How about routines for those older players...kills you went to...things you did?
There was a full heal spell in Morgar's area that people used to get all the time. Occasionally, a demon would appear and kick your ass.
Yeppers, that was a favourite of mine too.
Or going after the spellbook in Crisp's area...that was essential for any highlevel player.
The one with the teleport spell? That was one of the first things you got, yes
Others... Zander's guard and Akilles' greek guard are still two important kills for most of my new chars, can't tell for sure if they existed when I started, but at least for 10 years they've meant good loot...
Some equipment was a staff from Blanka's tower, and also a plate, methinks...
I did Badman's area often too, can't remember what the name was of the pretty good weapon you got from the guy in the southwest part of that area (and what was it again, just 'seek' to get some decent sword?).
Beatmaster's area was excellent, two healing potions, both with 1-3 full healings, one from Denton, one just on the floor, and the bagpipes which you could practice to get good at (weapon!) and also the Lute (?) you put the bender in to get a good (WC 21?) weapon... Ah, those were the times...
I'll come back with some more, when I remember (I also think I went to Sausagia a lot, dunno why).