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1  NannyMUD / Misc / Dark Ages of Camelot on: August 24, 2004, 10:54:32 AM
Hey Hey all you gamers out there Anyone on Dark Ages of Camelot send me a PPM and let me know going to get a nanny group together woot Smile
2  NannyMUD / Misc / Great players, wtf is that? on: July 01, 2004, 06:18:00 PM
In my most humble opinion, Intelligence is not necessarily larger brain capacity, greater amounts of knowledge, A person can have an immense amout of knowledge and no idea how to apply it.

So I looked up intelligence at

in·tel·li·gence    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (n-tl-jns)

1 The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge.
2 The faculty of thought and reason.
3 Superior powers of mind.

Personally the first one hits home. Intelligence is the ability to pursue and apply things you do not know.  Take for instance the medical field. (easiest for me to do association with) A cardiologist is an extremely intelligent doctor, knows a great many things about the heart and is usually expanding their knowledge on a daily basis. An opthamalogist is parallel in knowledge but knows a minute amount about the heart as the cardiologist most likely knows a minute amound about eyes. Both of these medical doctors may have no clue how to put a new altenator belt in their BMWs, but their very intelligent Auto Mechanic does.

So where does that bring us on a MUDs level? Some people are excellent questors, me personally I seem to miss the details, whether due to impatience or attention deficit I do not know, I seem to be better at the Hack and Slash side of RPG. Some people know in more detail about equipment, or spells, Some are more all around. Does it make one player better than the next? Depends on your definition of great. I think this is being reiiterated from great already posted points. But may I state it again? just because one isnt #1 in the mud, doesnt mean they are not a great player. Just because one chooses to not go on to wizzard levels, doesnt mean they are not a great player. and ofc That newbie sitting in the green wide eyed in wonderment may be the most intelligent person on the mud. Not because they know more, but because they have the perserverance to chase and obtain knowledge and then utilize it in the best possible way.

Personally I like to think that all the people I have met on Nanny have intelligence. I cant offhand recall ever having met someone I was completely put out with on a knowledgeable level. Maturity of players sometimes lack, but then again this is a game, so immaturity would be a part of it right?  Twisted Evil  I enjoy myself immensely and absolutely love reading these posts, because I see an immense amount of intelligence here. And that ofc Keeps me Intrigued. Someone said Intellilgence was or was not needed to become great in Nanny. In a way the ability to log on seek out a game for fun that provides the entertainment and fellowship  that nanny does IMO is a great start on Intelligence. A player choses to hack and slash their way to the top, WOO HOO. Its fun lets out aggression, a repetitive motion to help lift the worries and eccentricities of real life, One chooses the questors path, has my most admiration, That is a path I cannot follow as well. Does it make me less in intelligent less of a good player, I hope not. I like to explore I like to play with weapons and armours learning new spells, Tweaking my characters to see the best combinations.

Thats just my humble opinion that probably strayed so far from the point most would have a hard time following it. So I hope someone got what I was trying to say....

but then again Im forever the Optimist

-Ahriah Smile
3  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 13 June 2004- 19 June 2004 on: June 23, 2004, 12:51:13 PM
WOW I had forgotten Ladyhawke was a good movie.. old, but definitely good. AND HELLO Princess Bride... most excellent Very Happy
4  NannyMUD / Daily Rant / Whats your favourite idling spot and spam as a mortal? on: June 22, 2004, 11:18:32 PM
Amylaars Roof Wink Secret room in snows area, and Amenos secret room since im in tag.. idling and spamming has to be good hiding places
5  NannyMUD / Misc / Nanny Suicide Prevention on: June 17, 2004, 10:12:18 AM
I talked to him last night, he wouldnt tell me why he did what he did, but he was slowly getting his autoloaders and clubs back. *shrug*

I think we all go through it, there was one point I vowed hard to not comeback. I went out in search of a new game.... LOL and look at me now ;D still here and still addicted.

It comes in waves there has been times I sit back stunned and think I cannot believe so and so did this or someone said that, How mean, how spiteful. and it can be as small as a comment or silly action. but it all can be miscommunication, or a game of roleplaying.

When I was a newbie I wandered around for a long time, shy (people who know me now....I know your thinking Ive never been shy LOL) and unwilling to ask questions because everyone seemed to be so busy. Hind sight tells me that people thought I was probably some Chacter's 96th Second, but I was a true newbie in the sense. The point is the Arches and Wizzes did intimidate me, Heck the level 5 players intimidated me.

Personally I have worked on Ahriah fiercely, I dont think I could kill her on purpose, but I can remember turning off nanny and saying no more. is that the same thing?

but to change the point..... On being a newbie. I so think there should be a newbie club line.  if  I had of Had someone I could have chatted with I might not have felt so intimidated, I think I was up there in levels before I finally joined druids.... but let me take my hat off for that wonderful Knight who never hesitated to take her time to step in  and help me out, the first one on Nanny who took the time to talk to me, and to this day I am most honoured to be their friend

*hats off to*        CARLISTO          *thug*
6  NannyMUD / Art Corner / Dulcineea's Storybook on: June 13, 2004, 07:06:32 AM
POST POST POST, but get a job too wouldnt want to miss seeing short stories because you cant pay for internet access hehe Very Happy
7  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 23 May 2004- 29 May 2004 on: June 04, 2004, 04:00:48 PM
ooops I forgot to put why I count steps.....

Since no one asked why Smile ill post it just in case any one was interested....

from the begining of junior high through my days at Vanderbilt University I was in the *shudder* no one laugh,,,,,,,,, Marching Band and counting steps was how you made the formations accross the field I picked it up as a habit and it stuck with me..
8  NannyMUD / Misc / Saved by some unknown grace on: June 04, 2004, 08:08:52 AM
I was on last night playing my heart out, Decided to go for a decent kill, holding a favorite weapon of mine, So I bang away for a while. HP/sp drop normally so I run over and heal up nice and quick. Run back have my favorite little NPC nice and low... VWS HP floating around 140 thought BOY im doing oh so well. AND SUDDENLY hes dead, I mean so fast I dont even realize it until I look at what happened and proceeded to check my pants for any accidents.

Did not really see a place to post this, but I found it bringing a smile to my face again and again and....(I hold Snafu partially responsible *tease* as trying to keep one eye on spammers LMAO,) and you know when you have a really close call you think wow...I made I didnt lose that massive amount of xp np guild level stats......

So here it is for all to get a smile over....and know this my pants survived, but it took quite awhile for my HR to go back to normal.

 Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool
** HP: 104/204   SP: 104/204
** The wiry monk is in deplorable shape.
> The monk moves quicker than your eye can follow and suddenly he has planted a dozen well placed blows on you. Yourself groan in mortal pain!
** HP: 14/204   SP: 104/204
** The wiry monk is in deplorable shape.
The wiry monk's staff glows momentarily and seems almost to be striking you on its
** HP: 11/204   SP: 104/204
** The wiry monk is in deplorable shape.
The wiry monk swings his staff and connects with your right wrist.
The wiry monk died.
You killed the wiry monk.
 Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool
9  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 23 May 2004- 29 May 2004 on: May 28, 2004, 09:43:07 AM
Hmmm had to wait a bit to post here, to think about here goes...

agree with poogie about the magazines...and also I always want a fresh newspaper to think someone has read my sunday paper before me makes me intollerably mad Wink

I dont do the circle thing...but I count steps....especially when mowing the yard. I could not tell you how many steps it is from any given point to another, but ill catch myself when my mind is drifting with a menail task, going 1,2,3,4, I never make it to high numbers always stop and restart before 32.... I know why i do this... but bonus points to anywho who can guess (ill post why later.)

I wont eat the last bowl of cereal from a box. (something to do with all the crumbies settling on the bottom)

I tend to be systematic about everything...and no its not OCD...its a fear that if I break order ill forget to do something

I always set the clock by my bed 23 minutes ahead...this is so I think im late when it goes off...although I know its ahead, I tried changing this once...I would like to think I didnt change it back to 23 minutes fast...but there it is ....23 minutes fast again.

For Snaffie - Im the same with tab/return when ever I type a line I do it whether its nanny yahoo whatever.....*blames AOL*

and my last is fanatic handwashing/hand sanitizers....   This is a habit really, but I wash my hands before and after everything.... I use hand sanitizers when ever im away from a sink...this is ofc Job related.... but even when im gardening I am constantly rinsing my hands with a hose.

oh and I never ever ever lick envelopes or stamps....
10  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 30 April 2004 on: May 25, 2004, 03:15:59 PM
Speaking of guilty pleasures TV series, I definitely have to add Charmed to them Most definitely post Shannen Daugherty episodes, When the girls powers got outrageous, Pregnant woman kicking ass, sweet girl becoming leader of the underworld, Woo Woo man some of those episodes rocks...
11  NannyMUD / Suggestions / Daily question --> weekly on: May 20, 2004, 10:32:13 AM
I adore Poogie...I admire Poogie....*waves her "Poogie Rocks!!!" banner around*

But thanks for backing off to once a week...I know though probably by sunday I will be in severe Poogie Posting Withdrawal !!!!

So if once a week doesnt fulfill the insatiable needs of Hard Core Posters...Maybe 2 times a week, Like Monday & Thursday or Tuesday & Friday, or 3 times a week on Monday Wednesday and Friday...or perhaps Poogie you do what makes you warm and fuzzy inside...Because as Long as you keep asking...Ill keep trying to answer..

(who hasnt had time to post much lately due to sheer laziness Laughing )
12  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 15 May 2004 on: May 14, 2004, 11:29:40 PM
Stephen Tyler....can you imagine the life of Liv Tyler Smile I could so be her, happily.
13  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / I need me glasses on on: May 13, 2004, 12:15:21 PM
When I first read the question, I read it as Communist I see where I made my mistake LOL I should wear my glasses when Im posting. So anyways for a while I have been sitting here thinking, ok what would I want in a communistic society...Now I SEE CONSUMIST  Laughing silly me.

So if I could have one thing , besides the given like money (whoever said Money doesnt buy happiness, has never been as poor as me) and Basic needs. I would have to say, I would want a super super computer...I see a computer as a gateway, to knowledge information fun etc. and I would want this super computer sitting in my Fantastic Pine Log Cabin sitting on the edge of a forest next to a beautiful cliff droppping to a perfect beach next to the ocean with snowcapped mountains looming beside the forest....see a girls gotta have dreams Smile

I love my computer, but to have an infinite amount of hard drive space, a screen I dont have to squint at to read, and a modem to make speedy surfers weep. Now that sounds like my cup of tea.

And ofc all of this would be possible because Im richer than Oprah...
so i still guess it all comes back to money  Rolling Eyes
14  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / *fear* on: May 10, 2004, 09:47:35 PM
ooo something in poogies post reminded me....When I was a kid I saw a bridge collapse with cars on it, ever since I have this odd fear of driving over long bridges, I can do it, but I get really sick and I drive like my grandma....Every year we take this trip to Muscle Shoals, AL and i have to cross the bridge over Joe Wheeler one wants to get behind me LOL
15  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 10 May 2004 on: May 10, 2004, 08:46:09 PM
Quote from: Moonchild
Alzheimer's disease.

Knowing that your brain is slowly decaying and you'll soon be incapable of thinking properly or looking after yourself...ugh. about


ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease, is an incurable fatal neuromuscular disease characterized by progressive muscle weakness, resulting in paralysis. The disease attacks nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Motor neurons, which control the movement of voluntary muscles, deteriorate and eventually die. When the motor neurons die, the brain can no longer initiate and control muscle movement. Because muscles no longer receive the messages they need in order to function, they gradually weaken and deteriorate.

The initial signs of ALS may vary. Symptoms include stiffness and increasing muscle weakness, especially involving the hands and feet. The disease eventually affects speech, swallowing and breathing. Because ALS only attacks motor neurons that control the body's voluntary muscles, patients' minds and senses are not impaired.

Losing all motor function, and not my mind...
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