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1  NannyMUD / Suggestions / About Wizarding on: December 15, 2004, 01:38:17 PM
I know for me, my primary character being a Dark, without a cash cow to advance him the "cheap" way, I've become rather attached to him.  I know that even when I do reach the requirements for wizard, I won't, simply because I've acquired WAY more than 2 million exp by the time that my score really shows 2M NP.  I think that people who can prove themselves worthy coders with a character of at least 1 year of existance, 20 days playing time, and 20M should be allowed to create a character to be a wizard.  Or maybe transubstanciate themselves back into their mortal form without losing any of the their progress.  I don't know, I just think there has to be some alternative to surrendering all the progress I've made with my character so I can help to enhance the MUD.
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