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4062 Posts in 352 Topics by 201 Members
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1  NannyMUD / Misc / For my eyes only on: September 10, 2004, 12:07:31 PM
nope in my area is nothing like this, but wait! I dont even have a wiz, does that count? Rolling Eyes
2  NannyMUD / Suggestions / Suggestion less boards! on: September 10, 2004, 12:00:36 PM
I could not agree more
3  NannyMUD / Misc / lo? on: September 08, 2004, 02:05:59 PM
4  NannyMUD / Daily Rant / Mud party .ro on: September 08, 2004, 02:02:46 PM
si ce daca vb in romaneste? vine careva care nu intelege lb romana???
and for all u tht cant undertend that "so what if i speak romanian? is someone comming that is not speaking romanian???"
5  NannyMUD / Suggestions / About Wizarding on: August 15, 2004, 01:44:17 PM
what should I chose of? I agree with neither
6  NannyMUD / Daily Rant / Mud party .ro on: August 15, 2004, 01:07:56 PM
You forgot Zxc, Vraja, Adevaratu, Mithrandir, Blackfire, Raszagal, Pablo, Mint, Abigor and Manfred at least. there are also the guys from Tg. Mures.

well... what guys from Tg. mures? Is any1 stil playing? (that's xcept me) guess not!... well if u wanna have a party u cant have one without me! lemme know like mail u can have that from profile! not mudmail I dont read that. Sh ca tot venii vorba de ce ne chinuim sa vb engleza? e un post de romani pt romani  Twisted Evil
7  NannyMUD / Daily Rant / Stealing kills on: July 11, 2004, 04:34:11 AM
Twisted Evil
Just got one from poor. cut the head off a nd run away! I'm so happy!
 Twisted Evil
8  NannyMUD / Daily Rant / Whats your favourite idling spot and spam as a mortal? on: July 11, 2004, 04:16:51 AM
I always idle inside the dark temple 2ne from green I spam from there to but I dont spam alot
9  NannyMUD / Daily Rant / Where do your names come from? on: July 11, 2004, 04:06:51 AM
well... let's see I satrted witn Guppy, that's my nickname for like ages,
then I made my 1st khorne... Cerber that's romanian for Cerberus (the 3 headed dog that gurds the way to Hades's world of the dead)
then came Beshina that is romanian for fart and it was a leper,
then another knorne... Bloodhound that later went to become leper,
Uttgmro (taht was the lamest name I came up with I guess... technical university of Targu Mures)
Adp was ment to be a khorne forever but later on becamed a lame dark
Teller was a try to give money to the vamp without sharing with Lilith  Twisted Evil Idled alot in the bank and a got money from newbs that were giving money to "Teller" not making a deposit, later to be a knight and still idling in the bank.
Lepra is romanian for leprosy so it's kind of easy
Clafinger is a swedish rock band that I like and kind of sounded cool for a vamp name
Irs comes from Internal revenue service and was my money making khorne
Khdemon is born to die a khorne
and Hellspawn is my curent dark, name inspired from the commics

O yes so I dont forget I think qwer's name and other chars of his r the reason that I think alot 'bout a name be4 I make a new chars so I dont end up like him
10  NannyMUD / Misc / Great players, wtf is that? on: July 11, 2004, 03:19:34 AM
For me, a great PLAYER is the player tha manages to do anything better and faster than most others. Not the typical powerplayer that kills like obsessed same monsters for years, the great players r not necesarily the highest players in one guild. For me a great PLAYER is the one person that manages to make a rakn 10 khorne in less than 2h (RL), the one that makes it to PLM (potential leper messiah) in less than 2,5day logintime, the one that solves all the quests in just under a lifetime.
Most of the players that I saw mentioned before r the leading chars in some guilds, I dont say they r not good players but it takes more than beeing good for greatness. I dont realy think that Michele was a great player cause it was the top vamp donor for years, or the first to be kissed by Lilith, or for still beeng the top pk in the game, he's a great player for the way he did it.
Kurgan is a good player no doubt but let's see... it took him like a few years to be what he is, Nono in the other hand done it in under 1 year that, for me, makes him great. Take Rowen, he was oracle for a while does that make him a great player??? lol I guess we know Rowen better than that.
And for Carrion's next comment (that will shure be earthshatering and smart and to the point of the topic that he opened) it's just a game ofc u dont have to be Einstein to manage to be great at it, but leaving the other facts of life, there are a few great NANNY PLAYERS.
What did Michel do, except playing A LOT?

I still think almost everyone would be able to top Rhuarc in khorne, Michel in vampires, Bombadill in cultists etc...

It's not the potint of getting higher in any guild or in Plevels, it's just how they'we done it.
11  NannyMUD / Misc / For all the brave ones, length and weight! on: July 11, 2004, 02:23:32 AM
180 cm
59 kg
12  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Your First Day on: June 13, 2004, 02:31:08 PM
u can try loging in
13  NannyMUD / Nostalgia / Your First Day on: June 13, 2004, 12:42:38 PM
I was I think in my 1st or 2nd yer in the uny ('98 or '99) when I first heard of MUD. There was thi bunch of strage people that would stare all day long in a black screen... lots of white text was flying around 1st I thougt is was some kind of linux irc client. Then I went to a lab and there were more... I found out it was mud, and I quickly hated it (cause of the mudders I could never find a decent pc to play quake on). After that I started to look closer (wolfy was REALY picturing it all and explaining to me the beauty of some places, scaryness of other places what can I say he had a rich imagination Razz )
In the begining of 2000 I think I decided it would not hurt to give it a try (how wrong was I) so I asked "how?" one of the nerds came to my pc told me to go away and after 2-3 mins I had a lvl 1 adenturer, named Guppy. I was at green and did not know any commands, then I got a tell "scrie ma: party join" and there I was in a party with 2 chapions of camelot and a high one but I'm not shure of that... anyway was a party of 4... I asked what should I do? the answer was "nothing now, wait I'll eplain it to you later" a few hours later I was a level 10 advanturer and still had no clue, I managed to leave the party and started exploring (with the wormchopper in the hand I found that wery funny) I was wrighting down every direction I took... and still got lost after a while of begging burgo got me back to green where another friend... (did not knew who that was back then) helped me out with some eq...
it was gloves... he gave me a ring that tleported me dunno where, after that I got mad and quited mudding for another wheek or so

That was my 1st day, soon after I mad cerber, a dedicated khorne that never managed to get bigger than rank 12 but had 2 bites at rank 2 Razz and beshina that I still miss...
14  NannyMUD / Areas / this is not just aother joke! on: June 12, 2004, 11:27:03 AM
whell here's the way to my favorite room in nanny:
"enter portal"->[XTO]
O-portal to another place
I like it cause it has almost no trafic and it's close to green and a litle hint Danny coded it Wink
15  NannyMUD / Daily Rant / RL matters - Where do you live? (poll) on: June 11, 2004, 04:27:12 AM
ok here goes, I'm a wery late 70's as I was born in '79 I study echonomics and seel mobile phones 4 a livin (lame huh?) dont have any pictures of me anywhere on the web, and I wont put some cause I dont wanna make u oldies feel sorrie for yourselfs
been around nanny since 2000 and it's all qwer's and some other obsessed mudders fault (thank you). I'm from Tg. Mures Romania, been kind of born to die here to Razz and Laysha if u pass trough here I'll gladly help ya out lemme know on the mud
so and smthing for the future... I'we blocklogined some of my older chars 'till 2033 I hope nanny and me will still be around to play them then Very Happy
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