Title: The NannyMUD Times issue 1996 October. Post by: Polar on September 06, 2006, 02:57:03 PM ---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 1 ---
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\/////| | \\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\///// | | \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// | | | | The NEW NannyMUD Times, Third issue. 961001 | | | |Page 2: Editorial. | |Page 3: Interview with an Akasha. | |Page 4: Your monthly Mud Horoscope | |Page 5: How Nanny once started - Story from our god. | |Page 6: Confession of a bug abuser. | |Page 7: The unofficial Nannymud PK guide. | |Page 8: New highwizards - Read the comments about them. | |Page 9: What is Sweden really like? - The story of an american in Sweden.| |Page 10: Support the MPN (Male Player Network). | |Page 11: Competition - Who knows most about NannyMUD? | |Page 12: Mudparty in Sweden - Read all about it! | |Page 13: Do you want to become a writer for the NannyMUD Times? | |Page 14: Ask Madame D. | |Page 15: Aunt O's gossip column. | | | | /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ | | ///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\ | |/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\\\| +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 2 --- \\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///// \\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// Editorial. A new month, a new issue of Nannymud times! I must start with saying. THANKS FOR ALL COMMENTS! I cant say anything else than that this paper have been much more appreciated than i would have belived when i decided to start making it. Number of sold copys of September issue where as high as 199. Once again, thank you all for the comments, without those i would never put this much energy into making this paper. Now we present for you a even bigger and even better newspaper. This issue have some nice articles. We have a competition to decide which player has the highest knowledge about NannyMUD. We have a interview with the demoted Akasha. We bring you all the information about the mudparty in Orebro. We let you know what others think of the newest highwizards. We update you with the latest gossip. We encourage you to support the MPN. Plus a lot more. Something you might have noticed in this issue. This issue costs 100 coins, instead of the normal 50 coins. Its because of our competition in this issue. Read all about it on page 10. I would like to use my little space in this editorial to comment some recent happenings around in NannyMUD. I guess noone have missed out that Nannymud changed machine and now runs on a Intel based computer. I must say that what i have noticed of the new machine is just good experiences. BUT, a warning, if you look back through times, the administration has most often succeded to mess up a smooth gameplay with increased limits of logins, running backups, code most unnessesary things that would lag the game to an extreme amount, logging everything and anything. With this in mind i have a low faith that the machine and game will stay in this 'untouched' and low lagged state. Lets all hope the wizards dont use Nannymud as a scene for them to showoff with their advanced programming skills, and tries to remember that this is a mud made for playing a game not calculating experiments. Ok, i should not draw the most pessemistic conclusions. So, lets hope this machine will rm lag.* once and for all. I guess most of us know that Akasha where driven away from Nannymud. But i will not comment what i think of it more than just say that what happened was very bad for the mud in a lot of ways. But, what i do want to comment. Is the acting of some pity wannabe-admins among the wizards. We have this scenario. A wizard makes a hard decision and decides to remove all her files she have been working on for the last 3 years. She is very sad and this is not a very easy decision. She now wants to tell all her friends about her decision. She sits down to write a note that will describe her thoughts and reasons, she is really sad and tries to hold back her tears while writing that note. Now something happens which i personally have no idea why this happens. Some of our fellow wizards sees it as their mission to tell Akasha she is not worth shit and tell her that she is acting like a child, using words as 'blackmail' and 'destroying the mud'. I mean, what can possibly be the purpose? Is it to show to Akasha that you hate her? To show the admins that you would kiss their asses if they allowed you? To show everybody else that you are cool and can kick on a lying girl? Neill told me: Am i not allowed to an opinion? Well, i should be the first one to allow everyone an opinion. Since i think that without opinions we all become mental slaves. But in this case i cant really see the reason for expressing that opinion in public. Ok, compare the following to this, would you act like this: If you where driving along the road and you saw a girl sitting beside a car crying because she had ran over a deer. Would your first reaction be to pull over and confront that girl just to say: "You stupid, silly bitch! You killed this innocent animal. You are such an animalhater!" Well i must say, i got sad that day when i read Akashas note and i got so really really angry when i saw the replying notes. Ok, maby i overreacted, but if Neill feels that he is allowed his opinion. The same should be the case for me. /Le'Clerk - Main editor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- leclerk@nannymud lick.me@plea.se (yes, this IS my email adress) Jonas Sjoberg Pl 1412 694 00 Hallsberg Sweden Title: Re: The NannyMUD Times issue 1996 October. Post by: Polar on September 06, 2006, 03:10:07 PM ---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 3 ---
\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///// \\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// INTERVIEW WITH AN AKASHA! ========================= Interviewer: Leclerk. Playername: Akasha Realname: Monica Kohler Age: 24 Born: June 27th, 1972 Starsign: Cancer Lives: Seattle, Washington, USA Seconds: Munchkin, Vash, Kes First time on Nanny: Summer 1992 Total time on Nanny: 107 days. You say: seattle.. isnt that a really cool place?.. whats seattle like? Akasha says: i think it is a really nice place to live ... i wouldnt live anywhere else Smile You say: what makes it the best place to live in? Akasha says: seattle is very green, lotsa mountains, diverse cultures and communities, rain of course (but then we wouldnt have all this green!), all my family live around here... its home Smile You say: how do you live? (at parents, your own place?) Akasha says: i live on my own Smile Akasha says: well, i have been living here for about a year ... i live on the north side of Lake Washington (north Seattle) ... its a good sized apt (about 750 sq ft) ... quite a mess now that i am doing some fall cleaning and rearranging tho Wink Akasha says: i live alone for now Wink You say: oh.. how do you get money to pay that apt? Akasha says: chuckle, money grows on trees donchya know? Wink Akasha says: i have got a job that pays the bills Smile You say: job? what do you work with? and where? Akasha says: yea, as a ... well the best desc is a telemarketer ... altho i am kinda in limbo right now (dont know what it is i am exactly doing yet) ... i work for a resort/vacation company in Bellevue *fear* You say: woo.. you are in limbo? Akasha says: yea, part of the reason i am a bit stressed now ... Akasha says: limbo -> an intermediate or transitional place or state ... Akasha says: means i dont know what i am doing there ... just kinda hanging out and waiting Sad You say: oh.. telemarketing.. you call people up and ask if they want to travel with you? your sitting talking in the phone all day? Akasha says: yup, i am on the phone all day ... making appointments for ppl to attend the company's presentation (its not as bad as it sounds) Akasha says: i never thought i would be able to do a job like this Smile Akasha says: and i must brag that i am one of the best in the dept cuz i am honest and straightforward w/ the customers and they get exactly what i say (the company and product is great so that helps too Wink Akasha says: i dont like pushy telemarketers, i know what its like when they call ... so i try to understand that ... You say: what did you think you would do.. what where you planing on doing after you graduated? Akasha says: laf, i wasnt planing on anything ... i went to college a few years, thinking i wanted to do some international business major (japanese mostly) ... but found out i didnt like business at all... You say: oh, you speak japanese well? Akasha says: no, not very much really ... i can understand a few things but its been quite some time since i took japanese in High school... Akasha says: i guess i know the basics, but that doesnt get u very far i am afraid... You say: are your origins from japan? Akasha says: my father is Japanese, so yes Smile You say: have you visited japan..? Akasha says: ah, yes ... once when i was 15 (turned 16 there) Akasha says: it was on a student exchange program for a month ... we stayed in Kanazawa (directly on the other side of the island from Tokyo) Akasha says: it was quite the experience ... my first out of the country ... i thought i was prepared, but i had culture shock nonetheless... You say: ok.. you visited japan.. i know you visisted sweden too.. tell me about your trip to sweden Akasha says: hehe, sweden was an interesting experience too ... one that took a bit to get used to the differences ... but it was wonderful spending time w/ my sweetheart and traveling a bit Smile You say: oh.. where did you do? Akasha says: Stockholm, Jarvso, Hudiksvall in sweden (besides Linkoping) ... the netherlands: Eindhoven, Vlissinen, Amsterdam ... Austria: Vienna You say: You where talking about getting used to diffrences.. what diffrences did you notice? Akasha says: small things mostly ... different trees/wildlife, landscape, light all day, shops close early, taking the bus everywhere or walking, language, seeing many caucasians (sp?), not finding things i was used to in the grocery stores, tv, movies, etc, etc Smile Akasha says: i really enjoyed meeting ppl there, everyone was very nice (and most spoke english, which helped Smile Akasha says: what i didnt like was all the convieniences that i missed ... going shopping for groceries anytime of the day, shops were smaller and didnt have much variety ... what can i say, i am spoiled Smile You say: is it true that swedes are tall, blonde and sexy? Cool Akasha laughs. Akasha says: in some cases ... Razz You say: why did you go to sweden in the first place? Akasha says: why i went to sweden? to live with my sweetie in his country and see what it was like ... to see where his origins/culture comes from ... to see if i would like sweden enuff to stay there (even tho we knew that was a longshot) ... to meet his family ... to see if we could survive living in a 20 sq meter (or something) place together Wink Akasha says: my sweetie is Profezzorn in case anyone doesnt know Smile You say: oh, how long have you been 'sweeties' with eachother? Akasha hmms and thinks carefully. Akasha says: hmm, its strange to put a number on it cuz it was so gradual, and we didnt think it would work (with the distance mostly) Akasha says: we have known each other for over 2 years... You say: did it work? Cool Akasha says: most definately Smile Akasha says: i guess we decided to try to make it work about a year and a half ago ... visits, talks over the net, phone calls (very few cuz they r expensive), etc You say: how many days have you met in rl.. as a total? Akasha says: hmm a few weeks xmas of '94 ... two months in early summer of '95 ... another month xmas of '95 ... then three months in summer of '96 Smile You say: ok, you say you met two years ago... how long have you played nannymud? Akasha thinks carefully. Akasha says: well i wized spring of '93 ... so prolly started playing the summer b4 ... wow, 4 years? *fear me* You say: if you look back upon your nanny experience.. what you consider the most fun.. when you played as a mortal or when you played as a wizard? Akasha says: as a mortal, i remember the old mages guild and how helpful and friendly everyone was ... and i remember the original damned guild and how much fun it was to be evil (i never PKed, but the whole atmosphere of the guild rocked) Akasha says: being in the damed guild was very theraputic (sorry my spelling sux) ... i got out a lot of my agreessions from college life Smile Akasha says: as a wizard, i would hafta say learning how to code (even tho i resisted a lot) ... i had many wonderful people to help me start out Smile You say: such as? Akasha says: hehe, they all had special bonsai trees Smile Akasha says: Ramses, Cohen, Ppannion, Cashimor to name the ones that come to mind Smile Akasha says: i am sure there were others, but my memory sux Sad You say: you said you played damned.. but you never pked.. .. whats your opinion of pk in nanny? Akasha shrugs. Akasha says: i think its okie ... ppl should PK if they _want_ to PK ... but i dont like it when ppl take advantage of it or take it too far ... the combat should be mutal and it can get great fun (or so i hear Smile You say: ok, wizlife.. during your 2 years as a wiz what is your impression of wizlife? how has it developed? (wizlife in general i mean, not your personally) Akasha says: btw, its 3 years Razz Akasha says: wizlife eh? well, i remember things being much more freeer or relaxed when i first started ... Akasha says: it was great fun to be a wiz ... wizwars were pretty fun too ... now (maybe its just me) there doesnt seem to be as fun anymore ... more rules, more nitpicking, more hoops to go thru, etc ... You say: what do you think is the reason it became like that? Akasha says: well, maybe it was a bit out of control in my early days as a wiz ... and some ppl saw the need to tone it down ... but i also think that the 'control' in the mud went unchecked and the need to keep track of everything and balancing got out of control Akasha says: there is too much parinoia to have fun anymore (or as much fun as one should have ... hell, its a game and an escape from reality ... we dont need reality on the mud) You say: ok.. everybody knows you removed your area.. but not many knows of the real reasons for this.. how this this quarrel all start? Akasha chuckles. Akasha says: well the 'real' reasons arent easily explained, but i will try Smile Akasha thinks carefully. Akasha says: i guess it really started when some of the admin decided to make some changes to the south coast ... as u may know, i maintained Akilles' area which was part of the south coast Akasha says: well, one day i logged in and had a typo report somewhere in that area which surprised me a bit since i havent worked on it since i first recoded it (but not too much because even major typos go unreported/unnoticed) Akasha says: only, when i looked at the file, i didnt recognize any of the code! Akasha says: i did some more investigating and saw that the entire section of akilles area that had to do with the south coast had been recoded and rearranged Akasha says: and it was done _months_ b4 i noticed the changes Title: Re: The NannyMUD Times issue 1996 October. Post by: Polar on September 06, 2006, 03:10:55 PM You say: recoded and rearranged..?...
Akasha nods solemnly. Akasha says: new /std code (which was just being introduced and i had not yet learned) ... and extra rooms inserted ... new descs etc Akasha says: hmm, well there were no comments in the code, nor any mail telling me of the changes ... i guess u could say that i was mad Wink Akasha says: well, there were only two ppl that could have done the changes, and Brom was the first to login Wink Akasha says: basically, i found out that he had some sort of resentment for the way i took care of Akilles area and that was prolly the reason i was never informed (he didnt actually do the changes) Akasha says: and if i didnt like it then i could rm my code... You say: oh.. i dont think most people knows this.. that Brom was the one to put you in the situation where you should choose.. remove or accept.. am i right? Akasha says: rite... Akasha says: i admit i was pretty pissed, but i just wanted an appology (which Brom claims to have given me many times) Akasha says: it didnt help that the files that were changed were done so poorly and with many typos ... i knew if they had just told me, that i could have done a MUCH better job You say: do you feel that you have got any apologie for the changes? Akasha says: i got an apology from Rohan (thank u again) ... but not from Brom ... he seems to think an apology is saying that they r only human and humans make mistakes (basically avoiding and dealing with the situation) You say: but where you here when the changes where made? was it possible for them to reach you and ask you to change it? Akasha says: i log on every day practically, very active ... there was no reason for them NOT to inform me... Akasha says: afterwards i spent many hours w/ Rohan going step by step correcting all the things that were wrong (i ended up recoding most of what he recoded) You say: what if the person changing the files didnt know that you where responsible for akilles area? Akasha says: how can u not be? the files were all under /players/akasha/akilles You say: ok.. but lets step back.. in time.. when was it brom told you : Remove your files or accept the changes? Akasha says: when i asked him who did the changes and why... Akasha hmms. Akasha says: sometime earlier this year? spring? You say: ok.. howcome this actions occured now? You say: have something else happened the last weeks? You say: what pushed you over the edge? Akasha says: well, many small things happened ... Akasha says: there were still changes to my files w/o my notification (all Akilles' area) Akasha says: i had tried many times b4 to stress to the admin that they needed to put more effort into informing wizards when they change their code... so, when it still continued every single time, i got frustrated ... Akasha says: which i dealt w/ by uploading the old code and ignoring the new code (until someone actually TOLD me it was changed, it wasnt) Akasha says: so, finally i started getting mails from Banshee (and she was quite nice about it at first, even if it seemed a bit forced) You say: was this recently? Akasha says: yes, this happened up until very recently Akasha says: Banshee asked me to change the bathhouses cuz she felt they were too good, and also addding weapon restrictions to a few weapons Akasha says: oh and in approving my coffee shop, she wanted even more restrictions than what the RULES stated... You say: and you could not accept that?.. you felt that you HAD to fight for your coffeeshop to get the restrictions the rules stated? Akasha says: no, i just asked for a clarification on the RULES ... it seemed quite confusing to have the RULES state one thing and her to state another... You say: did you ask for it or did you demand it? Akasha says: laf, no i just quoted the RULES and stated my opinions why i thought otherwise (if she insisted then of course i have no choice ... i was just pointing out a difference in interpretations of the RULES) Akasha says: if i didnt do what she said, then no coffee shop Smile Akasha says: i just happened to question her i guess... Akasha says: i did the same thing with the bathhouses ... i asked what was wrong and what needed to be changed ... and i just stated why i thought that was a bit overboard and asked for proff that the bathhouses gave out too much healing and too often... You say: when the admins say that you could never accept a no for an answer.. do feel any understanding for that statement? Akasha says: yes, i can see where they get that ... it is their perception ... i just wanted to clarify what they asked of me and evaluated if it made sense or not Akasha says: if they still felt the same after i expressed how i saw things, then i would have done what they asked ... You say: dont you think they would have been more nice to you if you once had just let them go without an discussion about every single change? Akasha says: sure they would have been more 'nice' to me ... i would have been another mindless drone doing as they bid ... i wasnt purposefully trying to be difficult ... i wanted to make sure everything made sense... Akasha says: they asked what i thought... and so i did Smile You say: ok.. what do you feel about these wizards that do exactly what the admin tells them without even blinking? Akasha says: intimidated Smile ... really, we all do it at some point (yes, even me) ... it certainly is easier that way Smile Akasha says: i have nothing against ppl who do everything they are told ... as long as they feel ok about it ... i didnt ... You say: ok.. now we know why you removed your area and what actions caused it.. You say: ok.. you decide to remove it.. and you post a note on the board.. where you say that it is your most sad day on nannymud.. i think you even wrote that you almost cried.. You say: and you try to explain it... Akasha nods solemnly. You say: what i wanna know.. what did you feel about the response you got from others after you posted that note? Akasha says: chuckle, there r always gonna be ppl u dont get along with ... it wasnt so bad cuz i knew i did what needed to be done ... besides, i got _many_ responses of support and comfort (most of the public ones got rm'ed) Akasha says: u know who your friends are in times like this Smile ... the ppl i care about agreed/understood what i did ... and that was all that mattered really You say: do you know why the public supportive notes got removed by the admin? Akasha says: well, i can only speculate ... but Brom is afraid of what ppl will think if all sides are heard? You say: from what you know today.. is there anything you would have done diffrently in this matter? Akasha says: well, i have the tendancy to let things build up and then i get PISSED Wink ... so maybe take time out from the situation ... but i had already thought about doing this since the time Brom made his statement 'deal w/ the reality here or rm your code' ... it was enevitable since i have grown increasingly uncomfortable with the changes (or the extent of the changes) on the mud You say: how do you feel when you see brom talk about on the wizboard he feels that you 'blackmailed' him when you said you would remove your code.. when he said 6 months ago 'accept or remove' You say: dont you care.. or does it get to you that people are telling lies about you? Akasha says: shrug, its his interpretation of the situation ... i didnt think it was blackmail (i just happened to state my opinons about the mud and what it would take for me to return as an active wiz... i dont expect those changes) Akasha says: i have no control about what ppl think about me ... i just hope they take the time to look at the situation objectively (which is VERY hard to do) and make up their minds on their own (and not what certain ppl WANT them to think) You say: what is the truth about what you actually said when you removed your area? Akasha says: the truth? oh boy, is that a matter of perspective Razz ... Akasha thinks carefully. Akasha says: i think i have caught a few mistakes of theirs and they dont like being proven wrong ... i think we just have too different opinions of what makes a good mud that doesnt allow us to work together any longer Sad You say: ok.. but now.. what DID you say to Brom when you said you was about to remove your area.. was it blackmail? Akasha says: i never told anyone... other that what was on the boards... Akasha says: i had a conversation w/ Banshee and had the impression i wasnt wanted or didnt matter much ... so, if i didnt matter then why is my stuff here is what i thought You say: ok.. im going to write a name/word.. and you tell me a short line of the first thing you come to think of.. wordassosiation Akasha nods solemnly. You say: Neill? Akasha chuckles. Akasha says: mouse You say: Oriole? Akasha says: arrogant You say: Banshee? Akasha says: narrow-minded You say: Profezzorn? Akasha says: reserved You say: Traste? Akasha says: sockish You say: Earendil? Akasha says: Dill pickle You say: Lysator? Akasha says: smelly You shake hands with Akasha. You say: i thank you for your time.. and for answering honest on all my questions Akasha says: hope it comes out well Smile Akasha smiles happily at you. Akasha shakes hands with you. Title: Re: The NannyMUD Times issue 1996 October. Post by: Polar on September 06, 2006, 03:11:45 PM ---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 4 ---
\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///// \\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// Your monthly horoscope. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) BEFORE you can run a bath, you must have the plug in place. A shower's no fun at all without a good supply of hot water! Something that should, by rights, now be a source of comfort and inspiration in your life seems to be turning, in the aftermath of the eclipse in your sign, into a cause of frustration. If the expectation wasn't so high, the disappointment wouldn't be so deep. But should you really need to lower your sights and abandon your hopes just to make yourself feel OK? This may prove temporarily necessary in the coming month but only till Jupiter's effect kicks in. You'll get that refreshment yet!. Your lucky monster this month: Kobold Monster to beware this month: Hurshag Your lucky number this month: 4 Your lucky day of this month: 11th +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21) YOU need more information. Saturn's link to your ruler insists that without that this month, you will make choices which sound sensible until you realise, with hindsight, that they were based on a false assumption. How will you find out what you need to know? By bravely admitting that there are certain things you aren't so sure of. For as long as you're determined to play the expert, you will be creating a barrier through which vital news cannot pass. People who have something they should tell you will take one look and decide it's wiser to keep their silent. Be ready to listen and fear not. If you're being spun a line, you will know. Your lucky monster this month: Servant Monster to beware this month: Spider Queen Your lucky number this month: 12 Your lucky day of this month: 24th +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= GEMINI (May 22 - June 22) IT'S yet another month during which you find yourself feeling as if you must work hard in order to feel relaxed. Is this really necessary? Will everything truly go terribly wrong if you stop being so tense? Perhaps not but it's a risk you don't yet feel inclined to take. Like someone waiting for glue to dry or a graft to take, you want to keep the pressure up, for the time being at least. Only towards the end of the month, once your ruler begins to move forward in the sky once more, will you gain sufficient natural confidence to experiment with the strength of a recent acheivement. You'll gauge the right moment easily if you trust your judgement. . Your lucky monster this month: Hulk Monster to beware this month: Juggernaut Your lucky number this month: 11 Your lucky day of this month: 30th +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= CANCER (Jun 23 - Jul 23) BACK in the days before BSE, cattle used to suffer from foot and mouth disease. Humans still do! You, indeed, seem to have a bad case of it right now. It appears that every time you open your mouth, you put your foot in it! There comes a point where the best way to resolve a particular debate or explain a certain factor, is to say nothing at all. You have a right, this month, to remain silent. If you take the emotional equivalent of the fifth amendment, the response will speak volumes. You'll see in an instant who feels inclined to take this as a tacit admission of guilt and who feels prepared to trust that your silence is golden. Your lucky monster this month: Nellie's Cat Monster to beware this month: Knatul Your lucky number this month: 3 Your lucky day of this month: 21th +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= LEO (Jul 24 - Aug 23) You are being assisted by an excellent cosmic climate. Despite this advantage though, you feel bemused and confused. You cannot see how to prevent what you suspect is an imminent disaster from occuring. This is because, working 'against' the presence of Mars and Venus in Leo, you have Saturn opposing your ruler, the Sun. It in turn, is trying to shine its light on the Moon but, due to the position of the earth, creating an eclipse instead. The celestial symbolism says it all. Your way forward is being blocked but only temporarily. Let each negative experience this month merely redouble your determination to succeed and, in the end, you will. . Your lucky monster this month: Pixie Monster to beware this month: Kobayashi Your lucky number this month: 14 Your lucky day of this month: 19th +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23) I trust atheists will not object if, for the sake of creating a helpful analogy, we postulate the following. It is the dawn of time. The universe is under construction and a team of accountants are giving advice. "Must the earth really rotate? Think what you will save by keeping it static. And why so many species? The budget will only allow trees, not flowers." We must be thankful, not only for the creation but for the creator's refusal to be bound by the laws of profit and loss! Mercury, your ruler, changes direction in your sign this month. If you are similarly determined to pursue your priorities, in defiance of all petty criticism, you will be vindicated! . Your lucky monster this month: Harry Monster to beware this month: Merlins Dragon Your lucky number this month: 8 Your lucky day of this month: 4th +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 23) I was, I think, about eight when the BBC first started transmitting pictures in colour. I still remember the disappointment I felt after eagerly watching the first few programs. I must have been nine before I realised that, to get a colour picture, you need a colour set! Why am I telling you this? Because Neptune is currently firing your imagination while Jupiter is awakening your enthusiasm. You can sense that something exciting is possible. You're quite right. Saturn however, is gently trying to point out that, if you want it to happen, you can't just sit around hoping. You've actually got to change something and do something. Your lucky monster this month: Bailiff Monster to beware this month: Zuboff Your lucky number this month: 4 Your lucky day of this month: 21th +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 22) Habit, ritual and tradition shape our lives much more than we realise. When we are not Versatility is rarely applauded in this modern world. People, it seems, like to categorise other people, as narrowly as possible. Those who display an impressive ability to turn their hands to many tasks are curtly dismissed as 'jacks of all trades'. Those who try to judge each situation on its merit - rather than by some set of rigid, preconceived standards, are accused of being inconsistent. If you want to be admired this month, all you have to do is what's expected of you. If, however, you want to be proud of yourself, you have to do what's right. Pluto's link to the Sun is urging you to find the confidence to 'try an alternative approach'. . Your lucky monster this month: Ogre Monster to beware this month: Terminator Your lucky number this month: 14 Your lucky day of this month: 26th +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 - Dec 21) For the third month in succession, money is the hottest topic of the month. Or is it? Technically, the awkward link between your ruler and Mars suggests pressure on your wristwatch not your wallet. They say however, that 'time is money' and certainly, at the moment, you are tending to see these two resources as synonymous. Maybe that's part of the problem. Maybe if you felt more able to pace your life sensibly, you would not be quite so disturbed by the deficit in your financial department. You can't create cash from thin air this month but you can give yourself more time by refusing to worry about an artifical deadline. . Your lucky monster this month: Sprite Monster to beware this month: Ant Queen Your lucky number this month: 12 Your lucky day of this month: 25th +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 20) IF you want to get it right this month, stop trying so hard to get it right! Allow yourself, for a moment at least, to contemplate the possibility that, with Venus and the Sun both forming sharp links to your ruler, you cannot win! As a matter of fact, this is definitely untrue. You can. But to do it, you must follow Dr. Cainer's patent prescription. This involves swallowing the medicine of potential defeat. Take it until not only are you used to the taste, you almost relish it. Fantasise about failure. Cover the topic so thoroughly that you no longer fear it. Then stride out into a month during which your biggest disappointment turns out to be... success! . Your lucky monster this month: Madame X Monster to beware this month: Yogul Your lucky number this month: 8 Your lucky day of this month: 11th +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= AQUARIUS (Jan 21 - Feb 19) COMPUTER boffins tell us that, when we are surfing the internet, we are effectively in several places at once. Psychics insist the same applies when we use our intuition. We use our subconscious mind as a modem to hook us up to 'shared, spiritual cyberspace'. It all sounds very impressive. To all practical intents and purposes however, our thoughts can only focus on one idea at a time. This month's link from Uranus to the Sun is urging you to focus on those practical intents and purposes. Never mind clever theories or vague suspicions. Deal with what's real and what's right in front of you. You'll yet make a brilliant breakthrough. . Your lucky monster this month: St. Peter Monster to beware this month: Anubis Your lucky number this month: 11 Your lucky day of this month: 6th +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20) IF we were put on the earth to enjoy each others company, how come most of us find this so hard? If we were created to make money, why are there miserable millionaires? If our purpose is to work, why are we so keen to clock off? If art, beauty and music are meant to bring contentment, why are Oasis so angry? There must be more to life. Or, maybe, less. Maybe there's too much strife in your life because you're giving yourself to the wrong kind of living. Neptune's alignments this month suggest you can find fulfilment but only if you let go of your current expectation of where it is to be found. Look in your heart, not your diary. Your lucky monster this month: Jennifer Monster to beware this month: Beast of Nurgle Your lucky number this month: 11 Your lucky day of this month: 9th Title: Re: The NannyMUD Times issue 1996 October. Post by: Polar on September 06, 2006, 03:12:28 PM Posts: 36 View Profile Email Personal Message (Online) The NannyMUD Times issue 1996 October. page 5 6 7 « on: Today at 01:02:50 PM » Reply with quote Modify message Remove message Split Topic ---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 5 --- \\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///// \\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// How Nanny was once created. Written by Mats. The Beginning This is the history of NannyMUD as Mats the God remembers it, with some weight on what was before NannyMUD and the very early days. Now, here is the Voice of God: Pre-History: Before the Light The first time I tried an adventure game was sometime around 1980. I wasn't too excited playing it. I was much more curious about how it really worked internally. How do they program these things, I thought. I tried to write my own adventure game in BASIC and it had some kind of simple description language. It never worked, and the search for an adventure building tool started. Around 1986 I heard about Projekt Asgård. It was a mud-like game written in LISP and it was very slow. It seemed interesting, but unfortunately I didn't try it. 1989 I found ADVSYS, which had a objectoriented LISP language, suitable for building adventures. But it was slow and I didn't like LISP so I throwed it away. Out of the Mists of Time, a Game is Born In the spring of 1990 I heard about a Multi User Dungeon game, where several players could play at the same time. I telnet-ed to Genesis and played a couple of hours. I struggled hard and slowly advanced to level 8. Then I was killed by some other player, and it wasn't fun anymore. Then I saw that the source-code, LPMUD version 1.1.2, was available, and I thought I must try this at home. This was 20th April 1990. After a few hours of compiling it was ready and history was about to begin. The Early Days It was in the last days of April 1990, I think it was around 23 April. I was logged in from a small terminal connected to Majestix, a SUN-3/280 at the Department of Computer Science at Linköping University, and I started the MUD on Majestix. And it crashed and coredumped. After an hour I found the bug and started again. It said "What is your name:" and I was excited and couldn't think of a cool name so I used my own. And it crashed again. During the first days of this MUD there were lots of crashes and restarts, but it got stable after a while and I announced it's existence at a local BBS. The first players dropped in: Angmar, Noppe, Inge, Cauchy, Guru and a few more. I had the mud on my own account and it slowly filled my quota. I asked the systemadmin for more quota and a suitable machine to run the mud on. I got one more megabyte quota and moved the MUD to Brutalix, another SUN-3 which wasn't so heavily used. But the game was still growing fast and I borrowed some quota from Eva, Ingis real-life wife, and moved the players directory to her account. In the beginning there wasn't many rooms and I couldn't build more rooms fast enough. I needed a wizard who could build and I started a competition where the winner would be instantly promoted to wizard. I created an object named "pizza" and hid it somewhere in the MUD. Angmar found it and became wizard. Some days later I created a mini-quest where the solver would become wizard, and Noppe solved it first. I found two more castles, Kantele and Morgars, at a ftp-site and installed them. I built a castle called Mordenkainen and Angmar created his fairyland. Two more wizards were promoted, Inge and Lpd, but the first player who actually played his way up to level 21 was Cauchy. One embarrasing incident happened the first days. I had a script that started when I logged out and this script removed backup files and .o files so they wouldn't fill my quota. I logged out and it removed all the player files. The players wasn't happy. It was the 1 May 1990 because I haven't changed the script since then. The MUD is NannyMUD Early in the morning the 3 May, after a long night of hacking on the MUD, my grandmother died. A few weeks later when someone suggested the name "NannyMUD" for this MUD, I thought it would be a good name, not only because the MUD was running on the machine Nanny. I dedicate this MUD to my grandmother who refused to understand anything about computers. Sometime after 15 May the MUD moved to the new machine Nanny, a Sequent Balance, at Lysator Academice Computer Society at Linköping University, and I more or less gave the maintenance task of sourcecode and driver to the people at Lysator. The First Years of NannyMUD The first rules of Nanny was very free. Wizards couldn't mess around with mortals of course, but they could almost code whatever they wanted. It shouldn't crash the game and should be fantasy/medieval theme. This wasn't a real problem because most of the early wizards were programmers in real life. Lots of code were written the first years and the number of rooms grew steadily and around 1994 it was more than 16000 rooms. I more or less retired late fall 1994 and a major cleanup of the areas and rooms started. Now it is probably a better game, but not as free and wild-grown as in the early years. /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ ///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\ /////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\\\ ---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 6 --- \\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///// \\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// Confessions from a bug abuser - A column written by Emperor Hans the dark ============================= First of all, I would like to say that I don't advocate bug abusing. Also, I'm not claiming to have found, or even used, all of the bugs I'm going to talk about, I'm merely telling a good story. But all these bugs actually existed in Nanny, a long long time ago. They have been fixed, of course, and those caught exploiting them have been dealth with properly. And I am by no means blaming the responsible wizards, since where there is code, there are bugs. o The Sir Obliterator bug Outside Padrones castle, Sir Obliterator is constantly looking for Prince Violence. Sir Obliterator is fairly tough, and few newbies can kill him. Sir Obliterator follows players around, hoping they will lead him to Prince Violence. Meanwhile, in Padrones courtyard you can find Billy and Sam, the two giant guards of the castle. They will attack any visitor that doesn't have a ticket. Sir Obliteraor does not have a ticket. What happened in the early days of NannyMUD, was that players would go to Sir Obliterator, tell him to follow them and go to Billy & Sam. The giants would notice that Obliterator didn't have a ticket, and would start hitting him. When Obliterator was in bad shape, the player would tell him to follow to another room, where he would kill him easily. But also one of the giants would now be an easy kill, since Obliterator hits pretty hard as well. That was an easy way for a newbie to gain a few levels. o The explode real bad bug The Guild of Confusion had a spell called 'explode head', which left the caster with one HP, and the others in the room took tremendous damage. When combining that spell with healing potions, you could reach nasty effects. Even better was the spell 'explode real bad' which did ridiculous damage to the people in the room, but it also killed the caster. However, there were, and as far as I know still are, items in the game that could prevent death from happening during a short period, so people could actually duel with 'explode real bad'.... o The heal and reheal bug When the Tome of spell contained the good ol' 'heal others' spell, it would heal both HP and SP. The cost was less than it healed, so if I was at 130 SP and cast heal others on my friend, I would go down to, say, 125. Then he would cast one on me, and I would be on 140. And our HP would go up even faster. So, with two people, you had infinite healing. I personally went from level 13 to 18 by going up and down in the Vampires tower a few times, using this, in our opinion, feature. o Never getting "tired" When I started playing NannyMUD, a player would have both guild spells, and the basic spells (magic missile, shock and fireball). You could only cast one guild spell per round and one basic spell per round. Yes, that's right, one of each. This was not intended, as far as I know, but the guildspells did not check if you had already cast, say, a fireball. So, you could cast one fireball and one gfinger (and old Damned spell, very powerful) in the same round. Also, all playerkillers at that time had wands of lightning, so you could also zzap once in that round. Then Ramses coded the sentries, and we could get black lances to throw. So.... the problem wasn't that we had to wait for the next round to be able to do something, but that we couldn't type fast enough. The obvious solution was the recorder. Personally, I had an alias ',' for q1. q1 was the command for the recorder to play 'fireball' 'gfinger' 'zzap' 'throw lance'. All ths in one heartbeat. Combining that with the old demonblade that had two hits per round (and pretty damn hard hits, mind you), I could easily make 100+ HP damage in one round. In playerkilling, the damnies often teamed up, and imagine what a team of 3 damnies could do in one round with those recorder aliases and weapons like Gram, Demonblade and Stormbringer..... Needless to say... we killed a lot. Title: Re: The NannyMUD Times issue 1996 October. Post by: Polar on September 06, 2006, 03:13:00 PM How to PK - The unofficial Nannymud PK guide.
============================================= This guide is splitted up into 3 parts. Part 1 - Introduction to PK. Part 2 - A study of PK techniques. Part 3 - Usefull hints from various PK'ers to get you started. This is part 2. The last part will be published in the next issue of The Nannymud Times. Part 2 - A study of PK techniques. There are a wide selection of styles and techiniques, in this text i will mention some styles used and some pkers techniques. This is not meant as a 'how to do', its more meant like a 'aha, now i see the range of pk'. *Press return for more or q to end. > That pk is not just to type 'kill' as fast as possible. ------------------------------------- - Some pk'ers and their techniques: - ------------------------------------- Bally: ====== He was a really lousy pk'er until he finally got his wizchar. Then he sat down and snooped all his enemys to learn from them what items they used and where to get those items. After a some years of using this technique he was now set to be able to put up with a nice fight. [This technique is a bad example on how wizards can abuse their powers.] Kerish: ======= He found out a new unexpected effect of a power in a guild that was all bad that noone ever used. The guild was the chaosguild and the power was 'explode head'. He read the guildcode and noticed that when you exploded your head you would lose all your HP's and end up with only 1 hp. But, the half amount of those HP's you lost, all the enemys in the same room as you where hit with. Thus, if you stood in a room with 1 pk'er and exploded your head. Your opponent got a hit of no less than 100 hp's. This was not really enough for Kerish, he wanted to do more damage. Then he used a spell to get unnatural stamina. Which caused him to get 404hps for a short while. He would then lose 403hps but to his joy and happiness he would hit the opponents with no less than 201hp's. He then used the recorder to explode head and use a healing. This would be the one of the few times the concept 'instakill' where a true concept on nanny. [This technique is a good way to show a good pk. A good pker sees the possibilities in every item and every power.] Nymph: ====== This little girl found out a nice way to kill her opponents. She noticed that even pk'ers do lag every now and then. She hunted her opponents and then she walked to them and stood outside the room where the pk'er where standing. She now used the 'idle' command to try to match when her opponent sent a command to the mud. Just after the command from her opponent went thru she walked into the room and started to hit her opponent. If her opponent where lagged or idle, she would easily kill him. But if her opponent unexpectedly started to fight back, she would ran away or statue. Worth to mention, this girl was the worst cheater the mud have ever witnessed in pk. [This technique is just something that is only possible vs players. Thats the thing that makes pk so exciting. You can never be sure of the outcome.] Tremere: ======== This mediocre pk'er got an idea. If he could not be the very best pk'er. He could try to be friend with every pk'er and that way limit the risc of getting killed. To acheive this he gathered all the great equipment he knew in the mud. Every reset he ran of to get new equipment, and then he hid it in his playervillage room. As soon as a playerkiller logged on he politely asked all of them 'do you want a wand and a mirrorshield?' and the pk'ers most often agreed to it. This technique just lead to the fact that he stayed a mediocre pk'er and never would get to prove his real killing skills. [This technique is a bad example of pk. This is not pk at all, this is just a way to avoid getting killed. Pk is about to kill, not run away from fights.] Freddy, Stripe: =============== This two buddies noticed that the usage of client where a nice tool in pk. They tried to master their clients to be able to follow their opponents around. They where actually quite successful, until one playerkiller told Freddy. 'Knossos leaves refill 203.' Then they started to understand some of their limits and when they stopped using their client the bodycount quickly ended. [This technique shows that clients can be very usefull if used in the right way, but if you dont master the client. You might as well play without it.] Smittan: ======== This pk'er noticed that one new guild had a lot of nice powers specially designed for pk. He joined the guild and started to work his way up to the top of the guild and now he mastered all the powers that could possibly be used in pk. He where now completely unbeatable since his powers he had. He did not even need to get any equipment, just login and then all ready for a fight. When he got to know that his powers should be allowed for ALL guildmembers, he understood that the guild where soon to be closed and from that day he have not been seen. [This technique shows how important it is to make sure you know what powers there are in the game. Unless you want to start to pk with a guildless char.] Dragonpen and a lot others: =========================== These pk'ers know about their limits, but instead of trying to learn anything from their fights. They get an alias 'alias q quit' and when the going get though they simply type 'q'. [This technique is not really the best way to learn pk skills. The only result you will get is that your confidence in your own skills lowers for each quit command you type.] The unnamed flaps: ================== These pk'ers stand in church and try to verbally kill their opponents. This have as far as i know never succeeded, and im pretty sure that it will never be able to kill other players with feelings. But while others actually kill, just let these players hang around the church and brag and showoff. [This technique might make you a true christian since of all your church visits. But i doubt you would manage to do anything else but pray in a real fight.] ---------------- To be continued. /The K Killing Korp. /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ ///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\ /////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\\\ > read page 8 You read page 8 in your newspaper. ---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 8 --- \\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///// \\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// Ok, as you might know we got two new highwizards this last month. The newest addition to the administration is 'Dwinbar' and 'Restless'. These highwizards will work with the approval of new guilds. I thought i might check out what people thought about these new highwizzes. So, i made a question that i asked 77 mortals on the mud and i got quite a lot of answers. The question asked: =================== Hi, I am Leclerk. I am writing for NannyMUD Times on a feature about the muds newest highwizards (Dwinbar and Restless). I am gathering 20 comments about each of those highwizards. My question for you is: What is your opinion/comment of Dwinbar and Restless? (Please reply one or two lines on each of these highwizards. Your name will be kept anonymous, unless requested otherwise) The answers i received (in cronographical order): [Note: Some of the answers are in swedish, i have kept them in swedish, but i made a translation between the brackets. ] ========================================================================= - I do not know either of them - Dwinbar rocks and never met restless - Dwinbar ... his area is way too weird and as for Restless never talked to him, he's really a wiz? <grin> - hmm, can I think about it for 5 minutes? Smile - Can I please tell you later Im in the middle of a fight - Dwinbar is nice, a little strange Wink but restless i don't know. - sorroy i don't know dwinbar and restless - heh, cool.. well, i dont really know them.. - Hmm.....havn't heard much about restless....(silent guy) and Dwinbar is an ok wiz (dont know much about him iether....=) - well i like Dwinbar, but who the hell is Restless? - sorry, I don't really know any of them well Smile As far as I heard Dwinbar's comments on guild lines he's cool and has a rather amusing sense of humor. Don't know anything abt restless tho Smile - Hmmm, about Restless. Don't see her around much. A nice person from what I've experienced. Does she do anything nowadays? - Heh - I don't even know who Restless is - Dwinbar Is one of DA coolest wizards, i like that guy Wink And Restless, she dont like me i guess, but i like her anyway, not seen to much of her acually. /Popkhorne - Dwinbar, now there's a fun person. Always fun to talk to when he 'gets warmed up'. B) Isn't offline as much as other wizzes seems to be. - Dwinbar is very, VERY knightish... - dwinbar hmm why not maybe with ice-cream.. . - I dont know - no problem. a) I am new here, so who's Restless *grin* and b) Dwinbar is cool, always a open ear for his fellow druids - sorry but i do not know anything about the wizzes a have never talked to them sorry:) - Dwinbar is a dweeb, but I respect him since he's a Hi-wiz Wink, I hope Restless will bring new life to the old adminsistration =) - Ive played for some whilw now and think of myself as knowing most mortals aswell as Wizards, restless I cant say I know. For some reason shes stayed unknown to me. Dwinbar is the man all especially females fera when he gets goin on his favourite subject, Flapa, oh I mean the very relationship woman/man. Dwin is a good coder and great player all respect. - About Dwinbar: He's fun and i nice chap to talk to. About Restless: Well Actually I haven't seen her much. But her and bive's school in Sims is great. Smile - I dont know much about them I know that dwinbar always is funny and he has coded the area with the door, and restless has coded Chaos in simyarin but I never talked to her. Dwinbar is so cool - dwinbar is a flap, something like that? - sorry but I am an utter newbie... - Dwinbar is the tastiest high wizard ever. He should be a very good influence in the admin as far as the players are concerned. - I don't know much about either, but their work is good. - ok...Dwinbar is a flappy, foolish, weird, dumb, and utterly pathetic loser ...but he's nice enough - i'm too new to hve an opinion yet - I am sorry. I know neither well enough to discuss their attributes positively or negatively. - Restless is simply strange, seriously - Dwinbar seems to be a nice guy, first time I saw that he was a high wizard I was very surprised... I don't know about restless - dwinbar is nice (he answers questions) while the lother on to my knowledge is kinda mean..no offense but this is what i hear and see... /Alabasteres - hrm, du, jag känner inte nån av dom så bra.. [hrm, well, i dont really know either of them very well..] - sorry, no comment - well, my dear leclerk, of the two wizards you are refering to, I have noticed nought. - I don´t know anything about them. - no comment, i stay i enough trouble as it is - don't know either... - du får fråga någon som känner dem bättre.. sorry. [you have to ask someone who knows them better.. sorry.] - i don't know either one...sorry - I am sorry to tell you that i really haven't an opinion to give. i do not know restless at all. and i happen to know Dwinbar too slightly to have an opinion. - well don't know anything about dwinbar, Restless, know she's done a fairly good job in Simyarin, but wish she'd get off her butt and fix the bugs *grin* - Dwinbar is the funniest highwizz, Restless I don't know. - They both suck. - Dwin and Restless made Hiwiz, who died? Wink Anyway I am sure the will make fine additions to the Admins. - I love Dwinbar, he is cool. Restless I haven't spoken to much but she is nice when I saw her at the mudparty last winter. - i don't have anything to say about them coz they r not in my guild... so i have no opinion 'bout them... - I am sorry but I have no opinion about thoes tow "highwizards"....Smile))) - No comment about Restless. I don't know her... - No comments really - i dont know dwinbar, bu i like restless a lot. she is friendly and helpful. - well Dwinbar sux( he's boring), and ive never heard of Restless before. - Dwinbar will make a good high wiz...I hope...Fun to talk to and he knows what he's doing...hopefully... - I don't even know who they are. - Any comment and for the only reason i didnt met they so much as i can formulate an opinion.. * One wizard also gave comments * - Dwinbar: He's a pretty interesting kind of person. Seems like he's insane or something. I wonder how he became highwiz, maybe taren had something to do with it? they HAVE been seen together in pblic you know... and restless? everybody knows how it is... Sex with admins is the best way to get power around here... Corrupted bunch, those admins. I want to be kept anonymous Smile /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ ///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\ /////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\\\ Title: Re: The NannyMUD Times issue 1996 October. Post by: Polar on September 06, 2006, 03:13:40 PM ---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 9 ---
\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///// \\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// I thought some of our foreign friends might be curious about what the motherland of this mud is like. Then, what might be better than a story about Sweden written by an american, to make sure its not just bullshit talk. This story was taken from the May issue of Rolling Stone magazine. It was typed in to textformat by the lil sprite mrs. Ryner. The story is so long, it has been splitted up into two parts. The last part is published in the November issue. STOCKHOLM SYNDROME by P.J. O'Rourke Sweden takes care of its citizens from erection to resurrection but taxes them to death. And they love it. =========================================================================== I was walking through Gamla Stan, the Old Town in Stockholm, wondering where the crazy people were - the jabberers, the arm wavers, the fellows with hand-lettered cardboard signs about George Bush and the new world order. There's something too rational about Sweden, too pulled together, something constrained and self-conscious. It reminded me of another place, but what other place, I couldn't recall. Not East Germany. Not Canada, really. I stared at the quaint, narrow houses, the clean and rather boring shops, the well-behaved white people. It was Disney World. There was the same labored cuteness, inexhaustible courtesy and preternatural tidiness. I half-expected to turn around and see someone dressed as a mouse. I turned around and saw someone dressed as a king - the king of Sweden. Which, as it happens, he was. King Carl XVI Gustaf was riding in a gilded coach-and-four with footmen in knee breeches holding on behind. This in a country renowned the world over for its utter egalitarianism. About two days later I was asked, "What is Sweden like?" A reasonable question, except I was still in Sweden and was queried by a Swede. The foreign visitor's thoughts are always of interest, I suppose. "How do you like Australia?" as Australians. "Are you having fun in Italy?" ask Italians. "When are you leaving?" ask the French. But only a Swede would be so far gone in self-analysis that he'd ask somebody who'd been in the country less than a week, "Who are we Swedes, and what are we doing?" I didn't think it would be diplomatic to mention Disney World. "It's like Minnesota," I said. "You know, wholesome, hygienic, polite, cold climate, everything works, and it's full of, uh, Swedes." (Also, the radio programs are as dull as Garrison Keillor's - at least if you don't speak Swedish.) Actually, Sweden isn't like Minnesota or Disney World, but then again, it isn't much like Sweden, either. The people aren't all that tall and blond, they don't talk orgy-borgy talk, the women are no more beautiful than women generally are, and as for the vaunted Scandinavian lubricity, there was exactly one naughty-type Swedish magazine available on the newsstands. It had the promising title Slitz, but the only nude photos were of an underfed young lady in appalling eye makeup, and the accompanying copy began with a sentence about "legendariske visionaren och chefredaktoren Hugh M. Hefner." You don't have to be a linguist to know where the hot stuff comes from in Sweden. There is, in fact, formal censorship. I was at a dinner party having one of the precisely two drinks that Swedes have before the meal, when a guest arrived late. This is something no guest ever does in Sweden, not even if he died en route, though sometimes it can be hard to tell. The guest apologized sincerely. "I had to finish watching movies," he said. "Jurgen is a film censor," said his dinner companion, also sincerely. Jurgen reassured me. "We're only looking for violence," he said. So Showgirls was OK but Hamlet was out? "No, no, I don't believe anything should be censored," said the censor. "I'm looking for real violence - porno films where women are actually injured. And child pornography." Wasn't that more a matter for police? And it was. But for some reason these moviemakers needed to be censored as well as arrested. I'm sure I received a logical explanation. And I'm sure I don't remember it. This is, after all, a country that maintains an entire national state-supported religion, complete with bishops, a synod and pastors in every pastorage, and only 5 percent of the population goes to church. There are huge, splendid, empty, idle houses of worship everywhere. I went to the Storkyrka ("Great Church") behind the royal palace. The Storkyrka was consecrated in 1306. It was the site of coronations until 1907, when the Swedish monarchy decided that formal coronations were too la-di-da. Inside is a very big oak statue of St. George killing the dragon. The was carved by Bernt Notke in 1489 in a manner extremely lifelike, right down to the well-whittled horse asshole. (One can only speculate about the shoptalk of the apprentice sculptors, to whom this task no doubt fell.) The dragon talon freighted, fang brandishing, a spiny reptoid with every appendage webbed, frozen in midslither. It is a fine reminder of the high artistic skills of the Nordic Renaissance and also of Sweden's strict attitude about drugs. Only 4 percent of Swedish high-school students have ever tried drugs, although the percentage may have been much higher in 1489. The only indication that the Storkyrka was used, other than by us tourists, was a little red table and six or eight wee plastic chairs. A day-care center had been set up right beneath the place where St. George's lance was popping dragon slime, and you could hardly blame the tots if they never set foot in a church again. But the dragon isn't real. It isn't consequential. It isn't in earnest, and Sweden is an earnest country. A new storm sewer is being dug in Stockholm's Kungstradgarden. Posters have been mounted around the site showing the engineer's drawings and giving details of the costs, building technique, and future benefits of this large drain. At Stockholm's tourist information center, a main feature is the Swedish Institute, "a government-financed foundation established to disseminate information about Sweden." Picture a tourist info booth in Rockefeller Center stocked with books and pamphlets about labor relations, social insurance, public procurement and the domestic chemical industry, half of them in Swedish. I gathered heaps of Swedish self-seriousness. One tome was called Love! You Can Really Feel It, You Know!, a title I can only hope lost something in translation. Love! is "a body of reference material produced by Skolverket (Sweden's national agency for education) for use in Swedish schools...to provide an overview of how education in the arena of sexuality and human relationships works today." The chapter headed "The Adolescent Years - Questions to the World" contains these "Questions From Boys": "How big is the average dick?" and "How many holes does a girl have?" And under "Questions from Girls": "When will my breasts stop growing?" When will my breasts stop growing? Not that the Swedes possess no sense of humor. What does Norway have that Sweden doesn't? Good neighbors. I heard that joke several times. But in Stockholm there's a whole museum of not getting it. The Vasa was, as a guidebook put it, "the mightiest royal warship of her times." The Vasa's wreck was discovered in 1956, and she was raised almost intact after five years of work by diving crews. The hull was enclosed in a shed and sprayed with wood preservatives for another 17 years. Then restoration began, and finally, in 1990, the Vasamuseet opened, a noble, copper-sheathed, tent-shaped structure housing the ship and seven floors of displays and exhibits. Which is all well and good. The Vasa, however, was launched on Aug. 10, 1628, sailed 1,400 yards and sank like a brick. "The mightest royal warship of her times" - her times being Aug. 10, 1628, from 4:30 until 5 in the afternoon. The day after I visited the Vasamuseet, a crane was set up in front of my hotel. The crane was mounted on a truck bed and extended 60 or 80 feet. It was supposed to hoist some air-conditioning equipment onto the roof. The truck driver was maneuvering the crane in a slow, methodical Swedish manner. And the whole things tipped over - plopp (the name, incidentally, of a popular Swedish candy bar). The crane fell across four traffic lanes, through the roof of a shuttered kiosk, over a breakwater and into the harbor. And I...I'm an American. I can't help it. My relatives came over a long time ago. My family doesn't act like it's from Europe anymore. I laughed. The hotel manager was standing next to me in the lobby. She said, "It isn't really funny." Of course, if anybody had been hurt or a row of cars had been creamed or a bunch of tourists had been standing in line at the kiosk to buy sea-cruise tickets, then...then it would have been hilarious. Sort of. I guess. I was beginning to wonder if I had been in Sweden too long. I'd gone to Sweden to find a socialist paradise. And I'd gone in February on the theory that any place can pass itself off as paradise on a balmy summer weekend, especially a place that pretty much invented nude volleyball. But let us look at paradise when the days are so short that if you take an afternoon nap, you not only wake up in the dark, you miss the sunrise. And as for the temperature, "It's not so cold," say the Swedes. "We're right on the water here, so it never really gets that...darn it. Hand me the hammer, Rolf. The Mr. Coffee was frozen solid again." But a socialist paradise was indeed what I found - folkhemmet, as it's called, "the people's home." This sounds like the latest sensitive renaming of the country workhouse, but the word has perhaps more charm in the original language. Sweden is a welfare state from cradle to grave and further than that. Between elaborate sex education (How many holes do girls have? Does body piercing count?) and the constitutional status of the Lutheran Church, Sweden provides for its citizens from, as the Swedes put it, "erection to resurrection." Medical care is available to everyone in Sweden at nominal cost, even to tourists, though I was not personally lucky enough to have a bad accident or severe disease. A visit to the doctor costs between $15 and $20. A specialist gets $5 more. Hospital stays cost about $12 a night for anything from a twisted ankle to cancer. Unemployment insurance is 75 percent of your pay, and there's unlimited sick leave at the same rate of compensation. If you're completely disabled, you get your whole paycheck. (In 1991, a one-day waiting period for sick-leave benefits was instituted. An enormous drop in Monday and Friday worker illnesses resulted - one of the medical miracles of the 20th century.) Day care is available for all children from infancy until who knows when - maybe until they get senile. I mean, I have an official Swedish government report (which I haven't quite summoned the patience to read) titled "The Old Are Youngsters Who Have Grown Older." Parents pay about 10 percent of daycare costs. Eighty-four percent of women work - most of them in day-care centers. No, it just seems that way. A very large proportion of women are employed in the public sector; however, some of them are in Parliament. Swedes get five weeks of legally mandated paid vacation. If you have a baby, parental leave lasts 450 days, mostly at 80 percent of salary, and either the mother or the father can stay home. An additional 120 leave days can be had to care for a sick child. Thus some Swedes are able to take 570 days a year off from work. And teenage girls who become pregnant can presumably get 15 months off from school with good grades. Actually, there isn't any grading in Sweden until high school, and education is free through the Ph.D. level, with additional "study assistance" money available plus cheap student loans. This should carry you through to retirement, which comes at age 65, when you'll get about two-thirds of the average income from your best earning years. And all benefits are indexed to inflation. Sweden has managed to do these fine things without putting half its citizens in gulags, or invading Poland and France, or winding up with Madonna starring in a movie about its politics. Sweden's per-capita gross domestic product is a hearty $27,660. Swedish life expectancy is 78.7 years, even if they do call in sick a lot. That's vs. 75.7 years in the United States. And infant mortality is 4.0 per 1,000 live births, compared with the American rate of 7.9 per 1,000. There's no poverty worth mentioning in Sweden, and no great wealth. Well, there is great wealth, but they play it down. A Volvo limousine is something to see. Seventy-two percent of Swedish households have a washing machine. Ninety-seven percent have a television set. There's a car for every two adults. The Swedish system works. Except it's broken. In recent years the Swedish government's budget deficit has been as high as 12 percent of the gross domestic product. Sweden's national debt is nearly equal to all the goods and services produced in Sweden annually. To get even, the Swedes would all have to move next door and mooch off Norway for a year. Just paying the interest on the national debt takes 7 percent of everything everybody makes or does in Sweden. And this despite the Swedes taxing the hell out of themselves. The tax burden is the highest in the developed world. More than half the GDP goes for taxes. So living in Sweden is like getting divorced every April 15 - a divorce with dependents. And these dependents never outgrow their need for child-support payments; quite the contrary: "The Old Are Youngsters Who...," etc. Of an adult population of 7 million, 2.7 million are not working or are living off some form of social benefits. Another 1.6 million are employed by the government or in government service agencies. And only 2.7 million are actually paying the bills by working in real businesses. Title: Re: The NannyMUD Times issue 1996 October. Post by: Polar on September 06, 2006, 03:14:08 PM Public spending in Sweden is equal to nearly 70 percent of the GDP,
and the Swedish economy is doing about as well as ours would be if seven out of 10 of our economic decisions were made by political types - witness the Whitewater land-development deal. For 25 years, Sweden's economic growth has been lagging behind that of other industrialized nations, and between 1990 and 1993 the Swedish economy shrank by 5 percent. There's been a small upturn since, but the Swedish Institute (government funded and hence prone to sunny outlooks) admits, "The majority of households have seen their financial circumstances deteriorate in recent years." For Swedish industrial workers, after-tax earnings adjusted for inflation have stagnated since 1975. And rightly so, since Swedish labor productivity has increased by only 74 percent since 1970, compared with a 700 percent increase in labor costs - many of those costs resulting from government-mandated employer contributions to...well, to the government. As the 700 percent figure might indicate, inflation has been a problem in Sweden. There have been only a few years since 1979 when Sweden's inflation rate was below the average for other prosperous countries. Government deficits are partly to blame, but Sweden is also a small country moshed up against the Arctic Circle. Unless you want your material circumstances limited to wood pulp, livestock, Saabs and cod, *Press return for more or q to end. > you have to import a lot of things. The krona is one of the weakest currencies in Western Europe, Western Europeans being no fools. "Do you want that in deutsche mark, Swiss francs, or day care, family leave and $15 doctor visits?" So, imported goods are expensive in Sweden. In fact, everything's expensive in Sweden because, on top of the other government extractions, there's an astonishing 25 percent national sales tax on almost all goods and services. Every time you order a burger, you buy the government fries and a Coke. No, actually just a Coke, since the tax on food and restaurant meals is a mere 12 percent. At least tipping is minimal. The Swedish attitude seems to be that all services, even drink orders, should be provided by the government, and the government's been tipped already. One thing not causing Swedish inflation is an overheated job market, although full employment has been a principle of Swedish government since the 1930s. (Full employment is not one of my own personal goals in life, but it seems to be important to socialists.) Until 1990, Sweden had an unemployment rate of 3.5 percent, which is amazing considering that 3.5 percent of my bum friends wouldn't take any job, even if it paid $100 an hour and involved doing inventory for a blind liquor-store owner. But now Sweden's unemployment rate is 7.6 percent, and if you add the people in various do-little government programs with names like Youth Training Scheme and Working Life Development, the figure is closer to 13 percent. *Press return for more or q to end. > Nor is the situation likely to change soon, since net investment in the Swedish economy has gone from about 16 percent of the GDP in 1970 to less than nothing recently. People have been going around to businesses taking their investments back. "Give me that drill press." In Sweden you can get a better return on your money from government bonds than you can from corporate stocks and debentures, and you don't have to read the financial pages every day to see if the government's still there. Believe me, it is. Sweden is screwed. Not that you'd know it. Everyone and everything looks prosperous. Sweden is modern in all the things that should be modern (phones, roads, cars, toilets), while all the things that should be old (royal palaces, battle monuments, trees in the parks) are as old as they're supposed to be. Stockholm sits on a paisley map of islands, inlets, peninsulas and bays dividing the freshwater of Lake Malaren from the Saltsjon arm of the Baltic Sea. The architecture is neoclassical, or tidy brick Hanseatic German, without the ponderous touches and without Germany's vast bomb-cleared swaths of urban renewal (Sweden having spent World War II deciding on the morality of war). The contemporary Swedish buildings aren't very awful by European standards - no plumbing-fronted Pompidou Centers, no entrances to the Louvre the look like Biosphere 2. Stockholm is one of the more attractive cities in the world, sober beauty *Press return for more or q to end. > division. Creams and pale grays predominate; neon and fluorescents are sparingly used. Any shortcomings seem to be problems of affluence rather than want. The sidewalks are slushy. Even with 13 percent unemployment, no one deigns take so humble a job as shoveling snow. And when it comes to such very modest business ventures as shoeshine stands - do not bring your best cap-toed oxfords to Sweden in the winter - there are none. Litter does not exist. There is graffiti, but it is neatly confined to bridge abutments and the cement embankments along certain canals. There are no street vendors or annoying buskers (though perhaps it wasn't the season). There are no woebegone panhandlers or newspaper-wrapped transients (it was certainly the season for that). The modern structures are maintained. The old structures are restored. The Swedes must levitate their garbage. I never saw a bin or can. When the crane fell over, it was cut apart with torches and whisked away by suppertime. I asked Janerik Larson - the executive vice president and director of communications at a media conglomerate with the conglomeration of a name Industriforvaltnings AB Kinnevik - why Swedes still worked. If they don't work, they get almost what they would get if they did work. And if they do work, their raises and bonuses are all taxed away. Give Americans a situation like that, and we'd be putting all our economic energy into playing extra cards at the Indian bingo hall. But there was nothing visible in Sweden so far as to indicate much national goldbricking. Larsson pointed to the window: "You see how it is outside? It's always like that here." Over the centuries the Swedish gene stock has been culled. The lazy ones froze. I asked Dr. Carl-Johan Westholm - the president of the Federation of Private Enterprises (in Sweden, even opposition to central planning is centrally planned) - why Sweden still worked. If Sweden is so poor, where is the poverty? Why aren't there people at stoplights offering to clean my windshield? Or more to the point, my shoes? "We don't have income, but we still have wealth," said Westholm. "You may live in a big house, and the neighbors think you're wealthy. And they're right in a sense. But they don't see you going to the bank to take out a second mortgage. Sweden is borrowing its prosperity. What happens to Sweden when nobody's willing to lend it more money and the Swedes finally realize that they really can skip work for four months if the kid pukes? The people of Sweden - like Damocles - are set down to a sumptuous feast, and overhead, suspended by a hair is...not a sword, this is too prosaic a country...a gigantic wet blanket. /to be continued. Title: Re: The NannyMUD Times issue 1996 October. Post by: Polar on September 06, 2006, 03:14:52 PM /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\
///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\ /////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\\\ ---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 10 -- \\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///// \\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// Support the Male Players Network (MPN). ======================================= I am going to tell you about a hidden problem, something we men don't generally talk about. The women and their harassment of us! We don't even have the time to get ourselves a nice leather outfit and a machoweapon before they start whining: help us with quests! help us with XP! Where is the post office? Where can I find emoterooms? And thousands of other questions. And if we don't reply, then they report us to the admins, claiming we harassed them sexually! I say, is this fair? If we go to the admins claiming they groped us in public, would they not but laugh at us? And that is only the least of their evil deeds... We all have had them hunting us in big parties and we can do nothing but run! The men who have been caught has never been heard from again and we can only guess what horrible things they went through. There are rumours about men being castrated by packs of wild women and other rumours telling us about men walking alone in the very village area has been kidnapped and sold to the escort service! *Press return for more or q to end. > We men must unite against them. If we are united then there is nothing they can do to stop us. We will form networks, we will never walk alone, always have at least another man close by, to defend ourselves and we will stop mudsexing them until they are down on their bare knees, begging us to forgive them! No man should ever have to be afraid of a woman. SUPPORT THE MPN - Wizards: Put the letters 'MPN' in your alignment. Players: Make an alias 'alias msay say [MPN]'. /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ ///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\ /////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\\\ ---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 11 -- \\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///// \\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// We decided we wanted to find out which player in NannyMUD that have the highest knowledge about the mud. Therefore we present this competition. It consists of 10 questions about various issues of the mud, plus one deciding question to make it possible to find one single winner. Price: ====== The winner will recieve an autoloader that proves that he has the most knowledge of Nannymud. He will also recieve a cashpot. The cashpot is taken from the income of the sales of this paper. Half the income from the sale of this issue goes directly to the cashpot. Last issue where sold in 199 copies. Which would give a cashpot of 9950coins. Priceceremony: ============== The winner will be anounced the 31st of October 1996, 18.00 (6pm) CET (swedish time) 5pm GMT 12am EST 11am CST 10am MST 9am PST. It will take place on small ceremony on the green place outside church. Rules: ====== No wizards, No wizseconds, No playerseconds, No players from University of Orebro is allowed to compete. If a competitor is suspected of cheating he will not be allowed to compete. If the cashpot is not collected within 1 week from the day the winner gets announced the cashpot is handed over to Bailiff. Questions: ========== 1. At what level does a Druid gain the power 'spores'? 2. What is the name of the god the Monks worship? 3. In which wizards' areas is Profezzorn's Golf quest placed? 4. At what rank does a Khorne gain a Daemonname? 5. What is the name of the mother of all Vampires? 6. What is needed for a Knight to gain the title 'Champion of Arthur'? (Name at least 2 things needed.) 7. Who where the creators and guildheads of the Drunks guild? (Name all 3) 8. What is the first day in the NannyMUD week called? 9. Which was the first quest in NannyMUD? 10. Which player is the oldest in NannyMUD? (Playtime in Nannymud! Not RL life age.) (Only mortals counted, not wizards. Wizards second characters is counted though.) Deciding question: ================== How many spells 'Brainburst' do you think it took the Simyarin Megalomania to kill pet? (Hint: It took 3hours) Answers: ======== Answer the questions and mail your answers to: 'ANSWER' using Nannymud mail. Last day of entry in competition is 25th of October 1996. All results will be presented in the next issue of the NannyMUD Times. Questions about the competition: ================================ If you have any questions about the competition ask 'leclerk' on nannymud or mail me (leclerk). /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ ///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\ /////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\\\ ---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 12 -- \\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///// \\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// MUDPARTY IN OREBRO, 12th OCTOBER! *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* Your hostess: Oriole. Your co-hosts: Mordor, Edric, Drelb, Leclerk, Tugh, Nib, Zaigo and Eifel. WHY: LOTS OF FUN! MEET PEOPLE! WHEN: The party will take place at the 12th of October. The party starts at 18.00 but you can come earlier/later if you like. We will be in the studenthouse from 14.00. WHERE: The party will take place in a part of the city of Orebro called 'tybble' Tybble is located approx 2kms from downtown Orebro. It is located within 2mins walking distance from the University of Orebro. Oriole has rented a studenthouse specially made for partys and such. HOW TO GET THERE: The adress to the studenthouse is: Tybblegatan 98 If your going here by train, our Taxidriver Mr Leclerk can pick you up. Just call to the phone: 070-5865437 (ask for 'snyggingen') If your going there with a car: * If your entering Orebro from E20, drive towards 'Centrum' when you see the signs pointing towards 'Högskolan' drive towards it. You will drive along a twolane road. When the road turns into a onelane road, take next turn right. (left is högskolan) Take the next right too, you will now see a pizzeria. Go past it and park in the parking behind the pizzeria. * If your entering Orebro from 'Norrköpingsvägen.' When you start to enter the town and come to the first redlight. Turn left. (Right is högskolan). Take next right, you will not see a pizzeria. Go past it and park in the parking behind the pizzeria. * From the parking. You will see a building with a sign 'Sörbygatan 6' or something like that. Go beside that building (on the left side), and continue on the little pavement. You will enter a building complex, in the middle of those houses a smaller house lies. With the sign '98' on it. Thats the place. Enter the door and your there dood! If you get lost, call 070-5865437... COST: Please bring 10 skr for Oriole as rent for the studenthouse. Also, bring a present for Leclerk with a value of no less than 100 skr. Cool FOOD/DRINK: Bring your own food and beverages. Pizza places all around the area. Many places have driveout delivery too. You dont have to drink alcohol, some will, some wont. DO: Hang around. Meet other mudders. (Rough estimation, prolly 40 players will be there.) Chat around. Talk about the good old days. Curse the admins. (Beware though, some might be there. Cool Later in the night when Mordor have gone to sleep we might sneak away to the labs and mud. Cool PLAYING POSSIBILTIES: Access to a lot of computer labs. At least 40 computers with telnet. The telnet sucks tho, you might not be able to connect to your homesites. Telnetting to nanny works well tho. Remember to turn of your 'site-restriction' if you use that on Nanny. There is a challenge made, Fluid have challenged Leclerk in a duel in Quake. The winner will get to pour a bottle of cocacola all over the losers head. Cool One lab will have 8 computers with Quake running, just to join in and frag. SLEEP: You can sleep in sleepingbags in the studenthouse, on sofas in the univ. We have access to the studenthouse til 12:00 (12am) sunday. At that time the place have to be cleaned up. Dont worry, all cleaning will be done by Nib's gf. Cool OTHER: Leave all your pkchars at home. Mudparty means 'FEST'. Any questions: Ask Oriole If your comming, please inform Oriole. SEE YA THERE - Oriole, Mordor, Edric, Drelb, Leclerk, Tugh, Nib, Zaigo, Eifel. /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ ///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\ /////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\\\ ---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 13 -- \\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///// \\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// NannyMUD Times is expanding its edition and are now looking for more writers. This is searched for: * A feature on adventure-litterature. * A feature on music with a mudding athmosphere. * In next issue we plan on making a HUGE coverup on the guilds. We look for people from each guild to write a text about your guild. - Whats cool with your guild? - Why should I join your guild? - What powers do you have? - How is the 'guildfeeling'? - What made you choose your guild instead of the others? Write a text about your guild and mail it to 'leclerk'. The texts will be published in your name in the feature of the guilds. * Poems, Crosswords, Jokes... * Well, ANYTHING that might be of intrest of NannyMUD's players. If you got any questions, ask 'leclerk' or mail him. /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ ///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\ /////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\\\ > read page 14 You read page 14 in your newspaper. ---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 14 -- \\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///// \\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// Madame D's question column. =========================== Q: Oh great and wise Madame D, I, a humble and chaste knight, was wondering if their was any chance for my guild to be saved from the depravation of the mind/body/soul that has seemed to stray the acts of my fellow members from the true path of Prudence, Temperence, Fortitude and Justice? A: Rumours say that Silencer will soon banish all knights, thereby fixing the problem. So don't worry. Q: Is mudding on Nanny really fun nowdays? A: Oh puny mortal, how little you know! You only get as much fun out of a game as you want to. Have fun when you play, and the game is fun to play. Q: Oh wisest of the wise, the brightes of brightest... me, a puny wizard with problems with the english language...seek thee to help me with a (not for you ofc) strange problem: Why is things sent with a boat called cargo and things sent with a lorry called shipment? -+ The small, unimportant wiz, who wants to be anynomous +- A: We asked an expert in the area: The captain of the Stormpasser, and he said: We sailors can't spell to shipment, we just forget those last four letters. That is why. Q: Why does noone want to patch me 3 k questpoints? A: Because no one think you are worthy to get those 3 k questpoints. And they are right. Q: Oh most noble and apparently all knowing madame D... I have a question... this is a game- based upon roleplaying and the administration has taken the viewpoint (being kind of vague)- that the extreme of roleplaying may be carried until the point where it makes the game unplayable for others... If this is true- then why does it seem the admin constantly is against "evil" behavior and role-playing- please help, already I am overcoming by snuggly happily feelings and have no desire to change my foul evil way - Dark One A: We asked our expert admin Dwinbar in this delicate matter, and he gave us the full explanation: The administration wants to have the exclusive rights on evilness in the game. Q: O masterful and omniscient Madame D, is it true that the only way Brom can get off is through demoting someone? - An Anonymous Wizard A: That is not true. It happens when he sitebans as well. Please keep sending in your questions to me, when you have a copy of the NannyMUD Times just type 'ask_madame_d <question>'. Hugs Madame D. Title: Re: The NannyMUD Times issue 1996 October. Post by: Polar on September 06, 2006, 03:15:34 PM ---------------------- The NannyMUD Times --------------------- page 15 --
\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///// \\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// \///// Aunt O's gossip column. ======================= Demotions: ---------- This last month started with a very unfair demotion. Tugh got demoted for saying on wizline: "Roland, it was more fun having sex with your mother than with your girlfriend". Roland got a bit upset and for beeing the big promoter of silencing the 'freedom of speech'. He decided to disconnect Tugh every time he tried to logon to the game. This lead to his poor demotion. When Brom told him he was getting demoted for 2 months. Roland replyed: "Make it 4, fatboy!". For some reason this lead to Roland only got demoted for 1 week. I guess Brom likes insults, we should all try it. Worth to mention about the demotion of Roland and Tugh. When Roland got demoted he had about 300million coins on him, and he was a level1 pk'er. For some reason he hid in church until he got his levels back. Tugh only had 10k coins on him and succeeded in making himself to a nice little corpse. We got the rumour that Akasha got demoted since the admin she mudsexed was no longer a active admin and therefore she could no longer be called a 'skilled' wizard. Beldin where obviously a better 'skilled' wizard and is now promoted as a 'exalted' wizard. Banished players: ----------------- There where a bunch of banished players during the last month. Most of them where multiplaying. The rumour where around that some wizards where multiplaying with themselves. But that never lead to any banishment. Rumors: ------- We noticed that the most boastful pk'er around, Mr. Dragonpen one day became all quiet and stopped playing. We got insider info that he got banished from the Vampire guild where he tried to make a carrieer. The reason? He talked too much. We all know that Dwinbar and Restless got promoted to highwizards. We will not publish any rumours about Restless at all. The newborn wizard Mishra started his wizcarrieer with a bug and he even succeeded with doing the bug twice. When we come to think of it, that was the only thing he did this month. A player told us: Kefka won every single one of Snafu's stupid "Name yer Parties" competitons and never got the promised reward of 1 mil gold. Snafu blamed his secretary for the oversite, but we know he is lying. A rumour told us that Gurk is desperatly trying to get some polish guys to Orebro mudparty with their trabant stashed with booze and other drugs. After Nanny had been running for the past few months somewhat more peacefully, it is rumored that Quasar has heroically overcome connection problems (or perhaps a siteban?) and is once again back to nauseate us. [One paragraph is deleted here. Not by censoring, but because she] [felt harrassed, mocked and made fun of. /Mats ] Andromeda left the druids because cathbad decided to take out all his current stress on her; she decided to leave rather than be submitted to his threats to throw her out. The little innocent girl Lady have been seen quite a lot in Dwinbars workroom. (In his case you can actually call it a workroom.) But when we think of it, what girl has not been seen in that workroom? Marriages: ---------- Kairi was married to Vulcan by Vulcan Mon Sep 2 07:25:15 1996 Zarathos was married to Ataca by Beldin Sat Sep 7 20:26:20 1996 Bulldogg was married to Enya by Vulcan Sat Sep 14 18:01:28 1996 Darren was married to Erotica by Vincent Sun Sep 15 20:56:49 1996 April was married to Wartox by Snafu Sat Sep 21 04:26:37 1996 Kornelia was married to Darkwinged by Mats Mon Sep 23 19:53:24 1996 Durnik was married to Chupo by Beldin Tue Sep 24 05:04:13 1996 Lellidon was married to Cancer by Jaso Fri Sep 27 00:41:32 1996 Leowon was married to Nymph by Leowon Mon Sep 30 14:24:17 1996 Remember to keep us updated with all the gossip. When you have a copy of the paper, just type 'aunt_o_gossip <gossip>' to update us. Best Wishes, Aunt O and friends. /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ /\\\\\ ///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\ /////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\\\ > read page 16 But there are less pages than that! |