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1  NannyMUD / Question of the Week / Collection o'Quotes on: August 17, 2004, 12:24:10 PM
I like the two person quote (1st in latin might be mis-spelt - heck I have hard enough time just spelling in English)

"Dulce et decorum est pro patria morie."

"Heck no! It is far sweeter and more noble to let the other idiot die for his."

Annonymous - I think.

The other quote I like was used by my Engineering Physics teacher who could not understand why humanity majors thought his classes were a good science elective over something like general science.

(It sounded better in latin but I only know the English translation).

You can't make sugar from sh!t.

2  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Your First Day on: August 02, 2004, 09:54:41 AM
My first day / night on was in spring of '94 I was in the basements of the old computer rooms in UCD doing spice annalysis of my amplifier for a project - while the huge monstosity of a computer with probably the same power as a 486 was crunching my design numbers I went on line.

I had been looking for MUDs for some time had played several and wound up realising not to bother the users with questions on how to play -

Finally I found Nanny - I really don't remeber if the newbie booklet was present at this time if it was I completely ignored it - I knew not to bother anyone or so I thought from other MUDs that I had attempted to play so I was slowly exploring hoping to find gold or a weapon figuring there can't be anything too dangerous close to the starting green.

I can't remember if I mixed up directions or if I was going to scavenge the Lars town trash pile (probably the second) for a weapon and was promptly killed by the trash monster -

It was a few weeks before I tried that deadly nanny MUD again but somehow it was better than all others I tried

I played to 96 with various different chars - kept forgetting username / passwords but never learnt and wrote them down.

My last char in 96 was "Inforapenny" I finanlly chose a char that wasn't a random assortment of letters.

Logged back a month ago thinking nanny would be gone and was really happy to see it still around and have got Drig to a reasonable level 11 - I think my highest prior char was a level 12 knight so soon Drig can be my most experienced char (and I actually wrote his name and password down this time) though he was an odd assortment of randomly punched keys again.
3  NannyMUD / Suggestions / Newbie booklet on: July 30, 2004, 01:56:24 PM
I like the idea of this becuase those just getting started in Nanny (note no mention of "newbie" - I hate that word) do not know who to ask

also having forced my nephew to read the newbie booklet maybe we need to give it another name - he has already destroyed his I think because he doesn't like it showing up in his inventory and I think I was the same way - getting rid of it when it would be nice to look back at it

I mean when someone less experienced asks you a question you sometimes know it is in the newbie booklet but no longer have the booklet to recall correct syntax

Lets face it there is a lot of negitive emotes to the word newbie - well there is to me anyway.

Also though there is free beer at the newbieland and beginner land pubs for levels 1 and 2 maybe some non-alcholic and food would enable fast healing as  'Newbie' (ah can't stand that word) I had very low tolerance for alcohol and wasted large amounts of time just waiting to be able to get the glass to my lips
4  NannyMUD / Newbie Help / First time on on: July 29, 2004, 03:37:31 PM
Well maybe there is a chance for a new gen of Mudders

I had my nephew staying with me from UK for the summer and though he usually plays final fantasy I think he is now hooked on Nanny

ofc I have had to help him to "read everything" initially. Maybe it is the name of the booklet but it was like pulling teeth to get him to read it.

Now the first thing he does in a new area is try all the different methods of getting information from it just in case there is a clue lying around.

So those that have mudded for nearly or over 10 years should have children / nephews / nieces that you can introduce the game too.

The beauty of Nanny is like a book the imagination fills in the pictures and does a better job than any movie.

With a few hints and then left to find the rest themselves I see no reason for not getting more people addicted to the game
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