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1  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Re: Where did the time go?! on: March 31, 2008, 11:45:26 PM

Wooo!!!  That wedding is pretty soon.

Know what's ridiculous?  Kiki (Jifse) and I will have been married for 11 years in September.  Isn't that insane?

Our son just celebrated his fifth birthday!!!!!!!!!

Marriage is fun. 
2  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Where did the time go?! on: January 21, 2008, 11:43:44 PM

I just logged on... well, I'm actually on now.  I was looking up some old characters... It's been 11 years since Chili logged on.  WTF?! 

It's crazy.

BTW... couldn't reply in the news forum.  Congrats Snaffy!  When's the big day?
3  NannyMUD / Misc / Why aren't you on Nanny? on: October 31, 2005, 12:39:36 AM
I am on NannyMUD... right now...
4  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / Nanny crushes on: August 29, 2004, 07:34:48 PM
Quote from: Snafu
Speaking of getting khorne's killed..remember all the experience Murdock got off of Zothommog? And the money made at the insurance? Muahahahaha. I kinda think they changed it because we made a killing on it Wink

/Snafu Very Happy

You sure that was Zothommog and not Totentanz?
5  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / Re: Nanny crushes on: August 25, 2004, 12:07:41 AM
Quote from: poogie
We all know about the couples that have gotten together thanks to Nannymud like Snafu and Labyrinth and we don't need to know that they had crushes on each other, that's a really big DUH!!!


Hmmm... actually... Jifse/Kiki and I are one of the more successful couples to come from NannyMud.  Frankly, I never did have a mudcrush on her.  I didn't really even like her on the mud.  I thought she was arrogant and a little boring to party with.

Once we started dating, however, we started playing together, and it was a lot more fun... even though she did manage to get one of my Khornes killed.
6  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / My all time favorite quest on: April 16, 2004, 11:48:15 PM
Quote from: Snafu
Quote from: Iceblink
Quote from: poogie
"Make a Collection of Paintings" by Anna.

I believe what Iceblink meant was that this quest was originally Tanya's and then mercilessly ripped off to its current form.


This is exactly what I meant.  That quest was Tanya's.  It was pretty much exactly the same concept.  An NPC of some sort for each letter.  

Anna changed a few things, made it harder... and then called it her own.  That was seriously wrong.

I don't know why people let her get away with it.

Banshee has changed a lot of quests in her day.  But she has the courtesy to leave the credit unchanged.  Anna's modification was like someone paraphrasing Harry Potter, changing the name to Harry Botter, expanding it by 30 pages, and sticking her own name on it.

And Tanya's other quests were definitely quality.  I absolutely loved the one where you had to escape from that room.  That kind of exploration is exactly what I love.

Let's see... since we're on the subject...

My favorites:

Tanya's escape quest... from jail???
Year of Banshee
Tower of Games
Funny House
Tower of Celeborn (BEFORE it was changed)
Aw, hell... I love it.... Pilgrimage to Canterbury

I know there are more, but I can't think of them offhand.
7  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / My all time favorite quest on: April 16, 2004, 01:01:06 AM
Quote from: poogie
"Make a Collection of Paintings" by Anna.

Wow.  This is just so wrong... especially in a nostalgia forum.
8  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Remember when... on: April 13, 2004, 04:52:52 PM
Quote from: poogie
Oooh oooh! Remember when you thought that Gwendolyn, Barbarella, Alexii, etc were really women?

I must admit, I never did.

I knew who Barbarella was...  and I always assumed Alexii was a guy named Alex who had characters named Alex and Alexii.

There were a couple that I wondered about though.
9  NannyMUD / Lost and Found / "Whatever Happened To..." on: April 11, 2004, 05:33:01 PM
I really wonder whatever happened to my good friends Freddy and Stripe.

Oh, wait a second... no I don't.
10  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Re: Old Guilds... on: April 11, 2004, 05:17:50 PM
Quote from: Snafu

Nightblades - As I said, not sure it ever came out in full..I believe it was test-played.

This is the case.  I was one of the test players for the guild.  It had some great ideas, but a busy guildmaster, and it lacked the playability for a guild that would last a while.

Quote from: Snafu
Damned - Not sure why it was closed other than several recodes. The last recode was supposedly being undertaken by Beldin.

I testplayed the recode also.  Unfortunately, it was mostly formed damned players that tested it, and we pretty much found it a little boring.  It just lacked that certain spark...

Quote from: Snafu
Drunks - I remember when this one came about. They pk
against Damned guild. Talk about bad breath.

Has there been a better rivalry since?
11  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Old (closed) Guilds... on: April 11, 2004, 05:12:38 PM
Quote from: Kherec
The funkiest idea I ever saw was ... erm, Iceblink and Kiki's? Some guild that could take anything and throw it at people, wildly and violently! Wink

Heh... that was ours.  It's still not open, because we just don't have time... anyone worthy want to take it over?

The power you mentioned was the "Tantrum" power in the Guild of Simpletons.

It really should be created.  It came about through a conversation with a character named Bix.  So did Lepers...
12  NannyMUD / Areas / Favorite areas on: April 09, 2004, 08:42:57 PM
Ok... it's not really conceited since Kiki did so much of the work, but I still love my area and my quest.   Very Happy

Other people's:

I really used to like Charmangle's area... before they moved it.
I really like Andra's.
I absolutely loved Akasha's area and the bonsai quest.
That area where you fight germs in a giant is very clever.

I'd have to think about it some more.
13  NannyMUD / Areas / Area maps on: April 07, 2004, 12:35:13 AM
Quote from: Dain
yeah that's a map alright. next time try a bigger one. ten rooms at last.

Oh... ok... here's that one area with the thing in it.


Just remember, when you're there, look out for that one monster that can kill you with the one sword or rope or dagger or something... you know that one.

Everybody knows how to get there, but it's just that the secret passage behind the thing is hard to find.  I think I'm the only one that knows about it.  Just don't turn the thing to the left before entering the fountain of Krsgurstein.  And when you turn the knob, make sure you specify which thing you are carrying for it.

Ask the sentient being which way the Forest of Elemeno is, and he'll give you that one item for you to take to the prince.  Give it to him, and he'll give you the map.  But then, it doesn't matter if he gives you the map, beacuse it's identical to the one I drew above.  Of course, the keep is marked with the letter R and not another X, and the garden where you dig for the fork is marked with a 9 and not another X, but that's SW of the barn, and that IS marked with an X... so that's clearly marked on the map above that the prince gives you.

Have fun!

I don't think this is part of a quest.... it's just a cool area.  You've got to see it.
14  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Your First Day on: April 06, 2004, 11:51:58 PM
I believe that my first day was 10 years ago this month.

I logged on with two other people... Quit and Agentus.  We all used to hang out in an IRC channel called #tinydynamine... after a Cocteau Twins song.

Quit found the place first.  His name on IRC was LudwigVan.  We were all newbies on the same day though.

I was instantly taken in.

BTW... for those of you who remember him... Quit made new characters...  Roland... Dante... hehe.  He became quite famous.

We went around killing things and getting scared and meeting people... and I was a monk... my first character, Iceblink.  Quit left the guild and became a knight so he could hang out with Jane.  Hmm... that's another "whatever happened to..."  

I was hurt pretty badly by some monster... a little thing probably... we were wandering around trying to prevent me from dying.  We ran into someone named Anna.  Quit said, "Can you help my friend?  He's hurt."  Anna said, "Oh no.  I am much too powerful."  I remember thinking, "Whoooooa.  Powerful."  I think that was the first time I met a wizard.

Anyway, somehow I healed, and we went back.  Then we tried to solve puzzles... I think we were trying to get across a river or something.  I don't really remember where this was, as the mud looks so different to me now.  I think it was some area that was west of green.... 5w I think... then some south and some more w.  Is there a red rubber ball somewhere?  That  seems to be popping up in my memory.

And maybe a game warden?  Does that sound right?

Anyway, that was my first day... oh... and there was a huge duel that happened that day... I think it was that day... definitely in my first few... Predator and Bonnetane, I believe.  Predator was scary.  Eeep!
15  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Remember when... on: April 06, 2004, 11:41:38 PM
Remember when about 10 wizards all decided to hang out in some mortal's backpack for a while, just for the hell of it?

Cracked me up when he looked in his backpack and freaked out.

Whose pack was that?  I can't remember.
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