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1  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / Forget the dates, I think I should post by topic from now on on: August 06, 2004, 11:34:50 AM
I do indeed have such a list and its gone through a couple of iterations as my tastes evolve.  Sometimes its tough just to stick with 5 so I rotate girls in and out on the off chance that I run into one of them ala Ross and Ingrid Bergman.

Always there
1. Catherine Zeta Jones - Ever since the Mask Of Zorro, I've been in love with her.
2. Jennifer Lopez - I'm an old school fan of JLo since her days as a fly girl on In Living Color.
3. Gwen Stefani - Lead singer of No Doubt.  She's lovely underneath it all.

Heavy Rotation
4. Michelle Kwan - The only figure skating I can bear to watch.
5. Nicole Kidman - Tall and fierce
6. Alicia Keys - Very talented musically
7. Tina Fey - intelligent and a good writer
8. Charlize Theron - almost painfully beautiful and she can act too!
2  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / A long time ago - 17 July 2004 on: July 22, 2004, 07:36:45 PM
Wait!  Why can't I lose my 6th sense? That thing only seems to get me into trouble Razz

Well, ever since I destroyed my olfactory glands in a carbon monoxide accident when I was young, I haven't been able to smell very well.  (And you thought everything tasted like chicken before Wink )  Now it only seems to work with extreme smells (for good or bad).  Since I've lived for a bit in this mode, I don't think I'd miss losing the rest of my sense of smell.
3  NannyMUD / Art Corner / Village green on: June 25, 2004, 11:04:11 AM
Very nice Smile  Lots of stuff to look at.

You even captured the invisible wizzes that do nothing Wink
4  NannyMUD / Misc / Nanny Suicide Prevention on: June 17, 2004, 01:41:21 AM
Today I had the misfortune to watch a player throw away his hard work by committing Nanny suicide.  This amounted to leaving his guild, destroying all autoloaders, leaving all clubs and dying to level 1.  I tried to disuade him but it was no use.  

I've witnessed several people do this in 1 form or another and many times those people regret it sooner or later.  I'm starting this thread to put out a body of work that people can refer to so they can realize what they are about to do or give them ammunition to help pursuade a friend not to go through with it.

So lets hear your stories about Nanny Suicide.  Whether it was you or someone you knew.  Whether it was permanent like my friend's or if it was a simple block_login for a while.  Did you regret it?  What were the ramifications? I think it'd help some people make the right decision....

Who knows, the next character's life you save may be your own  Wink
5  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 8 June 2004- 14 June 2004ish :p on: June 09, 2004, 05:46:58 PM
I'd like to know what George W Bush is thinking.  See who the real puppet master is.  See what the impetus for the war really was about.  Although I think I'd get a lot of thoughts about missing nachos...  Wink

Also I'd like to get a gander at Bill Gates thoughts.  See if he sweats the Open Source Community, see what he has up his sleeves for world domination.

I'm not sure I'd like to see what a serial killer was thinking, I think that'd be some really creepy stuff.
6  NannyMUD / Newbie Help / Aliases / Nicknames / Prompts on: June 04, 2004, 01:57:30 AM
And what about those north by northwest exits? Wink  you'll need to alias those as well
7  NannyMUD / Newbie Help / Aliases / Nicknames / Prompts on: June 02, 2004, 07:20:31 PM
Besides the slight temporary confusion, a few people learnt a thing or 2, so I wouldn't say it was useless Smile
8  NannyMUD / Healing / Things to help lower tox... on: June 02, 2004, 05:23:56 AM
When you're zooming around killing monsters left and right, you'll eventually hit that point where you have to take a breather and wait for your stomach to digest.  Even magical means of healing will saturate after a while.  Besides idling/chatting, in what ways do you combat tox?

I'll start the ball:

Coffee at the Chef's Roadhouse:  you can trade a chunk of tox for a little soak.

Toilet in front of Castle Spamelot: you can't use it frequently but it does help make room for more food.
9  NannyMUD / Misc / Treasure Hunters Club on: June 02, 2004, 05:02:57 AM
I think its fine to post changes to someone's area here.

The tourist and announce board are my first stops of the day when I log into Nanny.  And if I can see some new changes on this forum while I'm working, I'm liable to set aside an extra hour or 2 after work to find it Wink

Oh and no, I haven't seen that great healing potion I could buy... who made it? Wink
10  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 30 May 2004 - 5 June 2004 on: June 02, 2004, 04:47:43 AM
Stuff I tried and will never endeavor never to touch again:
1. Balut.  Philipino dish thats basically a bird egg that has a chick thats almost developed inside it.  I tried it as a kid so I don't remember how it tastes but I do remember the sight really bothered me then and even more so now.

2. Cow Tongue.  It doesn't really disgust me as I can stomach it, I'm just really reluctant to chew it.

3. Blood Pudding.  I'm trying really hard not to remember this one.  No more blood food for me... Confused

4. Chicken feet/ pig's feet.  I have a hard time eating food that I can still recognize what part of the animal something came from.  These asian dishes are the worst offenders that always seem to cross my path when dining with my family.

Stuff I won't even try just by the look/sound/description/smell of it:
1. Sheeps Head
2. Monkey Brains

Stuff that made me gag when I was a kid but can now eat:
1. Rice Porridge. Ugh, when I was about 4, my aunt force fed this stuff to me and I barfed it all over her (got spanked for that).  After that, I could never look at a bowl of the stuff without gagging a bit.  Fast forward about 2 decades later where I lose a bet and am forced to eat it.  I found it not bad (turns out my aunt's porridge just sucks  Razz )

2. Shrimp.  This one, I'm not sure why I hated it and how I came around to like them.  Go figure.  I just can't stand to eat the tail now. (and the legs and eyeballs have got to go too...)
11  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 23 May 2004- 29 May 2004 on: May 25, 2004, 06:24:25 PM
I'm the same as Poogie when it comes to magazines but then it also extends to other merchandise, most noteably electronics and groceries.  Its a little paranoia about kids getting their filthy little hands all over my cocoa puffs! arrrrgh! *breathe breathe*

Another thing I have (though now that I think about it, its more of a pet peeve) is that I have to wipe my monitor down after someone comes in and touches it.  I can't stand to have fingerprints on my monitor so when my brother comes in and taps the screen saying "click there" I get filled with MURDEROUS RAGE! Not really, I just wipe the screen and tell him to go away.

One last thing I have is that I simply cannot walk past a store display with those toys that make noise without squeezing their paw, pushing in their tummy or whatever that makes them vibrate and giggle and sing songs.  I just get a little smile knowing that it drives the checkout people insane...  Twisted Evil

Don't mind me or my ramblings, I'm hopped up on sugar and a very slow connection  Wink
12  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 16 May 2004 on: May 17, 2004, 03:51:25 PM
1) LOTR - group mentality
2) Le Morte d'Authur - In English
3) Worst Case Scenario: Deserted Island Edition - or something like the boy scout's handbook
4) Something with many many soft pages for toilet paper Wink
5) Something with lots of pictures of scantily clad women. Wink Wink Wink
13  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 13 May 2004 on: May 13, 2004, 02:56:35 PM
IRL, my multitool (my first instinct) is something I bring with me at all times, its saved me time and time again (well, maybe save is a strong word, saved time definately).  However, I don't see much oppurtunity to use things like screw drivers, can openers etc... So I'm gonna have to think of something else...

I'd bring some kind of fire starter, magnifying glass, lighter, something of that ilk.  Now thats important, how many first episodes were spent trying to make fire only to end up freezing that night (and no means to boil water  Shocked.  Yup, maybe if I can get a magnifying glass into a multitool with a big saw.... Wink
14  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 12 May 2004 on: May 12, 2004, 02:23:09 PM
I want a world where society is designed so that all are taken care of, there is no need for money, no need for conflict, and just the freedom to pursue whatever you'd like.  

That way, I don't have to wish for money, and I don't have to bother with people hitting me up for money Wink  And I also don't have to worry about others inflicting sorrow on me or my friends.  

Oh, and while I'm at it, why not make all good tasting sweets totally healthy for you (fat free, sugar free, low calories, vitamins etc...) Wink
15  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 11 May 2004 on: May 10, 2004, 06:59:38 PM
There are many things that I've done that I am ashamed about.  But I do not regret them for I have learnt from these mistakes and am now happy where my life is and where it is heading.

No, take those past mistakes away and I'll only end up doing them again.  And perhaps worse, set off a chain of events that end me up some place worse than where I am now.
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