---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 1 ---
The NEW NannyMUD Times, Fifth issue. 961208
|Page 2: Editorial.
|Page 3: *not finished in time, the interview will be here in some days*
|Page 4: Confession of a bug abuser.|
|Page 5: Your monthly horoscope.
|Page 6: The playerkill of the month.
|Page 7: Santa Claus exclusively reveals his christmas gifts.
|Page 8: A word from a mortals point of view.|
|Page 9: Myms major screwup - Information and log of wizline discussion.|
|Page 10: *not finished in time, this interview will be here tomorrow*
|Page 11: Advertisment: JOIN THE CLUB - FRIENDS OF HARRY!
|Page 12: Read what american wizards talk about on the wizline.
|Page 13: Ask Madame D.
|Page 14: Aunt O's gossip column. |
The NannyMUD Times page 2 ---
Phew, this last month have been for me a really stressy one.
Lots of things to do at work, and lots of things to fix for the xmas
holiday and then upon all this i celebrated my 24th birthday last weekend.
But here it is, after a weeks delay its finally out for you to read. I cant
tell you how sorry i am i could not pull it thru last weekend, but i simply
had no time to make it. This paper takes estimately 25 hours to complete.
Some parts takes more time, some parts is done quicker.
I think this number might still make you satisfied, we got a exclusively
report from Santa Claus about what gifts he will give us. We got a small
interview with Brom about tea. We got a new feature we thought we turn into
a monthly feature. Its called 'The playerkill of the month', where we
simply present who we think has done the most skilled playerkill during
this last month. We give you all the information about the screwup of the
month, when Mym destroyed half the game, plus a lot more interesting
*Press return for more or q to end. >
Oh, i usually present the numbers of sold issues for the last issue. This
time it will not be really accurate, since the period the last issue was
sold where larger than one month. But the number of sold issue of the
November issue where: 350.
I will sum this up by saying: I hope you have a wonderful christmas and a
wonderful new year!
I know i will. Cool
/Le'Clerk - Main editor.
lick.me@plea.se (yes, this IS my email adress)
Jonas Sjoberg
Pl 1412
694 00 Hallsberg
The NannyMUD Times page 4 ---
Confessions from a bug abuser - A column written by Emperor Hans the dark
First of all, I would like to say that I don't advocate bug abusing. Also,
I'm not claiming to have found, or even used, all of the bugs I'm going to
talk about, I'm merely telling a good story. But all these bugs actually
existed in Nanny, a long long time ago. They have been fixed, of course,
and those caught exploiting them have been dealth with properly. And I am
by no means blaming the responsible wizards, since where there is code,
there are bugs.
o Killing with unwielded weapon
This was a fun bug, but strangely enough never abused to my knowledge. Someone
figured out that you didn't need to wield a weapon to use it. Some weapons are
not easy to wield, as they might require you to be good/evil, a certain level,
not using armor etc etc. But, if you didn't have to wield the weapon to use
*Press return for more or q to end. >
it, these restrictions wouldn't apply. All you had to do was "kill dragon with
o Monsters killing monsters
This is always something a wizard has to think about when creating monsters.
Players will sooner or later figure out how to make monsters fight each other,
to step in just before they're dead and steal the kill. One particular case
was a rosary that produced ghosts if you carried it. The ghost would attack
the person carrying the rosary, and if killed, another stronger ghost would
come back later. To stop the ghosts from coming to kill you, you would have
to give the rosary to the ghost. However... one player thought of the idea to
give the rosary to a monster. Since the monster would never give the rosary
to the ghost, stronger and stronger ghosts would appear, and eventually kill
the monster. So... imagine "give rosary to merlins dragon". Then, come back
an hour later and find the pet very much weakened. This, of course, worked on
almost every monster in the MUD.
o The Damned attendants
This is not really a bug in its true meaning, merely an oversight that
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resulted in absurdity when used with several other objects. The guild of the
Damned had the ability to raise attendants to help them fight. The only thing
they needed for this was a corpse. If the Damned was level 19, the attendant
would also be level 19, but it was very weak, and the experience given when
the attendant was killed, was very low. So, basically there was a level 19
monster that was very easy to kill, but didn't really give much experience.
This seemed to be reasonable, since noone could benefit from it. Then came the
Khorne guild. Khornes must kill a certain amount of monsters to become higher
ranked. The kills must also be considered worthy. If a monster is worthy or
not, depends on their level, no matter how easy they are to kill. So, a Khorne
would get a Damned friend, kill 10 rats to get corpses, create level 19
attendants which the Khorne would kill in a few rounds, and raise rank very
quickly. Although this wasn't really a bug, it's clearly bug abusing. But hey,
you gotta admit it was pretty clever. Smile
o Rewarding yourself
I'm sure most people have killed Jennifer, and then got nice little wanted
posters of themselves put up over the entire MUD. The sheriff in Padrones pay
quite a lot for the corpse of the killer. Well, once upon a time, there was a
way of faking your own death, and thus getting a corpse of yourself. So...
kill Jenny, get a corpse on yourself, and go to the Sheriff and explain that
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the evil perpetrator had been dealth with accordingly. He would gladly give
you a huge reward, and you'd only need to repeat the procedure in order to be
your own fund raiser.
----------[ Special thanks to Oriole and Gurk for ideas ]---------
The NannyMUD Times page 5 ---
Your monthly horoscope, brought to you by Catwoman.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)
Happy Birthday! This is your month. Everything should be
going perfectly. Party, party, party are your 3 words for
this month! Money, work and love are no problem at all.
Watch for a new love this month, someone who won't be able
to resist your charm.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20)
You'll be feeling very powerful this month, in all areas of
life. You're on top and no one is going to get past you.
Watch for opportunities, they'll be springing out of nowhere
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at you. Of course, don't forget that this is *the* month to
party. Stand out and be noticed!
Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19)
Get in touch with old friends and relatives that you haven't
talked to in awhile. You may be surprised by what you learn.
Expect to find charities high on your list this month. Your
love life is going well, expect things to go your way. Finally,
you're being put on the spot to represent your job. Make a
good impression!
Pisces (Feb. 20 to Mar. 19)
You're taking charge this month. People will be listening to
*you*, so make wise decisions. Be prepared to be flexible,
changes do occur and this is a good month for them. Marriage
isn't in your future, for this month at least, but a
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commitment is...
Aries (Mar. 20 to Apr. 19)
This month isn't going to be easy, but then again, who said
being an Aries was for the fainthearted? Experiment, go out
and do stuff you normally wouldn't do. Be adventurous.
Meeting new people should be easy now, but say goodbye to a
serious relationship. You're going to be traveling though,
so have fun!
Taurus (Apr. 20 to May 20)
This month you'll be getting chummy with your family. But that
doesn't mean you won't have your adventures. Expect to hear
from an old flame and taking off for somewhere fun for the New
Year. Be prepared for major projects at work, and approval
from your bosses.
Gemini (May 21 to June 20)
As the zodiac's merry prankster, you're the life of the party.
So with all the fun, what's making you a control freak?
Remember, you don't always need to know *everything*. Set
boundries for demanding friends, and look out for a promotion
at work.
Cancer (June 21 to July 22)
You're feeling controlled by life right now, but don't let it
control your moods. Expect to get whomever you want in your
love life. Attached--watch out for commitment. The holidays
could be bringing a big announcement with them. You're feeling
brilliant at work; you're gonna start being taken seriously.
Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22)
You're feeling very creative this month. Expect to be having
a lot of fun. You've finally found a shrew scheme to improve
cash flow, so watch it start to pour in. Figure out the best
way to manage through any windfalls, though that shouldn't be
tough for superorganized Leo. A health matter demands
attention at month's end; go see a doctor.
Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)
Love, money, success: None of them can be yours until you
realize--deep down--you deserve them. Your confidence rises
this month. Start looking for a companion. Be creative and
fun in your career, and don't worry. Serious Virgo will never
be taken for a goofball.
Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)
Make *your* happiness the priority this month. Attached? Quit
picking on your mate, remember why you fell for him/her. If
single, start looking for a creative type who will offer
solid support. Upgrade your life this month, and
be ready to travel.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
Serious efforts win the big applause. Capitalize on all that
approval. You'll feel a glow this month,
added to the holiday bustle as Venus sashays through your
sign. Money matters get spotlighted by the New Moon. Watch
as your love life starts to delight you with the romance.