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4062 Posts in 352 Topics by 201 Members
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1  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Bartle Test on: June 18, 2008, 11:00:14 PM
AESK players are interested in the player-versus-environment aspect of the game more than anything else. They are often soloists who want to achieve and see what the world has to offer. Often, they find groups cumbersome and PVP to be more an annoyance than a feature.

Breakdown: Achiever 60.00%, Explorer 53.33%, Killer 40.00%, Socializer 46.67%
2  NannyMUD / Nanny Times Back Issues / Thank you Astrodeath. on: September 07, 2006, 10:44:31 AM
Thank you Astrodeath for reopening the newstand and for putting up the new issue and all the back issues of the Nanny Times. Hope to read more of the back issues if they are around and looking forward to reading a new issue in the future.
Thanks again,
3  NannyMUD / Nanny Times Back Issues / Re: The NannyMUD Times 2006 September issue. on: September 07, 2006, 10:34:28 AM
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 9    ---
Toplist Summary             NannyMUD Times                     Page 12

  Here is a summary of the players currently dominating the toplists
  throughout the MUD. Someone missing here? Let me know!
  Quester: Cost, Decant, Erestor, Opus
  Cthulhu: Bombadill
  Khorne: Rhuarc
  Druid: Polar
  Masters: Galactus, Jehosaphat
  Leper: Knox
  Dark: Nemesis
  Chef: Kemmerich, Rascal
  Viking: Harkon
  Charmers: Cost
  Paragon: Nemesis
  Treasure hunters: Polar
  Top Combatant: Draculea
  Toughest Combantant: Rowen
  Spammer: Polar
  Diner: Polar
  PK high score: Crudes
  PK most kills: Arraquwain


---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 10   --
Player Profile              NannyMUD Times                     Page 10

  * What's your character's name?
  * How long have you played Nanny, and how old is your character in RL time?
  I've played nanny since 1996 and my char is 55 days young.
  * What's your character's mud description?
  My character doesn't have a desc other than wearing my lumberjack bra
  and suspenders.
  * What's your story in brief?
  I came up with my name because I wanted to be close to Uranus. I don't have
  a history, and only a goal of trying to remember who I talked to the day/week
  * What's your character's personality like?
  I'm a grumpy sweet pessimist who doesn't give coins to newbies because
  they don't exist. I kill steal when I know no one is going to finish or
  when I can get away with it. I'm not a pker on this char and in short
  I'm the guy you see smacking around Nurgle.
  * What are you hobbies and/or playing style?
  I'm pure hack and slash and only quest when its required. I like to char
  but have a really bad time remembering who I talk to so I'll more than
  likely forget your name. I'm playing up my character because I have a
  knack for dying and staying in the same spot for weeks/months. And
  exploring is for druids or people with patience.
  * How did you come to be in the guild you're in now?
  I started off in knights and left when I realized it wasn't fun anymore,

  got my arse whipped in vamps, and now whip arse in cult.
  * What's your favorite area and why?
  My favorite area is village green because its where all the cool kids
  my mom warned me about hang out.
  * What your favorite pub?
  Sunshine Inn because it brightens my day.
  * What would you tell a new player?
  Want to see my Pet?

---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 11   --
Player Profile Form         NannyMUD Times                     Page 11


  What's your character's....
  Player Name:
  Real Name:
  Marital Status:
  First time on Nanny:
  Total time on Nanny:

  What's your character's MUD description? (Age, height,
  weight, appearance, whatever you think appropropriate.)

  What's your story? (How did you arrive at your character's
  name, what sort of history does your character have, either
  in real life or in fantasy, what are his/her/your goals, etc.)

  What's your character's personality like? Are you grumpy or
  sweet? Do you give coins to newbies? Do you kill-steal? Are
  you a PKer? What, in short, are you like?

  What are your hobbies and/or playing style? Do you like to
  chat or to fight? Are you playing up your character or taking
  it easy? Are you an explorer or do you stick to the

  How did you come to be in the guild you're in now? Did you
  pick it right off, have you bounced around ... ?

  What's your favorite area and why?

  What's your favorite pub or healing place and why?

  What would you tell a new player?

  Anything else we've missed? Tell us about it.

  ** Submit all forms to Astrodeath


> > read page 12
But there are less pages than that!
4  NannyMUD / Nanny Times Back Issues / Re: The NannyMUD Times 2006 September issue. on: September 07, 2006, 10:34:08 AM
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 7    ---
  Puzzles                     NannyMUD Times                     Page 7
  Question #1
  A clever, but financially strapped college student discovered
  that he had spent all of his room and board money on less academic
  pursuits. Quickly, he telegrammed his dear old parents for cash.
  However, he was so destitute, he could only afford three words.
  By an amazingly serendipitous stroke of fortune, he was able to
  send his request, the total amount needed, and the breakdown in
  this simple message:
        + MORE
  How much did the poor student need, and how much were the
  two portions for room and board?
    PRIZE: 2000 coins.
  Question #2
  A snail is at the bottom of a 20 meters deep pit. Every day the
  snail climbs 5 meters upwards, but at night it slides 4 meters
  back downwards.
  How many days does it take before the snail reaches
  the top of the pit?
    PRIZE: 2000 coins.
  Question #3
  A man has a wolf, a goat, and a cabbage. He must cross a river with
  the two animals and the cabbage. There is a small rowing-boat, in which
  he can take only one thing with him at a time. If, however, the wolf
  and the goat are left alone, the wolf will eat the goat. If the goat
  and the cabbage are left alone, the goat will eat the cabbage.
  How can the man get across the river with the two animals and the cabbage?
    PRIZE: 2000 coins.
  Question #4
  A confused bank teller transposed the dollars and cents when
  he cashed a check for Ms Smith, giving her dollars instead of
  cents and cents instead of dollars.  After buying a newspaper for
  50 cents, Ms Smith noticed that she had left exactly three times as
  much as the original check.  What was the amount of the check?
    PRIZE: 3000 coins.
  Question #5
  An 11-year-old boy is standing at the bus stop, waiting for the number 12
  bus. It's about 12:30 in the afternoon, and he's standing there with
  the new fishing rod he just bought. The fishing rod is 5 feet long.
  The bus stops and the boy attempts to enter the bus and the bus driver
  stops him as he puts that first foot in the door and the driver
  says, "You can't get on." And the kid asks, "Why?"

  And he says, there's a city ordinance, number 113, which prohibits
  anyone from carrying packages on the bus longer than 4 feet.
  And the kid says, "How am I going to get home?" The bus driver says,
  "That's your problem. That fishing rod is about 5 feet long and
  I'm booting you out."
  So, he kicks him off and the kid stands there bewildered. He says
  "I'll have to go back to the store and return it." He goes back to
  the store and they say no returns after 15 minutes. So, he's stuck
  with the fishing rod and no way to get home. He can't take a cab.
  He's got to take the bus and the fishing rod is 5 feet long.
  He walks back to the store again, realizing he can't return it.
  Five minutes later he's on the bus with the fishing rod.
  Without altering it, breaking it, sawing it in half, collapsing it.
  He does nothing to alter the fishing rod. How does he do it?
    PRIZE: 5000 coins.
    Mudmail all answers to Astrodeath by September 30th.
    Prizes will be awared to the first correct answer. Answer and winner
    will be published in the next edition of the Times.

---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 8    ---
Sudoku                      NannyMUD Times                     Page 8

                 |   :   :   |   :   :   | 6 : 3 :   |
                 | 1 :   :   |   :   :   |   : 8 :   |
                 |   :   : 6 |   :   :   | 9 :   : 1 |
                 |   : 9 : 5 | 7 : 4 :   |   :   :   |
                 | 3 :   :   | 9 : 6 : 8 |   :   : 5 |
                 |   :   :   |   : 2 : 5 | 1 : 7 :   |
                 | 7 :   : 9 |   :   :   | 2 :   :   |
                 |   : 1 :   |   :   :   |   :   : 3 |
                 |   : 6 : 8 |   :   :   |   :   :   |
  PRIZE: 3000 coins.
  Mudmail answer to Astrodeath by September 30th.
  Prizes will be awared to the first correct answer. Answer and winner
  will be published in the next edition of the Times.


5  NannyMUD / Nanny Times Back Issues / Re: The NannyMUD Times 2006 September issue. on: September 07, 2006, 10:33:50 AM
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 6    ---
PK Log                      NannyMUD Times                     Page 6

  A straight up fight of good vs. evil... we have the Monk Yodah vs.
  the Cultist Alfar.

The village track <e w n s>.
You are walking along a dusty and dirty track on the outskirts of the Lars
Town. The ground is worn with wagon ruts and countless footprints. Back to
the west is an open green lawn and the tall village church, while off to the
north a track winds through the hills.
It is noon; the sun hangs high in the sky.
To the south there is a marketplace.
  There are four obvious exits: east, west, north and south.
Alfar The Elder PriessT'ess of CT'hulhu (parasite).
A gift voucher.
** HP: 203/206   SP: 206/206
Alfar scratched your back lightly.
You punch Alfar very hard.
Fibre arrives.
Fibre leaves east.
You point at yourself and turn the powers loose.
You cast the spell of Haste.
You feel yourself moving faster!
You missed Alfar.
** Alfar is in superior shape.
Alfar scratched your back lightly.
You missed Alfar.
Alfar points at herself, and utters a Word Of Power!
You punch Alfar hard.
Alfar missed you.
Alfar chants "Varf-Shub-Niggurath! Gabots Memrot" and you burst into flames.
You are badly hurt by Alfar's spell!
** HP: 173/206   SP: 206/206
** Alfar is in superior shape.
You punch Alfar hard.
Fibre arrives.
Fibre leaves west.
** HP: 173/206   SP: 195/206
** Alfar is in very good shape.
You chant a healing over yourself and feel healthier.
** HP: 197/206   SP: 195/206
** Alfar is in very good shape.
You graze Alfar slightly.
You hit Alfar in the head with a roundkick.
Alfar chants "Uthgos plam'f Daoloth asgu'I" and you scream in pure terror!
** HP: 155/206   SP: 195/206
** Alfar is in very good shape.
** HP: 155/206   SP: 184/206
** Alfar is in very good shape.
You chant a healing over yourself and feel healthier.
** HP: 183/206   SP: 184/206
** Alfar is in very good shape.
Alfar chants "K'thakluth m'khur'g ath'lys" and you burn wildly.
** HP: 175/206   SP: 184/206
** Alfar is in very good shape.
You graze Alfar slightly.
Alfar chants "Yog-Sothoth Nafl'Fthagn" and you scream in pain.
** HP: 163/206   SP: 184/206
** Alfar is in very good shape.
You hit Alfar in the head with a roundkick.
** HP: 163/206   SP: 173/206
** Alfar is in good shape.
You chant a healing over yourself and feel healthier.

You feel the presence of Lars.
** HP: 206/206   SP: 173/206
** Alfar is in good shape.
Alfar chants "Varf-Shub-Niggurath! Gabots Memrot" and you burst into flames.
** HP: 171/206   SP: 173/206
** Alfar is in good shape.
You hit Alfar in the head with a roundkick.
You punch Alfar hard.
Alfar missed you.
Alfar drinks a potion.
** HP: 171/206   SP: 162/206
** Alfar is in very good shape.
You chant a healing over yourself and feel healthier.
** HP: 203/206   SP: 162/206
** Alfar is in very good shape.
Alfar missed you.
** HP: 191/206   SP: 162/206
** Alfar is in very good shape.
Alfar slashed your head.
You punch Alfar very hard.
You punch Alfar hard.
Alfar missed you.
An uncontrollable rage runs through your body, you find yourself hitting Alfar.
Alfar chants "N'gai, n'gha'ghaa, bugg-shoggog, y'hah; Yog-Sothoth,
You punch Alfar very hard.
You feel yourself slowing down.
** HP: 177/206   SP: 162/206
** Alfar is in good shape.
Alfar slashed your chest.
** HP: 177/206   SP: 151/206
** Alfar is in good shape.
You chant a healing over yourself and feel healthier.
** HP: 197/206   SP: 151/206
** Alfar is in good shape.
You punch Alfar very hard.
** HP: 194/206   SP: 151/206
** Alfar is in fair shape.
Alfar scratched your arm lightly.
Alfar laughs insanely as a great black mass hits you very hard.
You is paralysed by fear.
** HP: 141/206   SP: 151/206
** Alfar is in fair shape.
** HP: 135/206   SP: 151/206
** Alfar is in fair shape.
Alfar cut your back.
** HP: 135/206   SP: 140/206
** Alfar is in fair shape.
You chant a healing over yourself and feel healthier.
** HP: 154/206   SP: 140/206
** Alfar is in fair shape.
You hit Alfar in the head with a roundkick.
Alfar missed you.
** HP: 154/206   SP: 129/206
** Alfar is in fairly poor shape.
You chant a healing over yourself and feel healthier.
** HP: 165/206   SP: 129/206
** Alfar is in fairly poor shape.
You hit Alfar in the head with a roundkick.
** HP: 156/206   SP: 129/206
** Alfar is in fairly poor shape.
Alfar cut your leg.
** HP: 156/206   SP: 118/206
** Alfar is in fairly poor shape.
You chant a healing over yourself and feel healthier.
** HP: 173/206   SP: 118/206
** Alfar is in fairly poor shape.
You hit Alfar in the head with a roundkick.
** HP: 166/206   SP: 118/206
** Alfar is in poor shape.
Alfar cut your arm.
Alfar leaves north.
** HP: 166/206   SP: 107/206
You chant a healing over yourself and feel healthier.
** HP: 179/206   SP: 107/206
You punch Alfar hard.
The north track <n s>.
Alfar The Elder PriessT'ess of CT'hulhu (parasite).
** HP: 179/206   SP: 77/206
** Alfar is in poor shape.
A lightning bolt from the sky hits Alfar!
Alfar jerks convulsively!
You punch Alfar very hard.
** HP: 176/206   SP: 77/206
** Alfar is in deplorable shape.
Alfar scratched your back lightly.
Alfar leaves north.
You punch Alfar hard.
The north track <w n s>.
Alfar The Elder PriessT'ess of CT'hulhu (parasite).
** HP: 180/206   SP: 77/206
** Alfar is in deplorable shape.
** HP: 180/206   SP: 81/206
** Alfar is in deplorable shape.
You must wait another 12 seconds more.
Alfar died.
You killed Alfar.
The mist left the game.
No 'pack' here!
The north track <w n s>.
The dirt track continues. In front of you, the narrow track widens and winds
over the gently rolling hills of the north. The bustling village lies behind
you to the south. Beside the path small shrubs grow, and the songs of
crickets are loud in the air.
It is noon; the sun hangs high in the sky.
A big sign stands here. Behind it a path leads west.
  There are three obvious exits: west, north and south.
Corpse of Alfar.
You take elven gloves, elven boots, a tiara, a sword, 96841 coins, two bottles,
a feather cloak, a torch, a leather armour and wand of magic missiles from a
corpse of Alfar.


6  NannyMUD / Nanny Times Back Issues / Re: The NannyMUD Times 2006 September issue. on: September 07, 2006, 10:33:32 AM
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 4    ---
Charmers Club               NannyMUD Times                     Page 4
  Sometimes puzzles can be quite charming.
  So.. your were wandering around someones area in Nannyland picking
  up everything you saw, and looking at every room carefully...
  you may have seen a monster or two, and found a few items...
  well, suddenly something clicked in your head and you thought:
  wait a minute what is this item for, it must serve some purpose.
  You started to investigate and discovered it was used for a specific
  purpose and suddenly "You feel more Experienced." Bingo!
  You've solved a puzzle! Maybe you didnt even know it was a puzzle at

  that moment, but you felt good that you had gained experience in the
  Well there is a club called Charmers in Gemfibrozils area and
  if you figure out a few things there to complete a puzzle, you
  can be part of the club! After you've joined, you might find out that
  the puzzle you solved long ago is one of the puzzles that makes you
  become more charming. Some of the Wizards have volunteered to be part
  of the charmers experience and have added their puzzles into the club.
  Long ago as a newbie I was intrigued by the quests and puzzles
  throughout Nanny and have enjoyed solving them for as long as
  I have been here. I hope this article will inspire you to look
  more closely at the areas you visit. You may be surprised at your
  ability to solve some of the quests and puzzles here.
  I think one of my favorite puzzles is a puzzle in Andras area
  that I did long ago as a newbie, it was scary and daring but
  fun and exciting too.
  Sharlana the druid/Noble the monkess.


---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 5    ---
Playerquestion              NannyMUD Times                     Page 5

[NannyMUD Times Player Question]:
What is your favorite area in the game, and why?

You hear Longstrider hmming thoughtfully at you.

Yours replies to you: Lorenzo. It's fun!

Sharlana tells you: thinking

Tesera replies to you: I think most favourite is Bixby area because of the
       quests that you can solve there

Knud tells you: my favourite area is Andra's area. It's large,
            detailed, well written and contains pretty much everything Smile Nice
            kills, good equipment, quests, puzzles and so on!

Longstrider tells you: I think maybe Leowons - lots of nice places and cool

Bedivere replies to you: Valhall's. Good for XP. Both good and bad monsters,
         for both alignments, small players or bigger ones.

Aglaura tells you: There are several I like very much, but if only one:
        Drechbrel mainland, because it has the most interesting reading:)

Longstrider tells you: Although I've always liked Andras for the detail

Tesera replies to you: lot of thinking and much less killing Smile

Longstrider tells you: Are we getting new editions of the Times?

Saturn tells you: Bixby's jail because you can't get raped being

Labyrinth tells you: Snafu's workroom, so I can sit on his lap all day Smile

Tesera replies to you: what will be the cost of Times?

Longstrider tells you: I'd have to think about it - hard since I tend to play

            just one guild

Sharlana tells you: I have 2 first Gemfibrozils because its
            colourful and there are alot of puzzles and a good quest and second
            Vincents for the same reason, but there are several like the
            including Andras.. (Sighs indecisively)

Snafu tells you: the Village area because everyone has to go through there at
      some time or another

Longstrider tells you: what kind of topics would you be publishing?

Beldin tells you: Profezzorn's area; nostalgia.

Auric tells you: It's a tough question, since you only allow me to answer with
      1 area, and I like different areas for different reasons.

Dagoth tells you: Gunnar's area, it's huge! Smile No seriously, it's a difficult
       question to answer. First of all, I like different areas for different
       things. But if I had to pick one, I guess one of the areas I enjoy
       immensly is Leowon's area.

Dagoth tells you: There's a lot under the surface in his area and it's
       rewarding to explore. It takes a steady hand to explore his area though,
       because everytime you go back there it's still lethal if you don't pay
       attention *grins*. I guess that may be the reason I like it so much,
       because it never gets trivial Smile

Dagoth tells you: Other areas should be promoted as well

Dagoth tells you: Vincent's if you like questing, Brom's if you like exploring
       and Andra and Erendi's area if you like an area that has both a
       potential for enjoyable quests as well as exploring and killing. To name
       a few.

Yoshy tells you: Heh! The first part is easy to answer, and the
            second is quite impossible. Smile

You hear Gemfibrozil giggling merrily at you.

Aeneas replies to you: Leowon's area: beautiful descriptions and atmosphere,
       great equipment, plenty of thrills and plenty to discover

Poesia tells you: I really love Andra and Erendi's area. It's well
            thought out, there is a lot to do and it's not that huge so the
            space is used well. Things aren't always what they seem and the
            descriptions are just gorgeous.

Polar tells you: i have so many its hard to decide, 1 would be Elrohirs for the
      exp and money the valkyries carry, same for Soulfly

Gemfibrozil tells you: I will think on it Smile

Cheri tells you: oh, that is a hard one. well, mine, of course, although it
      isn't created yet. Dagoth has a great area, varied and large. It's a
      place you can go back to time and again. I like Harthorn's area a lot,
      lots of things to do there. Longstrider has a fun area to explore and
      some good loot. And who can deny Bixby's trolls, lol?  Andra's area is
      very well written. I love Block's toys. Aphextwin's area is good to go
      back to time and again. Well, I could go on and on......

Oak tells you: YOUR NUTS! Because they're wrapped in a dank forest of pubic
    hair yielding endless hours of adventure and exploration!

Polar tells you: then Mirage for the many kills


Poesia tells you: of course teranor's area will always hold a special place in
       my heart too

Oak tells you: you are totally inspiring.

Cheri tells you: i forgot to mention Gemfibrozil's area. Fun to explore and the
      puzzle club is great.

Cheri tells you: can you put that in, too?

Tecette tells you: Vincent (plenty of nice puzzles and quests).

Skuggfaxe tells you: dagoths, lot of nice kills and fun stuff around there

Gimp tells you: Dont really have any favorite area, but Wolfy's
             area is always fun to kill in

Lwaxana tells you: Vincent. Because it is very well mapped out,
            it's full of puzzles and quests, and it is much larger and more
            complex than it appears at first.

7  NannyMUD / Nanny Times Back Issues / The NannyMUD Times 2006 September issue. on: September 07, 2006, 10:33:11 AM
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 1    ---
| \\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\///// |
|  \/////  \/////  \/////  \/////  \/////  \/////  \/////  \/////  \/////  |
|                                                                          |
|                    The NannyMUD Times, September 2006                    |
|                                                                          |
|Page  1: Table of Contents                                                |
|Page  2: Editorial.                                                       |
|Page  3: Interview with retired highwizard, Vulcan.                       |
|Page  4: Report from the Charmers Club by Noble/Sharlana                  |
|Page  5: Playerquestion of the month: What is your favorite area?         |
|Page  6: Playerkilling log                                                |
|Page  7: Puzzles! *Prizes*                                                |
|Page  8: Sudoku puzzle! *Prize*                                           |
|Page  9: Toplist Summary                                                  |
|Page 10: This Month's Player Profile: Saturn                              |
|Page 11: Player Profile Form: Want to be famous?                          |
|                                                                          |
|  /\\\\\  /\\\\\  /\\\\\  /\\\\\  /\\\\\  /\\\\\  /\\\\\  /\\\\\  /\\\\\  |
| ///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\ |
> read page 2
You read page 2 in your newspaper.

---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 2    ---
Editorial                   NannyMUD Times                     Page 2

  Welcome to the new issue of the NannyMUD Times.                       
  After going three years without a new paper, I decided to         
  write a new issue. Hopefully, if more people are interested
  in the paper, it can grow over time. I am currently looking                   
  for writers to submit material for being published. Do you             
  have a tale of epic adventure? A tragic death story? Do you             
  want to submit a review of your favorite area, pub, quest, or           
  club? Or maybe you have something you want to rant about!               
  Mudmail Astrodeath with your ideas and submissions for the new         
  You can also submit short advertisements, announcements,               
  personals, and comics at the paper stand.                               
  I have also unearthed some backissues of the NannyMUD Times!           
  If you're the nostalgic type, or just want to read some old             
  stories and hear about the old heros, check them out!                   
  'list backissues' at the paper stand to see what's available.
  I was recently thinking about different ways that I could
  try and attract more players to NannyMUD. One of the ideas
  that I had was to post some of the NannyMUD posters around
  school. The poster files are available on the website,
  but then I realized that the posters are no good because
  the domain (which is on every poster)
  has expired. So if there is anyone out that that would
  renew the domain, update the old posters, or create some new
  posters, let me know.         


---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 3    ---
Interview: Vulcan           NannyMUD Times                     Page 3
  We're here with the retired highwizard Vulcan today, welcome to the
  NannyMUD Times...
  Playername: Vulcan
  Starsign: Leo           
  Lives: Minnesota, USA             
  First time on Nanny: late 1995
  Q: You've recoded several old areas, which ones are you responsible for?
  A: I'm responsible for my own area, Dwinbar's, and Nib's areas. I also share
     responsibility for Afrodyte's and Profezzorn's areas with Profezzorn.  A
     long time ago (~1997) I also recoded Mthead's area but that is currently
     being maintained by the admin.
  Q: Are there any other areas you plan on opening in the future?
  A: I am planning to refresh and reopen Mishra's area, but it's a long-term
     project. I also have permission from Milamber to reopen his area and that
     is also a long-term project. In addition to these, I also have some
     interest in Garion's area but I don't yet have permission to work on that
     area. I haven't really asked for it but since you asked, it's on my
     long-term radar also.
  Q: Are there any projects you're currently working on?
  A: I'm currently working on closing the test play phase of the Prophets
     guild. I was on a roll with that back in June but I got a bit busy in RL
     for a while. Finishing this guild up and having it open is at the top of
     my list. In addition to this I also have 2 quests in Nib's area in the
     approval/review pipeline.
  Q: Will you be the Guild Head of Prophets?
  A: Profezzorn is the Prophets guild head, I will be assisting

     him with code and maintenance.
  Q: Do you have any plans to add to your own area?
  A: Not at this time, no. Maybe in the future.
  Q: Why did you decide to resign your position as Guild Head of Lepers?
  A: I went inactive for a while and the admin reassigned the guild to
  Q: We've heard rumors that Profezzorn's quests are going to reopen, is that
  A: Yes they are. Five of his quests have been coded and submitted for
     approval. I will work on any remaining quest in his area once the first
     batch has been approved.
  Q: Do you know when they are going to open?
  A: I do not know. It is out of my hands at the moment Smile
  Q: Profezzorn has been a lot more active lately, is that because of your
     work on his area?
  A: Profezzorn has been active on the driver front and has worked on his
     area a bit. Perhaps I have some small part in why he's more active since
     I was able to convince him to allow me to work on his area. He's a great
     mentor and an invaluable resource to any wizard who wishes to understand
     the inner workings of the MUD.
  Q: How long were you a highwizard? Why did you decide to retire from your
     highwizard position?
  A: I was a highwizard for probably a year back in 1998-1999. I retired
     because RL commitments prevented me from delivering quality and timely
     work for the MUD, so that someone else could step up and fill the gap.
  Q: What happened to the club 'The Legion'?
  A: It was closed by the admin. The reasons specified were it had not been
     maintained and it lacked a specific theme to validate its existence in
     the MUD.
  Q: Do you still have any mortal characters that you play?
  A: I have some but I don't play them anymore. My time in the MUD is limited
     and I choose to spend it writing code and chat with people about the good
     old times.
  Q: Do you have any ideas on how to get more players into the MUD?
  A: Not so much. The prime time of text-based multiplayer games is in the
     past. We are now mostly catering to a crowd of old-time players and the
     occasional new face. As long as we keep the MUD maintained and add
     occasional new content, I don't see why it couldn't stay alive for a
     long time.
  Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions, we look forward to
  seeing more of your work in the game!

8  NannyMUD / Nanny Times Back Issues / Re: The NannyMUD Times issue 2003 January. on: September 07, 2006, 10:31:19 AM
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 11   --

For your entertainment, here's the answers to the Nanniversary quiz
that Hrodlauf put together for the Nayyversary dinner.

[1]...What nifty command can be used in the new party object to
prevent the party from showing up in the party list?

A) "party secret" CORRECT
B) "party really-really hidden"
C) "party never"
D) "party like you have never partied before"

[2]...In Basalt Keep, close to the east gate, a nervous man roams with
a pale face and a twitching lip. What is his name?

A) Tom Racerboy
B) Jennifer (formerly know as James)
C) Clayton the swordsman
D) Spud Weiser CORRECT

[3]...A new guild of unwashed barbarians have set up home in nanny,
yes the vikings. What viking gods do the they worship?

A) Odin, Hel, Frey and Loki
B) Odin, Thor, Freya and Baldur CORRECT
C) Titleist, Brom, Banshee and Mats
D) Thor, Freya, Loki and Odin

[4]...What type of berries can be picked and hungrily eaten in
Harthorn's forest?

A) Peanuts
B) Blueberries CORRECT
C) Beerberries
D) Strawberries

[5]...What do you among other things see when you examining Merlin's Pet?

A) He looks very rich... and he wears a platemail. CORRECT
C) You see death in his eyes!
D) He has a gigantic spiky tail.

[6]...Who prevents an visitor to Kefka's area from entering his castle
from the "front-yard"?

A) An agressive spiderman
B) The snowboardomander
C) An inflatable guard CORRECT
D) A huge centaur

[7]...What was the highest title in the old mage guild?

A) Highmage of roke CORRECT
B) Muted trumpheter swan
C) The potential master of minar
D) The disillusioned spirit

[8]...What wizard coded a message sending service using pigeons

A) Dove
B) Hawk
C) Zander

[=|-COMBAT-|=] The Spirit whispers: Mistral's area is now worth triple points.

[9]... What monsters usually roam in this room?

This is a small room next to Zeus's holy temple. The walls are
decorated with pictures of the god and his deeds. Bright light comes
from a room to the west.
  There are two obvious exits: east and west.

A) A duck and a dog
B) A priest and a dark demon CORRECT
C) A monkey and a business
D) A Smile and a Smile/////->

[10]...Where do you end up if you move 5s, e, n from village church?

A) Monique's Wedding Boutique. CORRECT
B) Shrine of Shiva.
C) Kobold Cave.
D) Mortis' Workroom.

[11]...What was the name of the Prophet guild power to draw all magic
from a room?
A) Sorcerers' wheel.
B) Warlock's wheel. CORRECT
C) Nostradamus' long nose.
D) Great wheel.

[12]...Who coded the "Free the old Graveyard" quest?

A) Krzhugngr CORRECT
B) Krzhngrgrur
C) Naketa
D) Asyvan

Final question if all managed to get 12 correct answers...

How many rooms are in the east-west road crossing green. From the pier
in the western sea and as far east as you can go on bromordia without
going up and/or down.

It's 78.... (77 moves, 78 rooms)


---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 12   --

Well, that was all I had for this month. It's been a while since the
last number and I don't know when the next one will show up, since I
don't know who wants to take over. I won't be writing this any longer,
since I will retire from Nanny, and I want to thank everyone for all
the good times I've had.

I'd like to thank all the people who have contributed to this issue.
Also, thanks to everyone who answered the player questions, and to
everyone who have answered questions about various things.


> read page 13
But there are less pages than that!
9  NannyMUD / Nanny Times Back Issues / Re: The NannyMUD Times issue 2003 January. on: September 07, 2006, 10:30:52 AM
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 10   --

PK logs, submitted by Disorder and Cloud


Marsh, near River <e w n>.
Mrburns the frog.
A frog.
You missed Mrburns.
You missed Mrburns.
Mrburns takes a crown.
You start to turn the great wheel. You rid your mind of all thought,
All is tranquility, all is harmony.
** HP: 196/202   SP: 191/202
** Mrburns is in undamaged shape.
Mrburns slashed you.
You stunned Mrburns with a surge of magic.
The great wheel turns, unstoppable. You slowly complete the circle, cutting
Mrburns effortlessly.
** HP: 196/202   SP: 142/202
** Mrburns is in superior shape.
** HP: 185/202   SP: 142/202
** Mrburns is in good shape.
You take damage from hitting Mrburns.
Mrburns leaves east.
You seared Mrburns with magical energy.
On a bridge <e w>.
Mrburns the frog.
You start to turn the great wheel. You rid your mind of all thought,
All is tranquility, all is harmony.
Mrburns leaves east.
You blasted Mrburns into oblivion.
Your sudden movement disrupts your concentration.
Small open place <w n>.
Mrburns the frog.
You start to turn the great wheel. You rid your mind of all thought,
All is tranquility, all is harmony.
Your blade glows darkly.
Mrburns leaves north.
Your sudden movement disrupts your concentration.
A small path <e s>.
Mrburns the frog.
A small squirrel.
You start to turn the great wheel. You rid your mind of all thought,
All is tranquility, all is harmony.
The great wheel turns, unstoppable. You slowly complete the circle, cutting
Mrburns effortlessly.
** HP: 185/202   SP: 92/202
** Mrburns is in fairly poor shape.
** HP: 180/202   SP: 92/202
** Mrburns is in weak shape.
You start to turn the great wheel. You rid your mind of all thought,
All is tranquility, all is harmony.
Mrburns leaves south.
Your sudden movement disrupts your concentration.
Small open place <w n>.
Mrburns the frog.
You start to turn the great wheel. You rid your mind of all thought,
All is tranquility, all is harmony.
Mrburns leaves west.
Your sudden movement disrupts your concentration.
On a bridge <e w>.
Mrburns the frog.
You start to turn the great wheel. You rid your mind of all thought,

All is tranquility, all is harmony.
Mrburns leaves west.
Your sudden movement disrupts your concentration.
Marsh, near River <e w n>.
Mrburns the frog.
A frog.
You start to turn the great wheel. You rid your mind of all thought,
All is tranquility, all is harmony.
Mrburns leaves west.
Your sudden movement disrupts your concentration.
Outside of Ruin <e w n s>.
Mrburns the frog.
Mrburns leaves west.
The plains <e w n s>.
Mrburns the frog.
You start to turn the great wheel. You rid your mind of all thought,
All is tranquility, all is harmony.
Mrburns leaves west.
Your sudden movement disrupts your concentration.
The plains <e w n s nw>.
Mrburns the frog.
Mrburns leaves west.
Base of Giant Ash <e w>.
Mrburns the frog.
Mrburns leaves west.
A path <e w>.
Mrburns the frog.
Mrburns leaves west.
Lair of the Giant <e w>.
Mrburns the frog.
A giant.
Mrburns leaves west.
Giants conference of human bashing <e>.
Mrburns the frog.
A stone giant.
A fire giant.
A frost giant.
You start to turn the great wheel. You rid your mind of all thought,
All is tranquility, all is harmony.
The void in your blade engulfs Mrburns. Where it touches, nothing remains.
** HP: 173/202   SP: 92/202
** Mrburns is in very weak shape.
** HP: 170/202   SP: 92/202
** Mrburns is in deplorable shape.
You blasted Mrburns into oblivion.
Mrburns missed you.
Mrburns leaves east.
** HP: 155/202   SP: 92/202
Giant coated you with ice.
** HP: 147/202   SP: 92/202
Giant burned you.
[PK Information] Disorder just killed Mrburns.
You are victorious!!!
[PK Information] From somewhere deep inside the temple you hear a voice saying:
                             Hail Disorder!!!
[Dark] Disorder just killed Mrburns.
Mrburns died.
You killed Mrburns.
Your sudden movement disrupts your concentration.
Lair of the Giant <e w>.
Corpse of Mrburns.
Ghost of Mrburns.
A giant.
You put a gigel's sword, 4419 coins and a crown in a backpack.
The mist left the game.
You take a backpack from a corpse of Mrburns.


Village green <w e n s>.
Bubosu the Pariah (nasty).
Nor Minar-im-Simyar (nasty).
Nova the grossly gangrenous leper (neutral).
Woody the adventurer (nasty).
Delmair the Grand Page (nice).
A dead alder tree.
Bubosu smiles happily at Nor.
Bubosu pokes Nor with its finger, channeling its deadly disease.
Woody leaves north.
Cage arrives.
Bubosu pokes Nor with its finger, channeling its deadly disease.
Bubosu slashed Nor in the chest.
Nor nods at Bubosu and they both seem to be in constant pain.
Cage leaves east.
Haddock arrives.
Haddock leaves south.
Bubosu slashed Nor.
Bubosu pokes Nor with its finger, channeling its deadly disease.
Bubosu cut a deep bleeding wound in Nor.
Nor feels the effect of the disease.
Bubosu pokes Nor with its finger, channeling its deadly disease.
Bubosu slashed Nor.
Nor feels the effect of the disease.
Nor casts a spell upon Bubosu that floods it with blue light.
[PK Information] Bubosu just killed Nor.
[PK Information] From somewhere deep inside the temple you hear a voice saying:
Hail Bubosu!!!
Nor died.
Bubosu's body falls into pieces as it hits the ground.
A ghastly odour arises as Bubosu falls to the ground.
Shmenu swoons in a sudden thrash of light-headedness, weakness and pain.
[=Leper=] You hear Bubosu wail as it is killed by Some mist.
[PK Information] Nor just killed Bubosu.
[PK Information] From somewhere deep inside the temple you hear a voice saying:
Hail Nor!!!
Bubosu died.
Some mist blows west.
Nova puts 4419 coins in a backpack.
You killed Some mist.
Some mist blows north.
Haddock arrives.
You can't carry the arm.
You can't carry the arm.
You can't carry the head.
You can't carry the torso.
You can't carry the leg.
You can't carry the leg.
You can't carry the bandage box.
You can't carry the backpack.
You can't carry the spirit stone.
You can't carry the cloak.
You can't carry the gloves.
You can't carry the shield.
You can't carry the warboots.
You can't carry the black platemail.
You can't carry the disthiri sword.
You fail to pick up the corpse because of the things it contains.
You take 843 coins.

10  NannyMUD / Nanny Times Back Issues / Re: The NannyMUD Times issue 2003 January. on: September 07, 2006, 10:30:32 AM
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 8    ---

Club Reviews

Every month, we take a brief look at a few Nanny clubs. This month,
we're looking at

Big thanks to Amazon for writing the reviews.


The Flatworlders Club. (Created and maintained by Rand)

"That there are no time zones, implies that Nanny is flat" is an
argument often used by the philosophers of the Flatworld club when
arguing with non-believers. This basic theory (often hidden in Nanny
teachings) is one that lends its spine to the members of the club. If
your mental wanderings have led you to the same conclusion, then this
is the club for you! It may be found by exploring the founder of the
club's realm - Rand al'Thor, Master Flatworlder.. The medallion that
is given to new recruits gives its holder the ability to argue the
clubs main principles as well as providing it's fellow mudders with
pearls of wisdom. Generally, the 10-20 members on the Flatworlder's
line are quiet souls.


The Barbers Club. (Created by Slag, maintained by Snafu)

This club is for all those mudders who, before they hit the
adventuring trail, spend an eternity in front of a mirror - curling
their bangs, trimming their beards, spiking/preening and slicking back
their hair before having a quick shave and slapping on a bit of
aftershave! Apprentice Barbers must first prove their skill around
the barbershop to Filipe the Master Barber before they can join this
club (which can be found along Elm Road). Inspired by Lourdes,
founded by Slag and maintained by Snafu, this club is a Spammer's
delight. The wickedly sharp razor gifted to members gives them access

to a sporadically chatty line, inhabited by a well-groomed bunch of
talented individuals that number up to 30 at a time. Members of this
club are said to be not only pristine but also psychotic! They have
been seen skilfully twirling their razorblades, then suddenly carving
their names on their fellow mudders' asses!


The Voter's Club. (Created and maintained by Gabe)

This is the club for those with an opinion on anything and everything!
You want to how your fellow mudders feel about the weather? Which NPC
is the most hated and which is the most loved? Which guild was voted
the flappiest? Members of this club have been given a megaphone to
use, and boy do they know how to use it! The line that comes with this
club is one of the chattiest in the mud, and members are actively
encouraged to start votes, either over the line or in the voting
booths. Online members are rarely less than 15 and more often over
20. Created and maintained by Gabe, the clubhouse is found along Elm
Road and applications taken by Xavier, the clerk. The current members
vote applicants under level 17 'in' and it is rare to not get


The Tag Club. (Created and maintained by Wolfenhex)

Yearn to return to your childhood when you could chase friends and
enemies around the school playground? Well, now you can, and the MUD
is a pretty big playground! Club members either volunteer to be 'it'
or are pronounced 'it' when they are snuck up behind and
tagged. Beware those that know the realms inside out and haunt it
relentlessly in their quest for another 'victim'. An over-tired or
busy member with no time to play can gain some peace from relentless
tagging fiends (Oriole and Europa!) by going offline. So, where do
you sign up for the fun? Mudders who want to relax after a hard day of
dragon-killing can begin to chase their friends by first exploring the
park in the Poochie Village. Founded and maintained by Wolfenhex, the
TAG club is inhabited by the energetic, and rarely are there more than
5 members online at a time - though the ones that are, indeed are a
friendly lot!


The clubs that were reviewed in previous issues:

The Deputies. (Created by Nasigoreng. Currently closed.)
The Explorer's Club. (Created and maintained by Andra and Erendi)
The Geeks. (Created and maintained by Balin)
The Questers Club. (Created and maintained by Dannoc)
The Servants. (Created by Nasigoreng. Currently closed.)
The Snowball Lovers. (Created and maintained by Snowstar & Leowon
The Spammers' Club. (Created and maintained by Slakktor)
The Trade club. (Created by Taren and Brom, maintained by the admin)


---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 9    ---

Here are the answers of last issue's quiz.

Oriole and Valdor won the quiz prizes. Justen was quicker,
but not correct. Valdor and Garetjax won the npc prize, with Justen,
Oriole and Loque as runner-ups. The room hunt prizes were won
by Oriole and Anon.

Unfortunatly, there wasn't enough answers submitted to give out the
extra rewards. Please take your time to learn more about Nanny and
make the quiz writer motivated to write another quiz.


1. Which area contains 'Sccyphthia, the harpy queen'?

A) Syrinx [Wrong: B) Elrohir C) Brom]

2. Which wizard has created the Reservoir Dogs Cafe?

A) Halamer [Wrong: B) Kefka C) Meep]

3. Which ancient sorceror overtook Snafu's old castle?

A) Gangar [Wrong: B) Spamfu C) Mingolad]

4. Who once ruled Buckkeep?

A) King Shrewd [Wrong: B) Geffrey the mad C) Lord Magnel]

5. In who's area can you buy an incoherent icon?

B) Marbleleaf [Wrong: A) Catwoman C) Czyrgowan]

6. What's the name of the amazon priestess in Metro's area?

A) Mya [Wrong: B) Nisha C) Roya]

7. What's the name of the mayor of Waterby?

B) Bill [Wrong: A) Joe C) Jim]

8. In what area can you make a 'bungee jump'?

A) Lorenzo [Wrong: B) Fyghter C) Asarnil]

9. Which wizard coded the forest of Zul'Dare?

B) Nefandus [Wrong: A) Sync C) Zamoxles]

10. In what area can you find the Dark Rapier of Death?

B) Beryllium [Wrong: A) Charmangle C) Giltas]


Talotj de sorserer.

Talotj de sorserer is a slender figure, and moves vid sinus grase. He has
an od smel, tug, vitj reminds ju of a lisard, or a snake.

Talotj can be found in the typo area, on the Isle of Lost Empires.



11  NannyMUD / Nanny Times Back Issues / Re: The NannyMUD Times issue 2003 January. on: September 07, 2006, 10:30:13 AM
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 7    ---

Questwatch! Read the latest on the movement on the Nanny Questing
Toplist. We take a look at recent changes, produce some meaningless
statistics and make insider guesses on what might happen.


Let's begin with the current top list (2003-01-20).
The number of paranthesises is the place the player held at
April 29th, 2002, about six months ago. (N = Not on the list.)

The points for many of the questers have dropped since Lectral's
quest was removed with the area.

==============================================================Top 10==
 1. Cost the initiate Bloodletter warrior         13190 (1)
 1. Vendral the High Knight of Camelot            13190 (5)
 3. Opus T'he Ssuprem'e PriessT' Of'F CT'hulhu    13078 (1)
 3. Sergoath the High Knight of Camelot           13078 (1)
 3. Decatur the High Knight of Camelot            13078 (1)
 3. Bombadill T'he S'uprem'e Oracle Of' CT'hulhu  13078 (14)
 7. Marius the Grand Master                       12996 (N)
 8. Kelli the Grand Mistress                      12820 (Cool
 9. Smygelfh the vampire lord                     12747 (19)
10. Lwaxana the fierce Bloodthirster              12734 (10)
============================================================The Next==
11. Oriole the Knightess of the Round Table       12678 (6)
12. Sadyke the High Knight of Camelot             12567 (7)
13. Maggs the Elder Mistress                      12348 (11)
14. Kati the High Knightess of Camelot            12337 (9)
15. Bowen the High Knight of Camelot              12029 (12)
16. Hoppetossa the Grand Mistress                 12008 (13)
17. Arien the Mistress Champion of Khorne         11822 (15)
18. Oxy the Grand Mistress                        11773 (32)

19. Goodguy the Champion of Camelot               11757 (17)
20. Bivlex the Grand Master                       11729 (16)
21. April the Chivalrous Knightess                11698 (18)
22. Ferrodor Minar-im-Simyar                      11620 (20)
23. Angelsin the Grand Mistress                   11244 (29)
24. Decebal the Elder Knight of Camelot           11115 (21)
25. Zyraxes the Knight of the Round Table         10979 (22)
===========================================================The Rest==
26. Tirian the Knight of the Round Table          10873 (26)
27. Hrafnur the adventurer                        10822 (24)
28. Melee the Elder Mistress                      10772 (23)
29. Nachak the Champion of Camelot                10730 (25)
30. Sundaar the Elder Master                      10684 (27)
31. Darion the Grand Master                       10566 (30)
32. Minsk the Grand Mistress                      10552 (N)
33. Jadow the Knight of the Round Table           10524 (N)
34. Confucius the Grand Master                    10467 (N)
35. Adso the Grand Master                         10462 (N)
36. Keldo the Grand Master                        10376 (31)
37. Arx the Master of Flowers                     10263 (33)
38. Mantor the adventurer                         10246 (34)
39. Opq the vampire lord                          10200 (N)
40. Kurgan the Leper Messiah                      10098 (35)
41. Newton the Champion of Camelot                10058 (37)
42. Hawkie the Elder Knight of Camelot            10034 (38)
43. Nightchild the Whisperer in the Void           9999 (36)
44. Scale the Chivalrous Knight                    9941 (40)
45. Hunted the adventurer                          9940 (39)
46. Dixy the High Knightess of Camelot             9622 (41)
47. Insomnia the Champion of Khorne                9580 (43)
48. Sarcotome the Grand Master                     9574 (44)
49. Saian the Master of Flowers                    9544 (42)
50. Huntingjoe the adventurer                      9522 (46)
51. Malfeithor the vampire lord                    9504 (45)
52. Azzer the ephemeral druid of elders            9493 (N)
53. Brian the initiate                             9449 (47)
54. Thypoon the Master of Winter                   9400 (49)
55. Baran the Whisperer in the Void                9370 (48)
56. Connor the Defender of Camelot                 9332 (50)
57. Daz thhe S'upreme Pries'th Of Cthhulhu         9308 (51)
58. Belly the Master of Flowers                    9306 (52)
59. Scarlet the Mistress of Spring                 9303 (N)
60. Mathias the Elder Master                       9302 (53)

Obviously, the general good quester seems to be a monk or a knight,
while many of them are inactive. The monks seem to fall though, it's
been a long while since the best monk was only 7th.

There were many minor alterations this time, since Lectrals quest no
longer counts. That means -62 qp for many of the questers, while those
who hadn't solved it might have gained a spot or two without even
playing. Also, Mami's new quest was available for the players.

Five new players on the list. Welcome Marius, Minks, Confucius, Adso,
Opq, Jadow, Azzer & Scarlet!

There where some other significant climbs this time, apart from the
new players who showed some impressive climbs. Smygelfh went from 19th
to 9th. Bombadill also joined the top by climbing from 14th to 3rd.
Most impressive was Marius who came from nowhere to claim the 7th
place! Most impressive run from Minsk too who entered on a 32nd place,
just before Jadow on 33rd, followed by Confucius and Adso on 34th and

Kati, Oriole and Sadyke fell out of top ten to make room for Smygelfh,
Bombadill and Marius.

It appears that Bubbabuzgut, Orcryst, Horn, Isobel, Ravagon, Kytten
and Kherec had to leave the list to make room for the new
players. Also, Agnoluto ceased to exist, he was at 28th place.

12  NannyMUD / Nanny Times Back Issues / Re: The NannyMUD Times issue 2003 January. on: September 07, 2006, 10:29:56 AM
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 7    ---

Questwatch! Read the latest on the movement on the Nanny Questing
Toplist. We take a look at recent changes, produce some meaningless
statistics and make insider guesses on what might happen.


Let's begin with the current top list (2003-01-20).
The number of paranthesises is the place the player held at
April 29th, 2002, about six months ago. (N = Not on the list.)

The points for many of the questers have dropped since Lectral's
quest was removed with the area.

==============================================================Top 10==

 1. Cost the initiate Bloodletter warrior         13190 (1)
 1. Vendral the High Knight of Camelot            13190 (5)
 3. Opus T'he Ssuprem'e PriessT' Of'F CT'hulhu    13078 (1)
 3. Sergoath the High Knight of Camelot           13078 (1)
 3. Decatur the High Knight of Camelot            13078 (1)
 3. Bombadill T'he S'uprem'e Oracle Of' CT'hulhu  13078 (14)
  7. Marius the Grand Master                       12996 (N)
 8. Kelli the Grand Mistress                      12820 (Cool
 9. Smygelfh the vampire lord                     12747 (19)
10. Lwaxana the fierce Bloodthirster              12734 (10)
============================================================The Next==
11. Oriole the Knightess of the Round Table       12678 (6)
12. Sadyke the High Knight of Camelot             12567 (7)
13. Maggs the Elder Mistress                      12348 (11)
14. Kati the High Knightess of Camelot            12337 (9)
15. Bowen the High Knight of Camelot              12029 (12)
16. Hoppetossa the Grand Mistress                 12008 (13)
17. Arien the Mistress Champion of Khorne         11822 (15)
18. Oxy the Grand Mistress                        11773 (32)
19. Goodguy the Champion of Camelot               11757 (17)
20. Bivlex the Grand Master                       11729 (16)
21. April the Chivalrous Knightess                11698 (18)
22. Ferrodor Minar-im-Simyar                      11620 (20)
23. Angelsin the Grand Mistress                   11244 (29)
24. Decebal the Elder Knight of Camelot           11115 (21)
25. Zyraxes the Knight of the Round Table         10979 (22)
===========================================================The Rest==
26. Tirian the Knight of the Round Table          10873 (26)
 27. Hrafnur the adventurer                        10822 (24)
28. Melee the Elder Mistress                      10772 (23)
29. Nachak the Champion of Camelot                10730 (25)
30. Sundaar the Elder Master                      10684 (27)
31. Darion the Grand Master                       10566 (30)
32. Minsk the Grand Mistress                      10552 (N)
33. Jadow the Knight of the Round Table           10524 (N)
34. Confucius the Grand Master                    10467 (N)
35. Adso the Grand Master                         10462 (N)
36. Keldo the Grand Master                        10376 (31)
37. Arx the Master of Flowers                     10263 (33)
38. Mantor the adventurer                         10246 (34)
39. Opq the vampire lord                          10200 (N)
40. Kurgan the Leper Messiah                      10098 (35)
41. Newton the Champion of Camelot                10058 (37)
42. Hawkie the Elder Knight of Camelot            10034 (38)
43. Nightchild the Whisperer in the Void           9999 (36)
44. Scale the Chivalrous Knight                    9941 (40)
45. Hunted the adventurer                          9940 (39)
46. Dixy the High Knightess of Camelot             9622 (41)
47. Insomnia the Champion of Khorne                9580 (43)
48. Sarcotome the Grand Master                     9574 (44)
 49. Saian the Master of Flowers                    9544 (42)
50. Huntingjoe the adventurer                      9522 (46)
51. Malfeithor the vampire lord                    9504 (45)
52. Azzer the ephemeral druid of elders            9493 (N)
53. Brian the initiate                             9449 (47)
54. Thypoon the Master of Winter                   9400 (49)
55. Baran the Whisperer in the Void                9370 (48)
56. Connor the Defender of Camelot                 9332 (50)
57. Daz thhe S'upreme Pries'th Of Cthhulhu         9308 (51)
58. Belly the Master of Flowers                    9306 (52)
59. Scarlet the Mistress of Spring                 9303 (N)
60. Mathias the Elder Master                       9302 (53)

Obviously, the general good quester seems to be a monk or a knight,
while many of them are inactive. The monks seem to fall though, it's
been a long while since the best monk was only 7th.

There were many minor alterations this time, since Lectrals quest no
longer counts. That means -62 qp for many of the questers, while those
who hadn't solved it might have gained a spot or two without even
playing. Also, Mami's new quest was available for the players.

 Five new players on the list. Welcome Marius, Minks, Confucius, Adso,
Opq, Jadow, Azzer & Scarlet!

There where some other significant climbs this time, apart from the
new players who showed some impressive climbs. Smygelfh went from 19th
to 9th. Bombadill also joined the top by climbing from 14th to 3rd.
Most impressive was Marius who came from nowhere to claim the 7th
place! Most impressive run from Minsk too who entered on a 32nd place,
just before Jadow on 33rd, followed by Confucius and Adso on 34th and

Kati, Oriole and Sadyke fell out of top ten to make room for Smygelfh,
Bombadill and Marius.

It appears that Bubbabuzgut, Orcryst, Horn, Isobel, Ravagon, Kytten
and Kherec had to leave the list to make room for the new
players. Also, Agnoluto ceased to exist, he was at 28th place.

13  NannyMUD / Nanny Times Back Issues / Re: The NannyMUD Times issue 2003 January. on: September 07, 2006, 10:29:17 AM
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 5    ---


Disclaimer: I'm aware that the numbers are way to small and there are
plenty of factors that I didn't bother examining, so the statistics
really show nothing. But it's fun!


Slakktor asked everyone what client they use and why.


Sodom tells you: Zmud out of pure laziness?
Soulfly tells you: tintin++
Bahrud tells you: JMC, Cuz its the best Smile
Hidden tells you: zmud...liked the mapper
Pondus tells you: Zmud. lots o funtions, better than telnet:D
Valkris tells you: Portal.  Doesn't bug on me the way zmud did, and

        the few things I use work in a more sensible way.
Mortis tells you: Zmud, cause it was the first one I got and I'm not
       paying for more than one!
Hidden tells you: also..fully configurable Razz
Earendil tells you: my own custom-written mud client.  Because it does
         special stuff exactly the way I want it done
Lupa tells you: zMUD .. not sure why, always used it so im used to how
     it works.
Oak tells you: plain old telnet (from within a cygwin session).  I'm a
Belegur tells you: I use CRT because I don't need much in a client. I
        like the fact that it supports colors.
Barbarella tells you: Savitar for OS X.  Clean interface, good
           trigger/macro setup, active developers.
Ladychris tells you: Gmud. Reason: Bluejedi gave it to me when i still
          used telnet and had no idea what a mudclient was Wink
Snafu tells you: PuTTY because my lines get pasted correctly, instead
      of squishing all into one line as standard telnet. Or Linux
      telnet ofc. Both display ansi correctly
Hergrom tells you: Wintin95: Probably the first client I downloaded
        and which worked... (Though I did use Padrone's client tooo,
        ages ago...)
Belgarath tells you: Wintin because my free period on zMUD ran out.
Barbarella tells you: and it doesn't SUX0R like zMud Smile
Gabe tells you: Tintin++, because it's free and I'm used to it.
Oriole tells you: Sun's terminal window or EWAN telnet, depending on
       what system I am on. Because clients are for people who can't
       do it themselves.
Olav tells you: I use zmud. I don't really prefer it above any others
     for the sole reasons that i haven't tested much others. From what
     it says, I gather it does about the same as other clients -
     triggers, aliases, colours.
Fortune tells you: Im using Zmud
Fortune tells you: Mainly because its easy to make aliases and
Olav tells you: For unix, i prefer tf... don't know why, but some
     dude recommended it, and i can't be bothered looking for stuff
     like this myself. Smile
Mirage tells you: I use Zmud because it shows what happens and all...
       and pretty colours.
Fortune tells you: But im still looking for a nice linux client
Leclerk tells you: Hi Mr Slakktor Sir, I am Le'Clerk, the nice and
        snygg guy. I use a client for the Win32 platform called
        "Sanx Mud Client". I use it to gain a big scrollback and an
        editable inputwindow. For being a windowsclient it has a
        rather small footprint. I have been using Zmud before but
        since I now mostly just chat I dont really need the advanced
        triggers so the smaller but simpler Sanx mud client will do.
        Sanx Mud Client is not developed anymore but should still
        be available with sourcecode from
        or as executable from


---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 6    ---

Quest Sheet
Elder revels the secret of the "Find the Grail" quest.


allright, this is quite easy, and you'll get a load of qp. note that
if you're vampire or khorne, you can't solve the quest.

from green: 16e,17w,8n,2s,u,w,s,spank guard (if you exa him you might
have noticed he smiles like girl). the guard will hand you a shovel
that you'll need later. if you're a vampire or khorne, the guard will
break the shovel instead, it's something about his sister being slain
by a vampire once or something.  dunno why he hates khornes.

open the door (you can't exa it, but it's there), and you'll find a
random maze with some penguins walking around. you need to kill about
25 penguins, and one of them will drop a key. just keep on killing
them until you find it. there's a rumour that you can find your way
through the maze by walking w,e,s,e,e,e,s,w.  it's a clue later in the
quest about that.

once you're through the maze you'll have to search through a bunch of
barrels. You will find a yellow gem every other try or so, it's a bit
random. you'll need to find at least 15 gems in the 25 barrels. if you
don't, wait for reset. (and then you'll have to find a new shovel
too.) note that half the barrels are locked, you'll need the key from
the maze to unlock them.

now, climb the stairs and you will come to a room with a huge
guard. he demands 15 gems to let ye pass. once you've given him the
gems, he'll not let you pass anyway, so you have to kill him. he's
invincible until he's got the gems though. note that you can't wear
any leather equipment when giving the gems, because then he won't
accept them. i have no idea why.

you get a key from the guard, either a red or white. if it's the

white, you have to wait for reset, since there's always a red door
behind the guard. walk through that one and you'll fall through a
trapdoor and take 200 damage. if you survive, you will find the floor
dirty, so you can dig there. note: you must use the shovel from the
guard, the identical from shops won't work.

when you've dug a few times (random how many) you'll be attacked by a
big fearful dragon. it's really just level 1 though and you should be
able to kill it. it will drop the grail. dunno why it had it, but it
did. the dragon also has a paper with the directions through the
earlier maze.

now you need to get out alive with the grail. there's no way to do
that unless you have brom's ear-ring. if you use it, you'll get to
church and get the qp! if not, you have to quit and start over again.

14  NannyMUD / Nanny Times Back Issues / Re: The NannyMUD Times issue 2003 January. on: September 07, 2006, 10:28:59 AM
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 3    ---

An overview of Strife's area, based on an interview with Strife

Strife's area has been opened for about six months now. It's an island
called Xenios, located in the Shilith Sea. It's basically a port, a
beach and a pagan temple.

The area is rather small, about two dozen rooms. It's not an area for
the puzzler as it only features mid- and high-level kills. It's an
area where evil guilds will thrive.

The area is not based on any RL work, and it's also not directly
influenced by any other area in Nanny. The area is being developed and
should hopefull expand shortly. There won't be any quests in the near
future though.

Strife would like to add that Xenios is a place where time and space
doesn't work like it should. And you should visit his area because
there are virgins in it! And you can kill them!


An overview of Loreley's area, based on an interview with Loreley

Loreleys area has been open for about three months now. It's a hut in
the mountains, and its full of surprises. It contains about two dozen
rooms but it might be a little tricky to find some of them.

The area is based on an ancient legend of Loreley's RL vacation area,
and the atmosphere reflects that area.

The area is mainly meant to be a puzzle area. It shouldn't be better
or worse for any specific guild, as Loreley has tried to make it fun
for everyone. Loreley also has plans for quests, but they won't come
for a while yet.

Loreley hopes she has made an original area, and she plans to expand
it with some new challenges soon. She thinks you should visit it

beacuse it's good, well written, full of things to do and with some
interseting items.

Loreley wants you to know that if you ever what to see how the green
lake looks like iRL, just mail her! It's beautiful!  Loreley says: its
beautiful Smile


The remaining new areas have not been examined yet. The more exciting
to go there!


---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 4    ---

Leo's day.

Leo the Archwizard wants the world to see what an ordinary daĆ½ in his
life looks like, so he submitted his diary.

(Thanks Banshee for translating Leo's secret language)


A stranger arrived.
I said: "Welcome, stranger."
The stranger smiled happily.
I kicked his butt.
He kicked me hard.
I kicked back, much much harder.
He kicked me again.
I jumped around on my non-aching leg screaming wildly.
The stranger kicked me hard.
I said: "Ok, Ok, I surrender."
The stranger smiled happily.
I nodded sadly and said: "Not much to smile about today, I'm afraid."
That must have upset him, cause, suddenly, he hit me in the face.
My nose dripped and I used my sleeve to dry off the snot.
Then he kicked me even harder, and in the face.
I said: "Ok, Ok, I surrender."
The stranger left east but soon arrived again.
I said: "Welcome back, stranger."
The stranger kicked me hard.
I knocked on my wooden leg and grinned.
He grinned evilly at me and left east.
Soon he came back.
I said: "You again? You must enjoy my company very much."
He smiled happily.
I muttered: "It's nice that someone is happy."
He smiled happily at me again.
"What's so funny", I roared.
The stranger said: "You are fun."
I was puzzled.
The stranger smiled happily again.
I snorted: "No idea, kiddow, I will not like you anyway."

The stranger said: "Why?" and kicked me hard, as if that would change
my feelings for him.
I sighed: "Those children, those children..."
The stranger left east but returned soon after.
I sighed: "Can't you find anything more productive than disturbing me?"
The stranger smiled happily.
I gave him a frosty look that whiped out his smile instantly.
But then he smiled happily again.
I must say I appreciated the friendly face in this harsh world.
So I smiled too.
The stranger smiled again, but I was a bit suspicious about his intentions.
So I showed my teeth, and roared.
But the stranger continued to smile happily.
I kicked his butt and he left east.
The next time he arrived I roared: "I have seen enough of you for quite
some time" and then I begged: "Leave me alone!"
The stranger left east, but wouldn't stay away for long.
So I yelled: "Stranger, GO AWAY!" and when that didn't help I said:
"Ok stranger, that's it! It seems I have to teach you a lesson."
I clapped my hands and as the stranger disappeared, I calmed down.

15  NannyMUD / Nanny Times Back Issues / The NannyMUD Times issue 2003 January. on: September 07, 2006, 10:28:41 AM
---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 1    ---

The NannyMud Times, January 2003


I'd like to apologize for the long wait since the last issue, the
evil thing called Real Life, in combination with the evil Cthulhu
guild has been stealing my time. Anyway, here it is, enjoy it!



  1. Index
     What's in this issue?

  2. Announcements
     What has happened in Nanny lately?

  3. New areas
     The wizards with new areas have been interviewed.

  4. Leo's day
     Leo the Archwizard reports from an ordinary day in his life.

        5. The client is always right
     Some random opinions about clients.

  6. Quest sheet
     Elder reveals the secrets of the "Find the Grail" quest.

  7. Questwatch
     Slakktor takes a look on the questing top list.

  8. Club it!
     Amazon takes a brief look at some of Nanny's clubs.

  9. The answers
     The solutions to the quiz in the last issue, and the winners.

 10. Playerkilling log
     Remembering old fights with Disorder and Cloud.

 11. Quiz II
     The answers to the Nannyversary quiz in the last issue.

 12. That's it
     Slakktor sums it up.


---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 2    ---

Here's a brief account of things that have occured since the last
issue of the Times.

Mami was promoted to high wizard. She has not yet been assigned to any
specific area.
Boyd, Yaleah and Whizz resigned from the administration.

A set of posters for Nanny has been created. They are a good way
to help bring more people to our wonderful mud, and you should
print them out and put them up! They can be found from

The party object hs been updated to contain a toplist for the party
leader collection the most xp.

There's a multi-wield system in use in Nanny today, if you haven't
noticed. You can wield two one-handed weapons at once. However, you
will hit with a random one of them each heartbeat, so you will not
gain anything by using the feature causually. However, there might be
certain weapons around in Nanny that can make use of this...

It has become harder to achieve extreme alignments. Many mid-level
monster have had their alignment reduced to make the game more

The Basalt Keep attacks are still closed. No word on when or if they
will be back.

The Cult of Cthulhu guild was closed for two months, but has opened
again after plenty of maintenance. Slakktor wa the new Guild Head of
the cult but has now retired.
The Monks guild has been upcoded and is now reported to function
very well. The guild halls has also been returned to the monastery
in Lars Town after residing on Antharis for a while.

Lectral closed his area after being censored.

Cordazar was banned for client abuse.
Exit, Enter & Bleak were banished for multiplaying.
Tanatos and Thanatos were banned for multiplaying.
Brethren and Funkmando were banned for multiplaying.

Catharisis and Clue where banned for multiplaying.

Forbius was demoted for lack of privacy. As a consequence he
said things that got him banished. Along with him went Maybe, Ultra
and probably a few more. (Note that these names weren't banished,
just removed. If you find any of his 'seconds' around, it's not

Elrohir reopened his area after some maintenance.
Xoth open his area.
Strife opened his area.
Loreley opened her area.
Solding opened his area.
Teranor opened his area.
Soulfly opened his area.
The grey havens of Middle-Earth have been closed down for maintenance.
Slakktor closed his area and announced his retirement from Nanny.

Mami opened a new quest.

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