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1  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Logs of people making a fool out of themselves on: February 26, 2007, 12:53:46 AM
// This one is maybe not me making a fool of myself, but my falcon did. My falcon killed nurgle and I didnt get a tshirt for it. So I bothered people for a real long time about it until Hans finally logged on. To his big surprise, my falcon had the tshirt. Thats why "tkiller" or what its called lists me as "Lillstrumpa the Falcon Slayer" Smile

Beast of nurgle massacred Hunting falcon into small fragments.
You scratch Beast of nurgle on its right calf.
You wounded Beast of nurgle slightly.
Party [Quota]: no sp
Beast of nurgle grazed Hunting falcon.
You missed Beast of nurgle completely.
Quota chants a healing over himself with the help of a healing herb
and he looks mentally stronger.
Beast of nurgle hit Hunting falcon hard.
You missed Beast of nurgle completely.
and he looks mentally stronger.
Beast of nurgle hit Hunting falcon.
You wounded Beast of nurgle.
Beast of nurgle smashed Hunting falcon with a bonecrushing sound.
The sword gives you extra energy to slay this evil monster!
You missed Beast of nurgle completely.
** HP: 202/202   SP: 6/202
The beast sends a ball of energy at Hunting falcon!
Beast of nurgle hit Hunting falcon very hard.
You missed Beast of nurgle completely.
Beast of nurgle smashed Hunting falcon with a bonecrushing sound.
Quota chants: Deo Jesu domine...
Beast of nurgle tickled Hunting falcon in the stomach.
You missed Beast of nurgle completely.
Beast of nurgle hit Hunting falcon very hard.
You chop a slice out of Beast of nurgle.
You missed Beast of nurgle completely.
Quota hits himself on the head with a wooden board.
Beast of nurgle hit Hunting falcon.
You missed Beast of nurgle completely.
Beast of nurgle massacred Hunting falcon into small fragments.
You scratch Beast of nurgle on its right calf.
You missed Beast of nurgle completely.
Quota chants: ...dona e is requiem...
Beast of nurgle smashed Hunting falcon with a bonecrushing sound.
You cut deep into Beast of nurgle and rip its guts out!
The cloak aids with you the kill. You feel it gaining strength from the corpse.
** HP: 155/202   SP: 10/202
** Beast of nurgle is in deplorable shape.
The sword rewards you for slaying another evil beast.
** HP: 164/202   SP: 10/202
** Beast of nurgle is in deplorable shape.
Party: Experience points divided.
Beast of nurgle died.
You missed.
Quota hits himself on the head with a wooden board.
shape falcon
Hunting falcon is in very good shape.
> Quota grins evilly.

// This one is me, Thaadd and Lance crapping down on Iver. Thaadd was also known as Brujah.
Thaadd says: No articles about how Iver has a little penis. ;]
Thaadd grins wickedly.
> Thaadd grabs Aish's ankles, and unties his shoes.
Lance tells you: hrm, well, I really don't care how small his dick is, its bigger than his common sense... <19:59>
Thaadd grins wickedly.
Thaadd says: laugh he could GM a whiners guild, for damned sure.

Guess the rest are gone...

2  NannyMUD / Suggestions / Re: Is Nanny dead? on: February 26, 2007, 12:44:28 AM
That would be great. If admins went out and advertised properly... Then I can promise you a quick burst of new players. Getting them to stick around is another thing. But if Nanny has something to offer, they will stay. The mud I code at is real small compared to Nanny, but when admins advertise about once a month... We see about 20-40 NEW players the next 1-5 days. Then we are too small for them to actually stick around. Smile
3  NannyMUD / Suggestions / Re: Is Nanny dead? on: February 25, 2007, 11:19:27 AM
I think this is because the admins gave up on the game ages back. I don't think there is any future for the game unless that changes. Just to give an example of how things could be done differently... a few months back the admins on 3kingdoms had a mud-wide poll about the kind of changes people might want to see. They picked six of the best ideas that were suggested and asked everyone to pick the one they liked the most. The wish that got the most votes was granted. As a result of this wish, players will be able to share questpoints between their seconds, i.e. if you do a quest with one char, all your chars get the qp. Is this "too good"? Sounds like it. It does make the game a lot easier in some ways. But that's what most people wanted and so the wish was granted. If Nanny were to become this sensitive to what players want, perhaps things could change. Or perhaps it is too late already.

Well... Not sure where to begin... Anyway, I think your right. I just didnt want to offend anyone by saying that admins have given up, but sure, I think you are totally right. I wizzed when Kittens were up, can it be some 8 years ago? Maybe 9, not sure. Back then already I had that feeling of admins giving up, nothing happening. Stagnation. What did I do? I went elsewhere. I have coded on 3 different muds since then, none of them where huge or had lots of players. One of them barely had players. But I remained and was motivated. Why? Probably because admins had a vision, a drive and the ability to motivate and encourage people. So how much code have I done at these muds? Well... Areas to a total of around 1200 rooms and that is areas with lots of stuff to do in them, fun items, cool mobs, etc. 3 quests. 2 guilds that opened. 1 that began playtesting. Coding on 4 other guilds, but nothing that never really led to anything. Clubs, stuff and lib work. Thats what Nanny lost due to the apathy I felt from admins. I still code a lot. Sometimes I think, maybe I should code some over at Nanny. Open some area and start work on a guild. Then I log on and check around, then I think nah... Why bother?

As for 3K... I happen to play there as well. Smile It really is a great mud. But I think Nanny has a much better base. There are some stuff in 3K that is just so crappy. But there are also things that are so much better then Nanny. The wish thing was great... But what I think is the best thing ever to happen there is the skills. Not that they added skills. But how it got added! An admin decided to do something new and totally different and added skills without prior warning. Now, how cool isnt that? Is that a stagnant mud? Granted, if you ask 3K players... 3K lacks lots of stuff... But the wish and the skills show that things do happen there. The mud is not dead. And so they got loads of players playing there. They got players and wizards promoting the game. I think I have seen one advert made for Nanny on Topmudsites (or any other forum) and that is lots of years ago by Brom.

Anyway... To bad to see Nanny go. But I think that either Nanny will go down the drain fairly soonish or tptb should give up their fancy arse positions and hand over the power of change to those with ideas, motivation and drive to do something. Not lazyheads who have Nanny as a chatline at work.
4  NannyMUD / Suggestions / Re: Is Nanny dead? on: February 25, 2007, 07:52:06 AM
To revive this old topic... I have been logging on sporadically the last years, mostly to read notes. But is it just me, or has there been a definitive drop in mortals logged on? It was really long since I saw more then 10 mortals online, sometimes there have been only 2. Seems like no one is seeing this as a problem though because there has been nothing on boards about it and I have seen nothing on the wiz /rev either. Then again... There are really successful lpmuds out there like 3k, ancient anguish, bat... They are about as old as nanny, I cant help wondering what it is that let them thrive while nanny die. Because... I feel Nanny really has far more potential then those.
5  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Logs of people making a fool out of themselves on: February 08, 2007, 04:25:14 AM
Ok, I got some logs at home when I can post when I get back from work. Some are plain weird like when my falcon ended up with a tshirt from killing nurgle, some missfortunate misstells when speaking my heart as a rt etc and there is a infamous drunklog of... Umm, was he called cassandra? not sure... he was some ex nannymudder who wizzed at ainu anyway. nm the spelling, i dont bother with english anymore. Smile
6  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: For my eyes only on: February 08, 2007, 04:16:29 AM
Fun thread!

Well, I got loads of stuff at another mud and some of them give such messages to me. Stuff that has with areas, quests, etc (i got some up) have a "Spam in the Can tells you:" which comes from the global chatline that is a spam can, dont ask me why. As for stuff told to me from guild stuff I for some reason ended up with a "Guru Meditation ###" where the ### are some illogical numbers telling me what it is. Smile
7  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Michel on: February 07, 2007, 10:09:46 AM
he was smart, he knew it and he treated the rest of us accordingly. This kind of attitude can often make people call you a jerk. And to some extent they are perfectely right to do so.

Some would just call that anti-social personality disorder, especially regarding the self-righteous part of that explanation. Smile
8  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: [NannyMUD Times Question]: January 2007 on: January 05, 2007, 06:16:53 AM
RL promise: Loose the weight I gained over last year when I got employed. Smile (11kgs gained!)
MUD promise: Finish all projects I began last year (weather, skills, coven, events, races, boons, guild recodes, porting of my old 7th stuff)! Smile. Better aiming for the impossible then settling for less Wink.
9  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Happy New Year on: January 01, 2007, 02:45:25 AM

Happy new year to you too!
10  NannyMUD / Wishes and Thoughts... / Re: Reform and evolution in NannyMUD on: October 25, 2006, 11:14:45 AM
Well, I have not played knights for quite some time... What I remember of it though, I liked the guild quite a lot. I think it is quite enough as it is now. No use with new skills etc while the amount of guildlevels and game levels remain the same. What one could do perhaps is some sort of intrinics that are raised with earned gxp. Could be of various sorts, max damage, average damage, damage absorption etc.

And like Ersh said below... If you got shitloads of ideas, wiz and code some yourself. Smile
11  NannyMUD / Suggestions / Re: Is Nanny dead? on: October 22, 2006, 07:33:52 AM
New players will stick if they like the community and the game concept.

Well, this is key to a successfull mud. A forum is just an extension of the community and if it manages to trap one innocent surfer, then it was all worth it.  Evil or Very Mad
12  NannyMUD / Suggestions / Re: Is Nanny dead? on: October 22, 2006, 05:21:37 AM
Ok, after pondering a bit... What I mean with an active admin part in the advertising is the strive towards exposure. Nanny need to take more space, be seen more at other places then just the mud. This forum is one way... Another pretty cool thing that I saw for another mud is some sort of wiki about nanny stuff. There generally is loads of really cool stuff that can be done to enhance the mud a great deal. Smile
13  NannyMUD / Suggestions / Re: Is Nanny dead? on: October 21, 2006, 05:09:26 AM
Well, Eresh... Not much to say, its a very good note and I pretty much agree with most of it. Maybe I think that admins is important when it comes to advertising the mud, but naturally are players important too.
14  NannyMUD / Suggestions / Re: Is Nanny dead? on: October 20, 2006, 09:30:18 AM
I dont know really if it is still decreasing. But I am fairly certain that an active round of advertising by the admins would have a noticable effect on new players logging on. Then there might, ofc, be a need of other things to keep them online.
15  NannyMUD / Suggestions / Re: Is Nanny dead? on: October 08, 2006, 01:51:44 AM
Yay, found that landstinget isnt blocking this site! So I can post from work. Wink

Anyway... I do like the website though. I find it pretty stylish, but as you say, poorly updated and that isnt good. Otherwise, I think you have some good points that correlate with my own experiences. Since I have a wiz and can do pretty decent coding... I could work over at nanny. But since I feel some sort of indifference regarding lots of things from the admins, I rather code elsewhere and have also done so. Nontheless, Nanny is my original home and I still have lots of feelings and I would like to code there and help making it a nice place. But as long as things are as they are, it feels hopeless.
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