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1  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Your First Day on: May 07, 2004, 01:23:54 AM
In late October of '99, I found NannyMUD through exploring, which I had found through Elfwood.

First time on the MUD, I logged in as Guest to get a feel for it, as I had no idea what a MUD was.  I played through the java client.  I think Guest had been a statue, and set to brief mode, because when I logged in that first time, there were no room descriptions at all and I had no clue where I was.  Just directions.  I thought it was some sort of maze game, and so just typed directions until I came to "a dark room" and couldn't go anywhere.  So I logged out, and and the next day tried again.  This time, I wandered somewhere west of green as Guest, tried to learn some about actions I could do, got in a fight with a rabbit, and was killed quickly.  I learned that I should wield things, and there was a broken bottle in the room, so I tried unsuccessfully to wield it as a ghost for a bit before I gave up.

I logged in again later, and this time made a character.  I went north of the church, being extremely careful this time, and a little frightened as I saw the arena, and somewhere northwest, I found a house or cave of sorts that was a newbie area (I think it was removed from the game not long after I found it).  I pressed a button, and was given a backpack and weapon and armour and instructions on how to fight rats.  That was quite a bit of help, but as I left there and explored some nearby, I was killed again and by the time I figured out how to become regenerated, my newbie eq was gone.  I went back to the newbie place, and was forbidden from receiving more stuff, so I wandered around frustratedly a bit, got lost in a place I couldn't get out of, and logged out.

So, thinking that I could only ever get more newbie eq if I made a new character, I made Martinique and started over again.  This time, instead of straying north immediately after getting my new eq, I hung around green and read the newbie booklet, talked with people and learned about feelings, tells, etc., learned that I could do things to get exp other than risk my life fighting those ferrocious rabbits, and just explored the village.  After getting the hang of the game some, I told Wolfenhex about this fun and challenging multi-user game I had found, and we started exploring the MUD together.

Somewhere in the course of this, I found out that the MUD was easier to use with a telnet client (probably from Wolfenhex), and I was introduced to those.  And someone told me I should join a guild, and I'd get some awesome powers that Adventurers' didn't have.  I tried for quite a bit to get recruited into -any- guild, and heard that druid's was good, but couldn't run down a druid to do it.  Finally, I think it was Lazarus who answered my call to be recruited, and he or someone else made us Lepers.  I had no clue how to play a guild at first, but I was -very- impressed with it, and the idea of having these neat spells.

We had lots of good times playing.  Exploring some, solving a few quests (but mostly getting irritated with them, as a newbie, although I still get frustrated with ones that insist on exact syntaxes that are hard to discover), dying often for a while, finding out what all those wizards I saw logged on did, and deciding to become one (probably through Avis' influence, as I remember him always being on the Lepers line), and partying a lot.  It seemed like we usually partied with a chef, until we stopped seeing him around at all (Slave was his name I believe), and any lepers that were around, probably others I can't remember at the moment.

Yep, lots of fun.
2  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 6 May 2004 on: May 06, 2004, 10:45:55 PM
I eat quite a few "snacks" since I don't really like to sit down and eat a meal unless I'm dining out.  Besides fruit and berries (fresh, canned, dried), I love peanut butter with just about anything, and all kinds of cheese, especially brie slices, which go nice with a yogurt smoothie.  I love just about anything dairy related.  I also make my own oatmeal & apple sauce cookies, adding whatever I have around to them.
3  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 7 May 2004 on: May 06, 2004, 09:58:27 PM

Charybdis! (of course)
Heroes! (in the ancient greek sense of the word: a demi-god cursed with one flaw)

And I'm sure there are others.
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