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Question of the Week
13 May 2004
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Topic: 13 May 2004 (Read 2842 times)
Full Member
Posts: 142
13 May 2004
May 12, 2004, 08:40:10 PM »
Sorry about it being so late guys. Poogies do have a life sometimes too.
Another one from Loreley, she's keeping me in business while I'm out doing this "life" type thing.
You're going to be on the show
with 11 other people. You're allowed to bring just one item from civilization. What would you bring?
/P who's lovin' Lore's questions.
Video games don't affect kids, I mean if Pac Man affected us as kids, we'd all run around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music. - K. Wilson, Nintendo
Sr. Member
Posts: 289
13 May 2004
Reply #1 on:
May 12, 2004, 08:41:16 PM »
Only 11? But survivor starts with 16!! Where's the other contestants?
I killed 100. I killed 1000. I killed 10000. And I was good at it.
Full Member
Posts: 142
13 May 2004
Reply #2 on:
May 12, 2004, 09:27:59 PM »
Hey, it's Loreley's question not mine. I don't watch
and I never will because their producers are a bunch of whiney b**ches and really pissed me off during the first season. I'd stick to my Real World/Road Rules but I don't like the way that's going so all I have left is those Real World-Road Rules Extreme Challenges thingies. This is off subject but I am not known to stay on subject anyway and I'm very tired so this is Loreley's question and she wants only 11 there. :p Plus I am the Queen of Run on Sentences. :p :p
Video games don't affect kids, I mean if Pac Man affected us as kids, we'd all run around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music. - K. Wilson, Nintendo
Sr. Member
Posts: 289
13 May 2004
Reply #3 on:
May 12, 2004, 10:10:47 PM »
I could try to beat your run-on sentences but I thought I'd let you excel at something.
Back to subject: What would I bring? Labyrinth ofc!!
I killed 100. I killed 1000. I killed 10000. And I was good at it.
Sr. Member
Posts: 457
13 May 2004
Reply #4 on:
May 13, 2004, 01:52:05 AM »
Easy one... Sigourney Weaver...
Eh, ok, seriously? Xena?
Argh, serious!11!!1!! ==> some 'multi tool', whichever has the most useful features. (I guess 'Survivor' is a bit like our 'Expedition: Robinson'.)
Full Member
Posts: 221
13 May 2004
Reply #5 on:
May 13, 2004, 05:19:37 AM »
I don't know about that 'Survivor' you're talking about.
I would bring a knife or an axe, depends. If for a short period, a knife. If a long period, so a knife wouldn't last, then I'd bring an axe I guess.
"Forgive me for I don't know what I gain
Alone in this garden of pain
Enchantment has but one truth:
I weep to have what I fear to lose"
-Tuomas Holopainen
Full Member
Posts: 201
13 May 2004
Reply #6 on:
May 13, 2004, 06:21:43 AM »
Quote from: Snafu
Only 11? But survivor starts with 16!! Where's the other contestants?
Hey I just browsed a few minutes of that show, or some similar one (it was a german version actually, but lately we had an italian one where contendents were ppl from show-business: singers, actors and so on...) how do you expect me to remember how many they were?
Anyway, as pleased as Labyrinth might be for your choice, I'm not sure she would be that pleased to be considered an "item"
As for my choice, I think it would be an inflatable mattress (if not a real one). A good night sleep usually helps you to see things in a cheerier way
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.
Full Member
Posts: 198
13 May 2004
Reply #7 on:
May 13, 2004, 10:32:30 AM »
I would never participate in such idiocy ... but let's say for the sake of argument that I was paid to do it and some other factors that might make me consider it.
I would get a portable bathroom!
I love being outdoors, as long as I can get (once a day ) to take a shit and have a shower in a clean, adequate and comfortable facility.
Posts: 21
13 May 2004
Reply #8 on:
May 13, 2004, 11:51:48 AM »
My toothbrush & tooth paste (they're a's allowed).
Minty fresh breath goes a long way!
Full Member
Posts: 221
13 May 2004
Reply #9 on:
May 13, 2004, 02:46:16 PM »
Is the show being filmed in one of their usual tropical vacation spots? If so I'd either bring a laptop so I could at least log in here and do something interesting or a towel so I could enjoy myslef a bit.
Does it show that I neither watch the show nor have much respect for it?
I suppose if they held "survivor" the way they should - say placing the victim...errr...contestants in Barrow Alaska or Death Valley or something than I might take it more seriously. In which case I would have to pick an item based on my destination.
Try it:
Jr. Member
Posts: 70
13 May 2004
Reply #10 on:
May 13, 2004, 02:56:35 PM »
IRL, my multitool (my first instinct) is something I bring with me at all times, its saved me time and time again (well, maybe save is a strong word, saved time definately). However, I don't see much oppurtunity to use things like screw drivers, can openers etc... So I'm gonna have to think of something else...
I'd bring some kind of fire starter, magnifying glass, lighter, something of that ilk. Now thats important, how many first episodes were spent trying to make fire only to end up freezing that night (and no means to boil water
. Yup, maybe if I can get a magnifying glass into a multitool with a big saw....
Do you use your powers for good or for awesome?
Sr. Member
Posts: 289
13 May 2004
Reply #11 on:
May 13, 2004, 05:59:47 PM »
As for Ladychris' response..when I said 16 instead of 11, I was referring to Poogus' not correcting it before posting..I wasn't disputing you, I was disputing her
As for items..If Labyrinth (or another person) would not count as an item, then I'd like to bring duct tape! Never leave home without it.
Death Valley would be a rocking place to hold Survivor.
Labyrinth and I watched it early on but once I moved in with her, around that time, we both lost interest in it.
I killed 100. I killed 1000. I killed 10000. And I was good at it.
Full Member
Posts: 142
13 May 2004
Reply #12 on:
May 13, 2004, 07:39:08 PM »
Better to take my indestructible Flair-taping tape instead Snaffie.
I was thinking along the same lines as GJ. Something very all purpose like one of those Swiss Army Knives that does about a billion things. Either that or a set of camping cookware/dishware would be great. I had this great set when I was younger that had a plate/bowl, a frying pan, a pot and some silverware. Items that can hold water are sometimes hard to come by.
Video games don't affect kids, I mean if Pac Man affected us as kids, we'd all run around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music. - K. Wilson, Nintendo
Sr. Member
Posts: 289
13 May 2004
Reply #13 on:
May 13, 2004, 08:16:13 PM »
My grandfather had a nice multi-knife even had a spoon and's a crying shame that my brother kept pilfer^H^H^H^H^H^Hstealing it.
I killed 100. I killed 1000. I killed 10000. And I was good at it.
Posts: 40
13 May 2004
Reply #14 on:
May 14, 2004, 11:35:04 AM »
Well...not that I would ever apply for this show, but I would bring a knife then. Could be quite useful in different situations, especially if the other participators would get on my nerves
A metal heart is hard to tear apart.
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