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1  NannyMUD / Lost and Found / Re: Man, I'm old! on: October 22, 2009, 02:14:06 PM
Carrion was a player when Nanny was still just a pen and paper roleplaying game with a modified set of rules based on Dungeon & Dragons (a leaked alpha version of the first edition). During one of his GM sessions he inspired Mats to start coding. He is the oldest. Oh, you didn't know? Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Then you must be one of those noobs that still doesn't know how to roll the dices to your advantage. Mr. Green
2  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Re: What old things should we bring back? on: July 23, 2009, 03:35:35 PM
I think that was Gruhl's area. It had Gleep the dragon and a dwarven smith that could "enhance" your weapons. I think sword of madness was here too, but I may confuse that with another area.

You are correct. I remember the smith and the sword.
3  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Still here? on: July 22, 2009, 02:54:12 PM
You might not.

True. Actually this would encourage people to explore new areas and find less popular artifacts.
4  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Re: What old things should we bring back? on: July 22, 2009, 02:50:30 PM
There used to be an area close to where Qqqq's and Profezzorn's areas meet. A tiny one and I only remember one or two npcs. I think it disappeared into the void when Profezzorn's area was removed and I have always been curious about that one. But most of your stuff is much higher on the priority list than this one Smile

Slakktor removed his area some years ago and he said it would never return. Since we have a change in the administration, maybe someone can make him change his mind? I remember his area as absolute top quality!

5  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Still here? on: July 21, 2009, 11:31:11 AM
My favoured version is moving the item back once the owning monster is killed again (and it isn't in use).  That way you can hold onto the item but it doesn't get in the way of other people getting it.

But if I can loose a special item only one or two hours after I log off, what is the difference from the situation today?
6  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Still here? on: July 20, 2009, 02:42:36 PM
Given the choice (this question is for everyone), which do you prefer the idea of:
2.  A similar thing but you have to store your items in the storeroom manually, otherwise it is more-or-less the same, perhaps with a limit on number of items stored attached to it.

Number 2, no doubt. There should be a risk to enter some areas or fight some monsters. It should cost to quit in dangerous situations. This would also be a way for certain items to return to the loop if wizards choose not to fetch back items stored in the locker (see my previous post).

7  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Still here? on: July 20, 2009, 02:38:08 PM
I even think you should be able to store uniques, and it won't be taken away until another player goes and fetches it from its source. This may take some time to implement because it may need an update to every unique out there, but at least we could put the framework into place.

Please make it optional such that wizards can create truly rare items that are not taken back even if a player goes to the source.
8  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Still here? on: July 19, 2009, 03:44:11 AM
I suppose if we can do multiplaying we can do permanent eq for non-unique equipment, and maybe even unique equipment (reclaiming would still apply when the person is logged out!).

I would like to see permanent storage of both unique and non-unique equipment. I think that would not only help suckers like me to find it easier to spend that hour playing Nanny, it would probably also make the game more interesting for active players. Think of the effects on the economy of the game. In the old days it was worth spending four hours only to get a special weapon or piece of armor because you knew one of the other 60+ players would pay 150k+ in an auction for it. And when you logged back 24 hours later the same piece of weapon was still circulating among players. Today the number of players limits the demand and in many cases there are not even players online to buy your new artifact. With permanent storage of unique-equipment demand would increase as you could sell it later and it would of course be easier to motivate yourself to find something rare for yourself.
9  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Still here? on: July 18, 2009, 02:25:20 PM
My main problem with Nanny is that the game is not suitable for casual gaming. Call me a noob, but it takes me about an hour to collect (non-unique) equipment before I can start to enjoy my gaming session. And that hour might be the only one I have available for gaming this week or month. The game can be up for 300 days in a row, but my equipment is lost after what, a week? I would like to see my locker keep all my gear until reboot, and with with some lpc-wizardy I am sure that some equipment could even be saved over a reboot. If I then spot an old friend online, I can go straight into the game, use the equipment I gathered a month (or a year) ago, and join a party for an hour of pure entertainment.
10  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Is Nanny Down? on: April 04, 2008, 03:34:45 PM
613 Wed Apr  2 17:03:13 2008 7/198 Mats
Subject: Nannymud down 5-6 April
Nannymud will be down all this coming weekend. Our neighbours at wants to rebuild and upgrade the power

Nannymud will hopefully be up again on monday.

11  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Raiding other players treasure dens. on: February 13, 2008, 06:39:49 AM
Or maybe people just can't stand stuff lying around and feel the need to clean up the mud.

I belong to that category of people.
12  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Raiding other players treasure dens. on: February 12, 2008, 01:47:55 PM
Since my first post I have found about ten treasure dens. It is interesting to see what kind of different things people hide. I have got some good ideas for areas to explore in the future. But I also find stashes that puzzles me.

The next question is: What do you hide in your stash and why?

I use to stash two different kinds of items. As a viking I constantly work on a large pile of armour and weapons used as sacrifices for my gods, but I always empty that stash before I log off so it is empty between sessions. I also keep a small stash of extra stones for viking runestones and a handful of keys or puzzle-related items while I explore an area. But considering Maggs post I feel a little bit ashamed that I might be blocking someone else's progress in an area and in the future I will keep that in mind.

And I always store my ordinary set of armour, sword and light source in the safe deposit.
13  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Raiding other players treasure dens. on: February 02, 2008, 02:39:11 AM
For me, it's a bit like kill-stealing, annoying and in 99% of the cases an easy way to "role-play" being an evil bad-ass.

Interesting, for me it is a way to "role-play" as Indiana Jones Smile
14  NannyMUD / Misc / Raiding other players treasure dens. on: January 31, 2008, 03:23:35 PM
It happens quite often that I find another player's stash hidden in an unimportant room located in a remote seldom visited area. It can be a rare and deadly weapon or fine a piece of armour, sometimes it is a collection of quest/puzzle-related artifacts. Unless it is a collection of (monetary) worthless quest/puzzle-related items (like a bag full of keys or ingredients to a potion) I drop whatever project I have and start looting. I can walk back and forth several times just to fill all my bags full of stolen worthies. And before I visit the shop to collect my reward, Alvis will have to take a look on the loot. So obviously I have no problems to raid another player's treasure den, but what about you? Do you loot other players stash?
15  NannyMUD / Daily Rant / Re: Stealing kills on: July 05, 2007, 03:53:28 PM
Would a stolen kill be as offensive if it were an NPC doing it? 

If you stole a kill from a NPC and he/she/it complained to an RT, would you speculate on its psychology thinking "Wow, what the hell is your problem?"? Or would that be immature? Smile

If an NPC would steal a kill, then I would consider it to be part of the game. If a player steals one random kill, I would also consider it to be part of a game. But when a player stalks you and tries to steal every kill it can from you, then there is a human being behind that keyboard trying to ruin my gaming experience.

(I think the killstealing npc would be an interesting idea. Consider a good piece of weapon or armour. If you leave a monster in deplorable shape while healing, a demon appears, finishes the monster and runs away with all the loot. Would be an interesting and unpredictable drawback.)
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