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1  NannyMUD / Misc / Great players, wtf is that? on: May 05, 2005, 02:27:55 AM
I hate to bump an "old" thread, but I always hated people that used speedwalks and other macro programs, they are the reason a lot of things got changed that made it harder for people who liked to rely on their own skill, rather than on their ability to program a macro. Rharc, and a couple others who used speedwalks and macro's are the reason that Khornes got changed, because it was too easy for people to remain KiP. (yes, I had a discussion about this a long time ago with certain people in charge of the guild).

To me, a macro/speedwalk is a cheat, a hack, a crutch for people who can't figure out how to play the game on their own skill. Another good example of how this affected the game is Knights, Vampires, PK'ing, Lepers with their stench clouds. If you have played these guilds, if you have played those types of encounters, you know what I mean.

I was legendary when it was deemed impossible for a non-Lysator knight to get there (without speedwalks). I typed my way through everything, I never used macro's. My Darkie took heads average 96% of the time, using just usual hotkeys and typing (i.e. in game aliases) I managed to maintain KiP about 90% of the time before they changed Khornes to be dynamic, and then it was impossible. I type at an average of 100wpm atm, and its still impossible for me to maintain KiP with my Khorne.

I could go on, but to me, the challenge lies in my abilites vs other players, or my abilites vs the wizards. Truely "great" players are those that master those challenges, and are good at them, without requiring crutches. If you don't understand what I mean, disable your macro's, disable your speedwalks, disable any 2nd party programs, and try the game with just your skill vs others and the envirment around you. You will see how much of a crutch they are.
2  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Greatest Party on: May 05, 2005, 02:04:57 AM
I actually remember 2 fairly fun parties, the first, was when my DP Khorne decided to go do Raid the Castle, don't remember who all was in it, but I know I had several minor heart attacks when I got down to 23hp, 8hp, and then once at 2hp.

The second, was a personal challenge with Ysidro, on huge mob farming, and we were comparing several kills we had done, and he commented about Ppannions new Hydra. Told me he only hits for around 15-20's, but he bet me I couldn't beat him. Me, being my druid self of the old school type, promptly asked him to join party and take me there. Hence began a 2 hour solo fight on this mob, with Ppannion him, and another 2 wiz I can't remember watching me. Turns out, the mob had 7k HP to begin with, and every time you killed a head, it split to 2 heads, and healed 50% of his life back. Its also important to note that each head hit for 15-20. All those that have played old school druids know we had full tomes, and our spells and abilities kicked butt.

Well, to make a long story short, when the mob was in vweak condition I see Armageddon announce imminent downage, I almost cried.
3  NannyMUD / Lost and Found / "Whatever Happened To..." on: July 29, 2004, 12:48:55 AM
so what ever happened to Nico/Rast? At one point someone told me that Nico had changed her name?, if ya did, where ya at? I haven't talked to you about your kids in years!
4  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Parties on: June 08, 2004, 11:54:41 PM
Remember when..... Bucky (now Belegur), and I, used to lead parties with all the newbies we could find, and the party name would be:
"Bucky or Terwin always leads", I wonder nowadays, how many people remember our parties for hunting xp, and money for all those newbies out there.

5  NannyMUD / Daily Rant / What about your other chars ? on: June 08, 2004, 01:02:14 AM
Quote from: Qwer
When Lys became an RT? I was wondering if she joined my first knight or not. This was, oh well I am not sure, but I think late 97 or early 98...

Might have been me too, I was an RT in late 97, early 98

Terin/Terwin, and more than I can possibly imagine.
6  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Old (closed) clubs on: June 05, 2004, 02:44:41 AM
Quote from: Snafu
I miss Butcher's sad club!
I miss Helenette's Sender 99 club!
I miss Celeborn's Sisters of Mercy Fan Club!
I miss Guildmaster's Scots Club!
I miss Dalthor's Greek Club!

/Snafu! Very Happy

When I was active I actually spoke to Guildmaster and started the work of re-coding it to bring it up to par for the, at that time, current standards.

7  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / My all time favorite quest on: June 05, 2004, 02:42:04 AM
Quote from: garetjax
I know some people hate this quest but I've always had a soft spot for Nasigoreng's Hunt The Rabbits.  I think I created a character or 2 just to do it again   Very Happy

Actually I loved that quest, I tried it when it first opened, and then again awhile later once it had been done, my group was first group of 5 to have completed it, I wonder if thats still up, and if the "first" list is still there?

8  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Re: Other memories... on: June 05, 2004, 02:23:57 AM
Quote from: poogie
In the "Remember when..." section that's dealing with things that happened on the game. What about memories of the place you first mudded from, who was there, and things like that?

In my dorm building there was a little computer room and I pretty much lived in there. It smelled horribly and we had those groovy green screen computers but I still have fond memories of hanging out there. I bought food from snack machines or I would stock up at the campus store ahead of time.
Sometimes Terwin, Smurf or Solardria would join me in there and it was nice to have a fellow mudder around but most of the time I was alone. Ocassionally on my way back from class (when I attended) I would stop in the real computer lab and log on from there, just to get my fix. (Plus there were more computers available.)
I don't have many wonderful memories of my time at the University of Wyoming (the REAL UW) but the ones from Nanny are bittersweet.

Sigh, I remember being there mudding with you and Smurf sometimes, and Solardria, and Roseking (can't remember his other alts, but that was Wade if you recall).

There was one other person that played from UW that I can't recall his name, but he mostly played on other muds, but sometimes came to Nanny

Terwin/Terin/and all the rest
Bucky or Terwin Always Leads
9  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Great on: June 05, 2004, 01:55:58 AM
Quote from: Belegur
Remember when you could pump your hps in Gruhl's area?  I remember messing around with Terwin trying to get uber hps.  I think Ysidro was the master of this though.

I think I might have topped this out Belegur, as I am the one that showed you, heh, I at one point had around 900+ HP, I never tested how high I could get, but I stopped at 900-1k usually to go hit Pet, and critters like that.....Wink

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