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 on: March 31, 2011, 05:49:55 AM 
Started by Qwer - Last post by Qwer
Oh, I'll check for that plaque.
And I don't know about Danny's hydra, that's an interesting thing to explore. Smile
(i'll probably die again but that's ok, getting used to it these days)

 on: March 26, 2011, 06:12:39 AM 
Started by Qwer - Last post by Escaflowne
The hut in kerish's area.  The plaque disappeared for years but Vulcan brought it back.  OR maybe it's vanished again...

Danny's hydra might have something similar.

 on: March 21, 2011, 10:24:51 AM 
Started by Qwer - Last post by Qwer
What other "bloody signs" are there in nanny (immortality on some sign killing big monsters)? Or stuff like Hans' t-shirt for beast of nurgle - so prestige kills with some kind of permanent reward?
I know there was a Kerish pet's plaque, where that is? Didn't find it recently.

 on: March 07, 2011, 07:47:05 AM 
Started by Escaflowne - Last post by Qwer
/troll randomly

 on: March 01, 2011, 03:14:43 PM 
Started by Aeneas - Last post by Escaflowne
Thats a long session. Don't know if 'congratz' is something we'd say to it Wink Long ago were the days when I could stay up that long.

Marriage has a way of slowing that behavior down Wink

"I now pronounce you MUD and wife."

 on: February 14, 2011, 04:47:07 PM 
Started by Aeneas - Last post by spamfu
Thats a long session. Don't know if 'congratz' is something we'd say to it Wink Long ago were the days when I could stay up that long.

Marriage has a way of slowing that behavior down Wink

 on: December 30, 2010, 11:53:44 AM 
Started by Aeneas - Last post by Escaflowne
Thought I'd post this, from end of July 2009 excerpts of a chatlog with Vulcan:

Me: Didn't think I still had it in me to pull this shit
Vulcan: Pull what?
Me: Finger recluse
 Recluse the advanced Practiced Hunter (neutral)
 He is a puny mortal.
 Recluse is a secondchar.
 He is logged on right now and has been so for 22 hours 51 minutes 15 seconds.
 Recluse has no plan.
Vulcan: Yikes
Me: I know
Me: Not done a session anywhere close to this since 2003.
Me: My record is 25 hours.  May as well try and beat it now.
Vulcan: I conclude you are having fun with the guild
Me: Not bad so far.  I think it's more that I'm hooked.  I've gotten an opportunity to put all my accumulated knowledge to the test.
Me: I think the real fun will start when I get some of the better powers
Me: I've also stayed logged in because [censored] reward on me.
Me: So I'm milking it for all its worth.  Got 99%  against human males.
Me: First bonecrush with bare hands Smile
Vulcan: cool

Me: I would have way exceeded today's progress if I'd known about the buying items, or bothered to look at it.  As it is i've almost caught up with the highest player.
Vulcan: yeah
Me: It seems I keep breaking through into these hour-long plateaues of calmness where I don't feel any real tiredness or desire for sleep.  Maybe my body is being forced to tap into resources because of how I'm treating it.

Vulcan: you're still going?
Me: seems so...
Me: I've got to break down sooner or later
Vulcan: yeah don;'t get yourself sick
Vulcan: My record is 73 hours straight assembly programming on a Commodore Amiga back in 1989
Vulcan: don't plan to repeat it
Me: I guess the lack of sleep showed in the work?
Vulcan: well, it was removal of software protection in games during was called as a copy-party
Me: Normally something comes up to make me stop... don't know if you've ever had that experience when reading a fiction book, you have to "come to a certain place" in order to feel like you can put it down...
Vulcan: yeah, or watching a tv series
Me: Um, not sure that's the same thing...
Vulcan: for me it is
Me: I mean put the book down when you're engrossed in it.
Me: You watch a whole series in 1 sitting?
Vulcan: some TV series suspense just never lets up
Vulcan: try watching a season of 24
Me: ok
Vulcan: you must be the top hunter now
Me: Well one guy is a bit ahead of me grade-wise.
Vulcan: who?
Me: kelefane
Me: Now I just dread to think that this session ends with me dying
Me: I mean my  char, not me from lack of sleep Razz
Vulcan: just take a break if you';re concerned
Me: one of the hooks, though not the whole reason, is the [CENSORED] I have, that goes when I quit.
Me: If I "took a break" I' fall asleep and my char would statue off.

Me: finally I stop.  34 hours in total.

 on: November 25, 2010, 02:30:42 PM 
Started by Escaflowne - Last post by Carrion
THE FORUM IS ALIVE!!!!   Laughing

But only because I posted.

You can thank me later.    Cool

Thanks mate!

 on: November 25, 2010, 07:58:11 AM 
Started by Escaflowne - Last post by Escaflowne
THE FORUM IS ALIVE!!!!   Laughing

But only because I posted.

You can thank me later.    Cool

 on: March 29, 2010, 08:43:53 AM 
Started by garetjax - Last post by Gelu
I'm happy abandoned things are back again, but I'm sad cause I surely don't meet the requirements for this club.

So, what about those that find out here about the reopening of the Legion club?
Are they allowed to spread the word in Nanny or through Facebook or through whatever means? I reckon not.
In this case is this forum a somewhat secretive place/club?   Wink

You know? I can keep a secret...

btw, Have you joined the Facebook NannyMUD group?
I'm asking because currently spamfu has 201 members and on Facebook Nanny has 200 members.
I thought you were the missing one.  Very Happy (on Facebook there's no Vulcan in the 'Who are who?!' section)

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