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Author Topic: Funny Memories  (Read 6376 times)
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« on: April 21, 2004, 02:40:35 AM »

What about a time when you did something or something happened to you that made you angry but now you laugh about it? Maybe you were searching for a quest item for hours and then discovered that it was right in front of you the whole time...Maybe your friends got together and played a prank on you. Or even just silly things you may have done or seen.

I know I must have many many stories of this variety but for now I can only think of one and I was sworn to secrecy on that. I'll have to think about it a bit and I'm sure I can come up with something but in the meantime go ahead and post. =)
/P who has her lips zipped

Video games don't affect kids, I mean if Pac Man affected us as kids, we'd all run around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music. - K. Wilson, Nintendo
Jr. Member
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« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2004, 03:03:49 AM »

How many times have we seen a private snog go onto a public line?   Especially when you're partyline alias is ps and you have Sp for the spam line. Embarassed

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« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2004, 03:58:17 AM »

I remember someone told me to make room  ... so i dropped something... the guy didnt said nothing after but later i discovered a hit me sticker on me  Very Happy  

 I was doing that quest with the walking castle and when i finally took over the castle i found it was trapped inside a huge tentacle on the village dump Smile


Viva la revoluion!
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« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2004, 05:55:00 AM »

Similar to garetjax's - there is nothing quite as horrible as that moment when you see something incriminating which was meant to be a tell go out over the guild line due to a misplaced space.

My worst was over the Assembly line. I can't remember the precise details, save that it took me about six months before I could think about it without cringing.

Another thing which I can (just about) laugh about now is when my wiz got demoted. Actually, thinking about it, it still winds me up. Shutting up about that already.

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« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2004, 09:15:52 AM »

My chars seldom die, but when they do I can get VERY annoyed...

For example, one of those chars was fighting the Golem in Celeste, I knew I had wimpy on so I didn't think so much about it as I was called away (by girlfriend or kid). Hmmm, there is no 'normal' way out from the Golem, so I found my char dead of course.

I can laugh about it now Smile

Another time was with my most wealthy char, who picked up the sword in Mats' temple... Hmmm, there went about 800k to /dev/null. I _almost_ laughed at it right away though, 'cause it had happened before (but that was years back).
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« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2004, 10:10:27 AM »

Sometimes when I get into a discussion with someone, that goes awry, I like to vent off to a friend or something ... and when I do, I sometimes get so worked up that I end up sending the tell (complaining about it) to the person I'm annoyed with, instead of my friend, because when I start writing 'tell <someone>' I am too worked up to notice I'm putting the wrong name as the recipient. Anyways, atleast I do it a lot less now that I stopped using 'reply' ... perhaps I should start using 'ltell' or whatever the command is to send a tell to the last person I sent a tell too, to avoid further embarassments.

Once I did that to an admin btw, and I can tell you that was extremely uncomfortable because the tell was fairly rich and colourful Wink
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« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2004, 02:22:32 PM »

I'll tell you the story of a time i was not angry (i cant get angry on nanny) but really really scared  Embarassed

I had just joined knights, so was, if not a real newbie, at least a newbie to knights, with all the bad habits of an adventurer...
Yeah, there has been a time when my future RT had no scruple whatsovever at grabbing whatever loot might lie on ground or finishing a kill someone else might have started. By joining knights i knew such habits where unacceptable, and had been told about command "check" but for some reason i was unable to use it (maybe because i stubbornly used it without a target?).

Anyway i was probably a Distinguished Maid and was keen to make as much xp as i could. At that time Ghan Toth was a great fighting ground for knights since the monsters align had not been downcoded yet, so i used to spend a lot of time there. In particular i was craving for killing Dyvrim, an accomplishment that usually took all my scarce logging time.

That day Bluejedi had got Hurshag platemail and kindy offered it to me. (yeah, he gave it to me directly, without asking on line first... to me! to the smallest maid around! Wink) Then, on wearing it i saw message "you look invulnerable"... WOW! I was simply beaming and since i had only a few more mins to play i just run to Ghan Toth...
Unfortunately a few guards on the way didnt seem intentioned to let me pass through... I had little time, a very vague notion of how to use command "check" and very bad adventurers habits, so i just killed them and passed through - What had I done!!!

An evil vampire, had already started them and when he saw me selling the loot he accused me of killstealing. (Which was exactly what i had done Razz ). I still remember his words "Hehe, logged! You can say goodbye to knighthood." My heart sunk.  Crying or Very sad I did love knights guild, I felt at home there (and more there was a certain knight there, to whom i was just one more newbie but that had just offered me the best armour around...)
So i frantically asked on line what was I to do, i had accidentally stolen a kill and now i was in peril... Someone suggested me to offer to pay the vamp back. I vaguely realized that money might be not all, that by stealing a kill you steal more than just a bit of loot, anyway i gave a tell to Vehement (yeah, it was him  Wink ) and offered him to repay him for the kill (2K coins, a capital for me at that time  Rolling Eyes ). He accepted and bowed without saying a word.

...But i was still scared. He had said nothing about that threaten, I didnt know if he considered himself satisfied and had no heart to ask him... Besides, my logging time was over so I had to log off.
During that night my resolution was taken, I would have talked to a RT and confessed my crime Sad I was kinda scared by RTs, but there was one who, in spite of his stern and grave look, had been kind to me Wink
So next day i gave a tell to Bluejedi asking for an interview. He summoned me to RT ante... brrrrr, never been there, almost lost myself in Camelot Sad Anyway I shily explained him my story and ended with a frantic plea, please please, i didnt want to be banished...

*Grin* he sternly adviced me not to do it anymore, explained me how to use "check" command and explained that no vamp or any other from outside Camelot would have ever managed to make me lose my knighthood Smile I felt soooo relieved Smile I would have kissed him, but ofc i was too puny and shy Wink

But Vehement's name still remained in my memory (maybe also because i had smiled vehemently to him Razz) as one of the scariest chars around, one that you better not piss off Wink

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.

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« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2004, 03:51:51 PM »

Suiko fear no vampires, suiko likes to killsteal do it whenever he can Razz
no that's not a confession, but i have as well accidently and intentionally killstealed... mostly it's because i wanted to payback Twisted Evil

Gensou Suikoden!
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« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2004, 03:58:16 PM »

How's this:

(>Barbers<) Aegir buries Poogus.
(>Barbers<) Poogus tapes Aegir to the ceiling with her special Flair taping
(>Barbers<) Charlie snickers.
(>Barbers<) Aegir grins evilly.
(>Barbers<) Charlie waves at Aegir from the ground.
(>Barbers<) Poogus tapes Charlie up there as well.
(>Barbers<) Aegir licks Charlie.
(>Barbers<) Charlie tickles Aegir closely.
(>Barbers<) Charlie: since i'm on ceiling now too
(>Barbers<) Charlie giggles merrily.
(>Barbers<) Aegir grins evilly.
(>Barbers<) Charlie will have to wait for Labyrinth's accurate razor.
(>Barbers<) Poogus pees at Aegir and Charlie from down below.
(>Barbers<) Charlie knows Poogus will get it. Wink
(>Barbers<) Charlie: i hope that was meant to be peers
(>Barbers<) Charlie grins evilly at Poogus.
(>Barbers<) Poogus gasps in astonishment.
(>Barbers<) Poogus: Damn it!
(>Barbers<) Charlie rolls on the floor laughing!
(>Barbers<) Aegir grins evilly.
(>Barbers<) Poogus blushes deeply and blushes again.
(>Barbers<) Aegir cackles gleefully.
(>Barbers<) Poogus sighs and shakes her head.
(>Barbers<) Poogus: gotta keep in mind that it is only 0630 here....and my
            son woke me up all night.....and i'm trying to think of a few
            more excuses Wink
(>Barbers<) Aegir chuckles.
(>Barbers<) Charlie: so peeing on people works for the insanity plea?
(>Barbers<) Poogus: I wouldn't know, yet.....
(>Barbers<) Charlie giggles merrily.
(>Barbers<) Poogus: I haven't done anything to have to go to court Razz
(>Barbers<) Charlie will have to trump up a charge.

/Snafu Very Happy

I killed 100. I killed 1000. I killed 10000. And I was good at it.
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« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2004, 04:43:12 PM »

anyway i gave a tell to Vehement (yeah, it was him  Wink )

Aww, I'd completely forgotten about that. I used to play Vehement as a bastard back then. Nowadays I can't be bothered with being nasty to people.


That was probably the evillest thing I ever did, actually. I seem to remember feeling some pang of guilt at the time.

Jr. Member
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« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2004, 03:30:59 AM »

well C you're not the only one who stole kills from Vehement. Very Happy
I did it to .. but probably he was over the bastard phase.

A dwarven lord I am, mighty and proud
On my anvil the hammer roars loud.
On the battlefield the blood of my enemies I spill
the metal gods I serve, at their altars I kneel.
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« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2004, 02:49:42 PM »

I remember there was some kind of  water cannon that was good for a laugh.  Someone had replaced it near the village green one day and both mortals and wizzes alike were spamming up the entire place as everyone could see the streams of water drenching people.

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« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2004, 03:27:11 PM »

The time I mis-lined "Look, Jesus' face in my cum" with the "shout" command.
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« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2004, 10:15:16 AM »

I remember when I sold "A stick." over the trade line for a 5 digit price.

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« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2004, 03:10:41 PM »

There was a time when I was really bored and tried to kill newbs, teleported them with my sim near aggressive monsters. Managed to took down like 4 of them. Also once I took a rl friend to pet and got him killed (with same sim char). It's now a very peaceful character.

"Forgive me for I don't know what I gain
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Enchantment has but one truth:
I weep to have what I fear to lose"
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