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Author Topic: Stealing kills  (Read 15882 times)
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« Reply #45 on: June 11, 2004, 04:08:35 AM »

Quote from: Hellspawn
this thread is getting nowhere some1 pls close it

May I ask you with which right are you shutting other ppl down? There have been and still exist threads with far sillier comments than this one and they have not been closed Razz
I guess thread will exaust by itself when noone has anything more to add to it. Till then, cope with it (or just use pgdw as someone suggested in a previous thread  Twisted Evil )

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.

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« Reply #46 on: June 11, 2004, 05:28:22 AM »

I can't put it better than Russ no matter how much I'd try. *bow*

Sharky, Ender, Naga, Fangs.
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« Reply #47 on: June 11, 2004, 05:34:06 AM »

Quote from: Sharky
I can't put it better than Russ no matter how much I'd try. *bow*

Thanks!   Embarassed

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« Reply #48 on: June 11, 2004, 03:39:59 PM »

As for closing the long as someone has something to say..then the thread will go on and IS getting somewhere.

/Snafu Very Happy

I killed 100. I killed 1000. I killed 10000. And I was good at it.
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« Reply #49 on: June 11, 2004, 06:05:40 PM »

There must be a thread where bushlovers and kniggetz can also share their oppinion. Some people might actually read it here...  Twisted Evil
Anyway druids and knights have rules about killstealing.

I think the arches should make some new rules as banning killstealing and any other guild except druids, knights, monks, masters and adventurers. Then knights would rule all and druids would be the third most powerful guild.  Twisted Evil

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« Reply #50 on: June 12, 2004, 02:28:20 AM »

I am a "bush lover" and a knigget...does that mean I can't post my cooks opinion?
 Ok, so seriously talking:

 1. Killstealing is not imho == roleplaying for some guilds. Be a vamp, dark and gloomy, kill me if you can but don't go after my kills. Be a dark and darken everything around so I get to make xp with my fireflies  Twisted Evil, but don't go stealing my kills on purpose, or just for the fun of it.
 2. Yes, the guild closest to my heart is the knigget?s and second come bush lovers, cooks, and sims..pretty friendly guilds showing I like relating to people so this is   strictly my opinion. Some of the guilds I'm in have the added bonus of claims so it's easier to monitor killstealing and to get other people to notice I was there first...and it's not hard to do a "shape" before you start hacking Smile.
 3. I agree shit happens but unless you have a serious tummy problem it shouldn't happen on a regular basis. Ok, you forgot a check or you just were attacked and attacked back before getting to leave. Nanny is just too big to have killstealing issues...and it's not like thousands of people are logged permanently. I suggest exploring. I've recently restarted exploring and I've found lots and lots of cool stuff (far away from green I might add.  Very Happy )
 4. Mudding is all about having fun. And we have fun cause of the people playing it. Otherwise there would be no forum to complain on and say we don't care about others, cause there would be no others.

Dulcineea, Ravenlady, Sasha, Sookie, Freygerd, Almalexia

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« Reply #51 on: June 12, 2004, 07:18:08 AM »

Quote from: dulcineea
Otherwise there would be no forum to complain on and say we don't care about others, cause there would be no others.


Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.

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« Reply #52 on: June 21, 2004, 07:04:20 AM »

I can see this is a hot topic, with many different views.

I was earlier posting a note on a killstealer, I thought I had lost the log, and did not remember her name, but it turned up yesterday when I had a good 'summer cleaning' om my PC so here it is Smile.

The salamander missed you.
Spiral Staircase, near bottom.
The heat is almost like the inside of a smith's furnace, searing and
unending. The staircase ends below you in a wide chamber. Above you it
spirals out of sight.
  There are two obvious exits: down and up.
Kara the fierce Bloodthirster (Andy's).
A salamander guard.
say mine
The salamander died.
You killed the salamander.
[Khorne] Kara: are you kill stealing?
[Khorne] Kara: what the fuck is up with that?
[Khorne] Civatateo: me?!?
[Khorne] Kara: we are in the same guild
[Khorne] Kara: hell yes
[Khorne] Spliff: stone him!!!
[Khorne] Civatateo: shape monster before you attack
[Khorne] Spliff: stone him to death!!!
[Khorne] Kara: why are you taking kills you cannot kill?
[Khorne] Kara: wouldnt you have to heal like a few good times to kill that on your own?
[Khorne] Ruscovic: Kara, shape the kills you are taking on...
[Khorne] Civatateo: I was killing him, if you would do 'shape' you would have seen
[Khorne] Kara: i am killing kills that neither one of you should be killing
[Khorne] Civatateo: Kara you are only 1 age higher
[Khorne] Ruscovic: Rank =)
[Khorne] Kara: still, it is a difference!
[Khorne] Ruscovic: Kara, stop bitching, you tried to steal his kill now appologize.
[Khorne] Kara: that was not a rank 15 kill
[Khorne] Ruscovic: So?
[Khorne] Kara: why am I shaping for lower guild members? is that supposed to make sense? I would do that if another rank 16 was on
[Khorne] Civatateo: what if it was a person from another guild, it is ok to  steal from other guild AND lower char from your own?
[Khorne] Kara: it depends on what guild, they have marks or signs anyway
[Khorne] Kara: and really only knights kill in that area Razz
[Khorne] Kara grins evilly.
[Khorne] Ruscovic peers at Kara.
[Khorne] Kara: afk
[Khorne] Ruscovic: Its kinda lousy to accuse someone of killstealing when its the other way around.
[Khorne] You nod solemnly.

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« Reply #53 on: June 21, 2004, 07:47:34 AM »

Unless someone is actually stalking me around the MUD, killing "my" kills,
I hardly mind if someone sometimes steal my kills... be it an accident or not. I might pat them on the head and move on.
On the other way around, I don't feel like such a big jerk when I accidently do the same now and then. I sure as hell don't shape everything before I attack. If I get "caught", i'll drop an exessive amount of coins, if not, well, I won't wait around.
Anyway, you can always whi*ahem* complain to the admin if you feel harassed by someone.
I should know, I've had a char removed in my younger days, the reason was something like "Excessive killstealing and lack of common sense" or so.  Twisted Evil

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« Reply #54 on: June 21, 2004, 12:06:14 PM »

Heh, this thread just keeps on living its life Smile

Nice log Morild, fun thing is that Kara probably think he's correct... But the beauty with khornes are that they CAN kill monster worthy of much higher rank, you only need the cash, healing is not a problem.

And for Allyene's note, I'll take an honest excuse over cash any day. Hell, cash is just too easy to collect, so it really doesn't matter, does it (except for a REAL newbie, who would probably rather want the XP anyway). But I have no vamp yet, so I'll get back on the subject after playing that guild too a bit.
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« Reply #55 on: June 21, 2004, 12:33:16 PM »

The funny thing is that Kara seemed to be just one rank higher, and he/she/it went for that kill too Wink

That particular monster can be killed easily on much lower ranks too, given the right rewards ... so I don't know what the heck he/she/it was talking about Wink
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« Reply #56 on: June 23, 2004, 08:07:44 AM »

Where accidents happen, well, that is annoying.

I have to say though, that there are occasions when some players have deliberately stolen kills because they think they have some sort of right to do so.

It usually seems to come down to guild. Its especially true of Vampires some of who get the best powers in the game for having a bit of luck, then only know a few kills anyway - so they carry on and take them. Some seem to think that having such powers entitles them to certain kills because they are hard (knight sentries, newhaven trio etc). Khornes and darks have been known to come out with similar excuses.

If I found that a player was deliberately ruining my enjoyment of the game, then I would report it because:
a. it was likely that others were having trouble/complaining
b. its the admins job to make sure the game is enjoyable for all

I have also seen 'elder knights' log on their vamps and act this way so I don't see where this RT thing is relevant.

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« Reply #57 on: June 23, 2004, 03:36:24 PM »

You forgot:
c) it feels good to take someone down you don't like, or don't agree with.

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« Reply #58 on: June 23, 2004, 04:01:07 PM »

Quote from: Qwer
You forgot:
c) it feels good to take someone down you don't like, or don't agree with.

Yeah, if an annoying mosquito spoils the pleasure of a warm summer night, it does feel good taking that mosquito down.

I really cant understand where is fun in annoying other ppl  Rolling Eyes

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.

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« Reply #59 on: June 24, 2004, 03:35:16 AM »

'You forgot:
c) it feels good to take someone down you don't like, or don't agree with. '

No I don't.

It does feels good, however, to see chars intent on spoiling other peoples enjoyment getting wiped - and it happens a lot.

Enjoy it while you can.

Nannys player base is smaller than anyone would like to see, and its not acceptable to have people put off playing the game because of the actions of mostly bored 'experienced players'. When I get bored with the game I stop playing, go down the gym, ride horses etc etc. I don't take my frustration out on Nanny (a al Sync et al).

I get a life.
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