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1  NannyMUD / Misc / Nannymud wikipedia entry on: May 11, 2007, 05:37:10 AM
The English nannymud wiki:
The Swedish Nannymud entry:

Feel free to add to it.
2  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: About joining knights lately on: May 07, 2007, 09:49:45 AM
Hey Tredon, are you trying to get me demoted?

the abomination

I don't even know you and I certainly do not hold any grudge towards you.
I hold no ill will towards anyone who play nannymud.

Torpor in the new vampire game Vampire the Requiem from white wolf takes years and even centuries to lower blood potency-age.
3  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: About joining knights lately on: May 03, 2007, 03:48:06 AM
It's time for plain speak then.
I almost never do innuendos or suggest things and not say it plainly.
I do not think that the nannymud administration are out to screw with the players
or to make them miserable or to make the players suffer or not enjoy the game deliberately.
It was a joke which said many DM's and administrators, if I thought the nannymud admins were out to get the players and to ruin their playing experience then I would have been specific.
It was just an ironic joke.

Finally I would suggest a thing for the vampires guild based on the new white wolf edition of vampire.
In vampire the requiem a vampire gains blood potency (which is the equivalent of age for nannymud vampires) with time and experience .
Diablerie is another valid way of increasing blood potency-age but it has a social stigma attached to it.
In requiem blood potency can be increased by aging only to a certain point and also blood potency gained would drop if the vampire sleep for extended periods of time or is otherwise unconscious for a long time.
This idea that age could be gained by being active and would lose age by being inactive or being in a state of torpor would promote active playing and participation in the guild.
Maybe this is how the guild works these days, it was years since I played a vampire.
As I remember the only fun part was the duels against other living opponents as opposed to killing monsters and NPC's.
4  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: About joining knights lately on: April 28, 2007, 04:15:17 PM
This is not just a problem for knights. There are very few players these days and so I think activities that require the participation of many players should be changed.

Dark rituals are so incredibly rare. I used to hate that while I was still playing (which was more than a year back). I tried requesting a change so that rituals could be done by a single player (I still don't see why not), but for some reason no one liked that idea.

I think cultists have a small problem too. I log on my priest once a month to read notes and I find that Cthulhu is usually pissed off.

Simyarins need an apprentice to advance past a certain guild level. That's a really painful requirement and I have had to get my friends to make a dummy char to become my apprentice. I don't think people should have to do that.

Remember the golden rules for many DM's and administrators.
1: Screw with the players.
2: Screw over the players and make the game not as enjoyable and fun as it could be.
3: Hinder the players ideas and/or progress and fun.
5  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Re: Old (closed) clubs on: April 23, 2007, 04:31:12 AM
Sisters of mercy club was totally anachronistic but very fun.
I miss it.
6  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: PK race comments/logs on: February 02, 2007, 10:25:50 AM
I asked if you would pay for NannyMUD as it is, IE a text MUD.
I didn't ask if you would pay for it if the game was made with graphics.
One of the problems of making NannyMUD, besides the production costs and the time it would take to finish it, not to mention the of bugs and instability which are so usual even in modern MMOG's is that NannyMUD as a graphical and commercial game would break a dozen copyright laws.
Much of NannyMUD's areas are based on copyrighted material, from Lord of the Rings to Wheel of Time,
Elric of Melniboné, the Discworld and even Wizards of the coast material such as Dragonlance and Ravenloft.
There is also the problem of the many different and conflicting styles and themes in the game.
NannyMUD does not have a uniform theme or a single style on which to base the graphics on.
7  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Why aren't you on Nanny? on: January 28, 2007, 08:41:24 AM
NannyMUD is the best, I agree.
The sheer amount of originality and original areas, good ideas, extremely good gameplay, combat, pk and crafting systems, not to mention the friendly, caring, hard working and extremely skilled administration which works constantly to implement new ideas and to improve the game and the wonderful NannyMUD experience.
Not to mention that the internal consistency and generally unbroken continuity of the game makes the world such a wonderful and above all vibrant place to explore.
The sheer amount of things you can do, from playing games, exploring the world, to doing quests which are simply amazing and really spectacular and aweinspiring in how fun and well coded every last one of them are.
The nearly complete lack of bugs, typo's, glitches and exploits over the years have been simply flabberghasting.
The stability of the game and lack of crashes have been beyond compare.
The rate of completely new additions and new content to the game is clearly much greater than World of Warcraft.
I am sure that if the nearly 8 million players of WoW only knew about NannyMUD they would gladly join the NannyMUD community and play the game with much joy and fun for all.
Clearly, they would want to pay a monthly fee for NannyMUD's solid quality and greatness.
I am sure that the NannyMUD servers would be able to admit a few hundred thousands of players at the same time without any lag or breakdowns.
NannyMUD is clearly superior to WoW as any fool can see.
8  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: PK race comments/logs on: January 28, 2007, 08:09:36 AM
You can pay for NannyMUD.
In the past people could send in donations to the game.
If I recall correctly you got a statue below the church in the game for donating.
Just send in a donation each month and there you have your monthly fee.
9  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: PK race comments/logs on: January 27, 2007, 09:41:51 AM
No, the uncaring administrations and wizards who made a lot of poor decisions wrecked Nanny.
The administrations general incompetence and extremely bad decisions wrecked Nanny.
The buggy game, the poor and especially old style gameplay wrecked Nanny.
The bugs, the generally bad implementation of ideas and bad code wrecked Nanny.
The cheating, bug/exploit using players wrecked Nanny.
The lack of new players and the small number of frequent players wrecked Nanny.
The infrequent updates are what wrecked Nanny.

Blizzard have a player base of around 8 million accounts.

Blizzard have a huge amount of skills, spells, items and quests available and the game is updated frequently.
They have many quests which are both fun and more engaging and interesting than the standard kill, FedEx and escort quests, in The Burning Crusade expansion they even have an aerial bombing mission.
WoW has stealth missions, exploration missions, healing missions and trade skill missions.
WoW have an active trading and crafting community.
WoW have an active PK community.
In WoW players can customize their characters in a huge number of ways.
Blizzard doesn't need to wreck NannyMUD because they do not care about any of the smalltime games out there.
Compare the NannyMUD playerbase of perhaps 40 mortal players online at the same time and maybe 20 wizards to the millions of active players, and that does not include the gold farmers, mules and bots.

I admit that WoW isn't a very good game, it is quite bad in fact.
The point is that even after over 13 years of NannyMUD the game is not extremely popular, it is buggy and unstable.
The NannyMUD webpage haven't had a major update in months, it is in fact not a priority for the admins attention.
The webpage looks bad, the prophets guild isn't even up yet and it was released months ago.
The quests page and some guild pages cannot be used and it once took over a year to find and fix that the vikings webpage was down.
The admins are so effective, don't you think?
Ask yourself if you would still play NannyMUD if you had to pay for it.
Would other players want to pay a monthly fee for it?
Is the quality of NannyMUD really so good that you would pay a monthly fee for it?
10  NannyMUD / Lost and Found / Re: Me on: January 15, 2007, 01:25:57 PM
I wish you the best of luck, in love, in life and in business.
Well wishes from the north.
If you return to nannyville rejoice I say, since you won't find me there.
Yet I hope that your true friends will be there with you.
11  NannyMUD / Suggestions / Re: Is Nanny dead? on: October 07, 2006, 06:23:29 AM
One of the main problems is PR.
Another is the administration, some wizards and the general rudeness of many players.

As I have mentioned many times, updates in the game are infrequent, they are not always proprely announced in a way which is informative and interesting. Often news ingame lack the "spin" required to be an interesting sell.

I remember when the simyarin portal to Antharis opened, I think it was Gabe who posted a note about it.
It went something along the line of: A portal has opened in the lighthouse on Island Ganennon, you can explore it if you dare. I don't remember the words exactly.

Me being a newbie thought it sounded dangerous, I imagined that there would be autoattacking demons on the other side or something, because the newspost and the wording made it sound very threatening.

The whole spin and phrasing made me not want to explore it, which I think was the opposite of the intended effect.

I have often mentioned the nannyMUD homepage is neither attractive, updated quickly, it lacks much of the interesting information about for example the guilds, both thematically and about powers, spells and abilities.

For example, when I was still playing I notified the admins that the vikings guildpage was down, it took over a year to fix it and then it was merely restored, not made more interesting or more attractive.

Many of the clubs in nanny isn't on the club pages, more clubs=more PR, more attractive, more options, more exploring.

Many of the existing club pages look bad, they have some text, maybe a picture, sometimes not even that.
It isn't an attractive sell, which is bad PR.

Much of the information about the guilds is in the helpfiles ingame, but often you have to join the guild first to access them and sometimes have to advance ranks to find out more about the spells, powers and abilities you have.

Most of the guild pages look bad, look at the champions of Khorne guildpage or the Simyarins.

Like, the prophets have recently opened in the game, still I cannot see anything about the prophets guild on the nannyMUD homepage.

Again, not a good enough spin on it, not good PR, not good advertisement.

I think that many newcomers are put off by the uninteresting look of lysators nannyMUD homepage, seriously, what is up with those poorly drawn maps?

Very amateurish.

It just seeps of the old school MUD page philosophy.

Then there is the fact that many newbies who need help are greeted with an uncaring shoulder if not outright rudeness or hostility.

I'm not saying that even most players are like that, but they do exist and might make the new ones feel unwelcome.
12  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / Re: 10 May 2004 on: September 30, 2006, 11:25:55 PM
Normal/ordinary people is natural and nothing natural should be feared. Or?

Ordinary/normal people are unnatural.
13  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / Re: 4 May 2004 on: September 30, 2006, 10:55:25 AM
Of course I would want to know.
Then I could save people and help people without any fear of dying, just rush into a flaming building and rescue people for example.

Give all my money to charity, I wouldn't need it.
14  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / Re: A long time ago - 17 July 2004 on: September 30, 2006, 05:06:59 AM
15  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / Re: 10 May 2004 on: September 30, 2006, 05:04:31 AM
Death is natural and nothing natural should be feared.
Often when people talk about the fear of death it is actually fear of pain and mutilation.

What scares me is normal/ordinary people.
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