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1  NannyMUD / Tips and Tricks / Re: Listening can be harmful on: March 27, 2010, 08:40:54 PM
This death trap has been taken care of.
2  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Re: Old (closed) clubs on: March 27, 2010, 06:53:44 PM
I have reopened the Legion. No NannyMUD announce notice will follow. The club is secretive and it's motto is "Scientia Est Potentia", Knowledge is Power. There are 2 old members active now so if you apply I'm sure they will evaluate the applications appropriately. It's not your level or how fast you can kill that gets you into the Legion, it's that you demonstrate great knowledge of the game.
3  NannyMUD / Tips and Tricks / Re: Listening can be harmful on: July 27, 2009, 04:26:22 PM
I toned down this death trap a bit. If Banshee wants to have death traps she should have some warnings. It's still bad to get caught in it but at least you now have a fighting chance against the rats.
4  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Re: Old (closed) clubs on: July 23, 2009, 01:47:06 PM
Heh Smile

Did you apply? I was pretty annoyed not getting into that club... I applied with several chars and imagined some n00b char with less than 10 years of playing failing my applications Smile

The club was closed in 2002 by Mami. The reasons stated was lack of maintenance (however there were no bugs to maintain), and complaints from players (which never reached me, or what they were about).

The Legion's purpose was a club for powerplayers. The admittance to the club was controlled by its mortal members through a voting process. Here's an exerpt from the web-page written by Kairi:

In the beginning Nanny was small. There were few areas, relatively few
players and a lot of lag. Life was simple back then, because the game was
more anarchic, everyone knew each other and there wasn't a lot to explore
for a player who had gone through all the areas (yes, that was possible).

As time passed, the game expanded, and one fine day Nanny got a new
machine. That led to considerably less lag and considerably more players
being able to log on at the same time. Some of these players wizzed and
made new areas with many interesting things in them. Other players remained
mortal and kept exploring the above-mentioned areas and killing the above-mentioned
things. And yet other players kept standing on village green and asking the players
who explored the areas and killed things to help them with xp and money.
As a result, Group 2 found itself in a difficult situation. Firstly, they
have to complete the ever growing task of checking out things made by Group
1. Secondly, they have to make Group 3 give them a break for once. Under
these circumstances a couple of wizards known for being able to look
at the game from a no-nonsense mortal perspective decided to create an environment
that would support inquisitive, successful and determined players. So these
wizards started to talk to their mortal friends and think how make the life
of Group 2 more fun.

The result was The Legion.

The Legion is a club that unites the most experienced fighters, explorers
and questers in Nanny. Its purpose is to preserve and maintain the best
traditions and standards in powerplaying. Our main goal is to pursue excellence
in the game. The membership in this club is highly selective. Only the
most distinguished and/or promising players are allowed to join. The Legion
is an elite organization and does not share its secrets lightly. Any information
related to the club and its functions is not supposed to be a matter of
public knowledge.

Note: The Legion is for mortals only. Wizards,
except for the founders and the admin cannot join the club.

I still have the code for the club.
5  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Re: What old things should we bring back? on: July 23, 2009, 01:33:11 PM
There used to be an area close to where Qqqq's and Profezzorn's areas meet. A tiny one and I only remember one or two npcs. I think it disappeared into the void when Profezzorn's area was removed and I have always been curious about that one. But most of your stuff is much higher on the priority list than this one Smile

I think that was Gruhl's area. It had Gleep the dragon and a dwarven smith that could "enhance" your weapons. I think sword of madness was here too, but I may confuse that with another area.

Basically, Gruhl deleted his area. The only reason to do that is you no longer want it on the MUD. I don't know why he did so, but to reinstate it we'd have to contact Gruhl and get his consent. The area probably exists on an old backup, once he agrees to allow it.

Gruhl's area was 2s,1e from Merlin's dragon if I remember correctly.
6  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / What old things should we bring back? on: July 21, 2009, 02:24:36 PM
I have a small list of old areas and guilds to bring back from the past. Post your own suggestions for what to bring back in this thread. If I can't locate what you are suggesting I may need your help to track down the source code.

Right now I'm working on Slater's area with the "Catch a fish and cook it" quest. Here are other things on my list (not in priority order):

Garion's area (Belgariad quest)
Kitten's guild (no ETA on this one, guild needs redesign)
Aita's area (with the skeleton quest and puzzles that linked it to Moonchild's tower)
Lectral's area
Simyarin redesign (this is Gabe's project, and I've helped a bit, but his whereabouts is unknown to me)

Other areas mentioned to me are:

Aleea's (she deleted it so the source code needs to be recovered from her, or extracted from a backup if we knew a point in time where it existed fully before deletion coupled with her permission to reopen due to copyright laws)

Gruhl's (he deleted this area over 10 years ago and I tried contacting him via email, but no-go so far, it's the area with GLEEP the dragon)

Astrodeath is also working on The Hunter's guild which is not too far from completion.
7  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Still here? on: July 20, 2009, 08:46:37 AM
I agree we should do something about storage of items. I feel that you should be able to store nearly anything at very low cost. I'll think this through a bit further and discuss it with some other admins.

I even think you should be able to store uniques, and it won't be taken away until another player goes and fetches it from its source. This may take some time to implement because it may need an update to every unique out there, but at least we could put the framework into place.
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