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1  NannyMUD / Wishes and Thoughts... / Nanny dying? on: March 17, 2005, 06:24:11 AM
another thing i came to think of is that money has absolutely no value in nanny... more than for healing

so when creating items or similar you would have to spend money + xp and the required ingredients, be it rat milk or dragon's blood...

also you should only be able to posses one or maybe max two professions/crafts. that way you need to rely on other to help you out... perhaps you need to be two to even make an item? enchanted swords perhaps?

(i looked around in the forums and profession lists in d&d, world of warcraft and everquest a bit... might not be the original nanny idea but it will give people something else to instead of the xpgrinding that nanny is now. perhaps even make questpoints something that might be neeeded to make even cooler items.. 6000 qp, 100k xp, 100k gold, a longsword and some vampire blood, dragon's tooth. => longsword with the ability to steal life from the opponent and grant a small amount to the fighter. just an example)
/k-man out
2  NannyMUD / Wishes and Thoughts... / Nanny dying? on: March 17, 2005, 05:07:05 AM
you would have to pay the desired amount of xp to the board and then the newbie who finish it can collect it from the board...

an easy way to get around this is to put level reqs on your requests...

none above level 5 may choose to take this adventure upon himself/herself...

however, since item don't save on logout and we can't carry stuff around with us for all times, the items would have to be placed in a container of sorts wich we can collect when we log in.

further more we need something to spend all these cool item son, say for instance alchemy, fletching(ranged weapons anyone? Wink, crafting, like swords or magical ring that might give light, or an additional 5 hp or sometihng like that...

i'm quite D&D inspired as you can see, but the more small things you can do around in a mud, like craft, make scrolls etc the more fun stuff there is to do...

also would like to say, toughen up the monsters a bit, give them more hp/armor and give us more experience, anyone can kill anything(with a few exceptions)... it shouldn't be that possible for a lowleveld char to even stand a chance against highlvld monsters...

/k-man out
3  NannyMUD / Wishes and Thoughts... / Nanny dying? on: March 16, 2005, 06:03:09 AM
Hmm,m the easiest way to make newbies feel welcome is actually give them something to do, might not be able to kill those rats in blankas or the rabbits or whatever... bring in more for the experienced player to do, perhaps professions and similar... thinking about the bigger mmorpgs out there a profession might be nice, since then if you want to access a newbie area you need to talk to a newbie/low-lvld character and ask him to get it for you, thereby create communication...

i know that most people just probably create a second char to go get the goods for this but then again, it's easier to simply ask someone else to do it and give them money for it...

a board where players can post:
Kenpo wrote:
I need to 10 peices of rat milk. They can be found in XXX's area... be careful, good aligned less than level 6 need to enter, beware of the ogres..

something like that... and then offer a reward for newbies to get...
Reward: 5000 xp and 2500 gold..

then make it availble for those posting a note to pay in xp and gold...

give the room boxes for storage to get the goods when you log back on.

lowchar gets the goods, goes to the board and reports done on the note, deposits the good and gains the gold/xp

mechar: goes to the box and collects the goods.

an easy way to make small quests for players that need soem good motivation for starting to play...

just a thought, lemme k now
4  NannyMUD / Wishes and Thoughts... / Soft-PK with costs? on: October 18, 2004, 12:06:30 PM
I was thinking, I would love to try out PK for real, but I already know I suck, I've tried a bit already. As I play a Cultist, Levels/Stats are quite a jiffy, since I need to trance after making about 2-3 kills and then go sit for a couple of minutes again.

But I was thinking more of a system of rewards. Might be a bit panzy-like but it might encourage players to try PKing.

Say you could enter a PK-status by buying the right to kill. Say 300k xp and 150k gold? When paid you'd be able to pk ALL other pk's. However these "softers" wouldn't loose level/stats but they'd loose an amount of exp and gold.
To make it more interesting for the Real-PK's a greater reward would be giving to those who killed a softer.

Say I got "killed" by Allyene, then he would gain, I don't know.. my paid amount to enter?

If I do well as a softer the entering price would go up and in the end I might go over to full pk-status since getting 2M xp for pking might be a pain in the butt.

Ofc, only suggestion...
lemme know Smile
//Kenpo, reigning Supreme
5  NannyMUD / Wishes and Thoughts... / Parties... on: September 14, 2004, 10:33:07 AM
The ratio isn't a percentage of anything. More a summary of your achievments.

Two ratios would have to be counted, I've realized this now.

One for the overall partying statistics of a player and one for the current party your in.

//Kenpo, soon to reign Supreme
6  NannyMUD / Wishes and Thoughts... / Parties... on: September 14, 2004, 09:25:08 AM
Hey guys, new in forum but I'll give it a shot.

The thing about partying is that:
You don't gain anything extra when you party.
Some guilds gain even less when partying than when going solo.

I was thinking about the things written here and came up with a suggestion that might be worth considering, compliments to the ones who came up with this before me. This might be sort a summary, but a bit more clear perhaps.

Perhaps a ratio could be implemented that is based on damage dealt, hp/sp lost/healed, exp gained, gold gained, etc. From this ratio decide how much split there'll be in the party.
Example: Monks will have enormous amounts of hp/sp healed. But very little damage dealt. Sims will have huge amounts of SP spent. and damage might be a bit higher than monks. still a supportive sim that casts wards will spend lots of sp and therefore make up for the lesser damage dealt.

Hope you catch my drift here:

The ratio that you then get will be compared to the other members of the party. If you've got, say 100 and the guy you're partying with have 100 you get equal amounts of exp. If you've got 100 and the other guy 10, he'll only get a small amount. Will be working like the party split today but it would be corrected for higher monks/sims and others who don't do much damage in a party. So the more you party, the more you gain from partying. You can't leech exp like in the old days, but you can still party and raise you ratio.

More I think that you ought gain more exp when in a party. Say that you're 3 people bringing down some big monster, an equal split would be like 3k exp each today. Yes I know that it'll go quicker than when you solo, but the little amount exp make, atleast me, not want to party, since I can bring down the guy alone and get all the exp for myself. The monsters throughout Nanny aren't _that_ hard. There are some though.

So a multiplier on the exp and the ratio of the party and how many members could perhaps increase the amount of exp each partymember gains. The amounts may wary from person to person, since ratios will be different.

I apologize for a long note, and I hope that maybe a little bit of it was enjoyable to read.

//Kenpo, soon to reign Supreme
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