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1  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Your First Day on: April 08, 2004, 05:46:19 AM
I found Nanny in May 1999 through serendippity. I googled "Galadriel" and just surfed on in. My first char was Storm, and after I had wandered about a bit getting lost and being attacked by a rooster for an hour or so, a brave and chivalrous knight asked me if I needed any help. I did, so Viken helped me get some free armour from Arnie's weapon store. (Even though no-one gave Arnie any free armour when he was young) Then Viken showed me around, and helped me find good things to kill, gave me dirs when i was lost and was very kind and helpful. We partied together almost every day after that. In fact, he was so kind and helpful, that in March 2000 he flew over to Australia to meet me. That was so much fun, he went back and packed his things, and moved in with me. NannyMud truly changed our lives!
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