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Author Topic: Your First Day  (Read 11945 times)
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« Reply #30 on: April 19, 2004, 01:06:24 AM »

Wow, was it really that long?     Surprised
I actually tried to keep it down to an hour - which is about the average, although after doing a thourough tour of the castle and grounds....

 Very Happy

Sorry about that, but you were one of the best prepared knights around because of it!

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« Reply #31 on: April 19, 2004, 09:40:07 AM »

Well I have some fresh memories of my beginnings (not so long ago somewhere in august 2003). I found out about Nanny in a games magazine -a textonly game is this a joke?- So i went to a internet cafe and give it a try. I used that java telnet applet and it was difficult for me to even write because of spam(and my bad english and poor typing skills) that ruined what I typed and I had to start over.
  So i start to move around green, looking for eq... but i found nothing... and I end up in a library, I opened a book and found myself in Greece, I instantly knew that I was lost ...then I discoverd that newbie booklet, and my first shout was "Help I am lost."
Then someone named Tredon  Smile  replied to my shout and got me out of there.I was convinced he was a wizard bacause he could walk on a ranbow and draw runes on my forehead. This is the reason i joined the sims later on ... not a wize choice for an utter newbie.
  I still rememember my first  fight[emptyhanded] with rat... he killed me first and when I came back armed with a knife i killed it(sweet revenge), but then a funny thing happend got infected by some disease from that rat and died again.
 Ah and my first sword, although it was a simple broad sword in my eyes it was the best.
I found it along with a pack and an amulet next to an agressive bear(i knew someone died down there so i grabbed the eq and ran).
  I didnt interact with players very much but i remember a monk named gildor (i think) that gave me 2k Very Happy  when he saw my ghost in church. Then the first time I felt realy rich!
... what else what else ... ah yes later on i was annoyed that i couldnt kill myself(because of my level) in the suicide tower (I waited til lv18  Twisted Evil to do it properly )
... and one more thing when i witnessed to a pk fight ... a knight was badly injured by a leper  Sad
and retired in the safty of church there I saw the efects of rot and I realized that I could be killed by other players, the scent of danger was great, (I didnt know about the guardian angel ..bad angel  Evil or Very Mad .. players should be allowed to mutilate each other without that kind of intervention Mr. Green ).
 In large lines this is the way of my first days in nanny and the reasons why i stayed. Now no longer a registered newbie I still bug players from time to time  Wink I cant help it.  Cool

Viva la revoluion!
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« Reply #32 on: April 21, 2004, 04:23:59 PM »

December 14th, 1993, just before Christmas vacation during my senior year of high school, Pain finally broke down and told me he'd been playing this online text-adventure game, NannyMUD. I was itching to play, since I'd spent several hours on a Compuserve MUD a few years earlier (and paid a hefty fee for those few hours, too!) and had a blast.

So I dialed into the local University system and got the "host:" prompt. From there it was a mere few obfuscated commands--including a trip through Gopher--to Nanny. For FREE.

Pain was only level 13 or so, a Vampire title in the Damned Guild. Straight off I asked what guilds were available and had someone add me to Druids. Pain added me to his party and we were off.

The first fight I remember was with the delta crocodile (which is the reason I placed the Leper Colony near there). I waited in the next room while Pain killed it, since back then you didn't need to be in the same room as someone to get the XP for the kill. I was also getting 19 shares of the experience as a level 1. Every time we went to the pub to heal, Pain would chuck bottles at me.

Several levels and hours later, after taking me through Alexii's (in those days you could Heal Other with the Tome every minute or so and have full HP and SP quickly), we took out Fafnesbane and Fafner (yes, Fafner, before I corrected the spelling years later when I updated the area). We each had a Gram, then a very powerful weapon.

We were a few dragons into Hunt the Dragons when there was a reboot. The MUD had been up for just over 12 hours. A LONG time in those days, but then it WAS holiday break and most people didn't have internet at home back then. There were about 5 people on all break.

The next day I returned alone, level 14 or so, and did the entire Hunt the Dragons quest. Some Knight named Meathead would send out a shout every time he logged in or out of the game. I received some help from Mishima of the Mage Guild. He helped me find a few dragons and healed me in combat.

Good times.
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« Reply #33 on: April 21, 2004, 04:35:24 PM »

I believe we used to call that 'rapid fire healing'

As for chucking bottles..was always funny to annoy others by having multiple damnies chuck bottles at them and hear that satisfying crash as it hit their head.

/Snafu Very Happy

I killed 100. I killed 1000. I killed 10000. And I was good at it.
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« Reply #34 on: May 07, 2004, 01:23:54 AM »

In late October of '99, I found NannyMUD through exploring, which I had found through Elfwood.

First time on the MUD, I logged in as Guest to get a feel for it, as I had no idea what a MUD was.  I played through the java client.  I think Guest had been a statue, and set to brief mode, because when I logged in that first time, there were no room descriptions at all and I had no clue where I was.  Just directions.  I thought it was some sort of maze game, and so just typed directions until I came to "a dark room" and couldn't go anywhere.  So I logged out, and and the next day tried again.  This time, I wandered somewhere west of green as Guest, tried to learn some about actions I could do, got in a fight with a rabbit, and was killed quickly.  I learned that I should wield things, and there was a broken bottle in the room, so I tried unsuccessfully to wield it as a ghost for a bit before I gave up.

I logged in again later, and this time made a character.  I went north of the church, being extremely careful this time, and a little frightened as I saw the arena, and somewhere northwest, I found a house or cave of sorts that was a newbie area (I think it was removed from the game not long after I found it).  I pressed a button, and was given a backpack and weapon and armour and instructions on how to fight rats.  That was quite a bit of help, but as I left there and explored some nearby, I was killed again and by the time I figured out how to become regenerated, my newbie eq was gone.  I went back to the newbie place, and was forbidden from receiving more stuff, so I wandered around frustratedly a bit, got lost in a place I couldn't get out of, and logged out.

So, thinking that I could only ever get more newbie eq if I made a new character, I made Martinique and started over again.  This time, instead of straying north immediately after getting my new eq, I hung around green and read the newbie booklet, talked with people and learned about feelings, tells, etc., learned that I could do things to get exp other than risk my life fighting those ferrocious rabbits, and just explored the village.  After getting the hang of the game some, I told Wolfenhex about this fun and challenging multi-user game I had found, and we started exploring the MUD together.

Somewhere in the course of this, I found out that the MUD was easier to use with a telnet client (probably from Wolfenhex), and I was introduced to those.  And someone told me I should join a guild, and I'd get some awesome powers that Adventurers' didn't have.  I tried for quite a bit to get recruited into -any- guild, and heard that druid's was good, but couldn't run down a druid to do it.  Finally, I think it was Lazarus who answered my call to be recruited, and he or someone else made us Lepers.  I had no clue how to play a guild at first, but I was -very- impressed with it, and the idea of having these neat spells.

We had lots of good times playing.  Exploring some, solving a few quests (but mostly getting irritated with them, as a newbie, although I still get frustrated with ones that insist on exact syntaxes that are hard to discover), dying often for a while, finding out what all those wizards I saw logged on did, and deciding to become one (probably through Avis' influence, as I remember him always being on the Lepers line), and partying a lot.  It seemed like we usually partied with a chef, until we stopped seeing him around at all (Slave was his name I believe), and any lepers that were around, probably others I can't remember at the moment.

Yep, lots of fun.

- M
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« Reply #35 on: May 07, 2004, 10:33:00 AM »

Quote from: Martinique
and somewhere northwest, I found a house or cave of sorts that was a newbie area (I think it was removed from the game not long after I found it).  I pressed a button, and was given a backpack and weapon and armour and instructions on how to fight rats.

If memory serves me right, I believe that was Ulrik's newbie area. I miss that. I don't know if it was removed totally or placed on isle of lost empires. That part of his area was done well enough to help a new player out. Smile

/Snafu Very Happy

I killed 100. I killed 1000. I killed 10000. And I was good at it.
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« Reply #36 on: May 07, 2004, 11:11:07 AM »

Aleea and Sindel had their area to the 'northwest' too, it was a house you entered and it had, if memory serves me with, newbie equipment too.

But I might be all mossy and foggy and way out there Wink
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« Reply #37 on: May 07, 2004, 11:15:33 AM »

Quote from: Kherec
Aleea and Sindel had their area to the 'northwest' too

I miss their areas too. I want them back.

/Snafu Very Happy

I killed 100. I killed 1000. I killed 10000. And I was good at it.
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« Reply #38 on: May 07, 2004, 01:02:28 PM »

Quote from: Kherec
Aleea and Sindel had their area to the 'northwest' too, it was a house you entered and it had, if memory serves me with, newbie equipment too.

But I might be all mossy and foggy and way out there Wink

I think i remember that house too Smile used to get free eq there as a newbie, too bad i could not sell it since it was worthy 0 coins Razz
Carrion's neqbie equipment instead used to give me good cash, worthy of the long trip to reach that area  Cool

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.

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« Reply #39 on: May 09, 2004, 02:19:57 AM »

Quote from: Snafu

If memory serves me right, I believe that was Ulrik's newbie area. I miss that. I don't know if it was removed totally or placed on isle of lost empires. That part of his area was done well enough to help a new player out. Smile

/Snafu Very Happy

There is a newbie area on the Isle of Lost Empires that belongs to Ulrik, although I don't remember if it has rats and that sort.  Perhaps its a smaller version, or more of a tutorial.  One does find some equipment in there, anyhow.
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« Reply #40 on: June 13, 2004, 12:42:38 PM »

I was I think in my 1st or 2nd yer in the uny ('98 or '99) when I first heard of MUD. There was thi bunch of strage people that would stare all day long in a black screen... lots of white text was flying around 1st I thougt is was some kind of linux irc client. Then I went to a lab and there were more... I found out it was mud, and I quickly hated it (cause of the mudders I could never find a decent pc to play quake on). After that I started to look closer (wolfy was REALY picturing it all and explaining to me the beauty of some places, scaryness of other places what can I say he had a rich imagination Razz )
In the begining of 2000 I think I decided it would not hurt to give it a try (how wrong was I) so I asked "how?" one of the nerds came to my pc told me to go away and after 2-3 mins I had a lvl 1 adenturer, named Guppy. I was at green and did not know any commands, then I got a tell "scrie ma: party join" and there I was in a party with 2 chapions of camelot and a high one but I'm not shure of that... anyway was a party of 4... I asked what should I do? the answer was "nothing now, wait I'll eplain it to you later" a few hours later I was a level 10 advanturer and still had no clue, I managed to leave the party and started exploring (with the wormchopper in the hand I found that wery funny) I was wrighting down every direction I took... and still got lost after a while of begging burgo got me back to green where another friend... (did not knew who that was back then) helped me out with some eq...
it was gloves... he gave me a ring that tleported me dunno where, after that I got mad and quited mudding for another wheek or so

That was my 1st day, soon after I mad cerber, a dedicated khorne that never managed to get bigger than rank 12 but had 2 bites at rank 2 Razz and beshina that I still miss...

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« Reply #41 on: June 13, 2004, 01:13:19 PM »

Quote from: Hellspawn

and beshina that I still miss...

*scratch* there still is a player with that name, so why do you miss her/him?

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.

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« Reply #42 on: June 13, 2004, 02:31:08 PM »

u can try loging in

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« Reply #43 on: June 13, 2004, 03:46:59 PM »


"Forgive me for I don't know what I gain
Alone in this garden of pain
Enchantment has but one truth:
I weep to have what I fear to lose"
-Tuomas Holopainen
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« Reply #44 on: June 15, 2004, 09:50:39 PM »

My first day?

While idling after a first year class i logged on at the suggestion of a friend.

Luckily or unluckily for me i ran into and started partying with one Rockoletta, Maeveen and Mikaa - i Nanny married one for a few years!

I survived and to this day idle and spam on Nanny.


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