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1  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Bartle Test on: June 14, 2008, 04:59:37 PM
AESK players are interested in the player-versus-environment aspect of the game more than anything else. They are often soloists who want to achieve and see what the world has to offer. Often, they find groups cumbersome and PVP to be more an annoyance than a feature.

Breakdown: Achiever 66.67%, Explorer 60.00%, Killer 26.67%, Socializer 46.67%

I always suspected that you were aniti-social Loque  Confused
2  NannyMUD / Misc / Gione again? on: April 19, 2008, 06:25:13 AM
Does anyone know any details about why its gone this time, when it might be back etc?

3  NannyMUD / Misc / Is Nanny Down? on: April 04, 2008, 01:24:39 PM
I assume so, has anyone got any news about why/when it may re-appear?

4  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Raiding other players treasure dens. on: February 11, 2008, 06:19:31 PM
Firstly, what an excellent thread Opus.

I usually leave stashes put to be honest. If there are loads of non unique stuff I may sell it -
we have a safe store room for that, so I think the stasher is trying it on somewhat. I have to admit,
the presence of a 'yellow orb' may lead me to loot :/

BTW, there are times when stashing can spoil things for others too Carrion, especially when the game has
been up for 7 months. I've been trying to solve something lately that relieves on a 'stashed' key.
5  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Multi Chars on: June 18, 2007, 11:13:19 AM
As a point of note I believe that the Vikings has had a few Legend chars in its time, but I believe
only two people have owned them, Kadagar and Loreley.

Fingers crossed, Opus you will be no 3. (I thought you once played a char called Oomph?)
6  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Multi Chars on: June 18, 2007, 07:45:50 AM
I agree that the game encourages multi-char play, but at the same time ensures that you can only play one char
at a time. If can now (but haven't always) understand why people with limited time to Mud would play a main
char in many guilds rather than build up an anonymous list.

I can also understand why a high cultist with limited time to play might look elsewhere in the game. Its quite
easy to find youself going backwards on the plaques in those circumstances - which has got to be discouraging.

If Opus were to re-join at some time in the future, I'm sure he could re gain his status. I've re-gained much of mine.

My experience of the cult tells me that its a lot of work to gain a DI spell, much more to gain all 5. If one wants
to go much beyond that then one needs to re-assess what a huge step is. There has been some mighty big geeks
at the top of that guild!

7  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: So bored.. on: May 27, 2007, 08:51:11 AM
Mats shouted something about 24 hours scheduled restart time before the reboot - I didn't
understand it at the time. I guess they must be doing some work on the computer hall?
8  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: Multi Chars on: May 24, 2007, 06:58:28 AM
I agree that multi char play is the best way to play Nanny because of the direction that its gone over
the years. When we started, there was no real need to have lots of chars because if you got bored
with a guild, you could just leave and join another with maximum guild powers by virtue of the fact that you
were level 19.

Clearly, things needed to get tougher to make the game more of a challenge, and a guild based points
system ensued. In the other MuD I mentioned, however, they just made level 19 extremely hard to
get to, and used a more extensive stats system, using 6 stats instead of 4 - which you focussed on
the guild you were in.

I prefer Nannys direction personally, the only down side being the role playing aspects.

For my part, I also focus on a few chars, though mainly Vic - which I try to advance between extensive Nanny
holidays. I don't know about everyone else, but I have a tendency to over-play sometimes, which
means that the game takes up a big part of my time, and therefore assumes an over inflated importance.
If I find this happening, and the game is taking over, I try and take a break  Very Happy
9  NannyMUD / Misc / Multi Chars on: May 23, 2007, 05:23:34 AM
In recent months I have come to re-evaluate my opinons about playing with multi-chars. As we know, it is
the norm within Nanny, and guild hoppers are looked on by many (including me in the past), as somehow
strange - as they were constantly gaining and losing like the proverbial rolling stone.

For my part, I think I came to these conclusions because my MUD experience has been gained  mainly through
Nanny, but I have played another MUD, midnight-sun, over the years. When playing there recently I noticed
that it was a banishable offence to have more then one char (in most circumstances). It was considered there
that multi char play spoilt role play.

There is some merit in this. How often do we get lecturered by RTs about not kill stealing et al, just to see
them log their Vamps on and steal all before them? Well, it happens - and I'm sure some PKs have some tales to tell
in these regards.

I suppose I've come to believe that multi-char play does compromise role play, especially when a persons char set
becomes known, and those people don't behave the same way with each char.
10  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: About joining knights lately on: May 08, 2007, 08:46:03 AM
Your suggestions are good T, but I think the required changes would be too extensive for
anyone to want to do these days.

The one big piece of work that seems to be being done these days involves opening old areas. This is lovely
to see, as these areas are missed, but it does mean that the admins code base becomes even bigger. I have
a fear that the MuD will get increasingly difficult to mantain, again with less and less wanting to do it for less
and less players.

Excuse my pessimism, but its the first day back after a holiday  Sad

11  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: About joining knights lately on: May 03, 2007, 04:10:24 PM
I like your ideas, but I fear they would mean far more extensive changes than can be
expected these days.

With regards to rituals, surely its the amount that are missed when Dark is on alone
thats important, and I guess that can only be measured if you are that Dark, or you look
out for the event from other guilds. I choose to log on my Dark and help, even though
its not my guild particularly.

Btw Carrion, I'm curious, if you like playing Darks and have no real interest in Knights,
why did you make your place for their benefit?
12  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: About joining knights lately on: April 30, 2007, 04:47:36 PM
Happily, I'm get to share Tredons level of cynicism  Very Happy  I'm also not a big player of the darks guild. Are rituals
required for advancement (like masses in the monks)?  If they are, then I think your suggestion of letting
them be done by one player is a good one.

Carrion seems quite sure of his ground, however. But if there is a problem, I can't see it getting better with
time unless some change is implemented.

I would like to hear your views on the Vamps these days Eresh.

From the point of view of the knights, something really has got to be done. Maybe allowing Elders/Champs
to induct new players ?  Whatever changes we/I suggest, they won't sit well with established knights, but
times have changed.

13  NannyMUD / Misc / Re: About joining knights lately on: April 24, 2007, 06:25:22 PM
Shouldn't join the knights after this....  From his point of view, a chance would have been a fine
thing. This was not a few shouts over an hour or so, this guy was shouting for days.

I heard his shouts, yes, but as I haven't got an RT in my back pocket, its hard to know what to
do. In the end, his shouts just earned 'witty' replies. What would you have done/did you do?
14  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Re: Old (closed) clubs on: April 20, 2007, 05:00:59 PM
I'm sorry you didn't get your wish Opus, you have worked hard and achieved lots.

If there is a place for an elitist club, then its right that its membership criteria
be based on achievement, rather than admitting jackasses that see
it as a long service award, and believe they could have achieved PLevel 25 because
they made it to para, and its only 25 times the work.
15  NannyMUD / Lost and Found / Re: Me on: April 17, 2007, 10:53:21 AM
Hope all goes well Dec, and try and keep in touch Smile
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