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Listening can be harmful
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Topic: Listening can be harmful (Read 6181 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 457
Listening can be harmful
December 14, 2004, 09:47:18 AM »
Anyone know of any warnings before you 'listen' near a well known ant hill?
(Advice: don't try this at home, at least not with a paragon level 10, or any char above Nanny-level 1 for that matter...)
Full Member
Posts: 221
Listening can be harmful
Reply #1 on:
December 14, 2004, 12:06:37 PM »
I remember back when I was a wee lad of about level 8 or so and only relatively close to that ant hill... although I was actually in a different series of rooms nearby (same area).
It seems there was an interesting sound, so for kicks I typed "listen" and the strangest things happened...
Kind of glad I was a druid at the time, it was helpful for getting out, which was still a very close call.
Since that time, the only warnings I have encountered regarding listening in that area is a few players who will say "DON'T DO IT!!!!" I wonder how many people it takes by suprise. I have tried to retrace my escape route to find a safe way in, perhaps I will simply have to get loaded with the proper preparations before heading that way and try it again (although I do seem to recall dropping everything I had as well as the hp/sp effects...).
Perhaps someone should post warning signs?
Try it:
Jr. Member
Posts: 65
Listening can be harmful
Reply #2 on:
December 15, 2004, 04:17:47 AM »
Haven't seen a warning about it. Didn't find anything interesting down there neither. But you didn't die, did you?
Unless you agro the rats there I think it's a safe fall?
Kymn Wandael Pen Palla Lome (Lairith)
Sr. Member
Posts: 457
Listening can be harmful
Reply #3 on:
December 15, 2004, 04:22:05 AM »
Quote from: Kymn
Haven't seen a warning about it. Didn't find anything interesting down there neither. But you didn't die, did you?
Unless you agro the rats there I think it's a safe fall?
I most definitely died, at least one of the rats seem aggressive. Was with a newly created char though, perhaps it has something to do with that?
Jr. Member
Posts: 65
Listening can be harmful
Reply #4 on:
December 15, 2004, 04:25:48 AM »
No I think you're right, the rats are agressive, even to higher levels, but if you move fast through the tunnels I think you can get out without agroing the rats.
Kymn Wandael Pen Palla Lome (Lairith)
Posts: 46
Listening can be harmful
Reply #5 on:
December 20, 2004, 01:53:20 AM »
This is assuming that you know what happened to you, where you are, and how to get out. For most, there's some confusion involved, and one is bound to stir up some trouble with the rats, considering all that mad dashing around to find the exit.
The fact that druids have a spell to "listen carefully" makes matters worse, especially since a druid out to test his/her/its spells will end up with an unpleasant surpise. I know this happened to at least one individual.
Jr. Member
Posts: 65
Listening can be harmful
Reply #6 on:
December 20, 2004, 04:03:27 AM »
aye it's a dangerous place, no question about that, it's good that we make people aware of this hazard
Kymn Wandael Pen Palla Lome (Lairith)
Full Member
Posts: 108
Listening can be harmful
Reply #7 on:
December 31, 2004, 06:11:18 AM »
Thats a surprise, you sticking up for Banshee's bad code (or for the admin in general).
Jr. Member
Posts: 65
Listening can be harmful
Reply #8 on:
January 03, 2005, 03:28:26 AM »
There can be much to say about admins coding, but this thing is not very eyebrow raising in my opinion. Though not extremely intuitive and intriguing it's one of the death traps that makes exploring dangerous, and in my opinion more interesting. If you want to make me look like an admin asslicker for that opinion be my guest, Maggs. I thought this was the forum for Tips and Tricks, not the I Hate Admins forum
The tip being DON'T DO IT, and the trick being, if you still do it, bring loads of healing there to get up HP after the fall to explore the sewers.
Kymn Wandael Pen Palla Lome (Lairith)
Sr. Member
Posts: 457
Listening can be harmful
Reply #9 on:
January 03, 2005, 03:58:40 AM »
Good response Kymn! Don't turn this into some kind of flame war!
Anyway, I think this 'trap' is CRAP! There may well be dangerous places, but those places SHOULD HAVE SOME KIND OF WARNING ATTACHED!!!!!!!!
Obviously you should never go into a 'dark death-foreboding cave' with your mighty khorne, if you don't want to die, but it's ridiculous you should encounter this kind of stuff when doing a simple 'listen', when the description of the room indicates you can do that (and no warning attached)... What's next? Don't do 'examine ground'! Don't do 'typo "its" should be "it's"'???
Even if you should understand you should NOT do mindless exploring with a player you 'can't afford' to loose, this is way too easy to experience.
Does really ANYONE disagree???
Full Member
Posts: 221
Listening can be harmful
Reply #10 on:
January 03, 2005, 06:10:46 PM »
Carrion pretty much sums up my view as well. The problem here isn't that a careless adventurer might wander aimlessly into a dangerous area, but that anyone might be manipulated, lured, cajoled, tricked, decieved, etc, into such a death trap. The risk is even more if someone really does pay attention and exhibits the same qualities that are required to solve quests or puzzles in the same area.
It's not only inconsistent it smacks of player-baiting!
If a player wanders in Qqqq's area up past the bloody warning sign and has a near-death or death experience, well, they had it coming. The problem with this trap is that there is no clue that it might be dangerous, and even the most powerful character could die on this one if caught unawares.
So, what's the message? Be careful what you type? Perhaps someone should include a bit of danger in their area by having all unrecognized commands greeted with an immediate loss of 150 hp - then it could be a mistake you shouldn't make twice.
Try it:
Sr. Member
Posts: 457
Listening can be harmful
Reply #11 on:
January 04, 2005, 02:19:40 AM »
Quote from: Yavathol
Perhaps someone should include a bit of danger in their area by having all unrecognized commands greeted with an immediate loss of 150 hp - then it could be a mistake you shouldn't make twice.
Heh, that isn't such a bad idea after all... I could make Everlaster chop off, say, 100 HP from people NOT asking him nicely to enter...
Sr. Member
Posts: 289
Listening can be harmful
Reply #12 on:
January 06, 2005, 08:27:02 AM »
Quote from: Carrion
Quote from: Yavathol
Perhaps someone should include a bit of danger in their area by having all unrecognized commands greeted with an immediate loss of 150 hp - then it could be a mistake you shouldn't make twice.
Heh, that isn't such a bad idea after all... I could make Everlaster chop off, say, 100 HP from people NOT asking him nicely to enter...
Actually, why not just knock them down a 100 HP might just kill newbies...hell of an introduction to your newbie area
Now...Mingolad...on the other hand...maybe a random chance to have his secret trick (pull his finger) knock off a few HP from noxious fumes
I killed 100. I killed 1000. I killed 10000. And I was good at it.
Full Member
Posts: 108
Listening can be harmful
Reply #13 on:
January 06, 2005, 11:13:10 AM »
Well put, this forum doesn't need moderating.
The situation arises in a quest area with an abbess that remains
silent and gives no clue as to how you can help her. You need to say
yes, apparrently, which is no clearer than listen. Saying help gives
no response, so its just poor.
Note that no one has been given a 'tip' unless the abbess is mentioned.
Posts: 46
Listening can be harmful
Reply #14 on:
January 10, 2005, 05:07:54 PM »
Quote from: Yavathol
The risk is even more if someone really does pay attention and exhibits the same qualities that are required to solve quests or puzzles in the same area.
It's not only inconsistent it smacks of player-baiting!
Agreed. I may be mistaken, but I believe the room long description has some singing birds. In certain areas, "listen" will give a nice or pleasant message in response, particularly when something in the room appears to have some sound interest (i.e. singing birds). Obviously nothing nice nor pleasant comes out of listening in this room.
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