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1  NannyMUD / Misc / Great players, wtf is that? on: July 10, 2004, 01:05:00 PM
I might not be a great player, but in my opinion, I had the greatest character ever in Nanny, or at least during the time that I've played (since 97) - Khadgar the World Largest Kitten, a top 5 quester, that character was a power-player like no other, and this during a time when vampires were the most bs ever. If this wasn't the greatest character of all time, it would at least be a top 5 (since I don't know how the players were prior of 97).
2  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 18 May 2004 on: May 17, 2004, 06:27:23 PM
Jumping out of a cliff.
3  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 10 May 2004 on: May 10, 2004, 09:39:40 AM
Oh please... How can someone not fear dying? Fine, I can understand how someone that is 90 years old might think that he has lived his life, but when your in your 20s? Bullshit.
4  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / 5 May 2004 on: May 05, 2004, 02:49:07 AM
Awesome, perfect, complete. Any of these would describe me with just one word.
5  NannyMUD / Art Corner / Elfwood update on: April 28, 2004, 06:41:36 PM
Nice. Really, really nice. Smile
6  NannyMUD / Wishes and Thoughts... / Items quality on: April 19, 2004, 08:52:33 AM
I have my goto areas when I hunt for exp, I have my list of 50+ items if I ever want to get an unique item, I have my list of even more items when I play with my Viking and ever run out of items to sacrifice, I know in what areas a certain quest starts in, and I know where pubs are, so I am pretty much covered, I would say. So for me, I have no need whatsoever to explore new areas. If a wizard creates a new unique item, I can probably find one just as good, or if not as good, then close to it. So, with this in mind, I wouldn't go out and explore just an area on random hoping that I *might* find something useful (and considering the amount of uniques distribuated over the amount of rooms, what are the chances of finding something good). However, if I knew that a certain item was in a certain area, then I might just go and try to find it if I was bored and had nothing to do.
7  NannyMUD / Wishes and Thoughts... / Items quality on: April 18, 2004, 10:45:23 AM
I think that there are a lot of unique items in Nanny that very few players know about, and if they never know about them, they will never be used. I don't care either way. I have my own list already, so I am covered. :)
8  NannyMUD / Wishes and Thoughts... / Items quality on: April 18, 2004, 10:36:01 AM
If a player knows that there is a certain unique item in a certain area, he will probably be more inclined to explore that area in search of that item, whereas if he has no clue whatsoever that this item is in this area, he will probably just ignore the exploring and stick to what he knows already.

I am not suggesting a club or whatever in Nanny that would list these items, but rather on this forum, like Kherec's post about the healing.

Sword of One-hit-slaying, Foo's area.
Armour of Invulnerbility, Bar's area.
Shield of Constant-blocking, Foobar's area.

Then the player will see that the Sword of One-hit-slaying is in Foo's area, and thus, he will explore that particular area in hunt for this item, and while doing so, he might stumble into puzzles to solve, monsters to kill and treasure to be looted.

As far as I have seen it, there are two major reasons to why players explore areas. One is to find good kills, and the second to find unique items. The Explorers' club is a joke. I've yet to see someone who actually explores areas in that club, instead of doing about a thousands east-west combination to get their exploration point. So, if there is a list of unique items and in what area they area in, I am sure that more people will start exploring.
9  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Remember when... on: April 16, 2004, 11:46:49 AM
Mmm, remember when you booklet-trap a playerkiller in the tourist office, and *wham* slam a big, freaking coach on his head, almost instant killing him?
10  NannyMUD / Wishes and Thoughts... / Items quality on: April 16, 2004, 11:13:39 AM
So how about createing a list of unique items and list in what area (not dirs of course) they are, similar to the list Kherec made over the healing. That way people might be encouraged to go out and explore new areas while hunting for these items.
11  NannyMUD / Healing / A comprehensible list of pubs and restaurants on: April 05, 2004, 03:21:14 PM
You can find "The Le Orc Abattu Tavern" if you go 3w, 2s, w,
from the tower, that stands in the middle of the square of the town of Brionne on Caerleon. However, you may only use this
tavern if you have solved a puzzle in the area first. Food, soft drinks and alcoholic drinks.
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