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QP Req quest (created from tail end of Great Players thread)
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Topic: QP Req quest (created from tail end of Great Players thread) (Read 4783 times)
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QP Req quest (created from tail end of Great Players thread)
July 05, 2004, 11:46:24 AM »
How about opening a thread on Questing/QP reqs? I might if I get time to formulate my opinions on the subject and put them into words. Twisted words apparently
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Posts: 457
QP Req quest (created from tail end of Great Players thread)
Reply #1 on:
July 05, 2004, 01:42:34 PM »
Quote from: Maggs
How about opening a thread on Questing/QP reqs? I might if I get time to formulate my opinions on the subject and put them into words. Twisted words apparently
Good subject, I'm looking forward to read it! (But let's face it, at least 90% of the existing quests don't take much except time and possibly careful examination of everything in every room.)
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Posts: 221
QP Req quest (created from tail end of Great Players thread)
Reply #2 on:
July 05, 2004, 05:08:56 PM »
Quote from: Carrion
Quote from: Maggs
How about opening a thread on Questing/QP reqs? I might if I get time to formulate my opinions on the subject and put them into words. Twisted words apparently
Good subject, I'm looking forward to read it! (But let's face it, at least 90% of the existing quests don't take much except time and possibly careful examination of everything in every room.)
So, a good quest means when you have to play like 20-25 hours to reach its end and there should be a random password, like 12 chars long you have to guess and can try only once otherwise you lose all the items and have to restart the whole quest.
I like quests where you don't have to guess things, like exact commands and so on. Some quests seem to rely on specific syntax instead of having at least some synonyms for it. If this means I am not a good quester, then I'm not (not that I ever said I was).
"Forgive me for I don't know what I gain
Alone in this garden of pain
Enchantment has but one truth:
I weep to have what I fear to lose"
-Tuomas Holopainen
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QP Req quest (created from tail end of Great Players thread)
Reply #3 on:
July 05, 2004, 05:55:14 PM »
And the new record for making the most assumptions from one sentence goes to... Qwer.
Seriously though, where do you see all that in what Carrion said? I mean the type of thing you describe is an exagerration of the very same things I hate in a lot of quests, but I still don't see where Carrion came out in support of such things.
Just because he might be nostalgic for some of the older quests (many of which involved actually having to solve puzzles within them, work in parties, have some pre-existing knowledge or the willingness to research a topic) does not seem to imply, at least to me, that he is in favor of cryptic syntax that must be deduced or gotten through recieving *gasp* questhelp from another player.
Personally, I really don't enjoy doing quests due to many syntax problems and bugs. The only ones I do enjoy are the ones that flow logically and have some type of inherent consistency. I guess you could say I am in the other camp from Carrion when it comes to qp reqs, but I still don't see anything wrong with his criticism of many of the current quests.
Try it:
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Posts: 457
QP Req quest (created from tail end of Great Players thread)
Reply #4 on:
July 06, 2004, 03:42:00 AM »
Quote from: Qwer
So, a good quest means when you have to play like 20-25 hours to reach its end and there should be a random password, like 12 chars long you have to guess and can try only once otherwise you lose all the items and have to restart the whole quest.
I like quests where you don't have to guess things, like exact commands and so on. Some quests seem to rely on specific syntax instead of having at least some synonyms for it. If this means I am not a good quester, then I'm not (not that I ever said I was).
In this 'my' thread, I take the chance of being not so damn politically correct and cautious about what I write, trying to be a bit of devil's advocate. But for you I'll clear some stuff up
* I like doing quests
* I want quests to be solvable without having to guess or coming up with the exact correct syntax
* I like having quests on different difficulty level, some 10 point quests are fun, some 200+ too
* I like old quests, I like new quests
* I think it's a shame that the QP requirement has been removed in lots of circumstances
* I think someone that has a lot of QP is a good quester (naturally depending on if he/she/it solved it without getting dragged through it)
* BUT... I still KNOW most people could get a LOT of QP if they just take the time and have the stamina, it's not very difficult...
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Posts: 108
QP Req quest (created from tail end of Great Players thread)
Reply #5 on:
July 06, 2004, 05:35:05 AM »
This is a good discussion but in the wrong thread. Please Snaf, move it to a QP reqs thread - please - pretty please - *hugs*
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Posts: 221
QP Req quest (created from tail end of Great Players thread)
Reply #6 on:
July 06, 2004, 04:34:56 PM »
Quote from: Carrion
Quote from: Maggs
How about opening a thread on Questing/QP reqs? I might if I get time to formulate my opinions on the subject and put them into words. Twisted words apparently
Good subject, I'm looking forward to read it! (But let's face it, at least 90% of the existing quests don't take much except time and possibly careful examination of everything in every room.)
The way I understood, I would translate this into: 90% of the quests are too easy and not worthy to be called 'quests'.
We could say that everything is just a matter of time. But the time needed for a certain task is usually different from one person to another, and if someone accomplishes the goal much faster than anyone else would've, we can call him great. Also a quest can be great if it requires a LOT of time to solve, but obviously without getting bored meanwhile. A few good hours of exploring with many surprises can make a quest great, while some other quest that takes the same amount of time can suck hard because of the lack of imagination/time/patience of the creator.
I am wondering what the other 10% of the quests would need, if not exact syntax (suppose we have plenty of time). I know that a lvl 2 druid probably can't do the Hunt the Dragons quest, or a vampire can't do the 'Help Lorn'; I might be wrong and this is what you ment, dunno.
Anyway just in a few words, I would like qp req to return because I have so many chars just half-finished because the only thing I need is to advance in guilds usually, xp is coming anyway. With the qp requirements I would have just a handful of 'serious' chars, like paragons. Now I have only one, my monk, shrug. (I mean paragon with old reqs).
Also I'd like hard-pk system back. This new one sucks, imho. There is not much to say about it but I think that it is functioning way too differently than the old one, for my liking. It was a way of life, now it's a sport.
"Forgive me for I don't know what I gain
Alone in this garden of pain
Enchantment has but one truth:
I weep to have what I fear to lose"
-Tuomas Holopainen
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Posts: 457
QP Req quest (created from tail end of Great Players thread)
Reply #7 on:
July 06, 2004, 05:01:01 PM »
Quote from: Qwer
The way I understood, I would translate this into: 90% of the quests are too easy and not worthy to be called 'quests'.
This whole forum starts to feel less and less enjoyable, the more I have to explain exactly what I mean (not that I really _have to_, but it's annoying when people interpret .. let's call it 'strangely'). No, Qwer, I meant that at least 90% of the existing quests really are pretty easy, not TOO easy, it's not the difficultness that makes a quest a quest, rather an easy quest gives you less QP than a more difficult one (well, that's the main idea anyway). So, just like getting tons of XP, or myriads of guild points, or endlessly much cash, it doesn't take that much to get a lot of QP. Some quests DO take more than understanding that a ladder might be used to get to high places, for example a quest where you have to solve a puzzle (that you can't find the solution for on Google)...
To get back to THIS thread, I am ALL FOR HAVING QP REQUIREMENTS BACK!!! As for PK, I have never used the new 'soft-PK' system, so I can't really tell (ooops, should get a thread on its own mayhaps...).
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Posts: 221
QP Req quest (created from tail end of Great Players thread)
Reply #8 on:
July 06, 2004, 05:06:51 PM »
Puzzles are also things that you can solve with a little time (usually less than an entire quest), and if you examine everything. I, personally, think of puzzles as little quests. They are pretty much the same but usually too short and simple for a quest.
"Forgive me for I don't know what I gain
Alone in this garden of pain
Enchantment has but one truth:
I weep to have what I fear to lose"
-Tuomas Holopainen
Sr. Member
Posts: 457
QP Req quest (created from tail end of Great Players thread)
Reply #9 on:
July 07, 2004, 01:40:58 AM »
Quote from: Qwer
Puzzles are also things that you can solve with a little time (usually less than an entire quest), and if you examine everything. I, personally, think of puzzles as little quests. They are pretty much the same but usually too short and simple for a quest.
Heh, I almost thought you were serious
Ok, ok, joke's on me, but I can live with it
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Posts: 108
QP Req quest (created from tail end of Great Players thread)
Reply #10 on:
July 07, 2004, 02:05:48 AM »
Thanks for moving this Snafu *hugs*.
As I see it, originally, there were a number of guilds within which guild powers were distributed on a basis of game level. Thus, there was little reason to have many chars, as a level 19 char could skip in and out guilds and receive maximum powers at each step. Quest points were not required until the player chose to wiz at which point that was 'game over'.
QP reqs for levels were introduced to encourage players to quest at an earlier stage of their evolution (rather than at pre-wiz stage). This reflected the fact that Nanny was/is quest rich.
When guild powers were distributed on a guild point basis, however, the whole thing broke down. All of a sudden players were encouraged to have many chars, as guild hopping was expensive. Accumulating quest points for each char in order to advance game levels became a tedious task encouraging both cheating and scripters.
Personally I don't want to see advancement based on QP returned, but I do think that there should be a greater reward for going to the trouble of doing the quests. On this issue I defer to Slaktors assessment:
'Being a quester does not make a player great, but at least it demonstrates that they know a good part of the Mud'.
With regard to Carrion getting upset - people are allowed to disagree with your assertion that all it takes to mud (quest/advance) is 'time'. They are allowed to disagree no matter how many times you repeat it, or how many caps you use. Its just a discussion, after all
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Posts: 457
QP Req quest (created from tail end of Great Players thread)
Reply #11 on:
July 07, 2004, 02:21:55 AM »
Quote from: Maggs
Except for the last part, good post! (It _is_ just about time, and some endurance.)
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Posts: 108
QP Req quest (created from tail end of Great Players thread)
Reply #12 on:
July 07, 2004, 03:10:45 AM »
Yep, keep on saying it. In a few days, weeks, years, who knows? someone may actually agree with you.
I, for one, am actually keen to hear what people have got to say on this subject, and I'm perfectly willing to be persuaded either way. Thats why I entreated Snafu to move the debate.
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Posts: 457
QP Req quest (created from tail end of Great Players thread)
Reply #13 on:
July 07, 2004, 04:04:04 AM »
Quote from: Maggs
Yep, keep on saying it. In a few days, weeks, years, who knows? someone may actually agree with you.
I, for one, am actually keen to hear what people have got to say on this subject, and I'm perfectly willing to be persuaded either way. Thats why I entreated Snafu to move the debate.
The fact that most quests etc. (you know what I mean, I've said it before) bla bla bla, doesn't mean I don't want to read what people think. On the contrary, the very reason I check this forum is to be able to see what different people think and do and act in different situations/aspects of Nanny.
Posts: 18
QP Req quest (created from tail end of Great Players thread)
Reply #14 on:
July 07, 2004, 05:16:41 AM »
On a side note:
One of the nice thing about puzzles is that you can make them quest-like, add a nice reward and not have to wait ages for approval. You also don't have to make changes to suit another's idea of what makes a fun quest/puzzle.
I'm sure my area isn't the only one with these.
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