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NannyMUD => Nanny Quiz => Topic started by: ladychris on May 26, 2004, 08:38:50 AM

Title: Quiz question #9
Post by: ladychris on May 26, 2004, 08:38:50 AM
I was wandering in a cave system when i discovered some pityful remains... It was a former adventurer and the putrid smell almost made me puke  :x . When I recovered from shock and was able to look around again, I found out that the poor guy had managed to scratch a message on the wall before dying  :cry: :

"I am the great adventurer Goros and I am writing this as my last words. I got caught up in the land of adventuring when i was a lad. But now it looks like my past has caught up with me. I just got through tangling with a fierce black dragon. He was the fiercest dragon I have seen since my adventuring days had started. He seems to have gotten the best of me this time. Beware for he has claws that would kill any mortal in seconds. The claws he has are considered the most dangerous in the world. These are the very claws that are the evil sorcerer's weakness. If you want to defeat the evil sorcerer with little problem, then you must kill my foe, avenge me, and kill the evil sorcerer using the claws. Good luck and avenge me."

Now what you need to tell me is in which area poor Goros found his premature death and the name of the dragon he is mentioning... (and if you want to bring me the dragon's claws as a proof, I have nothing to object  8) (10 pts).

Title: Quiz question #9
Post by: ladychris on May 29, 2004, 12:45:30 PM
This time I got two answers to this: Yavathol was first, but could not remember dragon's name. And while he was still finding time to log on in Nanny and check it out (but how can you possibly stand Nanny withdrawal, Yav? :wink: ) Smudge arrived with full answer  :D So Smudge gets the 10 points and Yav will have to be satisfied with the remaining crumbles  :twisted:

Ranking atm however still sees Yavathol in the lead with 30 points (possibly more when he will give me dragon's name) Smudge and Garetjax are closely following with 20 points, then we have a couple of idlers, Carrion and Kherec, with 10 points each and last in ranking, but not in fame, Snaffie with 5 points!!! *cheer*