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1  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Still here? on: September 15, 2009, 12:43:19 PM
NannyMUD got boring after some years of doing everything, over and over again. No new content = dead game.
I've seen lots of old content comming back when logging in to read announcements, but where's the
new stuff?  Where's the creativity we all were part of back in the 90s?

Anyhow, couldn't possibly find time to play as it is right now anyway. Family and work, not much sparetime inbetween.
2  NannyMUD / Lost and Found / Elysse on: May 17, 2006, 12:29:47 PM
I miss chatting with Elysse.. we used to talk for hours and hours, about everything..
Anyone heard anything from her?  I've tried both phoning and emailing without luck..
I guess she've changed contact availabilities as usual..
3  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / Re: Well Someone needed to ask a question... on: May 17, 2006, 10:43:21 AM
I wear shampoo while in the shower.  Does this count?
4  NannyMUD / Newbie Help / Re: Aliases / Nicknames / Prompts on: May 17, 2006, 10:37:56 AM
Some aliases I use(d).
pc = put all from corpses in pack
ppp = put all from pack in sack
pp = put %@ in pack    (where %@ is exchanged for whatever you type after 'pp'
gp = get %@ from pack    for example "pp sword 3" will put sword 3 in pack)
sep = sell all from pack
sip = sell all from sack
sa = sell all
seg = sell all from ground
g = get all
gc = get coinses from pack
gcc = get coisnes from sack
k = auto kill
sh = shape
a = whatever attack power used most frequently at the moment.
lb = light brazier
es = enter ship
eb = enter boat
cm = climb mountain
cd = climb down
sg = squeeze through gap
mt = mount dragon
pl = pet lizard
p = party
ps = party say
pt = party split
pf = party follow

5  NannyMUD / Newbie Help / Re: Tome spell on: May 17, 2006, 10:23:38 AM
Which tome spell?  There are several of them as far as I know...
6  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Michel on: April 03, 2006, 05:57:08 AM
I'm a jerk!  I hope... Smile

Actually, I stopped playing because of jerks in the game, those responsible know whom they are.
7  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Re: Confessions on: April 02, 2006, 10:54:27 AM
I've tried multiplaying to get myself banished once, it didn't work Sad
I think I was online with 10 or more characters actually.. I was just ignored for it..

Other then that.. well, the simyarin bug I was part of.. was expelled from the guild with that char..

When it comes to quests the only "cheating" I've done is probably to give too extensive hints to friends..
Like... "check under the table in the kitchen".. instead of just "search in the house" or something..

I've had one char being banished because of me getting wizinfo, and when asked I ofc didn't want to
tell which wiz had given it to me.. Ended in a site ban for new chars and another character down the drain Razz
(too bad for admins I changed IP every 24h back then!)

I've mostly been a good player otherwise (I think).. 
8  NannyMUD / Wishes and Thoughts... / Re: Nanny dying? on: March 29, 2006, 03:35:17 AM
If, however, it was led and monitored by an admin - and if membership was restricted to individuals that want to help (like yourself) - and if membership was rewarded with a special mortal status which over-wrote that of paragon in todays terms - see how attitudes would change!

I've seen a system like this, elsewhere, and it's very great.  They have players named "Newbie-helpers" (perhaps something instead of paragon?) which devote their time to give hint and sometimes fetch a piece of eq that a newbie could benefit from (a backpack, torch and possibly a weapon).  They never gave you money, but they answered even the most obscure questions if it was in any way game-related (and ofc, if they had a good answer).

Anyhow, a system something like this could, and should, be implemented I think.
9  NannyMUD / Misc / Lost Nanny on: May 28, 2005, 08:14:46 PM
Lysator had a hacking attempt, on which they closed off all internet. They opened nanny quite fast, but their FTP is still not open though.

I'm sure it'll be fixed asap though.
10  NannyMUD / Art Corner / Village green on: January 12, 2005, 09:49:09 AM
My favourite "picture on mind" of green, has always been a great group of people, that is pictured.  But where is the clueless newbie, and the "Ghost of the Damned", hunting a poor soul by teleporting to it?

Other then that, I find the picture very good, even though I had trouble figuring out the naked guy before I checked the list of guilds as well Smile
11  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 6 May 2004 on: May 06, 2004, 09:20:16 AM
If I ever eat any such thing as snack food, I guess it would be something I made myself, like tiny pankakes (we call them: "Krabelurer"), those end up turning 2inch diameter and about 1inch thick.. Dip them in some sugar and there you go.. Smile
12  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 5 May 2004 on: May 05, 2004, 11:18:52 AM
A word that describes me, could probably be:
13  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 30 April 2004 on: April 29, 2004, 06:54:48 PM
I guess I have to say drinking beer and playing pool (combo)...
I also thing shoplifting is abit of a sport to me.. especially since I've never got caught Wink   Besides from that, smoking weed is a very good example :p

14  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 29 April 2004 on: April 28, 2004, 07:01:55 PM
I usually listen to some kind of fantasy/medieval inspired music..
Stuff like.. Nightwish, Blind Guardian..
But I also like listening to Hel, Ultima Thule and/or Hammerfall..
None of these are at no special occassion, its just the normal playlist I load when I login to nanny...

15  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 28 April 2004 on: April 27, 2004, 06:23:44 PM
That's an easy one, its most definately:
Spritneybears - Gummibears!
(thinking mostly of the chorus on that one though)

But seriously.. If I can choose a swedish song, its:
Hel - Mörker
English song is atm:
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Don't Forget Me

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