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1  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / Re: 20 June 2004 - 26 June 2004 on: June 27, 2004, 12:00:41 AM
Quote from: poogie
My tenth high school reunion is this year and I've spent all of 2004 in some time warp where I think it's 1994. I keep using that year when typing or writing the date and I am even having nightmares about it. :p This leads to the question(s) of the week.

You youngster. My tenth high school anniversary was 2 years ago.   Twisted Evil  I'll be turning 30 soon (on Friday the 13th no less) Crying or Very sad

On a more serious note there are events in ones life that makes one stop and reflect on ones life. Like turning 30. Twisted Evil

Quote from: poogie
Imagine your entire life span. What things from it would you want people 100 years or even 1000 years from now to study and know about? Also, what things do you want your kids (or if you're not planning on having kids any kids you might encounter regularly like nieces and nephews) to know about and watch/read/listen to (etc if I've forgotton something)?

Well my dad just died (rather suddenly)  So I've been thinking about this a lot latley.  And this gets rather personal. I guess for my children I would want them to know that I love them and am very proud of them.  The big question is what would they like to know about me.  I find that there is much I don't know about my dad and would like to know more about his life. And I have no answer for this.

I think that for the general populus the average person will know very little about me 100 or 1000 years form now. Only major historical figures get that kind of recognitions. Of course the average person knows very little about me now.  I do have this dream to discover a theorem so that future generations of math professors will have something new to torture students with.  Twisted Evil
2  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / Re: 30 May 2004 - 5 June 2004 on: June 04, 2004, 04:17:02 PM
Quote from: poogie
What are some foods that you see other people eating that you find totally disgusting? I


I find watermelon to be absolutely disqusting! I can't even stand the smell of it. If someone is chewing watermelon gum I can smell it from across the room and it turns my stomach.  I simply can't understand how anyone can eat this stuff and it makes me a little sick to see images of people eating it.

I'm not sure I'ver ever even tried watermelon (probably have) the smell disgusts me so much.

Other melons have a similar affect on me but none to the extent of watermelon.

I also can't understand melon scented soaps and shampoos. They stink.

So melons especially WATERMELON.
3  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 23 May 2004- 29 May 2004 on: June 04, 2004, 03:55:14 PM
One thing I do that has been commented on is the way I eat.  

I pick out one item on my plate and eat it until its gone.  Then I move on to the next item (usually the item on the left) and eat the same way always eating exactly one item at a time. And I sometimes rotate the plate between items.  This isn't something I do conciously (like sorting M&M's) its just the way I eat. And I have started mixing foods  more recently.
4  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Remember when... on: May 05, 2004, 01:38:34 PM
Remember to paper boy that would stand on Ingis Lane yelling about newspapers and was frequently killed. Then he started running into the milkbar. I once saw him trapped in the milkbar with a bottle of milk.  Then he disappeared altoghether and was replaced by a stand.
5  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 29 April 2004 on: April 29, 2004, 12:02:04 PM
I rarely listen to music when I mud anymore.

However anyone who knew me when I started mudding can tell you exaclty what I litened to....  my Beatles collection.  They know of course because I would allways sing along on the Guild line. In fact I still have the alias

dsing dr #sings:

although it was originally

dsing dr %sings:

Many druids would actually join in and sing along with the songs.  And if Con/Leppo was on  it would start a discussion about Beatles Trivia.

Con actually once commented that Frank Sinatra had said  "Something" was the greatest love song ever written. Which got a poor response from Mouser a Patsy Cline fan.

Those were the days.

(Perhaps this should be posted to the nastalgia board?)
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