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NannyMUD => Newbie Help => Topic started by: Dain on April 06, 2004, 01:34:09 AM

Title: First time on
Post by: Dain on April 06, 2004, 01:34:09 AM
Just in case some newbie gets here maybe this wi
ll be useful.

1. Read the Newbie booklet you have with you. It has lots of useful information.
2. Wizards can't
help you, but usually they are a pleasant company.
3. Try to comunicate with other players, for they might be able to he
lp you. Don't give up if they don't respond or are harsh; try someone else.

Title: First time on
Post by: sUiko-den on April 09, 2004, 05:56:59 PM
another tip is not to beg money from a player and the 10min later quit from nanny.

Title: First time on
Post by: Qwer on April 15, 2004, 02:28:30 PM
It was like a long hour for me with my latest char, so that's okay? :)

Title: First time on
Post by: sUiko-den on April 16, 2004, 05:21:38 AM
that's ok, but still majority of the newbies coming to nanny only beg for money and then quit.

Title: First time on
Post by: Snafu on April 16, 2004, 03:19:08 PM
As long as they keep the money on their char and not drop it for another of their chars to pick up...

If they beg for money and then keep it on them...they may be a real newbie...

If they drop the money for another char, they are most certainly not newbie...They are just taking advantage of other players.

/Snafu :D

Title: First time on
Post by: Qwer on April 18, 2004, 02:44:57 PM
Nanny is dying anyway. Perhaps it should be turned in a MMORPG. :) But that's not something few people can create and maintain, unfortunately. But anyway, I think muds are dying, not just Nanny... I know 3 muds and all 3 have less players then had a few years back.
Hell, Brom could put that 50 playerlimit back and it wouldn't get full anymore, never ever.

Oh, this reminds me, I still haven't finished my area. But that won't get many n00bz to Nanny anyway ...
(I'm working on a 12 rooms area for how much? don't remember. many years. Lazyness and rl are the ones to blame, not me.)

Title: First time on
Post by: ladychris on April 18, 2004, 03:02:36 PM
Quote from: Qwer
(I'm working on a 12 rooms area for how much? don't remember. many years. Lazyness and rl are the ones to blame, not me.)

So lazyness is something totally different from you? :lol:

And please, keep this negative attitude out of this forum ;) Maybe you dont think your area would attrakt anyone, but theres plenty of wizzes who have fun in creating things... dont scare them off :)

Title: First time on
Post by: Olaftheblue on April 18, 2004, 04:48:23 PM
Quote from: Qwer
Nanny is dying anyway. Perhaps it should be turned in a MMORPG. :)
What is a MMORPG? Hm... Multimedia something roleplay game?

Quote from: Qwer
But that's not something few people can create and maintain, unfortunately. But anyway, I think muds are dying, not just Nanny... I know 3 muds and all 3 have less players then had a few years back.

Quote from: Qwer
Hell, Brom could put that 50 playerlimit back and it wouldn't get full anymore, never ever.
Hm... I seem to remember seeing more than 50 players several times, and a few times I've seen more than 60 players on.

Quote from: Qwer
Oh, this reminds me, I still haven't finished my area. But that won't get many n00bz to Nanny anyway ...
(I'm working on a 12 rooms area for how much? don't remember. many years. Lazyness and rl are the ones to blame, not me.)
New areas won't make people discover Nanny, but that's no excuse not to work on them :-) Besides, every new area is part of making the area bigger and better, and at least that will perhaps make more people STAY in Nanny when they first have discovered it...

Title: First time on
Post by: Kherec on April 18, 2004, 05:20:43 PM
'players' include mortals, not wizards. There was never a limit (well, not for a decade back atleast) on wizards, just the number of mortals logged on.

And I haven't seen 50+ mortals on in years.

Title: First time on
Post by: Snafu on April 19, 2004, 03:48:28 PM
Quote from: Kherec
'players' include mortals, not wizards. There was never a limit (well, not for a decade back atleast) on wizards, just the number of mortals logged on.

And I haven't seen 50+ mortals on in years.

Actually...I believe at the same time there was a 50 limit on players, there was a 20 limit on Wizards. I remember this because I also could not log back in then. There was never, however, a limit on admin...which I believe you WERE at the time ;) At least that's MY memory ;)

/Snafu :D

Title: First time on
Post by: Kherec on April 20, 2004, 03:34:11 AM
That might explain it ;)

Title: First time on
Post by: Qwer on April 20, 2004, 05:28:49 AM
Accent wasn't on my area, bah.

Negative attitude? I would just say realistic, based on 'statistics', could I say.
The question is just what could we do to make Nanny more attractive to the new generation. If there is such a thing. Kidos (most of them) prefere fancy, brainless graphix I believe, and that's bad. I am just saying that I can imagine Nanny surviving only as a graphical game ... any ideas? :)

Title: First time on
Post by: garetjax on April 20, 2004, 11:28:06 AM
Nanny with graphics... I'm a little hesitant to the idea.  Nanny in its current state utilizes the theatre of the mind's eye and inside it, you have unlimited color, resolution and all the graphical special effects you could want. Introduce graphics to the mix (I'm assuming you mean 3d graphics thats all the rage in current MMORPGs) and you take Nanny out of the visual realm of imagination.  

What the wiz would code is exactly what the players would see, and even if the wiz was a competent artist, there is no way that they could create an area of beauty that could match what I've seen in many areas like Andra's, Mirage's etc. (unless perhaps you recquire the use of a geforce 6)

Well, thats my rant against a graphical Nanny.  I didn't even touch upon the problems of implementing such a beast (I do know a lot about such things and could go on forever about it).  While I'm not against a graphical mud (I think I would probably enjoy it), I'm against replacing Nanny in its current text based state.

(Maybe when I have the time, I'll post on my ideas of implementing a graphical mud ;) )

Title: First time on
Post by: ladychris on April 20, 2004, 02:40:12 PM
Yeah, want graphics on Nanny? Go visit my gallery (just push on that WWW button) and you will see how Nanny and its ppl look like... well, in my mind at least ;)

Title: First time on
Post by: ladychris on April 20, 2004, 02:52:25 PM
Btw that link wont work for a couple of weeks im afraid :(

Title: First time on
Post by: poogie on April 21, 2004, 01:56:33 AM
I agree that Nanny should stay the way it is. It brings us back to a time before flashy games like EQ and Warcraft. Many people have fond memories of this place and, while it is getting harder to recruit new mudders, Nanny shouldn't change and become like everything else. There are plenty of MUDs out there but I've never found one quite like Nanny. It feels like a really weird second home. Plus, being text based, it sets us apart from the regular gamers because we don't need to have graphics. Of course most of us do like to play graphics games as well but the point is that 99% of the world cannot handle playing a game that is only text (with some ascii art). We're a unique brand of weirdos, geeks and nerds that really get to utilize our imagination and there are no limits as to what we can create here.

In addition I want to say that I LOVE LOVE LOVE Lore's artwork but the Poesia that she created in the pic of Poe and Jadow is not really her. That girl's wearing some skimpy clothes alright and she'd actually be the one comforting Jadow *grin* but Lore took an artistic license with Poe and I love her work unconditionally.

Title: First time on
Post by: dulcineea on July 20, 2004, 05:35:11 AM
Go Poogie!
 I agree with all you've said about a graphical Nanny. No way! I love experiencing it and know for a fact the mud gains in diversity like this. I have often talked to Sharky about monsters or areas and saw the mud through his eyes and the picture was different yet still as interesting. I like games with good graphics, I loved Morrowind but still Nanny must not go there.
 I imagine my snuggly blankie and myself wearing it as a cape and scaring people. How could you ever translate into image all the feelings we have, all the nuances of a smile or a good grin. They would all be the same, boring and repetitive.
 I find nothing more thrilling than "A dark room."
 I love Nanny as it is and wouldn't change anything about it, i'd just add lots of new interesting things and ofc players.
 Yes, Nanny is a place for a different kind of person, maybe good, maybe bad but in any case different and interesting, let's keep it that way.

Title: First time on
Post by: Olaftheblue on July 20, 2004, 06:49:57 AM
Had Nanny been graphical, it would have been a more boring place. No WAY these wizards can make what my imagination is making today.

Besides, had Nanny been graphical, it would be a lot less people wizzing.

Title: First time on
Post by: Drig on July 29, 2004, 03:37:31 PM
Well maybe there is a chance for a new gen of Mudders

I had my nephew staying with me from UK for the summer and though he usually plays final fantasy I think he is now hooked on Nanny

ofc I have had to help him to "read everything" initially. Maybe it is the name of the booklet but it was like pulling teeth to get him to read it.

Now the first thing he does in a new area is try all the different methods of getting information from it just in case there is a clue lying around.

So those that have mudded for nearly or over 10 years should have children / nephews / nieces that you can introduce the game too.

The beauty of Nanny is like a book the imagination fills in the pictures and does a better job than any movie.

With a few hints and then left to find the rest themselves I see no reason for not getting more people addicted to the game

Title: Nanny Dying
Post by: Oasis on January 01, 2006, 12:22:07 AM
One thing I think most of us forget is that any MUD like Nanny is extremely hard to learn for someone new to the MUD scene .... If you are used to playing your X-Box or PS2 and jump right into Nanny you're likely to give up quickly without some help.  Reading the help files only does so much.  I'm guilty as are many of us of ignoring new players because they take time away from advancing our chars, but even the smallest interaction with a new player can get them to come back a second or 3rd time.

Lately most times I log on I see 2 or 3 players under lev 19 and the rest Paragons of P-lev 2 or above... nothing wrong with good players being logged  on, but I'd hate to see this MUD die..... I've been playing since 1994 and doubt that any of my 30 yr old friends will start mudding at that age, but the younger players that are still in school should be spreading the word.... get someone hooked!

Oasis the adventurer

Title: Re: First time on
Post by: Hewe on July 27, 2017, 09:47:01 AM
Looks like Nanny is truly resistant...  :D