I think parties are so low in numbers these days has to do with the direction the guilds have gone in the recent years....... Every guild has some restriction that makes it easier to play alone.... A great example is the Vikings guild.... Vikings powers are stonger when in a party with other vikings, but the 'favour' restriction makes it almost impossible to team up effectivly..... not to mention there are rarely more than 1 or 2 vikings on these days.
The monks are great for parties of course, and I imagine they will continue to be for some time....... unless of course the monk you want to team up with needs to quest by him/herself to advance....
Knights continue to be strong.... with parties or without. Vamps, Leps, Cult..... usually easier on your own. The biggest problem I see that exists now that never did years ago is the EQ restrictions within the guilds. Why continue to code EQ that 90% of the players can't use or don't benifit from using. In the old days, that was half the fun..... finding new EQ that made you stronger....
Vikings - Only 'Viking EQ'
Druids - Only 'natural EQ'
Darks - 'dark' EQ
Lepers - 'tainted' EQ (makes sense in this case)
Khorne - 'Chaos auto loading' EQ
Cult - 'not really needed'
Vamps - 'not needed'
Monks - 'not needed'
Knights - finally a guild that can use 'most' eq
Sims - 'very little eq needed'
Chefs - is there still a chef's guild?
Adventurers - Long live the adventurers! no restrictions!
Masters - fisk
Everytime I look at the list in the shop I see the same eq....and I admit that I am guilty of selling much of that same old stuff. But I think it's time to scale back the restrictions and let players have some fun with the EQ that the Wizzes work so hard to create.
Snafu, do you agree?
Oasis aka Nightmare