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1  NannyMUD / Misc / Player Killing - what happened? on: October 23, 2004, 02:13:57 PM
This was not so long ago either Wink

> Haarfager arrives.
Haarfager missed Maniac.
Yogsothoth leaves south.
Maniac's axe seeks Haarfager's neck.
Maniac lets out a mighty warcry, "For King and country!", and slices
fiercely into Haarfager.
Maniac missed Haarfager.
Someone pokes Someone with his finger, channeling his deadly disease.
[Party] Maniac: da
Calm and peace flow through your mind and you charge Haarfager confidently.
You missed Haarfager.
Haarfager burned Maniac's leg.
Maniac hewed Haarfager's abdomen.
You slice Haarfager across the chest.
You make a long sweeping motion at Haarfager with the delicate sword.
You take damage from hitting Haarfager.
You cut Haarfager's head.
Someone pokes Someone with his finger, channeling his deadly disease.
> Haarfager burned Maniac's head.
Maniac hewed Haarfager's leg.
You jump at Haarfager with your delicate angel sword raised high up in the air
screaming as you charge without mercy.
You missed Haarfager.
Someone pokes Someone with his finger, channeling his deadly disease.
> Haarfager singed Maniac's arm.
Maniac hewed Haarfager's chest.
You scorched Haarfager's abdomen severely.
Someone pokes Someone with his finger, channeling his deadly disease.
> Nightchild chants a spell, and the magic answers to the call!
Haarfager burned Maniac's head.
Maniac hacked a deep wound in Haarfager's chest.
** HP: 197/202   SP: 202/202
** Haarfager is in very weak shape.
You take damage from hitting Haarfager.
You sever Haarfager's leg!
You burned Haarfager's abdomen.
Someone pokes Someone with his finger, channeling his deadly disease.
Maniac's falcon rips Haarfager's heart out!
[Party] Experience points divided.
Haarfager's body falls into pieces as it hits the ground.
A ghastly odour arises as Haarfager falls to the ground.
Hunting falcon, Raszagal, Hunting falcon and Maniac swoon in a sudden thrash
of light-headedness, weakness and pain.
(-Assembly-) Arthur: Maniac has slain Haarfager!
Haarfager died.
Maniac's falcon flies from its arm and starts pecking and clawing
at Haarfager's eyes!
Haarfager missed Maniac.
Someone barely feels the effect of the disease.

Notice, the only falcon was the one that killed him Smile
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