than the entrecote, and it doesn't get you much more
full than the latter. Price-wise, the entrecote is definitely the way
to go for healing purposes.
If you hang around here for a while, you'll also see a lot of local
color. For one thing, the innkeeper employs anti-troll teams which
sometimes wander in to tank up (at the Palace's expense). Sometimes,
too, other local characters will wander in, such as Jessica, a
knightess, who came in and sat for a long time, though she didn't eat
anything (I guess she was on duty) or respond to my attempts at
conversation. If you head west from the main room, too, you'll find a
mysterious little room with an apparently magical pond and a strange
gentleman gazing into its waters. I couldn't tell what function this
room had--the man wouldn't tell me anything, though he did stop me from
drinking from the pool. You can also buy food and drinks back here,
too, if you feel like getting away from the madding crowd.
Generally, this is not a chatty place, since the players who stop by
here are looking for quick heals rather than company, and the
non-player characters are amazingly silent. Further, this place is, as
you may have noted above, far from the beaten track. Still, Qqqq's
village is a nice little place. Check out the Pskov Weekly, which is
always chained to the floor of the Palace, for more information about
this area. If you've got a bit of time, you might finish off your meal
with a wander over to Qqqq's bakery or to the Royal Danish Candystore,
both nice places for a dainty. There are also some other useful stores
nearby, including an equipment store and Merlin's.
The major problem for me with this place was that it seems to be
frequently sold out (indeed, the Pskov Weekly boasts that it was sold
out 9 out of 133 Nannyhours in the last week!). I was a little confused
as to how the whole place could be sold out--when it sells out, all
items are sold out simultaneously. I can see how this would happen at a
place like the Milkbar (since everything is made of milk, once you run
out of milk, you're sunk), but why should running out of, say, diet
coke mean that you no longer can serve salmon? Considering that this is
a bit of a walk from most places in the mud and that it is pretty
expensive, I got aggravated at how frequently I'd stop by to find it
sold out. (I was glad to note that when the anti-troll teams wandered
by during the Palace's sold-out periods that they didn't get served,
either--the Palace isn't apparently stashing anything away for favored
guests, in other words.)
Overall, if you're in the general area, I would stop by and see if
they're open for business. My favorites for the price were the vodka
and the entrecote, though that juice is worth a try if cash isn't a
major worry for you, especially if you drink it in conjunction with the
vodka and entrecote.
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 9 ---
Thirteen weddings took place last month. Feel free to congratulate
the newlyweds; I'm sure they wouldn't refuse a wedding gift of several
thousand gold or so.
Terin was married to Cheri by Lys Sun Nov 2 01:11:34 1997
Mad was married to Eleri by Wrathscarab Sun Nov 2 22:36:01 1997
Tender was married to Gasoline by Tender Fri Nov 7 15:08:19 1997
Astinus was married to Foxy by Lonewolf Tue Nov 11 00:06:42 1997
Saki was married to Joph by Nothel Fri Nov 14 00:21:02 1997
Andra was married to Erendi by Khorneflake Fri Nov 14 04:20:54 1997
Gilthoniel was married to Narya by Laurana Sat Nov 15 00:16:52 1997
Iver was married to Charisma by Iver Mon Nov 17 01:01:49 1997
Grythyn was married to Yaleah by Lonewolf Tue Nov 18 06:49:19 1997
Decado was married to Nyoni by Brom Fri Nov 21 20:13:03 1997
Edward was married to Celes by Lys Sun Nov 23 08:36:58 1997
Azroth was married to Franchesca by Finnaidann Fri Nov 28 07:39:22 1997
Hush was married to Beldin by Beldin Sun Nov 30 06:51:31 1997
Full Member
Posts: 205
Re: The NannyMUD Times issue December 1997 .
Reply #4 on:
September 06, 2006, 06:49:09 PM »
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 10 --
It's another month in NannyMUD and the one thing that hasn't stopped is
the bodies that are flying everywhere. This month's theme took a new
The Ten Commandments to Dying:
1. Thou shalt not mud the day before an exam.
2. Thou shalt not get killed without permissions from guildhead.
3. Thou shalt not refill thy earring after praying in thy church.
4. Thou shalt not enter a room full of bats when you have netlag.
5. Thou shalt not leave keyboard in middle of a kill.
6. Thou shalt not try to convert demons to worship khorne.
7. Thou shalt not try to quit before going to thy coffin.
8. Thou shalt not move when thou hast only 5hp left.
9. Thou shalt feed your body to the newbie slaying dragon.
10. If thou hast to kill thyself, let it be by shovel.
1. Gasoline - Level 7 Killed by: an Orc.
Gasoline was roaming around, killing like all khornes should. Her mind
had wavered to her studies. In a moment of forgetfulness, an orc snuck
up behind her and beat her. She died in a fit of agony. She got kicked
from her guild and was left, alone and quite beaten, looking down upon
her shatterred body. To this day, she doesn't know why she was playing
instead of working.
2. Tariel - ~90 deaths Killed by: Knights Attack.
Tariel was fighting in a knight's attack when he found an interesting
way of aiding the attack. He made the ultimate sacrifice, not once or
even twice or even three times. He made that sacrifice almost 90 times
in one attack. His comment was this: I was taking the hits for all the
other knights, they should be appreciative.
3. Gilthoniel - level 19 Killed by: Brom's earring.
Gilthoniel had just got through dying to some evil elfs, and had gone
to church to pray. He prayed and before he really thought about it, he
made a mistake and tried to refill his earring. Of course, he did not
have enough hitpoints and subsequently died. His last words went along
the lines of "ACK!"
4. Tauvin - level 6 Killed by: swarming bats.
This was not Tauvin's time to be playing. He knew that he had bad net
lag all of that week. But, with the spirit of a Khorne, he would not
let that get in his way. That was all fine and dandy, until he entered
a room filled with bats. He immediately ran into a nasty bit of netlag
and died because of it. He was overheard muttering: Thank you netlag,
for showing me what a lousy khorne I really am.
5. Ylfa - level 18 Killed by: Chief Minotaur.
Ylfa was not having a good week at all. She had died the previous day
and was trying to regain what she had lost in that battle. She was out
partying with a friend and they started meddling with a Minotaur, and
when it escalated to a drawn out battle, she had left her keyboard.
When she came back, she was informed by the screen that she did not
make it. She died once more. Maybe she should have stayed in bed that
6. Grim - level 19 Killed by: Demon.
Grim was one day killing like he should be. Khornes kill, don't they?
If a monster would not convert to worshipping Khorne, then his job was
to exterminate the monster and make a sacrifice. He was out doing his
daily wandering, when he happened across a Demon that looked like it
did not worship Khorne. He thought this a great misjustice and went to
teach this Demon about Khorne and his ways. The Demon, like any self-
respecting monster was unwilling to change and was quite resistant to
the ways of Khorne. Grim went to slay this vile beast, when the Demon
whipped out this awesome blade. Grim got whopped a few times and then,
before he had time to utter out a cry of distress, he had been suddenly
expelled from his guild. He had died to the Demonblade. This is not the
end to this warrior, he was brought back from the depth of Hades and
once again has made Khorne his master.
7. Arraquwain - level 19 Killed by: room of elfs.
Arraquwain was out with his friend Gilthoniel. They decided to go on a
killing spree. Before long, in their travels, they came across a room
full of elves. They had figured that killing a roomful at once was more
prestigous that one at a time. Gilthoniel cast several spells upon poor
Arraquwain. But, in the middle of the battle, these spells had suddenly
expired. Arraquwain, sensing danger, had tried to quit. This did not
work the way he had planned. He got hit several more times and he even
got hissed at. He died twice in that room. One would do wise and not
meddle in the affairs of elves, for they are quick when they are in a
8. Narcissus - level 17 Killed by: evil beetle.
Narcissus was trying out his powers one day, when he decided to test
then out on a guardian monk. This monk was tough and hardy. They went
at it for what seemed an eternity. They were both wearing out quite
quickly. Finally, when he was down to 5 hp, the monk had shuffled off
its mortal coil. Narcissus finally allowed himself to breathe. Then,
he had typed in the commands to get him out of the place. Suddenly,
he got disconnected. He logged back in and was a mist floating over
the corpse he had once inhabited. There was an evil beetle chewing on
the rotting corpse. To this day, he lives up to his name and truly
loves himself.
9. Rupey - level 17 Killed by: Merlin's Pet.
Rupey was leaving the Druid's Guild to join the mighty Khorne Guild.
She knew that the only way to die was to be eaten by a fiery dragon.
What better dragon to give your life to than the Newbie Slayer, we
know as Merlin's Pet. This dragon is the fiercest of all and Rupey
knew that her death would be quick and painless. She sacrificed her
body to Pet nineteen times. Pet loved every minute of it as he let
his eternal flames cleanse her soul for her future life in Khorne
Guild. Rupey knows the best way to die and so should you. Learn from
Rupey and know that whenever you want to die, there is at least one
monster always willing to take your life from you.
10. Guttersnipe - level 15 Killed by: Pet/worker.
Guttersnipe had died months earlier. He decided to finally suicide
his char back to level 1. At first, he thought like Rupey and went
to Merlin's Pet to wipe away those earned levels. He got tired of
the path to pet and decided to do it quickly. He got the village
worker to do something with his shovel besides dig. The village
worker cleaved through his skull quite a few times before he was
able to get back down to level 1. It may not have been as stylish
or prestigous as a death by Merlin's Pet, but it sure was quick.
> > read page 11
You read page 11 in your newspaper.
Full Member
Posts: 205
Re: The NannyMUD Times issue December 1997 .
Reply #5 on:
September 06, 2006, 06:49:30 PM »
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 11 --
Well, it's the winter solstice season again, and mudders everywhere
are looking for good gifts for one another. What can you buy? Well,
here's a gift-buying guide for you mudders out there who'd like to
impress that special someone with your savoir faire. As befits the
season, I went to a toy store, namely Cat's Toys.
Cat's Toys is hidden a bit off the beaten track from the rest of the
village: 2e, 2n, 2w, and n from the village green (or w, n, 2w, n from
the village pub). There's no hint from either the view from the street
or, really, from within the store that this is one of the best places
on the mud to buy gifts, but it is. Read the sign in the store and
you'll see this list of wonderful presents:
| Cat's Toys |
| |
| A single rose 20 gc |
| Brom's harry nail 5 gc |
| Naurp's Pez Dispenser 150 gc |
| Fabulena's Platform Shoes 100 gc |
| A Charlie's Angels lunchbox 100 gc |
| Slater's deep thought (TM) 400 gc |
| A superball (bouncy) 40 gc |
| An extendible tongue 80 gc |
| Pell's describer (*) 1000 gc |
| Bive's silly badge (*) 500 gc |
| Moonchild's love potion 200 gc |
| Ramses' condom 20 gc |
| Jaso's frisbee 200 gc |
| Gurk's adult magazine 200 gc |
| Xantrax' remote feeling 250 gc |
| Cieran's blankie 100 gc |
| Brom's magic dice 100 gc |
| A voodoo doll 400 gc |
| Dwinbar's tracker (TM) (*) 155 gc |
| A pacifier 200 gc |
| You can 'buy' any item as long as you |
| have the cash! Please use 'bug', |
| 'typo', 'idea' and 'praise' freely. |
| (*) objects are autoloading. |
| |
| /Catwoman, owner |
For the sake of the advancement of mudly knowledge, I took a look at
all these objects. I've divided them up into five categories below:
"toys that let you communicate with others," "sex toys," "obnoxious
toys," "autoloaders," and "miscellania."
Toys that let you communicate with others
The rose is a romantic gadget described thusly: "It is a beautiful red
rose, with a card attached to the stem by a silvery thread." (You may
also get a dark red, pink, purple, white, yellow, or even champagne
rose, too.) The rose is a nice way to send a note to your favorite
mudders, as you'll see if you examine the note: "It is a card of a
rich, creamy paper. At the bottom, in small print, are the words
'rdesc', 'rsend' and '10 sp'." 'rdesc' allows you to write a message
on the card for a mere 10 SP, and 'rsend <playername>' sends it to
<playername> provided she/he/it is logged on (sending the rose is
free, though writing the message is not). Further, the recipient can
send it back to you with a new message attached. The rose will fall
apart after a certain number of sends (about half a dozen), and it is
more costly, SP-wise, than a tell, but it's also a lot more pleasant.
This can be a romantic way to exchange little notes over a long period
of time.
The superball and the frisbee I'll describe together as they both do
about the same thing: you can 'bounce ball to <someone>' or 'throw
frisbee to <someone>.' The superball's a little safer, in the sense
that no one seems to have any trouble catching it, but the frisbee
gives people more trouble; you may get whapped in the head, which is
not injurious, but nonetheless can be embarassing. (On the other hand,
you get a message from the frisbee telling you how well your target
caught it, which is entertaining, too.) Bouncing the superball is
free, however, while throwing the frisbee costs 5 SP, so even though
the frisbee's a little more interactive, mortals watching their SP
prefer the superball. Nonetheless, both items are a mud favorite,
especially within guilds: the knights or the Sims, for instance, often
bounce superballs across the mud to their fellow guild-members.
The extendible tongue allows you to lick people in other rooms for
when a simple tell just doesn't express the depths of your feelings
for him, her, or it. You can use this to lick anyone, anywhere on the
mud, and she/he/it (and everyone else in that room) will then see
this message: "<yourname>'s 's tongue unrolls into this room and licks
<recipient>." If that's not love, I don't know what is.
Xantrax's remote feeling is a neat little toy which allows you to send
feelings in the form of visions to people across the mud. The syntax
is 'rf <player> <feeling>,' and the syntax for <feeling> is whatever
it would be were that person in the room. So, for instance, if you do
a 'rf cadeau beep' you send this vision to Cadeau: "Podarok
triumphantly beeps himself on the nose." To send a vision to Cadeau
of my beeping him, I do a 'send cadeau beep cadeau,' which
sends him the vision "Podarok triumphantly beeps you on the nose."
You can use the feelings and adverbs from any of the club objects that
you own, too, which is nice. Remote feelings cost 5 SP--except for
Khornes, who spend 5 HP per remote feeling. (Note: if you bother
people with this it WILL be considered harassment, the same as if you
sent people harassing tells or what have you. Don't abuse this toy or
a wiz will come down on you.)
Sex toys
Moonchild's love potion no longer exists, having apparently been
deleted with the rest of his files when he retired, so don't try to
buy it. You won't lose your money, but you won't get anything, either.
The Ramses condom is, well, a condom. You can test it for holes, you
can wear it, and you can take it off. It will test for gender, so
while men can slide it on and be ready for action, women and neuters
can't (which makes sense, yes, but not all objects that should test
for gender do). Further, Sims take note, this does count as armor. My
only disappointment was that I didn't get any new verbs with this
Gurk's adult magazine is a waterproof and stainproof series of
ASCII-art pictures of women, mostly naked. Speaking of nostalgia, this
is geek nostalgia, but I suppose if you have a REALLY big screen and
get about ten feet away from it, you might get some titillation from
Obnoxious toys
Brom's Harry nail is described as a "A big, sturdy iron nail," and you
use this item to keep Harry from following you around the mud. The
syntax is 'nail harry,' and when you do so you get this gratifying
message: "You nail Harry! You bring out the nail and sticks it through
Harrys left foot! Then you stomp on it to get it thoroughly stuck in
the ground! Harry looks surprised! Then, he punches you in the eye!"
(Harry packs a meaner punch than I expected, by the way.) Harry then
will be stuck to the ground--or at least will stop following you
Brom's voodoo doll is a cloth doll you can name whatever you like,
including with a player's name. You can poke it with a needle, pinch
it, and torture it, causing it to scream, sob, and bleed. This toy
will have no effect on any player, no matter what you name it or
whether you're in the same room with its namesake. Nonetheless, I
suppose it could be disturbing to someone were you to torture a voodoo
doll with a player's name while he, she, or it were in the room, so be
The pacifier is a rather gross toy--it's made of congealed human
blood, and if you 'plug <player>' it keeps him/her/it from talking,
either through 'say' or through 'tell.' Note that he, she, or it can
spit out the pacifier at will, however (and indeed the pacifier
keeps reminding you of this option), at which point it disappears
into a spray of blood. The pacifier doesn't seem to keep you from
talking on club lines, however.
The describer is probably the coolest thing in the shop. The describer
allows you to give a description of yourself that people will see when
they examine you, so if knights' cloaks, Collars of Khorne, and funky
hairstyles just don't express the real you, buy one of these. Further,
it's autoloading, which means that after you buy it, you'll have it,
and thus your description, every time you log in. And even though it's
an autoloader, you can buy one of these and give it to a poorer
friend, which makes it a great gift for that newbie friend of yours
who's feeling unremarkable. (One hint: don't put a period at the very
end of your description, as the shell does it for you, and if you put
one in too, you'll get a semi-ellipsis at the end of your
Bive's silly badge and Dwinbar's tracker, on the other hand, are
auto-loaders which can't be given to others, so don't buy these in the
*Press return for more or q to end. >
hopes of giving them as presents to others. The silly badge gives you
a new list of commands, among them the ability to mimic certain
expressions by Arsenio Hall, Fred Flintstone, Beavis and Butthead, the
Village People, the Beatles, and Urkel, as well as a few other little
toys (special, silly forms of tickles and hugs, etc.)
Dwinbar's tracker is a lot more practical. The tracker is a device
that keeps you from accidentally multiplaying (like if one of your
characters goes linkdead and you log in from another site with another
character). You buy a tracker for each character, define which
character is the main character and which are seconds, and then when
the main character logs on, the seconds get booted automatically. This
cannot be used as a joke against your friends or a weapon against your
enemies, since for this to work, every character you want to be
affected by it has to add your main character to the 'track' list.
Naurp's Pez dispenser is, well, a magical Pez dispenser. It's magical
because you can change its shape from one cartoon character to
another, as well as the flavour of Pez inside. You can not only eat
the Pez itself but shoot Pez into the mouth of bystanders (which is
defined as "sharing" by Naurp, though it seemed sort of aggressive to
me), and can even brandish it proudly. The Pez dispenser can look like
Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Pluto, Darth Vader, Dino, Popeye,
Voltron, or Sylvester the Cat. You can get Pez in lemon, orange,
strawberry, or grape flavours, all of which treat you to the message
"You pop a tangy piece of Pez into your mouth, and your face nearly
explodes in a torrent of flavour! Now THIS is living." (Pez has never
been so sexy to me before.) The Pez has no food value, but you do get
twelve pieces per dispenser.
Fabulena's Super Duper Platform Shoes don't do anything, so far as I
can tell, though you can wear them, of course. But, hey, the 1970s are
very hip right now, so you'll be stylish. (I didn't try to fight in
them, no.)
Fabulena's Charlie's Angels lunchbox is a lot more practical, besides
being a great piece of 70s kitsch, too. You can cram a surprising
amount of stuff into one of these things--swords, pikes, chainmails,
all sorts of things. (For some reason, you still can't put food into
it.) Though it's heavy, it's a great container.
Slater's Deep Thought gives you a new command, 'dthink,' that allows
you to exclaim bright ideas a la Jack Handey. It costs SP to use
this--apparently between 5 and 20 each use, usually about 15 SP in the
times I used it--but it'll no doubt make you the hit of every party.
Brom's magic dice allows you to throw any number of many-sided dice
you like, and so is a cool little random-number generator. The syntax
is 'throw XdY,' where X is the number of dice and Y is the number of
sides each will have--so if you 'throw 9d6,' you'll throw nine
six-sided dice. The dice tell you not only how each die comes up, but
also the total of their sides and the average number of the throw. You
can throw up to 12 dice of up to 1000 sides.
Cieran's blankie is a cotton thermal blankie which you can play with:
you can change its color, for one thing, and you can also engage in a
whole set of new actions, some of which can involve others (you can
cuddle up either alone or with others under it, for example, or wave
with it). You also get a few other verbs, the most interesting one of
which is probably 'thinks' ("Podarok thinks . o O ( Boo. )," or
whatever). You also get a few adverbs, including 'hi' and 'bye'
("Podarok waves bye").
Cat's Toys is, in other words, perhaps the only place you'll need
to stop this holiday season. Indeed, this is a place more mudders
should visit year-round, though a lot of younger mudders don't
even know it exists. The describer and the various toys that let
you send messages are great uses of your spare GC, and indeed I
can't think of a single mudder who wouldn't like to find, at the
very least, a rose in his/her/its stocking. If you've got the GC,
though, give him/her/it a describer and make the mud a more
beautiful place.
// Podarok Donum
Full Member
Posts: 205
Re: The NannyMUD Times issue December 1997 .
Reply #6 on:
September 06, 2006, 06:49:54 PM »
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 12 --
What would happen if a random wizard recoded Profezzorn's area?
Xantrax would recode it all except for one room, then go missing for four
Panic would quickly recode it and open it. The inquisitive mortals would
be met by a sign:
To enter this very special area you need an item that can be found
somewhere in the Dreamworld!
To get this item you would have to kill Argonaut and give the corpse
to Zeus, and hopefully Zeus would give you the item. A small random
function would make him keep the item sometimes. After the first mortal
had managed to get the item Argonaut would get 100000 more hit points,
and heal himself even when Panic is not logged on. The lucky mortal who
managed to enter Profezzorn's area would have to avoid the auto-attacking
demon rabbits with WC 180 that stalk the area. If someone would actually
complete a quest it would be changed, and the player who did it would
probably get wiped.
Dannoc would recode it and open it. All monsters in the area would be
worthy rank 21+ kills.
Banshee would recode it in a week and open the area. No players would
solve any of the quests. This would, of course, not depend on any bugs or
any illogical and undetectable random changes with clues available only
to those who read the code.
Brom would recode it and open the area. The dark tunnel would be 128
rooms long. In some of the rooms the robbers would only take your money.
Beldin would recode it, not be satisfied, not open it, recode it again,
not be satisfied, not open it, recode it again, ad infinitum.
Beryllium would change the descriptions and quests so that a normal
player could understand them too. No quests would have randoms, the
monolith would be removed and replaced with one room with Death in it,
the description of every item would say exactly what to do with it. All
words longer than 8 letters would be removed.
Dwinbar would open the area with a few small changes. The monolith would
have a distinctly phallic shape, and one of the quests would be renamed
"Help Nellie Find Her Pussy".
Mordor would gladly undertake the task to recode the area. After many
months of pestering wizards who know how to code, while his mortals are
client-running round the mud gaining ranks, Mordor would actually open
the area. The area would sport 23 infinite money bugs, all cleverly
disguised to seem to be small mistakes of an unsure coder.
Andromeda would try to recode it, but quickly realize that spamming boards
is more fun.
Silencer would almost recode it. Just before she would have the time to
fix the bugs her access would be removed.
Snafu would continue spamming.
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 13 --
A group of people claimed to have stolen Santa's list of gifts to people
in the mud. The following is what was submitted.
Krzhugngr gets a quest testplayer that does not need two years to complete
a quest.
Wrath gets two month's vacation, so he can play 18 hours a day again and
get those ranks back.
Kipdog gets a ghost-writer to write notes for him, a look in the mirror
and a clue.
Cathbad gets a willing, competent, and cheerful coder to take the mantle
of guildmaster of the druids.
Phade gets a chance to survive.
Dannoc gets something else to do at home besides connect to the internet,
so he can spend at least one minute a day without being logged on.
Grim gets a castle to raid.
Vincent gets a week's visit on a farm, to become inspired to code more
wonderful quests such as "Spread Dung on the Fields", "Cure the Sick Horse"
and "Help a Cow in Labour".
Sindel gets an area that players actually visit.
Yossarian gets a painting of Nathan Bedford Forrest to hang over his bed.
Anduril gets a bottle of shampoo.
Dwinsex gets fifteen personal psychiatrists.
Bishop gets a few more mortals to zap.
Pain gets a painkiller.
Lysander gets some sanity.
Bodycount gets a guild he can stay in for more than a month.
Jill gets a better eq hiding place for her seconds.
Mats gets a new willing female level 1 every day.
Barbarella gets a Ken doll.
Brom gets 20 new Romanians to demote.
.ro gets a permanent site ban.
Seego gets another bottle of gin.
Hoppetossa gets bless back.
Czygorwan gets a quick course in verb forms in third person singular.
Marbleleaf gets the chance to write a poem that actually follows the meter.
Leclerk gets a driver's license that doesn't get revoked every other month.
Orgalforxa gets the knowledge that you can actually carry coins on you,
so you don't have to run to the bank every time you are in deplorable
shape and need to heal because you are hunted by three playerkillers.
Neill gets the smile feeling.
Snafu gets an extra hand, so he can high-five two million times in 1998 too.
Lourdes gets a whip.
Spanky gets 1000 more helpless newbies without guardian angels to kill.
Lys gets a pet tarantula.
Silencer gets a special line where all level and rank advancements in the
mud are announced, together with congratulations from all the guild lines.
Cymraeg gets a signed fan photo of Margaret Thatcher.
Oak gets two books, "Sex for Dummies" and "Parenting for Dummies".
Iver gets a teddybear to snuggle, so the rest of the world can be happy.
Lectral gets an unused sheep.
Nos gets the chance to produce a sentence that is correct in at least one
of the world's languages. (Santa was not able to make him write a correct
English sentence.)
Golgol gets a quest that even he can solve himself: "Go One South from the
Axhind gets a couple of netlagging pkers, so he can actually kill someone.
Jeckyll gets a TM in claim (ooops, too late).
Bhaal gets a course in not trusting everyone else, especially not other
Sundaar gets a sexual experience with a giant cricket.
Thirsty gets a fan poster of A sturdy guard.
Prosecuter and Giest get a new secret chat room.
Banshee gets a testchar so she can see if the quests she recodes are
actually solvable.
Taren gets a few more highwizards from Linkoping, so Nothel and Thargor
don't have to do all the cooking and cleaning and other small personal
Nothel and Thargor get some mortals to discipline and try their harassing
skills on.
Leowon gets valium, so he can sleep at night.
Lonewolf gets an audience that actually cares that his seconds can
extinguish torches.
Belegur gets a lifetime membership in Hooters neighbourhood grille.
Mishra and Charisma get a romantic weekend together on a deserted island.
Panic gets the gift to understand words other people say.
Andromeda gets a classroom of firstgraders to educate in correct grammar.
Beryllium gets a shorter rep-file.
Kerish gets a thirteen-year-old girl that thinks he is so cool.
Fluid gets a secondchar that can stay in one guild for more than a month.
Cost gets some quest points that are honestly earned.
Horn gets more people who want to call the ship in Czygorwan's realm.
Forgrim gets someone to help with killing.
Shanta gets a smiley.
Ulrik gets a free visit at an STD clinic.
Nannymud Times gets a few decent reporters, so we don't have to read crap
like this all the time.
Full Member
Posts: 205
Re: The NannyMUD Times issue December 1997 .
Reply #7 on:
September 06, 2006, 06:50:25 PM »
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 14 --
Eight-Pound Man Removed From Woman's Vagina
Albuquerque, NM - In a bizarre case that has baffled medical
professionals across the country, surgeons at Albuquerque's
Veteran's Memorial Hospital removed a living eight-pound man
from the confines of an area woman's vagina Monday.
The unusually small man, who has refused to identify himself
or give a reason for his presence in the vagina, was extremely
disoriented throughout the incident, and, according to eyewit-
nesses, was "nude and covered in blood and gore." Though the
man strenuously resisted rescue attempts, screaming and kicking
wildly at medical personnel, he has not yet been charged with
any crime.
The woman, Ruth Hessman, a 33year-old systems analyst from
nearby Plovis, was admitted to Veteran's Memorial Hospital late
Sunday night complaining of strange, repeated abdominal pains
and contractions occurring at regular intervals. When the
painful episodes were five minutes apart, her husband drove her
to the hospital.
We get all kinds of strange things here in the emergency unit,
said Dr. Carlos Mendoza, a surgeon at Veteran's General, "but
this was something new. At first glance, Mrs. Hessman appeared
to be obese, but upon closer examination, it became apparent
that she was actually suffering from severe abdominal
distension. After she described her painful symptoms, we
conducted an examination of her vagina. Imagine our shock and
surprise when we discovered that there, looking back at us, was
a tiny human head."
After overcoming their initial shock, doctors discovered that
the grotesque miniature head belonged to a small man. The
attending physicians performed emergency surgery to forcibly
remove him, and notified the local police.
"At this time, we have no idea how this man came to be situated
within the woman's vagina, or what motivation he might have had
for being there," said Albuquerque police chief Burke Manning.
"His dazed state, public defecating and lack of clothing suggest
that he is mentally ill homeless man who was seeking shelter.
Yet it's hard to believe that someone so feeble and mentally
disturbed would be capable of such an intrusion. We have not
ruled out the possibility that he had help."
Manning is advising Albuquerque residents to stay calm. "This
is likely an isolated event," he said. "But we are nevertheless
considering conducting a search of all area vaginas to see if
any more small, naked men are on the prowl."
The eight-pound man has thus far refused to cooperate with
police, responding to all questions with strange gurgling
noices. He is also prone to sudden, violent mood swings, resting
peacefully one moment and wailing uncontrollably the next.
Adding to the difficulty of establishing the man's identity is
his almost complete lack of fingerprints and teeth, making a
match with federal records impossible.
"This man seems to have undergone some sort of massive trauma
within the last 24 hours which has, in effect, wiped his memory
clean and turned his mind into a blank slate," Mendoza said.
"To be honest, this case couldn't be any weirder if a stork had
dropped him out of the sky."
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 15 --
Cooking with Thaadd the Chef
This months recipe will be Spicy Dredged Orc Steaks, a la Thaadd.
Optionally, you can prepare this with Sheep or Human steaks, but we
at the Nanny test kitchens find both to be rather on the greasy side,
so please stick with the original ingredients, if at all possible. For
this recipe you will need:
1 egg
1 measure parmesan cheese (optionally use bread crumbs)
1 measure salt
1 measure red pepper (other type may be substituted)
1 measure sage
1 measure red chili peppers
1 serving rice
1 serving red beans
1 orc steak
1 serving olives
1 serving feta cheese (optional)
olive oil or butter for frying.
For those readers who are not familiar with the culinary technique of
dredging, it is a process in which you dip the cut of meat in a beaten
eggs, and then coat it in a mixture of salt, pepper, spices, and either
breadcrumbs or parmesan cheese.
In a bowl lightly beat egg, and dip steak in mixture. In separate bowl,
mix parmesan cheese, red pepper, salt, and sage together. Heat olive oil
or butter in pan, add rice, red beans, olives (black or green), and
finally, the orc steak. Cook until steak is dark outside, a light green
colour in the centre. Garnish with feta cheese, and serve right away.
Makes 1 serving.
For more information, please contact a Chef.
(Freshly prepared food is the best!)
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 16 --
Ask Elly
The premiere advice column for the love-lorn and the love-torn. For good,
unequaled advice from an expert on making up and breaking up, fixing what
needs to be fixed, and breaking apart what should be broken, Ask Elly!
Dear Elly,
I had an accident the other day, and I think it's changed me. As
I ran into the bank, I skid on a gold coin that someone had dropped, and
I slammed into the wall! Ever since the accident I've been behaving so
unlike myself.
Just yesterday, as I was killing a priest, I felt sudden remorse.
This confuses me. You see, there's nothing like the feel of blood
splashing against my cheeks as I slice some helpless innocent in two.
Every morning, I would find some new weakling to kill; there was this
little girl named Jennifer that I decapitated. Then I bathed in her
blood. For some reason, however, I just don't have the heart for my
old ways anymore. And then, today I got this urge to watch the sun
rise. And when it did...I thought it was beautiful! Then, as I was
just about to steal someone's kill, the strangest thing happened: I
*Press return for more or q to end. >read page 16
felt so bad that I left some coins there instead. What should I do?
--Dark in the dark
Dear Dark,
I believe you may have suddenly developed -gasp- a CONSCIENCE!
You may have 'hit' on the answer; when you ran into the wall, you probably
bumped your noggin hard enough to dampen those killing impulses you used
to have. As I see it, you have three choices:
1. Run into the wall again. The same wall. Try to get the same
velocity going. Perhaps by re-enacting the incident, you'll reverse
the effects. Try placing a gold coin on the floor, and skid on it.
If it doesn't work, you might want to experiment; run into a different
wall, or put two or three coins on the floor. Be creative.
2. For a less painful option (for you, that is), ignore your
read page 16
conscience and kill weak, helpless infants and women anyhow. After
a while you'll get used to it. Then, you might even start to like
it. Or try to associate the act of killing with something you like,
like oh say, your favorite food or a good song.
And finally, 3. Give up your old life completely. This seems to be
the best option, in my humble opinion. That bump on the head has
changed you into a person who cares about life and enjoys the sunshine.
Perhaps you should leave your cult for the life of a monk? That way,
you could do good, yet you'd still get to see your fair share of
bloodshed. There are many other less violent lifestyles you could
*Trapped in a cult? Try 1-800-LEAVE-IT. That's 1-800-532-8348.
Operators are on stand-by 24 hours a day to give free counseling and
Dear Elly,
I don't need your help. I'm quite capable of dealing with whatever
problems I have. And even if I -did- have problems, I doubt you'd be able
to solve them. You think you know everything, don't you? Well, I happen
to think you're full of [censored] and you can take your advice and
[censored]. What do you think about that?
--Master of Disaster
*Press return for more or q to end. >
Dear *laugh* Master,
Plagued by feelings of inadequacy?
Is your ego the size of a blimp?
Feeling disheartened because the size of your [censored] can be
likened to that of a tootsie roll?
There's a hotline for you as well. Try:
Select option 4: I am a retard.
When asked "Who sent you?", select option 1: Elysia sent me.
Then listen carefully. You should hear a -click- followed by a loud,
monotonous tone. That will be the operator hanging up on you.
Dear Elly,
I just realized something that disturbs me deeply, Elly. After
killing and questing for thirty-six hours straight, I realized that I'm
an addict. I sleep, eat and drink Nanny. I've lost my part-time job, I'm
*Press return for more or q to end. >
on academic probation...and my girlfriend dumped me. My pet fish have all
died because I forgot to feed them, and my cat leaped from my third-story
window. Needless to say, Buttons didn't land on his feet. I need help!
I don't have any rl friends. Can you do something, Elly?
--Addicted to MUD
Dear Addict,
My suggestions? First, flush the fish and scrape the cat off of
the pavement. Next, try to find a job where you have telnet access.
As for school, try taking courses such as 'Fundamentals of HTML'. This
way, you'll have a daily dose of Internet, in some form or another, to
tide you over until you can get home and do some serious MUDding.
And as for 'real' friends...who needs 'em when you've got so many
'online' friends?
Disclaimer: At this moment, I'd like to state that although I am the
premiere source of information concerning affairs of the heart, I am in
no way prepared to deal with MUD addictions. If that were the case, I
would not be here. Thank you.
If you're in need of advice, and you don't know where to turn, MUDmail
Elysia. The content of your letter will be printed for public
observation, unless otherwise specified.
Full Member
Posts: 205
Re: The NannyMUD Times issue December 1997 .
Reply #8 on:
September 06, 2006, 06:50:48 PM »
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 17 --
Knight Songs for the Holiday Season
Here are a few of your favorite carols to be shared with friends and
loved ones around a warm fire this Christmas.
(Sung to the tune of 'Jingle Bells')
Dashing o'er the plains
in a one-knight killing spree
Dragons blowing flames
and zombies after me
Vikings storm the coast
at alarming rates
If we don't hurry, we're all toast
'Cause Mordred's at the gates, oh
Hacking here, slashing there
fighting every day
hope my valour rises
with each demon that I slay
Xhruel here, Mordred there
fighting all the way
what fun it is to parry and thrust
and keep the ghouls at bay!
Someone Gave the Daemon Coins Again
(Sung to the tune of 'Winter Wonderland')
The daemon's missin'
Didn't need
Guild Head permission
he's down at the pub
with drink and with grub
Someone gave the daemon coins again.
At the bar
he's a-boozin'
if we're attacked
then we're a-losin'
Can't store or withdraw
'til he's spent it all
Someone gave the daemon coins again.
I've been waiting over twenty minutes
To store all of my gear and hit the road
But the daemon is nowhere near finished
Looks as though he's hit the motherlode
Where's a Guild
Head when you need 'em?
beer, beer, beer...
ad infinitum
He'll never be done
He's had too much fun
Someone gave the daemon coins again!
'Twas the night before X-mas
(Nanny Style)
'Twas the night before X-mas and all through the MUD,
not a mortal was stirring; not wizard, nor God,
The packs were all lying around on the green,
With jolly St. Dwinbar nowhere to be seen.
The knights were all drunk or asleep in their beds,
while visions of Damsels danced in their, er, heads,
And I'm the shareroom, just storing my gear,
and thinking that it's been one hell of a year...
When out from the plains came a noise that did scare me,
I instinctively reached for my Sword of Infinity,
Out through the gates I flew like a dart,
tripped over my cloak as I fell with a start;
Since I'd bumped my head when I fell in the snow,
My vision was blurry, I saw a strange glow,
What do I see then, as on the ground I lay?
But eight tiny penguins, pulling a sleigh!
With a blonde, blue-eyed driver, no beard on his chin,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Dwin,
More rapid than moor-storks, his penguins they came,
and he 'woo-ha'ed and wobbled and called them by name;
"Now, Flipper! Now, Moosey! Now, Oprah and Banshee!
On, Percy! On, Thumper, Pussgurka and Lucy!
Up to the battlements, up to the wall
now flap away! Flap away! Flap away all!"
As evil PKers -Defenders in sight-
shiver and cower, turn tail and take flight,
So up to the towers, the penguins they flapped,
With Dwin in the sleigh, and a sack on his lap.
And then, I heard voices, so loud and so clear
as Gwalchmai exclaimed "Get those birds out of here!"
As I climbed to my feet, and was going back in,
I heard a slight flap, down the stairs came St. Dwin.
He was dressed all in rubber, with moosehair for trim,
and his hat was red leather, a snap on the brim,
one hand at his waist, and his other wrist limp,
He looked like a condom-slash-moose-slash-gay pimp
He was lean and well-formed, I could see through the suit
And I thought to myself "Hey, this guy's kinda cute."
A wink of his eye, a conspicuous swell,
Made me reach for my sword, I was nervous as hell;
He said not one word, but instead dropped the sack,
and I flinched as I heard something inside it crack,
With a shrug and a grin, he vanished from sight,
but I heard a loud 'MooOOOooo' that shattered the night;
I ran out again; he was back in the sleigh,
And he and his penguins were flying away,
But I heard him exclaim, ere they flapped out of sight,
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good Knight."
-thanks to Marbleleaf and Kaspel for helping with this one-
We Wish you Happy MUDding
We Wish you Happy MUDding
We Wish you Happy MUDding
in the upcoming year
Good questing to you,
We hope that you wiz,
We wish you Happy MUDding
in the upcoming year!
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 18 --
Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, nog the solstice, and snug Kwanzaa, it's
holiday time. Any day now, the mud will be festively decorated with
mistletoe, wreaths, tiny blinking lights, and little electronic Santas
that wave an arm and say "Ho-ho-ho" in a mechanical voice. It's enough
to get you into that holiday spirit.
The contributors to this issue include Oriole, Dwinbar, Dannoc, Mordor,
Leclerk, Snafu, Elysia, Readis, Narya, and Brujah. Their help is appreciated.
We hope you enjoyed the issue.
//Lonewolf and the staff at the NannyMUD Times
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