Spamfunet Nanny Forum

NannyMUD => Nostalgia => Topic started by: garetjax on April 27, 2004, 07:26:08 PM

Title: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: garetjax on April 27, 2004, 07:26:08 PM
So we have a thread here about current clubs but what about closed clubs?  Any fond/hateful memories?

Let me start by playing the old broken record... I miss my deputies club!  I never developed such a tight friendship with others in the Mud than in that club.  And even the antithesis of the club, the servants, were are high on my respect list.  I will always tip my hat to Bombadill.

Title: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Snafu on April 27, 2004, 07:47:38 PM
I miss Butcher's sad club!
I miss Helenette's Sender 99 club!
I miss Celeborn's Sisters of Mercy Fan Club!
I miss Guildmaster's Scots Club!
I miss Dalthor's Greek Club!

/Snafu! :D

Title: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Vehement on April 28, 2004, 04:53:14 AM
*tortures Snafu until he confesses to his crime of neglecting the Inquisition*

Title: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Avis on April 28, 2004, 01:59:10 PM
I miss my Squad Club. :)

Title: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Wolfenhex on May 02, 2004, 12:22:03 AM
I miss Avis' Squad Club too.
That was FUN!

Title: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Dain on May 04, 2004, 09:34:57 AM
i miss that too.
let's make Avis bring it back.

or let someone else to take care of it. it's worthy preserving it.

Title: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Avis on May 04, 2004, 02:10:38 PM
Wolfenhex has total control over my files, so bug him.  :twisted:

Title: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Wolfenhex on May 06, 2004, 09:38:11 AM
I only have control over the Theatre Club.
So bug Avis!

Title: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Yavathol on May 06, 2004, 09:57:48 AM
I miss Marbleleaf's Poets

Title: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Terin on June 05, 2004, 02:44:41 AM
Quote from: Snafu
I miss Butcher's sad club!
I miss Helenette's Sender 99 club!
I miss Celeborn's Sisters of Mercy Fan Club!
I miss Guildmaster's Scots Club!
I miss Dalthor's Greek Club!

/Snafu! :D

When I was active I actually spoke to Guildmaster and started the work of re-coding it to bring it up to par for the, at that time, current standards.


Title: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Snafu on June 07, 2004, 04:55:16 PM
He sent me the full code to it once. hehe.

/Snafu :D

Title: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Viper on May 24, 2005, 02:55:53 PM
Scots was awesome, Orks in particular.

Title: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Snafu on May 31, 2005, 11:43:23 AM
Quote from: Viper
Scots was awesome, Orks in particular.

That would be the Goff clan:

Snafu screams at the top of his lungs: WAAAAAAAAAAAARG!
Suddenly, thousands of Orks appear and charge

Snafu tries to think, but his head explodes!

Snafu screams loudly at you:   I SAID GOFF!  NOT GOLF!

Snafu declares emphatically:  RED MAKES IT GO FASTER!

Snafu looks at you, then squashes you like a little bug.

Snafu pounds you roughly on the back.


/Snafu :D

Title: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Viper on June 15, 2005, 01:06:50 PM
The best part about it was the way it made your "says" different. Kind of like using slang.

Title: Re: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Reece on March 10, 2006, 07:18:43 PM
The original lumberjacks, which let you chop down the druids' trees. And then you used Midas' golden touch tome spell to turn the stumps into gold. :)

Title: Re: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Snafu on March 11, 2006, 11:27:20 AM
LOL. That was fun ;)

Title: Re: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Kherec on March 14, 2006, 03:16:15 PM
Don't forget the most important part:

To wear suspenders and a bra!

Title: Re: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Carrion on March 14, 2006, 04:35:34 PM
Don't forget the most important part:

To wear suspenders and a bra!
On wednesdays I go shopping...

Title: Re: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Kei on July 18, 2006, 09:04:51 PM
Deputies...  Definitely.  One of the places I had tons of fun living and dying and ....  yeah.  Even as a Khorne.


And second Snafu mightily on Sisters of Mercy.  Been sorting through some old logs for bits for him, and rererereremembered how much fun those emotes were.

Title: Re: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: draculea on February 05, 2007, 08:17:54 AM
 Btw ... is the Legion still around?

Title: Re: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Carrion on February 05, 2007, 03:18:07 PM
Btw ... is the Legion still around?

Nope, closed years ago. Sad as I never made it into the club with any char...

Title: Re: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Opus on February 06, 2007, 01:31:50 PM
Nope, closed years ago. Sad as I never made it into the club with any char...

Noooooob!   :cool:

(...and neither did I  :cry:)

Title: Re: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Carrion on February 06, 2007, 02:47:29 PM
Noooooob!   :cool:

(...and neither did I  :cry:)

Heh :)

Did you apply? I was pretty annoyed not getting into that club... I applied with several chars and imagined some n00b char with less than 10 years of playing failing my applications :)

Title: Re: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: draculea on February 07, 2007, 07:18:05 AM
 Hmm, let's open a new one, for all the frustrated player that didn't make it into the original club  :evil:
Hear that , Vulcan ?

Title: Re: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Opus on February 07, 2007, 12:36:44 PM
Did you apply? I was pretty annoyed not getting into that club... I applied with several chars and imagined some n00b char with less than 10 years of playing failing my applications :)

Bah! I was (and still are) waiting for an invitation!  :afro:

Title: Re: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: draculea on February 19, 2007, 06:09:34 AM
 Here it comes!
I'm inviting you into the new Legion :)

Title: Re: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Maggs on April 20, 2007, 05:00:59 PM
I'm sorry you didn't get your wish Opus, you have worked hard and achieved lots.

If there is a place for an elitist club, then its right that its membership criteria
be based on achievement, rather than admitting jackasses that see
it as a long service award, and believe they could have achieved PLevel 25 because
they made it to para, and its only 25 times the work.

Title: Re: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Opus on April 21, 2007, 01:54:25 AM
I'm sorry you didn't get your wish Opus, you have worked hard and achieved lots.

Thank you Maggs, but there are players like yourself that have done exactly what I have done and then repeated the process with several chars (I created my second mortal only months ago).

And I am already a member of Nannys new true elite club, with only three mortals! This _is_ a challenge for you to find out the name of the club and then pass the requirement to join it! :)

Title: Re: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Tredon on April 23, 2007, 04:31:12 AM
Sisters of mercy club was totally anachronistic but very fun.
I miss it.

Title: Re: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Vulcan on July 23, 2009, 01:47:06 PM
Heh :)

Did you apply? I was pretty annoyed not getting into that club... I applied with several chars and imagined some n00b char with less than 10 years of playing failing my applications :)

The club was closed in 2002 by Mami. The reasons stated was lack of maintenance (however there were no bugs to maintain), and complaints from players (which never reached me, or what they were about).

The Legion's purpose was a club for powerplayers. The admittance to the club was controlled by its mortal members through a voting process. Here's an exerpt from the web-page written by Kairi:

In the beginning Nanny was small. There were few areas, relatively few
players and a lot of lag. Life was simple back then, because the game was
more anarchic, everyone knew each other and there wasn't a lot to explore
for a player who had gone through all the areas (yes, that was possible).

As time passed, the game expanded, and one fine day Nanny got a new
machine. That led to considerably less lag and considerably more players
being able to log on at the same time. Some of these players wizzed and
made new areas with many interesting things in them. Other players remained
mortal and kept exploring the above-mentioned areas and killing the above-mentioned
things. And yet other players kept standing on village green and asking the players
who explored the areas and killed things to help them with xp and money.
As a result, Group 2 found itself in a difficult situation. Firstly, they
have to complete the ever growing task of checking out things made by Group
1. Secondly, they have to make Group 3 give them a break for once. Under
these circumstances a couple of wizards known for being able to look
at the game from a no-nonsense mortal perspective decided to create an environment
that would support inquisitive, successful and determined players. So these
wizards started to talk to their mortal friends and think how make the life
of Group 2 more fun.

The result was The Legion.

The Legion is a club that unites the most experienced fighters, explorers
and questers in Nanny. Its purpose is to preserve and maintain the best
traditions and standards in powerplaying. Our main goal is to pursue excellence
in the game. The membership in this club is highly selective. Only the
most distinguished and/or promising players are allowed to join. The Legion
is an elite organization and does not share its secrets lightly. Any information
related to the club and its functions is not supposed to be a matter of
public knowledge.

Note: The Legion is for mortals only. Wizards,
except for the founders and the admin cannot join the club.

I still have the code for the club.

Title: Re: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Vulcan on March 27, 2010, 06:53:44 PM
I have reopened the Legion. No NannyMUD announce notice will follow. The club is secretive and it's motto is "Scientia Est Potentia", Knowledge is Power. There are 2 old members active now so if you apply I'm sure they will evaluate the applications appropriately. It's not your level or how fast you can kill that gets you into the Legion, it's that you demonstrate great knowledge of the game.

Title: Re: Old (closed) clubs
Post by: Gelu on March 29, 2010, 08:43:53 AM
I'm happy abandoned things are back again, but I'm sad cause I surely don't meet the requirements for this club.

So, what about those that find out here about the reopening of the Legion club?
Are they allowed to spread the word in Nanny or through Facebook or through whatever means? I reckon not.
In this case is this forum a somewhat secretive place/club?   :wink:

You know? I can keep a secret...

btw, Have you joined the Facebook NannyMUD group?
I'm asking because currently spamfu has 201 members and on Facebook Nanny has 200 members.
I thought you were the missing one.  :D (on Facebook there's no Vulcan in the 'Who are who?!' section)