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1  NannyMUD / Healing / Monks on: December 05, 2004, 02:46:13 PM
I've just seen this forum, and i agree with maggs totally.

The monks guild is not the most enjoyable one on Nanny, new players often tend to leave the guild after 2 or 3 quests.

Talking to other players i felt bad when they told me that they make 10-15 times more exp in a given time than me.

In parties a monk can be very succesfull, helping a lot the fighters but the gained xp is very low, it's much better to fight alone, but then where's the fun? This should be a multiplayer game, shouldnt it?

the new features: realm and resurrection are great but only the first one is beneficial to monks. Sometimes i feel like the genitor of Nanny, maybe the guild should be called the genitors. or the servants. Dont missunderstand me, i love to help others, but i tend to get frustrated when i see that a player i helped save 50k in healing gets 10-20 times more xp than i get.

It might sound greedy, but who cares, im in the game for the interactivity and the exploration, but there is hard to find good parties anymore, not because of the players, but of the restrictions and impediments.

Now i feel better  Razz
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