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1  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / Fate, Destiny, Density.... on: February 03, 2005, 07:03:43 AM
God... Nope, don't think there is any gods or other higer beings... No 'ghosts' or 'demons' either... But if there IS some kind of higher deity, then a real GOD (you know, one that has created everything and can do whatever it chooses) isn't any harder to believe in, is it? Not to me, anyway.

I can agree with this to a certain degree. Although I guess it lies in the definition of God and the "higher deity". I would think it is quite possible to believe in a higher deity and still very difficult to imagine God (now refering to the christian God). Of course it lies in every humans own definition of God but I would say that a general definition (of course there are more than this) of God is that he is omnipotent and omniscient. I guess, for me at least, omnipotence is hard to comprehend and certainly that doesn´t need to be in the definition of other deitys. Well, my point is that sure, believeing in God could be easy once believeing in higher deitys, but it doens´t have to be, it´s all a question of definition. And well, this is just my own thoughts about it Smile
2  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / Fate, Destiny, Density.... on: January 21, 2005, 03:16:34 AM
Nopes, I don´t believe in God. I´ve just read an complex course at the university about Gods exsistence, arguments for and against...there simply were no good arguments for His existence that made impression on me. I cannot say that he doesn´t exist of course, just that I choose not to believe it.

Do I believe in other higher spirits? Tough question. That may need some investigation in my mind and some definition of "higher spirits". I belive in Mother Nature, sometimes I guess people don´t really see the power in that already. Otherwise, yes some incidents in my life has made me believe in some unnatural power, some divine intervention, something that doesn´t really fit into the natural laws we have so far. I wouldn´t call it miracles, but something unregular at least. Though, even then Im not sure they´re tricks in my mind or something really happening. At least Im doubting there may be some kind of power out there, but Im not sure.

Fate...nopes, I don´t believe in fate either although the thought about it has crossed my mind several times. Fate is I guess somewhat like determinism, and I wouldn´t stand living in a determinist world (although I wouldn´t notice it by then of course..hmm). Well, I don´t believe in fate anyway.
3  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / Location, Location, Location! on: September 19, 2004, 03:25:26 PM
Well, I really do like to live in the north part of sweden and although I hope to be able to see many different places in the heart will belong to the forests, the lakes, and the nature of the northern part of sweden. There is a certain calm and quietness around here as well that I like very much. And I really enjoy rain and snow more then sun so Im very happy with the fact that we only have summer for three months and winter for about five months.

What do I dislike then? Well, the only thing I can come up with is that it´s a far way to travel whenever there is a concert to see  Twisted Evil
4  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 8 June 2004- 14 June 2004ish :p on: June 13, 2004, 11:30:59 AM
Oh, kind of hard but neat question  Smile

Well, it has been said before, but Jesus of course would be a nice choice, also Sokrates or some great philosopher like him.  I would also have to agree with Allyene about the serialkillers (especially Dahmer and maybe Ramirez as well).  Twisted Evil

But maybe the the most triggering thought when it comes to "look into" someones brain would be Stephen Hawkin, I can´t even imagine what an interesting mind he must have, and certainly a large amount of brilliant intelligence. Yes, it would defenitely be worth the chance to dive into this mans mind.
5  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 30 May 2004 - 5 June 2004 on: June 13, 2004, 11:24:08 AM
Hmm, well..I do have a hard time for potatoes for some reason. I guess that is the main thing I can think of. Oh, and cloudberries also. Theese berries seems to be some kind of golden treasure for most people but I cannot stand eating them, just the thought makes me shiver.
6  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 23 May 2004- 29 May 2004 on: June 13, 2004, 11:19:55 AM
Well, first of all...I really am weird, the whole concept of me is "weirdness" so it would be easier to find things that my friends don´t think is weird about me. I could list some things though..

1. Weird hobbies (serialkillers, vampires certain music und so weiter  Twisted Evil )
2. Always read a newspaper begining from the back.
3. Fork in right hand and knife in left although I´m righthanded.
4. Don´t eat potatoes.
5. If I have a watch (usually don´t have) I have it on the right hand.
6. Wash my hair in rainwater (or in winter I melt snow).
7. Don´t walk across certain wells.
8. Ehum...Nanny? Yeah, some friends find me mudding VERY weird!

Certainlly there could be many more things to list, nothing I can come up with at the moment though.
7  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 19 May 2004 on: May 18, 2004, 09:31:22 PM
Well, this is a highly philosophical question indeed which makes it even more fun to answer.

I guess it´s really hard to proove that we see the same colours, and to be very sceptic it is even really hard to proove that there is a world outside our own mind. On the other hand, I'm not a solipsist so I may accept there is a world outside our mind (although I don't mind being sceptic to the opposite thought) and therefore I may even accept colours.

But what are colours then?? Well, maybe there are none colours at all, maybe the world is black-and-white or totally colourless, we could for sure never know. But, then again, we have physics who say that we see colour as materia reflects light. Then the brain and the eye cooperate so that we can see different colours. I think, if I remember correctly, that there are three colours that the eye is somewhat sensitive to and that is green, red and blue. The rest of the colours that we see is just combinations of theese three colours by a "visioncenter" in the brain. And so, theese combinations are said to be different from individual to individual, just like taste and sound and so on. So, to make the physics story short, people recognize colours slighly differently depending on culture, past experiences and stuff like that.

What would a philosopher say then? Hmm, well, I guess it depends. Colour is quite a big question in philosphy and I think many big philosophers don't take colours for granted. For example we have GE Moore who said that a colours isn't the same thing as the perception of the colour. He then states that the perception of a colour could be divided into two different parts, one constant part (consciousness) and one variabel part (the object). Since theese two parts is differing from eachother he then come to the conclusion that the perception of the object and the object itself  aren't the same thing.

I might agree on what Moore says actually which brings me to answer that since people will have different perceptions of colours (or matera in general) we canno't be sure that we "see" the same colour. Of course it could be that we "see" the same colour, but my opinion is that it would be quite impossible (yet) to proove it. I wouldn't say it's highly possible we "see" totally different colours, but on the other hand I wouldn't say it's highly possible that we do either.
8  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 10 May 2004 on: May 18, 2004, 06:20:29 PM
In northen sweden we call them "skrangelmygg" and indeed I agree, those are VERY nasty!!
9  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 17 May 2004 on: May 18, 2004, 02:45:48 PM

Maybe a fairytale, guess thats would be nice. Or maybe some neat toy from a movie (collectors item), yeah I would probably go for Stripe from "Gremlins".  Twisted Evil
10  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 18 May 2004 on: May 17, 2004, 08:22:07 PM
Sleeping is a nice thing. It's just I wouldn't like to go to sleep like NOW for an eternity. It would be like dying ...

Yeah, I guess it depends, I´d rather die then live forever being bored  Twisted Evil
11  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 18 May 2004 on: May 17, 2004, 08:08:28 PM
What could one possibly do for eternity that wouldn't bore you...?

Yeah, perhaps love someone who loved you back, maybe read (learn new stuff all the time so you don't get bored), or maybe such a simple thing as sleeping, since I do enjoy sleeping very much and I never get bored of it.
12  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 16 May 2004 on: May 15, 2004, 06:23:59 PM
Hmm, hard choice. A year is quite a long time, and my first thought was bringing thick books that last a looong time. At second thought though I picked out the five in the list below cause they all are worth studying and even though some of them aren't that thick they surely take some time to read and understand. Therefore I choose mostly books with some philosophical content and then at least one book that I just could enjoy the story of.

1. The Bible
2. The Satanic Bible - Anton LaVey
3. Discours de la méthode - René Descartes
4. Meaning of Relativity - Albert Einstein
5. Dracula - Bram Stoker
13  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 15 May 2004 on: May 14, 2004, 06:22:55 PM
Oh, can I choose someone famous that is not alive? Then I would choose Vlad Tepes of course, I would found it very nice indeed to be related to this romanian prince. Why? Cause then I would know where my bloodlust came from.  Twisted Evil

Otherwise I could also imagine being related to Einstein. Why? Cause I would be very proud and I would have my hopes that some of his braincells passed over to me.

And if I would have to choose someone that's still alive. I cannot imagine who that would be, someone rich who could give me lots of money perhaps. Twisted Evil

Maybe Axl Rose would be a good candidate!!
14  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 13 May 2004 on: May 14, 2004, 11:35:04 AM
Well...not that I would ever apply for this show, but I would bring a knife then. Could be quite useful in different situations, especially if the other participators would get on my nerves  Twisted Evil
15  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 14 May 2004 on: May 14, 2004, 11:28:39 AM
Well...what would I send, thats the question. I guess there would be music and documentarys, actually no movies at all. Documentaries about war, animals, nature, serial killers, history, physics...simply whatever that gives knowledge and are interesting from my point of view.

And for entertainment I would send some good music in between, only metal of course, and mostly black metal just cause of the fact that there aren´t much black metal sent on other channels. The world certainly needs that.  Twisted Evil
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